Find and move files with extension at build time using CMake - windows

I'm currently trying to use Gcov and Gcovr from CMake on Windows using MinGW.
Compiling the files with the right flags works like a charm.
However, CLion uses an out-of-source build which Gcov does not understand.
On Linux I used the following to copy all the *.gcda and *.gcno to the CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR from CMAKE_BINARY_DIR subfolders:
set(GCOV_DATA_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/gcov_data")
# Copy necessary files to CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR
COMMAND find ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} -name \"*.gcda\" -o -name \"*.gcno\" | xargs -l -i cp {} "${GCOV_DATA_DIR}"
Note that test binaries are executed in CMAKE_BINARY_DIR.
This works pretty well and I can call Gcovr with some additional flags afterwards to get a nice report.
However, on Windows I do not have xargs (I was already supprised that find did work).
To make this CMake command platform-independent I'm looking for a way to make CMake find and copy/move the files during build time (similar to making the directory).
Can anyone tell me if this is possible and how I should do this?
Of course I can always install additional programs or scripts, but I'd rather solve this within CMake instead of having to instruct all the developers to install different tools.

If you don't use CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_PATH in your project, then .gcda and .gcno files are created in the directory with executable, so you may compute this directory with $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:tgt> generator-expression.
Because you know names of source files, you may compute absolute paths of all gcov-related files, and generate appropriate copiing commands without find.
Another approach could be writting xargs-like program/script by yourself, shipping it with your project, and using it in COMMAND. So
... but I'd rather solve this within CMake instead of having to instruct all the developers to install different tools.
wouldn't be a problem.


How to use GNU Makes dry run mode with CMake generated Makefile before actually performing the installation

Every now and then a new tarball or a new xyHub/Lab-repository needs to be built. They usually come with a Makfile or an Autotools/CMake/XY-Generator provides one on the fly. As the maintainers most likely use another operating system or distribution than the one I am currently running, the assumptions that went into their Makefiles usually do not fit my filesystem hierarchy (lib vs. lib64, bin vs. sbin, /usr/lib vs. /lib and so on). As the final command in the build sequence usually is
sudo make install
it is quite annoying to move thousands of files to the correct place. Or even worse determine which files of my distribution were overwritten. Here GNU Makes dry run mode comes in very handy. Running
sudo make -n install
first, saves me the trouble of cleaning up my file system, by just printing all the commands from all active GNU Make recepies without executing them. In case of a handwritten or Autotools-generated Makfile this works as intended. If the Makefile contains something like:
#PREFIX is environment variable, but if it is not set, then set default value
ifeq ($(PREFIX),)
PREFIX := /usr/local
install: unixlib.a
install -d $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/
install -m 644 unixlib.a $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/
install -d $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/
install -m 644 unixlib.h $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/
I would see exactly what would happen. Every install/cp/mv-command with the full path information would be printed. If I made a mistake with the install prefix in the configure step I can see it there. If the default in the Makefile is weird because it comes from another OS, I would see it there.
Now in case of a CMake-generated Makefile this is different. Doing
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo make -n install
only produces output that ends in
make -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 preinstall
/usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_echo_color --switch= --cyan "Install the project..."
/usr/bin/cmake -P cmake_install.cmake
As these commands get not executed, just printed, I do not get all the cp/mv/mkdir/install/etc-commands that I would like to see first, before I let the Makefile touch the file system.
Is there a way to get the list of commands that would be executed from the install target in a CMake-generated Makefile as it is the case with handwritten or Autotools-generated ones?
Is there a way to get the list of commands that would be executed from the install target.
Actually, the core part of installation process is contained in the file cmake_install.cmake (which is created in the build directory). This file is processed as CMake script using cmake -P flow of the cmake executable.
The script cmake_install.cmake performes installation of files with install command. Semantic of the install command, used by the script, differs from the one described in documentation: internally, CMake uses some undocumented features of the command.
But it shouldn't be so hard to understand cmake_install.cmake script in general and deduce paths from it.

Modify source files during cmake build

I need to modify some of my project's sources during compilation. It'd be better if I get to modify them between preprocessing and compilation, but I know it's harder to achieve (The solution proposed here is not optimal for me) so I can settle with a pre-preprocessing step.
Since the source files are to be modified, I need to create a copy of them, modify that copy then run the build on this copy. My current solution is:
Prior to cmake invocation, I copy most of the project root contents' to a separate directory. This is required because there are many script invocations during the build so I need to keep most of the project hierarchy intact. Since there are many files and many of them will not be modified, I first copy all files as symbolic links (cp -sR), then hard copy all .c and .h files. Then I just cd to that directory and invoke cmake and make as usual.
The problem here is that since cmake is not aware that it's working on copies of the actual source, the generated Makefile doesn't check whether the actual source was updated. So I need a full rebuild (Full project tree copy and cmake invocation) whenever I modify a single source file.
This can probably be solved by adding a custom command for each hard copied source file that depends on the actual source file, and recopies it after being modified. I guess it's okay, but it really is... ugly, and requires lots of cmake additions. I don't think what I'm trying to do is so exotic, so I believe there is a better option that could work with little changes to my cmake. I'd also like to hear ideas regarding post preprocessor step invocation.
EDIT: A simplified example case.
This is the project tree:
The root CMakeLists.txt is add_subdirectory(src/). The src/CMakeLists.txt is add_executable(myexe file1.c file2.c).
I need to execute python python/ for each source file, so it should be called on src/file1.c and src/file2.c.
My current solution is a build script as follows:
rm -r build_dir
mkdir build_dir
cp -rt build_dir CMakeLists.txt src/ python/
cd build_dir
cmake .
make # ...
Plus an invocation of python/ (prebuild add_custom_command) which globs for the relevant files itself, then processes them.

Error fatal - No such file or directory

I have installed the cds library with command ./ -b 64 -z '-std=c++0x' -l '-L /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' --with-boost /usr/include/boost --amd64-use-128bit at build folder.
After I tried to compile the example init.cpp of src folder, I typed this in terminal: g++ init.cpp -o init, and terminal showed: fatal error: cds/init.h: No such file or directory.
What should I do for compilation command in this case?
For general troubleshooting in cases like this, i would recommend finding where on the system the file got installed (if your actually installed the file). You would be able to find the missing header file using
find / -path '*/cds/init.h' 2>/dev/null
Then you need to supply two parameters to g++:
First one gets the compiler to know about the include files from the install directory
-I path_to_folder_one_step_above_cds_folder
Second one gets the linker to know about the librarys location. If the library file is called, you can find it by running
find / -name 2>/dev/null
So for linking, you supply the flag
In your case you might not need the -L flag, since most of your library supposedly is header only.
UPDATE: the script is printing out important information at the top, starting with "Building with the following options:". The important bits will be "Compile options:" and "Link options:". Those should be enough to solve your specific option.
UPDATE2: also exports some flags which might include more options. You can print them out directly after running by running
you are likely to need to pass all these options to g++ when compiling and linking against that library. LDFLAGS are specific to the linker only. Both the other ones are needed for compiling c++ files.

How to get NDK toolchain utilities to list symbols (function names) of NDK-built library on Mac OS X?

I have a couple of libraries built by the NDK for which I am trying to view the exported symbols, the available function names to be precise. One is a .so file and the other a .a file. I was helped in this question (How to obtain readelf and objdump binaries for OS X?) to find the utilities that I think I need. They are specific to the NDK installation. I am on OS X fyi.
In my NDK installation I found nm and objdump in prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/arm-linux-androideabi/bin. Their file type is "Alias". When I ran nm -g nothing happened -- at all. When I ran objdump -TC I got: "objdump: command not found". Then I found the arm-linux-androideabi-nm and arm-linux-androideabi-objdump files (file type listed as "Unix Executable File" in Finder) in the prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin dir. The attempt to use both of them resulted in "command not found". In all these attempts I placed right in the very folder with the utility I'm trying to run.
I think this is basically a general issue about how to call binaries in unix; even if you are in the same directory when you run nm -g, since . normally isn't part of your $PATH. To run the right one, do ./nm -g, or without using cd to enter this directory first, just do path/to/your/NDK/android-ndk-r10e/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-nm -g, or add this directory to your path first:
export PATH=path/to/your/NDK/android-ndk-r10e/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin:$PATH
arm-linux-androideabi-nm -g
(It's preferrable to add this directory to the path instead of the arm-linux-androideabi directory, since it is clear which tool you want to invoke when you call when you do arm-linux-androideabi-nm, while if you add the other directory and call nm, it is up to the order of the directories in $PATH.)
See e.g. Why do you need ./ (dot-slash) before script name to run it in bash? for more explanations about $PATH.

Running a bash command via CMake

I'm trying to have CMake either run three bash commands or a bash script. However, I can't seem to get it to work.
The bash commands are:
cd ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/dependencies/library
Essentially, I would like CMake to build the library in that directory if it does not already exist.
Here's the CMake code I tried:
if(NOT "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/dependencies/library/lib.o")
execute_process(COMMAND cd ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/dependencies/library)
execute_process(COMMAND make)
execute_process(COMMAND cd ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR})
endif(NOT "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/dependencies/library/lib.o")
However, it's not building anything. What am I doing wrong?
Also, while I'm here asking this: should the third command, to move to the binary folder, be included?
execute_process() is executed during configure time. But you want this to run at build time, thus add_custom_command() and add_custom_target() is what you're looking for.
In this special case you want to generate an output file, so you should go for add_custom_command() (both are essentially the same, but command produces one or multiple output files, while target does not.
The cmake snippet for this should look something like the following:
OUTPUT ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/dependencies/library/lib.o
You then have to add the output file in another target as dependency, and everything should (hopefully) work as expected.
You can also add DEPENDS statements to the add_custom_command() call to rebuild the object file in case some input sources have changed.
