Adobe Animate gotoAndStop for Movie clip - html5-canvas

I created HTML5-canvas and added Rectangle like Movie (Movie1)
Then I created Animate for Movie1
But I don't know how works JS, when I try to stop Animate.
AS3 Action:Frame1
trace (this.Movie1);
How I need to write it on JS ?
I check different way but all of them doesn't work.
I opened console IE and saw
SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'gotoAndStop' of undefined or null reference
also I wrote second Example
alert(this.Movie1);// output: MovieClip (name=null)
this.addEventListener('click', alertpopup);
function alertpopup(){
alert(this.Movie1); // output: undefined ???
So, I decided this task only when I inserted code in generated HTML file at the end Function Init(). Something like this
var canvas, stage, exportRoot;
function init() {
// --- write your JS code here ---
canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
exportRoot = new lib.ExAS3_Canvas();
stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas);
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", stage);
function Update(root){
<!-- write your code here -->
// = 'Movie1';
console.log("m=" + root.Movie1);
root.Movie1.addEventListener('click', alertpopup);
function alertpopup(){
console.log("r=" + root.Movie1);
Why the code is not working from the IDE ?
I try to change this on my first frame on exportRoot and it works partially
//this.Movie1.stop(); // it doesn't work
//exportRoot.Movie1.stop(); // it doesn't work
this.Movie1.addEventListener('click', alertpopup);
var i = 0;
function alertpopup(){
if(i==2) i = 0;

I found that writing your code in the first frame gives a problem getting in touch with movieclips on the Stage (this.Movie1) - but putting the code in the second frame helps. Also I found, that the use of "this" inside a function sometimes gives the usual js-error: "this" refers to the function, and not to the object you are "inside" (Stage). Solve this problem by a variable "var that=this;" and use "that" instead of "this" inside the function.


createGraphics in Instance Mode in p5js

I'm new to p5.
My aim is to display ASCII value of the key I type and also leave a trail of vertical lines whose distance from left is 200+the ASCII value of the key,
which can be done using createGraphics() (adding an additional canvas layer on top with same dimensions as original and drawing on that additional canvas layer)
But the code doesn't seem to work and also it is not displaying any errors in the console.
const c5=function(p){
let pg;
p.text('ASCII Value : '+p.keyCode,300,100);
pg.line(200+p.keyCode,200,200+p.keyCode,300);//shift right by 200
The first issue is that you have to tell the engine that the thing you name p is actually a p5 instance. You can construct a p5 object using new p5(...) as follows:
const c5 = new p5(function(p) {
p.setup = function(){
p.draw = function(){
You then correctly fill up your pg graphic object with vertical lines. However, you do not "draw" it on your original canvas. You can do so using the p5.js image() function (see also the example shown in the createGraphics() documentation).
I've made a working example in the p5.js editor here.
Your code is very close. You are creating the graphic object and drawing to it but you also need to display it as an image to your canvas. In your code snippet you are also missing the call to create the new p5js object but that may be just a copy paste error.
Here is a working snippet of your code with the call to draw the image. I also moved the key detection logic to keyPressed so the logic only runs when a key is pressed.
Also notice that running the logic inside of keyPressed allows the sketch to handle keys such as f5 by returning false and preventing default behavior. In a real application we would need to be very careful about overriding default behavior. Here we assume that the user wants to know the key code of the f5 key and will be ok with the page not reloading. In a real application that might not be the case.
const c5=function(p){
let pg;
p.keyPressed = function() {
p.text('ASCII Value : '+p.key + " " +p.keyCode,300,100);
pg.line(200+p.keyCode,200,200+p.keyCode,300);//shift right by 200
p.image(pg, 0, 0);
return false; // prevent default
var myp5 = new p5(c5)
<script src=""></script>

can I not use the variable inside the loadImage function?

So I want to preload every image inside one folder and to do so I made a loop which makes an address as a variable using a concat() and tries to load the image, but when I put that variable inside the loadImage() I'm getting the error.
I also tried to find the function which would've gotten every file in the folder in array and load images that way, but I couldn't find anything for p5.js
Code works when I do this:
var address = 'ones/one_1.png';
var img = loadImage(address);
Code doesn't work when I do this:
var str = 'ones/one_';
var n = 1;
var address = str.concat(n.toString(),'.png');
var img = loadImage(address);
p5.js says: It looks like there was a problem loading your image.

mousePressed method is launching prematurely in p5js

I created the following function using p5.js and the mousePressed method is firing immediately when the page loads. It doesn't wait for me to click the button object to display a paragraph containing the ans variable.
What am I doing wrong?
function setup() {
var ans = generate();
var checkMe = createButton('Check Answer');
Let's take a closer look at this line:
This could be split into two lines:
var createPValue = createP(ans);
In other words, you're calling the createP() function, and then passing the value returned (which is probably undefined) into the mousePressed() function. I'm surprised this doesn't cause an error in the JavaScript console.
Instead, what you want to do is pass a function as a value into the mousePressed() function. Since you need to use a parameter, you might do that this way:
function callCreateP(){
Notice that callCreateP doesn't have parentheses () after its name when we pass it into the mousePressed() function. That's because we're using it as a value instead of directly calling it.
You could shorten that to this line:
checkMe.mousePressed(function(){ createP(ans); });

How do i get the text of a UI element to move in Unity 4.6+?

When the player approaches an item I want some of it's properties to be displayed, but I don't want that info to cover up the player. I have the following code which does not work.
t = GetComponentInChildren<Text> ();
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col){
if (col.gameObject.tag.Equals ("Player")) {
playerInRange = true;
GetComponentInChildren<Canvas> ().enabled = true;
if (player.transform.position.x < this.transform.position.x) {
Debug.Log ("On yer right!");
t.rectTransform.position.Set(this.transform.position.x+50, this.transform.position.z, this.transform.position.z);
if (player.transform.position.x > this.transform.position.x) {
t.rectTransform.position.Set(this.transform.position.x-50, this.transform.position.z, this.transform.position.z);
The Debug.Log shows up, so all conditions are being met, but the text is not moving. Anyone have any ideas?
The issue is that the getter for tranform.position returns a 'copy' of the position Vector3, so calling Set will only change the 'copy' of that vector3 and not the position of the rect transform.
This is because Vector3 is a struct and not a class and therefore isnt passed via reference.
so instead of calling set i would assign a new vector 3 to the position variable
t.rectTransform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x-50, transform.position.y, transform.position.z);
If you're hitting the debug, can you verify the position you are displaying is where you expect it to be, currently the second and third parameters to the 'Set' method is:
Wouldn't the middle one be expected to be position.y? file.saveURL and looping

I am using the file.saveURL in a loop and its working good but I am seeing some strage things. Basically I loop over about 70 images and then grab the uri to them after they are saved and store that locally so I can then use it to display in the app
What happens is that once the loop is done I display the images out but randomly some of the images are the same. I have validated the correct URL is being passed but its as if and I don't know for sure but maybe the function is not done with the previous and is somehow overwriting it?
This makes the most sence because the issue usually happens with images right next to each other.
So I guess my question is, does the file.saveURL only work on a one to one aspect, like it has to by synchronous?
If that is the case what would be the recommended approach for looping over and saving these images.
This is a basic sample (I have some conditional stuff in there but this is the main part)
I have the JSON object stored and I loop over it
var slcval = 'speaker' + this.SID;
var imageID = 'simageid' + this.IMAGE;
var speakerImage = "" + this.IMAGE;
//then I call the save url function
this loops over my images and calls the save image function that then does the save URL function
function saveURLImage(url,ID,type,extraVal,imageID){
forge.file.saveURL(url, function (file) {
forge.file.URL(file, function (url) {
var fileObject = JSON.stringify(url);
localStorage.setItem(ID, fileObject);
This is a simple version of it, I have some other parts that set some localstorage vars but this is the main call.
So my problem was a scoping issue
so if anyone else comes arrocss this I found this thred that helped out
Javascript: function in setTimeout and references
Basically what I did was creat a function that has an announmous function in it so the scope would be correct
function saveURLImage(url,ID,type,extraVal,imageID) {
(function() {
so the function name is still the same as before but I renamed the main function saveURLImageScoped and now it has its own variable scope
