Access Request in Service Provider After Applying Middleware - laravel

I'm using bindings in my service provider between interface and implementation:
public function register()
$this->app->bind('MyInterface', MyImplementation::class);
In my middleware, I add an attribute to the request:
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
$request->attributes->add(['foo' => 'bar]);
return $next($request);
Now, I want to access foo in my service provider
public function register()
$this->app->bind('MyInterface', new MyImplementation($this->request->attributes->get('foo')); // Request is not available
The register() is called before applying the middleware. I know.
I'm looking for a technique to 'rebind' if the request->attributes->get('foo') is set

Try like this:
public function register()
$this->app->bind('MyInterface', function () {
$request = app(\Illuminate\Http\Request::class);
return app(MyImplementation::class, [$request->foo]);
Binding elements works like this that they will be triggered only when they are call.

In service provider You can also access Request Object by:
public function register()
$request = $this->app->request;

The accepted answer is good, however it does not address the issues regarding DI. So in your Service Provider you need:
public function register()
$this->app->bind('MyInterface', function () {
return new MyImplementation(request()->foo);
But you need to be careful with DI. If you do this in your Controller:
class MyController extends Controller
public function __construct(MyInterface $myInterface)
$this->myInterface = $myInterface;
It will NOT work! The constructor of the controller is called BEFORE the group middleware is applied, so the foo parameter will be null on MyImplementation.
If you want to use DI, you need to either resolve it using App::make(MyInterface::class) outside of the constructor, or even better pass your dependency in the Controller's method:
class MyController extends Controller
public function index(MyInterface $myInterface)
Above will work because the controller's method is executed after the middlewares are applied.
This is the flow of a laravel request:
Global middleware run
Target controller's __construct run
Group middleware run
Target controller's method/action run (in above case index)

Try this
public function register()
$this->app->bind('MyInterface', function ($app) {
return new MyImplementation(request()->foo);


Laravel, having a custom controller method with custom policy method?

I have a resource controller and want to add an extra custom policy method for destroyMany
In which I would check if the user is admin before deleting many.
The default methods work fine
Controller Method
Policy Method
Controller destroyMany method is called, the policy isn't
Or should I stick to Gates for this extra method?
The docs say I can have any name for the methods and policies, How can both be linked?
destroyMany->destroyMany or
destroyMany->deleteMany would be a good setup.
And would be a great addition to my resource controller (where it should reside)
class ResourceController extends Controller
public function __construct()
$this->authorizeResource(Resource::class, 'resource');
public function index()
return ResourceCollection::collection(Resource::all());
public function destroyMany(Request $request)
// gets called but needs a policy which isn't called
class ResourcePolicy
use HandlesAuthorization;
* Create a new policy instance.
* #return void
public function __construct()
public function viewAny(User $user)
// works
return $user->hasAnyRoles(['admin', 'superAdmin']);
public function delete(User $user, Resource $resource)
// works
return $user->hasAnyRoles(['admin', 'superAdmin']);
public function deleteMany(User $user, Resource $resource)
// not called because the controller method needs to be hooked up, like the other methods
To get the addition policy method to work you will need to update the resourceAbilityMap for the controller. Adding the following to your controller should do the trick:
protected function resourceAbilityMap()
return array_merge(parent::resourceAbilityMap(), [
'destroyMany' => 'deleteMany'
Also, if you don't return anything from your deleteMany policy method it will result in a 403.
If you're route/controller method isn't receiving an instance of the model then you will also need to update the array returned from the resourceMethodsWithoutModels method:
protected function resourceMethodsWithoutModels()
return array_merge(parent::resourceMethodsWithoutModels(), ['destroyMany']);

Access session data from parent controller w/o passing it in

Can I access session data from Controller, without passing the request from MyController?
class Controller extends BaseController
public function __construct()
// ** next line throws error:
// "Session store not set on request."
$userdata = request()->session()->get('userdata');
// I want to inject `userdata` into every template without
// passing data from child controllers.
view()->share(['userdata' => $userdata);
class MyController extends Controller
public function __construct(Request $request)
// This works, so the data is in fact in the session.
// I don't want to pass it, or `$request` to the parent from here.
$userdata = $request->session()->get('userdata');
The reason it won't be working in your __construct() method is because the StartSession middleware won't have been run yet.
To get around this you can simply use the middleware() method on the controller:
public function __construct()
$this->middleware(function ($request, $next) {
$userdata = $request->session()->get('userdata');
return $next($request);
Laravel 5.3 Upgrade guide (Scroll down the Controllers section)
In Laravel 5.3, you can't access the session or authenticated user in your controller's constructor because the middleware has not run yet.
As an alternative, you may define a Closure based middleware directly in your controller's constructor.

Laravel domain group without having to pass domain parameter to controllers

I have all my routes in a domain group but I would like to avoid having the domain as a parameter in each controller method.
So I would like to avoid having this everywhere:
public function show($domain, $id) {}
and would like to just keep it as
public function show($id) {}
I was able to partially make it work with $request->route()->forgetParameter('subdomain') placed in a middleware but it doesn't work in the case of calling redirect()->action('SomeController#show') from a controller method.
Here are some more details:
First, all routes are in a domain group.
Route::middleware(['some_middleware'])->domain('{subdomain}'>group(function () {
// .. All routes
} );
Then, in some_middleware I have
public function handle($request, Closure $next) {
// ..
return $next($request);
Then where it doesn't work:
class SomeController {
public function process()
// ...
redirect()->action('SimpleController#show', ['simple' => $id]);
The error I'm getting is:
Missing required parameters for [Route: ] [URI: simples/{simple}].
This only works if I explicitly pass in the subdomain variable.
class SomeController {
public function process()
// ...
redirect()->action('SimpleController#show', ['subdomain'=>'some_subdomain', 'simple' => $id]);
Can anyone suggest a "fix" for this? Thanks in advance :)
With Laravel 5.5+, you can use URL::defaults to set request-wide values for things like the route helper.
public function handle($request, Closure $next) {
// ..
$subdomain = $request->route('subdomain');
URL::defaults(['subdomain' => $subdomain]);
return $next($request);
You could create a wrapper helper for the action() helper:
if (! function_exists('actionSub')) {
function actionSub($name, $parameters)
return action($name, $parameters + ['subdomain' => request()->route('subdomain')]);
Then use it:
redirect(actionSub('SimpleController#show', ['simple' => $id]));
If someone has a more elegant solution for this, it will be great to see it.

Laravel 5.3: How to use Auth in Service Provider?

I am passing a value in shared view by taking value from table. I need to know user ID for the purpose but Auth::check() returns false. How do I do it? Below is code:
public function boot()
$basket_count = 0;
if (Auth::check()) { //always false
$loggedin_user_id = Auth::user()->id;
$basket_count = Cart::getBasketCount();
view()->share('basket_count', $basket_count);
OK turns out that ServiceProviders are not place for such things. The best thing is a Middleware. So if you want to call Auth, create middleware and pass value to views.
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
$basket_count = 0;
if ($this->auth) { //always false
$loggedin_user_id = $this->auth->user()->id;
$basket_count = Cart::getBasketCount($loggedin_user_id);
view()->share('basket_count', $basket_count);
return $next($request);
You can use authentication directly in the controller file. Adding it in the middleware is a cleaner way of doing the authentication.
For eg. In CategoriesController.php
class CategoryController extends Controller {
* CategoryController constructor.
public function __construct()
If you want to have a look at a complete example

Laravel 4: Reference controller object inside filter

I have a controller in Laravel 4, with a custom variable declared within it.
class SampleController extends BaseController{
public $customVariable;
Two questions: Is there any way I can call within a route filter:
The controller object where the filter is running at.
The custom variable from that specific controller ($customVariable).
Thanks in advance!
as per this post:
You can only pass parameters to filters as strings.
Route::get('/', ['before' => 'auth.level:1', function()
return View::make('hello');
Route::filter('auth.level', function($level)
//$level is 1
In controllers, it would look more like this
public function __construct(){
$this->filter('before', 'someFilter:param1,param2');
Should this not suffice to your needs, you can allways define the filter inside the controller's constructor. If you need access to the current controller ($this) and it's custom fields and you have many different classes you want to have that in, you can put the filter in BaseController's constructor and extend it in all classes you need.
class SomeFancyController extends BaseController {
protected $customVariable
* Instantiate a new SomeFancyController instance.
public function __construct()
$ctrl = $this;
$this->beforeFilter(function() use ($ctrl)
// do something with $ctrl
// do something with $ctrl->customVariable;
EDIT 2 :
As per your new question I realised the above example had a small error - as I forgot the closure has local scope. So it's correct now I guess.
If you declare it as static in your controller, you can call it statically from outside the controller
class SampleController extends BaseController
public static $customVariable = 'test';
Outside your controller
echo SampleController::$customVariable
public function __construct()
$this->beforeFilter('auth', ['controller' => $this]);
