My wxpython program suddenly doesn't work for no reason - windows
I made a program for school few weeks ego.. i have finished it yet.
for some reason, when i am trying to run the program now, it doesn't work, although it worked well in the last time a tried.
I am sure that i didn't change anything in the code, but there is always a chance that something has changed and i didn't payed attention..
I need to pass it to my teacher in these days and i have no idea what is wrong with the program.
I will glad to get some help here..
here is the code:
import wx
import winsound
import wx.grid as gridlib
from random import randint
OPTIONS = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "DEL", 0, "SEND"]
# these are the events' IDs sent to a function when you click a button.
# the OPTIONS_ID is in the same order of OPTIONS.
OPTIONS_ID = [-31984,-31983,-31982,-31981,-31980,-31979, -31978, -31977, -31976, -31975, -31974, -31973, -31985] # the built in wxpython IDs for the buttons
GAME_POSITION = (400, 100)
GAME_SIZE = [900, 600]
def RandomNum():
count = 5
while count > 4:
num = randint(1000, 9999)
digits = str(num)
count = 0
for digit in digits:
for digit2 in digits:
if digit == digit2:
count = count + 1
return digits
class Frame(wx.Frame): # class for all the frames in our game.
def __init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size)
self.panel = wx.Panel(self)
self.fdf = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel, size=(275, 75), pos=(520, 20))
self.count = 0
self.turnsCounter = 0
self.numbers = RandomNum()
self.bulls = 0
self.cows = 0
self.counter_of_turns = 0
self.check = False
self.grid = gridlib.Grid(self.panel, pos = (85, 150), size=(323, 212))
self.grid.CreateGrid(10, 3)
sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
sizer.Add(self.panel, 1, wx.EXPAND)
sizer.Add(self.grid, 1, wx.EXPAND)
for i in range(10):
for j in range(4):
self.grid.SetReadOnly(i, j)
self.grid.SetColLabelValue(0, "guess")
self.grid.SetColLabelValue(1, "cows")
self.grid.SetColLabelValue(2, "bulls")
def message_dialog(self, message, caption, style=wx.YES_NO, position=GAME_POSITION):
if message != "": # making sure not to execute a message if its empety
message = wx.MessageDialog(None, message, caption, style, position)
answer = message.ShowModal()
if answer == wx.ID_YES:
return -1
# this function creates a textbox at a specific position with a specific size.
def write(self, panel, txt, pos, size=20, font_family=wx.SWISS, font_style = wx.NORMAL,font_weight = wx.BOLD, underline = False, color=wx.WHITE):
# create a textbox at a specific position with a specific size.
your_txt = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, txt, pos)
# same as above, just for a button.
def create_button(self, panel, txt, position, width, height, color, disable):
Size = wx.Size(width, height)
self.button = wx.Button(panel, -1, txt, position, Size)
self.border = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda evt: self.OnButton(evt), self.button)
if disable == True:
def count_bulls(self, txtctrl, seria):
for i in range(4):
if seria[i] == txtctrl[i]:
self.bulls += 1
replacement = self.bulls
self.bulls = 0
return replacement
def count_cows(self, txtctrl, seria):
for i in range(4):
if seria[i] != txtctrl[i] and seria[i] in txtctrl:
self.cows += 1
replacement = self.cows
self.cows = 0
return replacement
def reset(self):
self.count = 0
self.turnsCounter = 0
self.numbers = RandomNum()
self.bulls = 0
self.cows = 0
self.counter_of_turns = 0
self.check = False
for child in self.panel.GetChildren():
if child.GetLabel() != "SEND":
if self.count == 0:
if child.GetLabel() == "DEL" or child.GetLabel() == "0":
def OnButton(self, event):
print repr(event.Id) + ","
print self.numbers
if event.Id in OPTIONS_ID: # if indeed an option button was pressed
exited = -1 # exited is 5100 if the user exited his dialog box
# assigning the events to the button.
for i in range(13):
if event.Id != -31985 and event.Id != -31975 and event.Id != -31974 and event.Id != -31973 and event.Id == OPTIONS_ID[i]:
self.count += 1
if event.Id == -31974:
self.count += 1
if event.Id == -31985:
if event.Id == -31973:
self.counter_of_turns += 1
print self.numbers
print self.fdf.GetValue()
cows = self.count_cows(self.fdf.GetValue(), self.numbers)
bulls = self.count_bulls(self.fdf.GetValue(), self.numbers)
self.grid.SetCellValue(self.turnsCounter,0, self.fdf.GetValue())
self.grid.SetCellValue(self.turnsCounter, 1, str(cows))
self.grid.SetCellValue(self.turnsCounter, 2, str(bulls))
self.count = 0
if self.turnsCounter < 9:
self.turnsCounter += 1
if bulls == 4:
self.check = True
winsound.PlaySound('The_Power_-_Snap_1_.wav', winsound.SND_ASYNC | winsound.SND_LOOP)
self.message_dialog("Well done! you won this game..\n You won the game in %s turns .. \n Play again ? " % self.counter_of_turns , "You won!")
winsound.PlaySound(None, 0)
if event.Id == -31975:
if self.count > 0:
self.count -= 1
self.fdf.Remove(self.fdf.GetLastPosition()-1, self.fdf.GetLastPosition())
if self.count == 4:
for child in self.panel.GetChildren():
if isinstance(child, wx.Button):
except ValueError:
if child.GetLabel() == "SEND":
elif self.check == False:
for child in self.panel.GetChildren():
if child.GetLabel() != "SEND":
if self.count == 0:
if child.GetLabel() == "DEL" or child.GetLabel() == "0":
#for child in self.panel.GetChildren():
#if isinstance(child, wx.Button):
#if child.GetLabel() in self.fdf.GetValue():
if self.counter_of_turns == 10 and self.check == False:
self.message_dialog("YOU LOST :( \n THE NUMBERS WERE %s \n PLAY AGAIN ?" % self.numbers,"Bad news ..")
class Game(wx.App):
def OnInit(self): # upon game opening
# I would like the options window to be the first window's parent
# so I will first set up our options window:
window = Frame(None, -1, "Good Luck!", GAME_POSITION, GAME_SIZE)
first_panel = window.panel
window.write(first_panel, "BULLS AND COWS!", (50, 50), size=(35))
countX = 500
countY = 100
window.create_button(first_panel,"restart!", (50, 400), 100, 100, wx.WHITE, False)
for option in OPTIONS:
if str(option) == "SEND" or str(option) == "DEL":
window.create_button(first_panel,str(option), (countX, countY), 100, 100, wx.GREEN, True)
elif str(option) == "0":
window.create_button(first_panel,str(option), (countX, countY), 100, 100, wx.WHITE, True)
window.create_button(first_panel,str(option), (countX, countY), 100, 100, wx.WHITE, False)
countX += 110
if str(option) == "3" or str(option) == "6" or str(option) == "9":
countY += 110
countX = 500
return True
def main():
MasterMind = Game()
if __name__ == '__main__':
I upgraded my windows to windows 10 few days ego, it means that it doesn't work since the upgrade if it means something. (sorry if the grammer of my english not so well, it is not my native language..).
In my computer works fine (Python 2.7.11 and windows 7). If you import this class in another file, make sure if you call the main function.
How can I create a group that would contain some lists of sprites (animations)? [duplicate]
This question already has answers here: Animated sprite from few images (4 answers) How do I create animated sprites using Sprite Sheets in Pygame? (1 answer) Closed 3 months ago. So I am pretty new to pygame, I am trying to do my player to shoot bullets so I decided after watching some video to create a group with all my bullets, however my bullets are animated. I am trying to use a draw function that would draw my every frame , but I also used pygame.sprite.Group() that allows me to use only the normal draw function. Again I am a total noob and I would really appreciate some help ,thanks ! ` import pygame from Player import player from test import Bullet pygame.init() DISPLAY_W, DISPLAY_H = 480, 270 canvas = pygame.Surface((DISPLAY_W, DISPLAY_H)) window = pygame.display.set_mode(((DISPLAY_W, DISPLAY_H))) running = True clock = pygame.time.Clock() house = pygame.image.load('house.png').convert() bullet_group = pygame.sprite.Group() bro = player() while running: clock.tick(60) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: bro.LEFT_KEY, bro.FACING_LEFT = True, True elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: bro.RIGHT_KEY, bro.FACING_LEFT = True, False if event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: bro.LEFT_KEY = False elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: bro.RIGHT_KEY = False if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: bullet_group.add(bro.create_bullet()) bro.update() canvas.blit(house, (0, 0)) bro.draw(canvas) bullet_group.draww(canvas) bullet_group.update() window.blit(canvas, (0, 0)) pygame.display.update() ` ` import pygame from Sprite import Spritesheet class Bullet(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, pos_x, pos_y): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.load_frames() self.FACING_LEFT = False self.image = self.frames_left[0] self.velocity = 0 self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=(pos_x, pos_y)) self.current_frame = 0 self.last_updated = 0 self.velocity = 0 self.current_image = self.frames_left[0] def draww(self, display): display.blit(self.current_image, self.rect) def update(self): self.rect.x += 5 self.animate() def animate(self): now = pygame.time.get_ticks() if now - self.last_updated > 200: self.last_updated = now self.current_frame = (self.current_frame + 1) % len(self.frames_left) self.current_image = self.frames_left[self.current_frame] def load_frames(self): sprite = Spritesheet('broforce.png') self.frames_left = [sprite.parse_sprite( 'Sheet/g1.png'), sprite.parse_sprite('Sheet/g1.png'), sprite.parse_sprite('Sheet/g2.png'), sprite.parse_sprite('Sheet/g3.png'), sprite.parse_sprite('Sheet/g4.png'), ] self.frames_right = [] for frame in self.frames_left: self.frames_right.append(pygame.transform.flip(frame, True, False)) ` ` import pygame from Sprite import Spritesheet from test import Bullet class player(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.LEFT_KEY, self.RIGHT_KEY, self.FACING_LEFT = False, False, False self.load_frames() self.rect = self.idle_frames_left[0].get_rect() self.rect.midbottom = (240, 244) self.current_frame = 0 self.last_updated = 0 self.velocity = 0 self.state = 'idle' self.current_image = self.idle_frames_left[0] def create_bullet(self): return Bullet(self.rect.x, self.rect.y) def draw(self, display): display.blit(self.current_image, self.rect) def update(self): self.velocity = 0 if self.LEFT_KEY: self.velocity = -3 elif self.RIGHT_KEY: self.velocity = 3 self.rect.x += self.velocity self.set_state() self.animate() def set_state(self): self.state = ' idle' if self.velocity > 0: self.state = 'moving right' elif self.velocity < 0: self.state = 'moving left' def animate(self): now = pygame.time.get_ticks() if self.state == ' idle': if now - self.last_updated > 200: self.last_updated = now self.current_frame = ( self.current_frame + 1) % len(self.idle_frames_left) if self.FACING_LEFT: self.current_image = self.idle_frames_left[self.current_frame] elif not self.FACING_LEFT: self.current_image = self.idle_frames_right[self.current_frame] else: if now - self.last_updated > 60: self.last_updated = now self.current_frame = ( self.current_frame + 1) % len(self.walking_frames_left) if self.state == 'moving left': self.current_image = self.walking_frames_left[self.current_frame] elif self.state == 'moving right': self.current_image = self.walking_frames_right[self.current_frame] def load_frames(self): sprite = Spritesheet('broforce.png') self.idle_frames_left = [sprite.parse_sprite('Sheet/1.png')] self.walking_frames_left = [sprite.parse_sprite('Sheet/2.png'), sprite.parse_sprite( 'Sheet/3.png'), sprite.parse_sprite('Sheet/4.png'), sprite.parse_sprite('Sheet/5.png'), sprite.parse_sprite('Sheet/1.png')] self.idle_frames_right = [] for frame in self.idle_frames_left: self.idle_frames_right.append( pygame.transform.flip(frame, True, False)) self.walking_frames_right = [] for frame in self.walking_frames_left: self.walking_frames_right.append( pygame.transform.flip(frame, True, False)) ` Well I don't really know what to try
How can I compare lists properly?
So I am trying to teach myself some coding and decided to create a little lotto simulator but I just cannot manage to get the program to compare my four lists properly, what is the matter with my def compList code?. from random import randint as rnd myGuess_list = [] myGuess_normal = [] myGuess_bonus = [] numbers =[] drawNumbers = [] normalNumbers = [] bonusNumbers = [] normal_correct = 0 bonus_correct = 0 CORRECT_list = [] BONUS_list = [] winnings = 0 def main(): # generate list of possible numbers i = 0 for i in range(0, 34): i += 1 numbers.append(i) print(numbers) # draw random numbers from list as lists guessed def myGuess(): for i in range(0, 10): numbers = rnd(1, 34) while numbers in myGuess_list: numbers = rnd(1, 34) myGuess_list.append(numbers) myGuess_list.sort() myGuess_normal = myGuess_list[0:7] myGuess_bonus = myGuess_list[-3:] return myGuess_normal, myGuess_bonus print(myGuess()) # drawing the lotto numbers from the pool of numbers def drawNumber(numbers, N): for i in range(0, N): number = random.choice(numbers) while number in drawNumbers: number = random.choice(numbers) drawNumbers.append(number) drawNumbers.sort() normalNumbers = drawNumbers[0:7] bonusNumbers = drawNumbers[-3:] return normalNumbers, bonusNumbers print(drawNumber(numbers, 10)) comparing list drawn list A with guessed list B and drawn list C with guessed list D def compList(A, B, C, D): global normal_correct global bonus_correct for i in A and j in C: if i in B: normal_correct += 1 CORRECT_list.append(i) elif j in D: bonus_correct += 1 BONUS_list.append(j) print(CORRECT_list + BONUS_list) return normal_correct, bonus_correct print(compList(normalNumbers, myGuess_normal, bonusNumbers, myGuess_bonus)) calculate winnings base on previous function def Winnings(normal_correct, bonus_correct): global winnings i = 0 for i in range(0, 10): i += 1 if normal_correct <= 3: winnings = 0 - 5 elif normal_correct == 4: winnings = 45 - 5 elif normal_correct == 5: winnings = 100 - 5 elif normal_correct == 6: winnings = 3695 - 5 elif normal_correct == 6 and bonus_correct == 1: winnings = 169410 - 5 elif normal_correct == 7: winnings = 'JACKPOT!!' return winnings print(Winnings(normal_correct, bonus_correct)) calling main main()
How to create a Minimax algorithm comparing arrays
I'm trying to code a "minimax" algorithm for Tic Tac Toe. Each node of the tree is of the form [nil/Int, String] where the last element is a nine character string describing the board, and the first is an Integer ranking the node, or nil by default. If the value is nil, it tries to inherit the appropriate value from child nodes. This is where I get an error, when comparing an array with an array failed. class Scene_TicTacToe #Script 2/2 def initialize #Boardstate as a str from top left corner to bottom right corner. #boardstate = "---------" #1 = player, -1 = comp #active_player = 1 end def wincheck(boardstate=#boardstate) #should return -1 for loss, 0 for draw, 1 for win ["OOO","XXX"].each do |f| for i in 0..2 if (boardstate[i]+boardstate[i+3]+boardstate[i+6]).chr == f || boardstate[(3*i)..(3*i)+2] == f return f == "OOO" ? 1 : -1 end end if (boardstate[0]+boardstate[4]+boardstate[8]).chr == f || (boardstate[2]+boardstate[4]+boardstate[6]).chr == f return f == "OOO" ? 1 : -1 end end return 0 end def computer_play #Sets depth,and alpha/beta for pruning, so far so good depth = 3 alpha = -100 beta = 100 ##boardstate starts as "---------" ##active_player: 1=player, -1=computer play(minimax(#boardstate, depth, alpha, beta, #active_player)) end def play(array) #Check actual boardside with parameter boardside to see what move has been #selected and plays that move for i in 0...array[1].length if #boardstate[i] != array[1][i] #color = array[1][i].chr == "X" ? #ai : #player ##cursor.y = (i / 3) * #side ##cursor.x = (i % 3) * #side ##board.bitmap.fill_rect(#cursor.x,#cursor.y,#side,#side,color) #boardstate = array[1].dup end end end def minimax(boardstate, depth, alpha, beta, active_player) #If bottom node reached, returns [boardstate_score, boardstate] #wincheck returns 1 if player wins, -1 if computer wins, and 0 otherwise if depth == 0 or wincheck(boardstate) != 0 or (/-/ =~ boardstate) == nil return [wincheck(boardstate),boardstate] end if active_player == 1 #if player's turn #Gets an array of all the next possible boardstates and return the one with #the best eval. child = generate_child(boardstate, active_player) child.each do |f| #f = [Int/nil, String] if f[0] == nil #This should turn all the nil wincheck values to the best value of children nodes f[0] = minimax(f[1], depth-1, alpha, beta, -active_player).last[0] end alpha = [f[0], alpha].max if beta <= alpha break end end return child.sort_by{|c| c[0]} end if active_player == -1 #if computer's turn #Same as above but with worst eval. child = generate_child(boardstate, active_player) child.each do |f| if f[0] == nil f[0] = minimax(f[1], depth-1, alpha, beta, -active_player).first[0] end beta = [f[0], beta].min if beta <= alpha break end end #Following line raises "comparison of array with array failed" error : return child.sort_by{|c| c[0]} end end def generate_child(boardstate, active_player) #returns boardstate string with one X or O more than current boardstate #and sets nil as a default wincheck value c = active_player == 1 ? "O" : "X" a = [] for i in 0...boardstate.length if boardstate[i].chr == "-" s = boardstate.dup s[i]= c a << [nil, s] end end return a end end Error: comparison of array with array failed
Run-time error in my realization of deque in Python3
Could you please help me to find an error in the realization of deque? There is a restriction on the number of possible elements in the deque (namely 100). I suppose that my code has mistakes because it runs out with a run-time error when I am trying to pass it on the contest. The problem is that when I seek to find this mistake manually I can't get such an error. Here is my code: def push_front(dequeue, elem): global dequeuestart dequeue[dequeuestart] = elem dequeuestart -= 1 print('ok') def push_back(dequeue, elem): global dequeueend dequeue[dequeueend] = elem dequeueend += 1 print('ok') def pop_front(dequeue): global dequeuestart dequeuestart += 1 return dequeue[dequeuestart] def pop_back(dequeue): global dequeueend dequeueend -= 1 return dequeue[dequeueend] def front(dequeue): return dequeue[dequeuestart + 1] def back(dequeue): return dequeue[dequeueend - 1] def size(dequeue): return dequeueend - dequeuestart - 1 def clear(dequeue): global dequeuestart global dequeueend dequeuestart = 99 dequeueend = 100 print('ok') def exit(dequeue): print('bye') dequeue = ['None' for i in range(200)] dequeuestart = 99 dequeueend = 100 line = input() while line: elems = line.split() if elems[0] == 'push_front': push_front(dequeue, elems[1]) elif elems[0] == 'push_back': push_back(dequeue, int(elems[1])) elif elems[0] == 'pop_front': print(pop_front(dequeue)) elif elems[0] == 'pop_back': print(pop_back(dequeue)) elif elems[0] == 'front': print(front(dequeue)) elif elems[0] == 'back': print(back(dequeue)) elif elems[0] == 'size': print(size(dequeue)) elif elems[0] == 'clear': clear(dequeue) else: exit(dequeue) break line = input() Thanks in advance!
Pygame animating image by transforming it
I am trying to create an animation of a rectangle in pygame but I struggle to animate it over the given frame-rate. class Muscle(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, screen, posX=200, posY=200, contraction=0.5, extension=1.5, length=10, thickness=5, min_len=0.2,max_len=1.5, power=20): super(Muscle, self).__init__() self.screen = screen self.contraction = contraction self.relaxation = relaxation self.length = length self.thickness = thickness if power < 1: self.power = 1 power = 1 else: self.power = power self.image = pygame.Surface((length, thickness)) color_index = 5 * power self.image.fill((255, color_index, color_index)) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.x = posX self.rect.y = posY def render(self): self.screen.blit(self.image, (self.rect.x, self.rect.y)) def contract(self): expected_width = self.length * self.contraction counter = 0 while self.image.get_width() > expected_width: self.image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (self.rect.width, self.image.get_height())) self.rect.x += 1; self.rect.width -= 2 self.render() counter += 1 def extend(self): expected_width = self.length * self.relaxation counter = 0 while self.image.get_width() < expected_width: self.image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (self.rect.width, self.image.get_height())) self.rect.x -= 1; self.rect.width += 2 self.render() #print("Relaxation:" + str(counter)) counter += 1 If I call the contract and extend methods separately, they resize the image of the rectangle successfully, but I would like to perform it over time, without interrupting my main loop which draws the environment and the sprite.
The simplest solution would be to call extend or contract once per frame, but then the animation would be frame rate bound. import pygame class Muscle(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, screen, posX=200, posY=200, contraction=0.5, extension=1.5, length=40, thickness=20, min_len=0.2,max_len=1.5, power=20): super(Muscle, self).__init__() self.screen = screen self.contracting = False # To check if the muscle is contracting or extending. self.contraction = contraction self.relaxation = 1 self.length = length self.thickness = thickness if power < 1: self.power = 1 power = 1 else: self.power = power self.image = pygame.Surface((length, thickness)) color_index = 5 * power self.image.fill((255, color_index, color_index)) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.x = posX self.rect.y = posY # This method gets called every frame. def update(self): if self.contracting: self.contract() else: self.extend() def render(self): self.screen.blit(self.image, (self.rect.x, self.rect.y)) def contract(self): expected_width = self.length * self.contraction counter = 0 if self.image.get_width() > expected_width: self.image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (self.rect.width, self.image.get_height())) self.rect.x += 1 self.rect.width -= 2 self.render() counter += 1 def extend(self): expected_width = self.length * self.relaxation counter = 0 if self.image.get_width() < expected_width: self.image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (self.rect.width, self.image.get_height())) self.rect.x -= 1 self.rect.width += 2 self.render() counter += 1 def main(): screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() muscle = Muscle(screen) all_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group(muscle) done = False while not done: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: done = True # Change the state of the muscle. elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_c: muscle.contracting = True elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == pygame.K_c: muscle.contracting = False all_sprites.update() screen.fill((30, 30, 30)) all_sprites.draw(screen) pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(30) if __name__ == '__main__': pygame.init() main() pygame.quit() Alternatively, you can call extend or contract after some time interval. Check out these answers to see how you can implement a timer.