In dropwizard(using jdbi with dao and resource objects), How can I elegantly save user id/session in database table for each update? - dao

I need to save user id or session id in few tables after each update to know which user made the change. The straightforward/naive approach is to pass user id or session id in each dao call in all the resources, and change every dao to take it as a parameter and then save in db.
Is there a better/modular/efficient approach to do this?

If you use Guice (and dropwizard-guice library) inside your project, one option would be to create request scoped bean and inject its provider inside your dao. So you could create inside your guice module:
public SessionInfo domainContext(HttpHeaders headers) {
return new SessionInfo(headers.getHeaderString("sessionId"));
and then, inject Provider<SessionInfo> to your dao.
Another option is to implement request filter and set your session id header using ThreadLocal. It could be like this:
public class SessionContext {
private static final ThreadLocal<String> session = new ThreadLocal<>();
public static String getSession() {
return session.get();
public static void setSession(String sessionValue) {
and simple filter:
public class SessionFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
You could then utilize SessionContext object inside your dao.


How to get request in MyBatis Interceptor

I want to measure time of sql execution which will be run by MyBatis (Spring Boot project) and bind that with other request parameters, so I can get full info about performance issues regarding specific requests. For that case I have used MyBatis Interceptor on following way:
type = Executor.class,
method = "query",
args = {MappedStatement.class, Object.class, RowBounds.class, ResultHandler.class, CacheKey.class, BoundSql.class}),
type = Executor.class,
method = "query",
args = {MappedStatement.class, Object.class, RowBounds.class, ResultHandler.class})
public class QueryMetricsMybatisPlugin implements Interceptor {
public Object intercept(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
Object result = invocation.proceed();
logExectionTime(stopwatch, (MappedStatement) invocation.getArgs()[0]);
return result;
Now when it come to binding with request, I want to store those metrics in request as attribute. I have tried this simple solution to get request, but that was not working since request was always null (I have read that this solution won't work in async methods, but with MyBatis Interceptor and its methods I think that's not the case):
private HttpServletRequest request;
So, the question is how properly get request within MyBatis interceptor?
One important note before I answer your question: it is a bad practice to access UI layer in the DAO layer. This creates dependency in the wrong direction. Outer layers of your application can access inner layers but in this case this is other way round. Instead of this you need to create a class that does not belong to any layer and will (or at least may) be used by all layers of the application. It can be named like MetricsHolder. Interceptor can store values to it, and in some other place where you planned to get metrics you can read from it (and use directly or store them into request if it is in UI layer and request is available there).
But now back to you question. Even if you create something like MetricsHolder you still will face the problem that you can't inject it into mybatis interceptor.
You can't just add a field with Autowired annotation to interceptor and expect it to be set. The reason for this is that interceptor is instantiated by mybatis and not by spring. So spring does not have chance to inject dependencies into interceptor.
One way to handle this is to delegate handling of the interception to a spring bean that will be part of the spring context and may access other beans there. The problem here is how to make that bean available in interceptor.
This can be done by storing a reference to such bean in the thread local variable. Here's example how to do that. First create a registry that will store the spring bean.
public class QueryInterceptorRegistry {
private static ThreadLocal<QueryInterceptor> queryInterceptor = new ThreadLocal<>();
public static QueryInterceptor getQueryInterceptor() {
return queryInterceptor.get();
public static void setQueryInterceptor(QueryInterceptor queryInterceptor) {
public static void clear() {
Query interceptor here is something like:
public interface QueryInterceptor {
Object interceptQuery(Invocation invocation) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException;
Then you can create an interceptor that will delegate processing to spring bean:
#Signature(type = Executor.class, method = "query", args = { MappedStatement.class, Object.class,
RowBounds.class, ResultHandler.class }),
#Signature(type = Executor.class, method = "query", args = { MappedStatement.class, Object.class,
RowBounds.class, ResultHandler.class, CacheKey.class, BoundSql.class}) })
public class QueryInterceptorPlugin implements Interceptor {
public Object intercept(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
QueryInterceptor interceptor = QueryInterceptorRegistry.getQueryInterceptor();
if (interceptor == null) {
return invocation.proceed();
} else {
return interceptor.interceptQuery(invocation);
public Object plugin(Object target) {
return Plugin.wrap(target, this);
public void setProperties(Properties properties) {
You need to create an implementation of the QueryInterceptor that does what you need and make it a spring bean (that's where you can access other spring bean including request which is a no-no as I wrote above):
public class MyInterceptorDelegate implements QueryInterceptor {
private SomeSpringManagedBean someBean;
public Object interceptQuery(Invocation invocation) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
// do whatever you did in the mybatis interceptor here
// but with access to spring beans
Now the only problem is to set and cleanup the delegate in the registry.
I did this via aspect that was applied to my service layer methods (but you can do it manually or in spring mvc interceptor). My aspect looks like this:
public class SqlSessionCacheCleanerAspect {
#Autowired MyInterceptorDelegate myInterceptorDelegate;
#Around("some pointcut that describes service methods")
public Object applyInterceptorDelegate(ProceedingJoinPoint proceedingJoinPoint) throws Throwable {
try {
return proceedingJoinPoint.proceed();
} finally {

Spring alternative for Factory

May be its a duplicate, Please feel free to tag... I am a newbie to Spring.
I am implementing a UserService for getting user details from different vendors,
So My class Structure is
Interface UserService ->> UserServiceA, UserServiceB
Which user service to use depends upon a field called provider. my code will look something like
public interface ExternalUserService {
ExternalUserDTO getUserDetail(String username);
Implementations -
public class GoogleUserService implements ExternalUserService{
public ExternalUserDTO getUserDetail(String username) {
return user;
public class FacebookUserService implements ExternalUserService{
public ExternalUserDTO getUserDetail(String username) {
return user;
I want to use it in my code in this fashion, I dont know if this is possible, but giving a try to see if its possible
public class ExternalUserManager(String provider) {
String provider;
ExternalUserService service; //This is supposed to come from some factory, dont know how to get it in spring context.
public void doSomething(String username) {
Had it been in conventional java programming, I would have created a Factory called UserServiceFactory, which would have made the things straight.
Can someone please help me on how much it is possible with spring, and if its possible, then how can I achieve it? We use Spring boot, so no xml config.
You can use a #Bean annotated method with scope 'prototype' as a factory.
Spring will call this method anytime this bean is injected somewhere.
import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanDefinition;
public ExternalUserService externalUserService(UserServiceFactory factory,UserProviderResolver resolver) {
.. create the user service depending on resolver.getProvider()
The UserServiceFactory is used to create the specific service depending on the provider name, as you already described.
Create a class UserProviderResolver whith a method getProvider() that returns the provider name for the current request or user.
You can #Autowire the HttpRequest in the UserProviderResolver to get access to the current request.

Don't insert duplicates with RepositoryRestResource

I have my repository class which exposes REST interface
#RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "user", path = "user")
public interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<User, Integer> {
I want to avoid inserting duplicate objects via POST requests.
I protected my database with constraints and now it's OK on DB side. But there are exceptions in log file on every attempt to insert duplicate objects.
I can implement a controller where I manage POST requests and do necessary checks by myself.
But for me it's a pretty common task which may already be implemented in Spring.
What is the canonical and simple way to avoid duplicates?
You can create and register a 'before create' Application Event listener as detailed in the manual:
public class UserEventHandler {
private UserRepository repository;
public void handleUserCreate(User user) {
//check database
throw new DuplicateUserException(user);
You can register a #ControllerAdvice to return some meaningful response. For example:
public class ExceptionHandlingAdvice{
public Map<String, Object>
handleDuplicateUserException(DuplicateUserException exception){
Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
map.put("duplicateUser", exception.getUser().getUserName());
return map;

How to create a dynamic datasource using SpringBoot

I have a springboot application, with its own datasource (let's call DB1) set on properties working fine.
But this application needs do configure a new datasource (DB2), using some parameters the user have informed before and stored in DB1.
My idea is to create a named bean, so a specific part of my application can use to access DB2 tables. I think it is possible to do that by restarting the application, but I would like to avoid it though.
Besides, I need that some part of my code use the new datasource (spring data jpa, mappings, and so on). I don't know if this matter, but it is a web application, so I cannot create the datasource only for the request thread.
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance.
Spring has dynamic datasource routing if that's where you are headed. In my case it is the same schema (WR/RO)
public class RoutingDataSource extends AbstractRoutingDataSource {
private DataSourceConfig dataSourceConfig;
protected Object determineCurrentLookupKey() {
return DbContextHolder.getDbType();
public enum DbType {
Then you need a custom annotation and an aspect
#Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE})
public #interface ReadOnlyConnection {
public class ReadOnlyConnectionInterceptor {
Pointcut(value = "execution(public * *(..))")
public void anyPublicMethod() {}
public Object proceed(ProceedingJoinPoint proceedingJoinPoint, ReadOnlyConnection readOnlyConnection) throws Throwable {
Object result = null;
try {
result = proceedingJoinPoint.proceed();
return result;
} finally {
And then you can act on you DB with the tag #ReadOnlyConnection
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public UnitDTO getUnitById(Long id) {
return unitRepository.findOne(id);
An example can be found here:
I used that as a basis for my work although it is still in progress because I still need to resolve runtime dependencies ( i.e. hibernate sharding ).

Spring MVC accessing Spring Security ConfigAttributes?

I want to produce HTTP Response Body with an error message referencing something like _"missing ... 'CUSTOM_AUTHORITY'"_ in addition to a 403 Forbidden HTTP Status code.
My application is Spring Boot with a Spring-Security-Secured #PreAuthorize method within a Spring-MVC-REST #Controller:
public FooController{
public Object getSomething(){ ... }
public class GlobalExceptionHandler {
public Object forbidden(AccessDeniedException exception){ ... }
What I want is to expose/inject Collection<ConfigAttribute>. The Spring Security docs reference it.
There doesn't seem to be a straightforward way of accomplishing this. The AccessDecisionManager (which is AffirmativeBased) throws the AccessDeniedException with none of the information you want. So if you want to "expose/inject" the Collection<ConfigAttribute>, you'll want to provide your own AccessDecisionManager that throws a custom exception that holds the ConfigAttributes.
The easiest way to do this could be to wrap the default AccessDecisionManager with your own and delegate method calls to it:
CustomMethodSecurityConfig extends GlobalMethodSecurityConfiguration
protected AccessDecisionManager accessDecisionManager() {
AccessDecisionManager default = super.accessDecisionManager();
MyCustomDecisionManager custom = new CustomDecisionManager(default);
You could define your custom AccessDecisionManager as follows:
public class MyCustomDecisionManager implements AccessDecisionManager {
private AccessDecisionManager default;
public MyCustomDecisionManager(AccessDecisionManager acm) {
this.default = acm;
public void decide(Authentication authentication, Object object, Collection<ConfigAttribute> configAttributes) throws AccessDeniedException, InsufficientAuthenticationException{
try {
default.decide(authentication, object, configAttributes)
} catch(AccessDeniedException ex) {
throw new CustomAccessDeniedException(ex.getMessage(), configAttributes);
// other methods delegate to default
Now whenever access is denied, you will get an exception that holds the Collection<ConfigAttribute>.
Your custom exception could look like this:
public class CustomAccessDeniedException extends AccessDeniedException {
private Collection<ConfigAttribute> attributes;
public CustomAccessDeniedException(String message, Collection<ConfigAttribute> attr) {
this.attributes = attr;
public Collection<ConfigAttribute> getAttributes() {
return this.attributes;
Now your #ExceptionHandler could handle your CustomAccessDeniedException and have access to the ConfigAttributes.
I am not sure that will provide you with the error message you wanted. The ConfigAttribute interface only has one method:
String getAttribute();
And the javadoc states:
If the ConfigAttribute cannot be expressed with sufficient precision as a String, null should be returned.
Since we can't rely on the interface method, how you deal with each ConfigAttribute will be heavily dependent on the type of the particular object you're dealing with.
For example, the ConfigAttribute that corresponds to #PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('CUSTOM_AUTHORITY')") is PreInvocationExpressionAttribute, and to print something that resembles what you want, you could do:
PreInvocationExpressionAttribute attr = (PreInvocationExpressionAttribute)configAttribute;
String expressionString = attr.getAuthorizeExpression().getExpressionString();
System.out.println(expressionString); // "hasAuthority('CUSTOM_AUTHORITY')"
That's the major drawback. Also, you would get ALL the ConfigAttributes, not necessarily the ones that failed.
