Does Android Wear work with geofencing without paired handheld? - wear-os

According to the documentation, geofencing uses cellular network and wifi signal for detecting a location, but it seems like it doesn't work without a connected companion device.
Does Android Wear work with geofencing without paired handheld?

Just had a quick play with this, doesn't seem to work yet when BT disconnected and wifi connected.
Original reply:
Not all wear devices have the hardware to support this, though the LG urbane 2 has LTE and quite a few Wear devices support wifi.
I would think this works considering other services work that use location with wifi/gps.
Can you check these items?
Verify your Wear device supports wifi, i.e., it has a wifi chip
When disconnected, check wifi is enabled under settings (this should happen automatically)
Wait some time (even 5 mins) for a signal
More details:
If your wear device has wifi, it should actually turn on if the Wear device becomes disconnected from the phone via bluetooth. You can verify this by looking in the settings as noted above.
I have noticed with the FusedLocationProviderApi it can sometimes take quite a bit of time to switch to the on-board chip when the phone becomes disconnect, so it may be the case with the Geofencing as well. FYI, Google Play Services always uses the phone's hardware first to save battery. It only uses Wear hardware when the phone disconnects.


Can we communicate over USB Serial from KaiOS App?

I am quite new to KaiOS and was wondering if it is possible to build an app that sends / receives serial communications (for instance communicate with Arduino) over a physical cable connected to the phone.
I am currently doing it on Android using this library, and would love to do it on KaiOS.
I looked at the permissions and see that there is nothing related ( but I did not find any info saying that it is possible (or not possible) to do it
If not possible, any idea of how to do Serial communication between a feature phone and an Arduino is welcomed !
Thanks for you help !
Nope. KaiOS phones do not support USB Host mode.
I've tried plugging USB mouse and keyboard in Nokia 2720 using USB OTG cable, the phone did not even provide +5V power to the USB port (my keyboard lights up LED if I plug it into USB charger)
Likewise, Bluetooth is limited to headphones, my Bluetooth mouse and Bluetooth gamepad did not work.

Bluetooth - "Connected" Meaning in Windows

What does "connected" mean with Bluetooth devices on Windows?
Observation that prompted this question:
1. I paired a Bluetooth device with my laptop (Windows 8.1).
2. The screen said, "pairing..." then "connected."
3. I was then able to receive data from the device and send it to a program I wrote.
4. I restarted the computer and checked the Bluetooth device list and my device was "paired" (not "connected" like before).
The part that confuses me is that I could start my program up and read data from the devices even though it said "paired" as the status and not "connected." I know that paired is similar to introducing a device to a system (I read about it here). However, given my observation, I don't see what the difference between paired and connected is. It seems like I can transmit data whether I'm connected or just paired.
I figured out what was going on. It has nothing to do with different paired and connected definitions in Windows but with how BT and BLE work. In Windows, when you send data over Bluetooth or Bluetooth Low Energy, the notification that something is being sent establishes the connection between the computer and the device.
I tested this using Bluetooth and BLE and as soon as the device stopped sending data, the status went to "paired." When it started sending data again, it changed to "connected."
Here is a link to the MSDN forums that pointed me in the right direction.

Android Wear - Connect to IP Address

I already did some research on Android Wear. It seems not possible to connect to an concrete IP Adress from an Wear Device without using the Phone as a proxy.
I understand that this is because of battery life, but in my case i do not really care about battery life. Anyone got a connection without using the phone as a proxy ?
As long as your watch is not connected directly to a phone (via BT), and if your watch supports wifi and it is turned on, then you can make direct network calls from your watch.

Windows 8.1 Bluetooth Low Energy Behavior

I'm looking into programming Bluetooh Low Energy on Windows 8.1 and have a few questions about its behavior on auto-reconnecting to BLE devices after the connection is termiated:
How long will this auto-reconnect feature timed out? Or is it as long as you subscribe to BLE notifications and attempt to read/write data to it?
Will it reconnect if I restart Windows and my application?
How many devices can Windows remember to reconnect? Is it as many as the number of devices my app can connect to?
Where did you read about auto-connecting algorithm for Bluetooth devices in Windows 8.1. As far as I know, it is not possible to perform any kind of auto-connection, so all connection establishment has to be done manually in Windows 8.1 Bluetooth settings.
If your device is in connected state and you restart your PC for some reason, it will still show your device in the list but as "Not Connected" state. So you manually have to remove the device, and then pair it again.
I made a test, where I connected to two devices and read notifications from them both at the same time. What do you mean by app ?. A Smartphone application or ?.
All in all there is a lack of efficiency using Windows 8.1 for BLE applications, since all scanning and connection establishment functionalities have to be done in Windows 8.1 settings rather than in your Windows application, which restricts some important algorithms like auto-connection based on RSSI values and so on.

iOS and Android bluetooth connection differences

Just curious to understand why iOS devices connect to sphero directly but an app needs to do it in Android?
Well that's what I guess is happening because sphero will keep flashing in identity colours in Android until an app completes a connection.
To add: to use the option that keeps the sphero alive on the charger while connected to the client, then IOS would not need an app running but Android would. Well the Android app could have a service running to keep a connection open with sphero.
But ideally a consistent behaviour would be better.
Kasuku, you're correct in your post, but you also need to consider that the operating systems that you are comparing are completely different. For example, in Android it is possible to directly access the bluetooth adapter and "manually" connect to a bonded device. In iOS, this functionality is abstracted out from the developer.
To address BTLE:
No, as of right now Sphero currently does not support BTLE hardware.
OK ... as usual this tag seems to be dead so I post my finding anyway:
Bluetooth hardware that wanted to connect to IOS, but were not following one of the standard profiles (e.g. headsets), need to conform to Apple's proprietary MFI (Made for IOS) protocol. So the connection is established by the IOS system and then it allows apps to access this connection.
But now newer IOS devices support Bluetooth LE so the MFI restriction no longer applies. I think Sphero2B is going to use this. Current Sphero hardware probably doesn't support BT LE. My next question is ... does sphero hardware support BT LE? ... but I'm not going to ask on this forum:)
Android on the other hand allows apps to negotiate the connections to paired devices.
Here's a link with more info:
Some blog
