Using Go channels to speed up for loop - go

I'm trying to use Go's concurrency to speed up my code,
Here's what I have:
for i:=7; i>-1; i-- {
go func (ch chan int32, ch2 chan int32, i int, arx int32, ary int32, dirf []int8, dirg []int8) {
nx := arx + int32(dirf[i])
ny := ary + int32(dirg[i])
ch <- nx
ch2 <- ny
}(ch, ch2, i, arx,ary,dirf,dirg)
for i:=7; i>-1; i-- {
nxx := <- ch
nyx := <- ch2
ind := nyx*w+nxx
if imData[ind] == e[i]{
After running this I'm not getting the matrix slice that I expected, it's full of zeros.
But if I run the code below, it gives the matrix slice just as the code without channels but it's too slow.
for i:=7; i>-1; i-- {
go func (ch chan int32, ch2 chan int32, i int, arx int32, ary int32, dirf []int8, dirg []int8) {
nx := arx + int32(dirf[i])
ny := ary + int32(dirg[i])
ch <- nx
ch2 <- ny
}(ch, ch2, i, arx,ary,dirf,dirg)
nxx := <- ch
nyx := <- ch2
ind := nyx*w+nxx
if imData[ind] == e[i]{
What's wrong with the first one? Any ideas? I'm very new at Go. So, please be clear when you are suggesting something.
I edited the code to have values in proper order,
type data struct {
i int
nx int32
ny int32
for i:=7; i>-1; i-- {
go func (ch chan data, i int, arx int32, ary int32, dirf []int8, dirg []int8) {
nx := arx + int32(dirf[i])
ny := ary + int32(dirg[i])
ch <- data{i,nx,ny}
}(ch, i, arx,ary,dirf,dirg)
for i:=7; i>-1; i-- {
d := <- ch
nxx := d.nx
nyx := d.ny
j := d.i
ind := nyx*w+nxx
if imData[ind] == e[j]{
It works now but it's still too slow.
I'm trying to speed up this main code:
for i:=7; i>-1; i-- {
nx := arx + int32(dirf[i])
ny := ary + int32(dirg[i])
ind := ny*w+nx
if imData[ind] == e[i]{
what do you suggest with that?

In the second case, you're certain that the goroutines are executed "in the right order", since you wait for goroutines to complete before you continue on to the next one.
An example would be this minimal example on the golang playground. To fix this, you probably want pass a struct of three members, your nx, ny and i values across the channel.

I'm suspecting your "if imData[ind] == e[i]" conditional is failing in the former case, but it's hard to tell without the setup code for the channels, and more details on what those various slices hold. Have you tried running it with a print statement to see what you get from the channels?
Also, note that if the channels in question are buffered, there's no guarantee that the values in ch and ch2 are going to be in the same order. This is very possibly your issue.
Goroutine 1 could put a value on ch, but Goroutine 2 could have put a value on ch2 before Goroutine 1 gets to it. If you have 7 goroutines, it's perfectly possible to see the following ordering on the channels (or any number of others):
ch: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
ch2: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2
If they aren't buffered, this isn't possible with your code, but it's still technically unsafe (edit: actually, it still won't match up with i in the second loop). If the data is a set of ordered pairs, you should be sending each pair as a structure over a single channel.
Incidentally, you only need to pass variables to the go func() call if they are expected to change outside that call. ch, ch2, arx, ary, dirf, and dirg all appear to be effectively constant for this block of code, and thus don't need to be passed into that go func(). You only need to pass in i, because the loop changes it immediately after firing the enclosure into a goroutine.
Now, from a pure speed perspective, you're probably better off moving the first loop inside the go func() call. Instead of creating 7 goroutines while looping in the main routine, you can fire a single routine, and it will loop over the values and send them on the channels. If the channels are buffered to at least that size, this becomes a VERY fast operation. Incidentally, this also solves the issue with channel ordering (though it's still better to send ordered pairs as a structure on a single channel), since you only have a single goroutine trying to send on the channels.


Why am I receiving additional elements through channel?

I've bumped in to a peculiar problem which I unfortunately haven't been able to reproduce in a minimal working example. I'll try to explain it and hopefully you can give me some hint at least.
I have two protocols: A & B. For each protocol there is one central party p1, and three outer parties, lets call those pn. Each party is implemented as a separate goroutine.
Protocol A is as follows:
All parties perform a calculation, separately, and send their result of type *big.Int to p1.
p1 receives all results and puts them in a slice which it sends back to each party pn.
All parties receive the slice and perform a new calculation based on it, and send their result of type *DecryptionShare to p1.
p1 receives all data and calculates a result.
All parties output a result *big.Int.
To help with this I have three channels, one that is used for sending data p1 -> pn, one for pn -> p1 and one to output final results back to main thread (e.i. all pn read from and write to the same channels). The result 1. and 3. from pn is of different types though so that channel type is interface{}.
Protocol B first initiates protocol A and then perform further calculations, which are irrelevant.
Here's to my problem:
Protocol A on it's own works without ever showing problems.
But, when I call B ~10 % of the runs, it panics in A, even though the only thing differing is B passing on the input parameters to A.
The error showing is
panic: interface conversion: interface {} is *big.Int, not *DecryptionShare
implying that p1 receives a *big.Int while it is at step 4, although it already received every parties *big.Int in step 2.
I have tried staying at step 2 a while longer using time.Sleep and select but I never get an additional *big.Int at that step, it only occasionally shows up at step 4.
If I instead of chan interface{} use two seperate channels chan *big.Int and chan *DecryptionShare protocol B terminates correctly which also implies that everything is read correctly from channels (e.i. no thread is left blocked). I was hoping to avoid this though as I already have numerous channels in play.
Does anyone have any ideas on why this panic occurs?
Here's a minimal working example that doesn't produce the error though. Hopefully it can gain some insights. *DecryptionShare is replaced by int.
package tpsi
import (
type DecryptionShare struct {
index int
p *big.Int
func TestErs(t *testing.T) {
message_channel1 := make(chan interface{})
message_channel2 := make(chan []*big.Int)
return_channel := make(chan *big.Int)
n := 4
go CentralParty(n, message_channel2, message_channel1, return_channel)
for i := 1; i < n; i += 1 {
go OtherParty(message_channel1, message_channel2, return_channel)
for i := 0; i < n; i += 1 {
t.Error("for display")
func CentralParty(n int, sender_channel chan<- []*big.Int, reciever_channel <-chan interface{}, return_channel chan<- *big.Int) {
p, err := rand.Prime(rand.Reader, 256)
if err != nil {panic(err)}
all_p := make([]*big.Int, n)
all_p[0] = p
for i := 1; i < n; i += 1 {
all_p[i] = (<-reciever_channel).(*big.Int)
for i := 1; i < n; i += 1 {
sender_channel <- all_p
shares := make([]*DecryptionShare, 4)
for i := 1; i < n; i += 1 {
shares[i] = (<-reciever_channel).(*DecryptionShare)
return_channel <- shares[1].p
func OtherParty(sender_channel chan<- interface{}, reciever_channel <-chan []*big.Int, return_channel chan<- *big.Int) {
p, err := rand.Prime(rand.Reader, 256)
if err != nil {panic(err)}
sender_channel <- p
all_p := <-reciever_channel
var ds DecryptionShare
ds.p = p
ds.index = all_p[0].BitLen()
sender_channel <- &ds
return_channel <- p
From the joint pressure of several commenters I forced myself to obtain a MWE. And as suggested by #oakad, I found the bug while doing so.
The error was (unsurprisingly) from protocol B which reused the chan interface{} once again sending the first data type *big.Int, and thereby introducing a race condition.
I completely neglected to consider race conditions across protocols.
Thank you for the comments!

Receive on multiple channels [duplicate]

to start an endless loop of executing two goroutines, I can use the code below:
after receiving the msg it will start a new goroutine and go on for ever.
c1 := make(chan string)
c2 := make(chan string)
go DoStuff(c1, 5)
go DoStuff(c2, 2)
for ; true; {
select {
case msg1 := <-c1:
fmt.Println("received ", msg1)
go DoStuff(c1, 1)
case msg2 := <-c2:
fmt.Println("received ", msg2)
go DoStuff(c2, 9)
I would now like to have the same behavior for N goroutines, but how will the select statement look in that case?
This is the code bit I have started with, but I am confused how to code the select statement
numChans := 2
//I keep the channels in this slice, and want to "loop" over them in the select statemnt
var chans = [] chan string{}
for i:=0;i<numChans;i++{
tmp := make(chan string);
chans = append(chans, tmp);
go DoStuff(tmp, i + 1)
//How shall the select statment be coded for this case?
for ; true; {
select {
case msg1 := <-c1:
fmt.Println("received ", msg1)
go DoStuff(c1, 1)
case msg2 := <-c2:
fmt.Println("received ", msg2)
go DoStuff(c2, 9)
You can do this using the Select function from the reflect package:
func Select(cases []SelectCase) (chosen int, recv Value, recvOK bool)
Select executes a select operation described by the list of cases. Like
the Go select statement, it blocks until at least one of the cases can
proceed, makes a uniform pseudo-random choice, and then executes that
case. It returns the index of the chosen case and, if that case was a
receive operation, the value received and a boolean indicating whether
the value corresponds to a send on the channel (as opposed to a zero
value received because the channel is closed).
You pass in an array of SelectCase structs that identify the channel to select on, the direction of the operation, and a value to send in the case of a send operation.
So you could do something like this:
cases := make([]reflect.SelectCase, len(chans))
for i, ch := range chans {
cases[i] = reflect.SelectCase{Dir: reflect.SelectRecv, Chan: reflect.ValueOf(ch)}
chosen, value, ok := reflect.Select(cases)
// ok will be true if the channel has not been closed.
ch := chans[chosen]
msg := value.String()
You can experiment with a more fleshed out example here:
You can accomplish this by wrapping each channel in a goroutine which "forwards" messages to a shared "aggregate" channel. For example:
agg := make(chan string)
for _, ch := range chans {
go func(c chan string) {
for msg := range c {
agg <- msg
select {
case msg <- agg:
fmt.Println("received ", msg)
If you need to know which channel the message originated from, you could wrap it in a struct with any extra information before forwarding it to the aggregate channel.
In my (limited) testing, this method greatly out performs using the reflect package:
$ go test dynamic_select_test.go -test.bench=.
BenchmarkReflectSelect 1 5265109013 ns/op
BenchmarkGoSelect 20 81911344 ns/op
ok command-line-arguments 9.463s
Benchmark code here
To expand on some comments on previous answers and to provide a clearer comparison here is an example of both approaches presented so far given the same input, a slice of channels to read from and a function to call for each value which also need to know which channel the value came from.
There are three main differences between the approaches:
Complexity. Although it may partially be a reader preference I find the channel approach more idiomatic, straight-forward, and readable.
Performance. On my Xeon amd64 system the goroutines+channels out performs the reflect solution by about two orders of magnitude (in general reflection in Go is often slower and should only be used when absolutely required). Of course, if there is any significant delay in either the function processing the results or in the writing of values to the input channels this performance difference can easily become insignificant.
Blocking/buffering semantics. The importantance of this depends on the use case. Most often it either won't matter or the slight extra buffering in the goroutine merging solution may be helpful for throughput. However, if it is desirable to have the semantics that only a single writer is unblocked and it's value fully handled before any other writer is unblocked, then that can only be achieved with the reflect solution.
Note, both approaches can be simplified if either the "id" of the sending channel isn't required or if the source channels will never be closed.
Goroutine merging channel:
// Process1 calls `fn` for each value received from any of the `chans`
// channels. The arguments to `fn` are the index of the channel the
// value came from and the string value. Process1 returns once all the
// channels are closed.
func Process1(chans []<-chan string, fn func(int, string)) {
// Setup
type item struct {
int // index of which channel this came from
string // the actual string item
merged := make(chan item)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i, c := range chans {
go func(i int, c <-chan string) {
// Reads and buffers a single item from `c` before
// we even know if we can write to `merged`.
// Go doesn't provide a way to do something like:
// merged <- (<-c)
// atomically, where we delay the read from `c`
// until we can write to `merged`. The read from
// `c` will always happen first (blocking as
// required) and then we block on `merged` (with
// either the above or the below syntax making
// no difference).
for s := range c {
merged <- item{i, s}
// If/when this input channel is closed we just stop
// writing to the merged channel and via the WaitGroup
// let it be known there is one fewer channel active.
}(i, c)
// One extra goroutine to watch for all the merging goroutines to
// be finished and then close the merged channel.
go func() {
// "select-like" loop
for i := range merged {
// Process each value
fn(, i.string)
Reflection select:
// Process2 is identical to Process1 except that it uses the reflect
// package to select and read from the input channels which guarantees
// there is only one value "in-flight" (i.e. when `fn` is called only
// a single send on a single channel will have succeeded, the rest will
// be blocked). It is approximately two orders of magnitude slower than
// Process1 (which is still insignificant if their is a significant
// delay between incoming values or if `fn` runs for a significant
// time).
func Process2(chans []<-chan string, fn func(int, string)) {
// Setup
cases := make([]reflect.SelectCase, len(chans))
// `ids` maps the index within cases to the original `chans` index.
ids := make([]int, len(chans))
for i, c := range chans {
cases[i] = reflect.SelectCase{
Dir: reflect.SelectRecv,
Chan: reflect.ValueOf(c),
ids[i] = i
// Select loop
for len(cases) > 0 {
// A difference here from the merging goroutines is
// that `v` is the only value "in-flight" that any of
// the workers have sent. All other workers are blocked
// trying to send the single value they have calculated
// where-as the goroutine version reads/buffers a single
// extra value from each worker.
i, v, ok := reflect.Select(cases)
if !ok {
// Channel cases[i] has been closed, remove it
// from our slice of cases and update our ids
// mapping as well.
cases = append(cases[:i], cases[i+1:]...)
ids = append(ids[:i], ids[i+1:]...)
// Process each value
fn(ids[i], v.String())
[Full code on the Go playground.]
We actually made some research about this subject and found the best solution. We used reflect.Select for a while and it is a great solution for the problem. It is much lighter than a goroutine per channel and simple to operate. But unfortunately, it doesn't really support a massive amount of channels which is our case so we found something interesting and wrote a blog post about it:
I'll summarize what is written there:
We statically created batches of statements for every result of the power of two of exponent up to 32 along with a function that routes to the different cases and aggregates the results through an aggregate channel.
An example of such a batch:
func select4(ctx context.Context, chanz []chan interface{}, res chan *r, r *r, i int) {
select {
case r.v, r.ok = <-chanz[0]:
r.i = i + 0
res <- r
case r.v, r.ok = <-chanz[1]:
r.i = i + 1
res <- r
case r.v, r.ok = <-chanz[2]:
r.i = i + 2
res <- r
case r.v, r.ok = <-chanz[3]:
r.i = i + 3
res <- r
case <-ctx.Done():
And the logic of aggregating the first result from any number of channels using these kinds of batches:
for i < len(channels) {
l = len(channels) - i
switch {
case l > 31 && maxBatchSize >= 32:
go select32(ctx, channels[i:i+32], agg, rPool.Get().(*r), i)
i += 32
case l > 15 && maxBatchSize >= 16:
go select16(ctx, channels[i:i+16], agg, rPool.Get().(*r), i)
i += 16
case l > 7 && maxBatchSize >= 8:
go select8(ctx, channels[i:i+8], agg, rPool.Get().(*r), i)
i += 8
case l > 3 && maxBatchSize >= 4:
go select4(ctx, channels[i:i+4], agg, rPool.Get().(*r), i)
i += 4
case l > 1 && maxBatchSize >= 2:
go select2(ctx, channels[i:i+2], agg, rPool.Get().(*r), i)
i += 2
case l > 0:
go select1(ctx, channels[i], agg, rPool.Get().(*r), i)
i += 1
Possibly simpler option:
Instead of having an array of channels, why not pass just one channel as a parameter to the functions being run on separate goroutines, and then listen to the channel in a consumer goroutine?
This allows you to select on just one channel in your listener, making for a simple select, and avoiding creation of new goroutines to aggregate messages from multiple channels?
Based on the answer of James Henstridge,
I made this generic (go >=1.18) Select function that takes a context and a slice of channels and returns the selected one:
func Select[T any](ctx context.Context, chs []chan T) (int, T, error) {
var zeroT T
cases := make([]reflect.SelectCase, len(chs)+1)
for i, ch := range chs {
cases[i] = reflect.SelectCase{Dir: reflect.SelectRecv, Chan: reflect.ValueOf(ch)}
cases[len(chs)] = reflect.SelectCase{Dir: reflect.SelectRecv, Chan: reflect.ValueOf(ctx.Done())}
// ok will be true if the channel has not been closed.
chosen, value, ok := reflect.Select(cases)
if !ok {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return -1, zeroT, ctx.Err()
return chosen, zeroT, errors.New("channel closed")
if ret, ok := value.Interface().(T); ok {
return chosen, ret, nil
return chosen, zeroT, errors.New("failed to cast value")
Here is an example on how to use it:
func TestSelect(t *testing.T) {
c1 := make(chan int)
c2 := make(chan int)
c3 := make(chan int)
chs := []chan int{c1, c2, c3}
go func() {
c2 <- 42
ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
chosen, val, err := Select(ctx, chs)
assert.Equal(t, 1, chosen)
assert.Equal(t, 42, val)
assert.NoError(t, err)
Why this approach wouldn't work assuming that somebody is sending events?
func main() {
numChans := 2
var chans = []chan string{}
for i := 0; i < numChans; i++ {
tmp := make(chan string)
chans = append(chans, tmp)
for true {
for i, c := range chans {
select {
case x = <-c:
fmt.Printf("received %d \n", i)
go DoShit(x, i)
default: continue

Wait for all channels to receive and inform about completion using select [duplicate]

to start an endless loop of executing two goroutines, I can use the code below:
after receiving the msg it will start a new goroutine and go on for ever.
c1 := make(chan string)
c2 := make(chan string)
go DoStuff(c1, 5)
go DoStuff(c2, 2)
for ; true; {
select {
case msg1 := <-c1:
fmt.Println("received ", msg1)
go DoStuff(c1, 1)
case msg2 := <-c2:
fmt.Println("received ", msg2)
go DoStuff(c2, 9)
I would now like to have the same behavior for N goroutines, but how will the select statement look in that case?
This is the code bit I have started with, but I am confused how to code the select statement
numChans := 2
//I keep the channels in this slice, and want to "loop" over them in the select statemnt
var chans = [] chan string{}
for i:=0;i<numChans;i++{
tmp := make(chan string);
chans = append(chans, tmp);
go DoStuff(tmp, i + 1)
//How shall the select statment be coded for this case?
for ; true; {
select {
case msg1 := <-c1:
fmt.Println("received ", msg1)
go DoStuff(c1, 1)
case msg2 := <-c2:
fmt.Println("received ", msg2)
go DoStuff(c2, 9)
You can do this using the Select function from the reflect package:
func Select(cases []SelectCase) (chosen int, recv Value, recvOK bool)
Select executes a select operation described by the list of cases. Like
the Go select statement, it blocks until at least one of the cases can
proceed, makes a uniform pseudo-random choice, and then executes that
case. It returns the index of the chosen case and, if that case was a
receive operation, the value received and a boolean indicating whether
the value corresponds to a send on the channel (as opposed to a zero
value received because the channel is closed).
You pass in an array of SelectCase structs that identify the channel to select on, the direction of the operation, and a value to send in the case of a send operation.
So you could do something like this:
cases := make([]reflect.SelectCase, len(chans))
for i, ch := range chans {
cases[i] = reflect.SelectCase{Dir: reflect.SelectRecv, Chan: reflect.ValueOf(ch)}
chosen, value, ok := reflect.Select(cases)
// ok will be true if the channel has not been closed.
ch := chans[chosen]
msg := value.String()
You can experiment with a more fleshed out example here:
You can accomplish this by wrapping each channel in a goroutine which "forwards" messages to a shared "aggregate" channel. For example:
agg := make(chan string)
for _, ch := range chans {
go func(c chan string) {
for msg := range c {
agg <- msg
select {
case msg <- agg:
fmt.Println("received ", msg)
If you need to know which channel the message originated from, you could wrap it in a struct with any extra information before forwarding it to the aggregate channel.
In my (limited) testing, this method greatly out performs using the reflect package:
$ go test dynamic_select_test.go -test.bench=.
BenchmarkReflectSelect 1 5265109013 ns/op
BenchmarkGoSelect 20 81911344 ns/op
ok command-line-arguments 9.463s
Benchmark code here
To expand on some comments on previous answers and to provide a clearer comparison here is an example of both approaches presented so far given the same input, a slice of channels to read from and a function to call for each value which also need to know which channel the value came from.
There are three main differences between the approaches:
Complexity. Although it may partially be a reader preference I find the channel approach more idiomatic, straight-forward, and readable.
Performance. On my Xeon amd64 system the goroutines+channels out performs the reflect solution by about two orders of magnitude (in general reflection in Go is often slower and should only be used when absolutely required). Of course, if there is any significant delay in either the function processing the results or in the writing of values to the input channels this performance difference can easily become insignificant.
Blocking/buffering semantics. The importantance of this depends on the use case. Most often it either won't matter or the slight extra buffering in the goroutine merging solution may be helpful for throughput. However, if it is desirable to have the semantics that only a single writer is unblocked and it's value fully handled before any other writer is unblocked, then that can only be achieved with the reflect solution.
Note, both approaches can be simplified if either the "id" of the sending channel isn't required or if the source channels will never be closed.
Goroutine merging channel:
// Process1 calls `fn` for each value received from any of the `chans`
// channels. The arguments to `fn` are the index of the channel the
// value came from and the string value. Process1 returns once all the
// channels are closed.
func Process1(chans []<-chan string, fn func(int, string)) {
// Setup
type item struct {
int // index of which channel this came from
string // the actual string item
merged := make(chan item)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i, c := range chans {
go func(i int, c <-chan string) {
// Reads and buffers a single item from `c` before
// we even know if we can write to `merged`.
// Go doesn't provide a way to do something like:
// merged <- (<-c)
// atomically, where we delay the read from `c`
// until we can write to `merged`. The read from
// `c` will always happen first (blocking as
// required) and then we block on `merged` (with
// either the above or the below syntax making
// no difference).
for s := range c {
merged <- item{i, s}
// If/when this input channel is closed we just stop
// writing to the merged channel and via the WaitGroup
// let it be known there is one fewer channel active.
}(i, c)
// One extra goroutine to watch for all the merging goroutines to
// be finished and then close the merged channel.
go func() {
// "select-like" loop
for i := range merged {
// Process each value
fn(, i.string)
Reflection select:
// Process2 is identical to Process1 except that it uses the reflect
// package to select and read from the input channels which guarantees
// there is only one value "in-flight" (i.e. when `fn` is called only
// a single send on a single channel will have succeeded, the rest will
// be blocked). It is approximately two orders of magnitude slower than
// Process1 (which is still insignificant if their is a significant
// delay between incoming values or if `fn` runs for a significant
// time).
func Process2(chans []<-chan string, fn func(int, string)) {
// Setup
cases := make([]reflect.SelectCase, len(chans))
// `ids` maps the index within cases to the original `chans` index.
ids := make([]int, len(chans))
for i, c := range chans {
cases[i] = reflect.SelectCase{
Dir: reflect.SelectRecv,
Chan: reflect.ValueOf(c),
ids[i] = i
// Select loop
for len(cases) > 0 {
// A difference here from the merging goroutines is
// that `v` is the only value "in-flight" that any of
// the workers have sent. All other workers are blocked
// trying to send the single value they have calculated
// where-as the goroutine version reads/buffers a single
// extra value from each worker.
i, v, ok := reflect.Select(cases)
if !ok {
// Channel cases[i] has been closed, remove it
// from our slice of cases and update our ids
// mapping as well.
cases = append(cases[:i], cases[i+1:]...)
ids = append(ids[:i], ids[i+1:]...)
// Process each value
fn(ids[i], v.String())
[Full code on the Go playground.]
We actually made some research about this subject and found the best solution. We used reflect.Select for a while and it is a great solution for the problem. It is much lighter than a goroutine per channel and simple to operate. But unfortunately, it doesn't really support a massive amount of channels which is our case so we found something interesting and wrote a blog post about it:
I'll summarize what is written there:
We statically created batches of statements for every result of the power of two of exponent up to 32 along with a function that routes to the different cases and aggregates the results through an aggregate channel.
An example of such a batch:
func select4(ctx context.Context, chanz []chan interface{}, res chan *r, r *r, i int) {
select {
case r.v, r.ok = <-chanz[0]:
r.i = i + 0
res <- r
case r.v, r.ok = <-chanz[1]:
r.i = i + 1
res <- r
case r.v, r.ok = <-chanz[2]:
r.i = i + 2
res <- r
case r.v, r.ok = <-chanz[3]:
r.i = i + 3
res <- r
case <-ctx.Done():
And the logic of aggregating the first result from any number of channels using these kinds of batches:
for i < len(channels) {
l = len(channels) - i
switch {
case l > 31 && maxBatchSize >= 32:
go select32(ctx, channels[i:i+32], agg, rPool.Get().(*r), i)
i += 32
case l > 15 && maxBatchSize >= 16:
go select16(ctx, channels[i:i+16], agg, rPool.Get().(*r), i)
i += 16
case l > 7 && maxBatchSize >= 8:
go select8(ctx, channels[i:i+8], agg, rPool.Get().(*r), i)
i += 8
case l > 3 && maxBatchSize >= 4:
go select4(ctx, channels[i:i+4], agg, rPool.Get().(*r), i)
i += 4
case l > 1 && maxBatchSize >= 2:
go select2(ctx, channels[i:i+2], agg, rPool.Get().(*r), i)
i += 2
case l > 0:
go select1(ctx, channels[i], agg, rPool.Get().(*r), i)
i += 1
Possibly simpler option:
Instead of having an array of channels, why not pass just one channel as a parameter to the functions being run on separate goroutines, and then listen to the channel in a consumer goroutine?
This allows you to select on just one channel in your listener, making for a simple select, and avoiding creation of new goroutines to aggregate messages from multiple channels?
Based on the answer of James Henstridge,
I made this generic (go >=1.18) Select function that takes a context and a slice of channels and returns the selected one:
func Select[T any](ctx context.Context, chs []chan T) (int, T, error) {
var zeroT T
cases := make([]reflect.SelectCase, len(chs)+1)
for i, ch := range chs {
cases[i] = reflect.SelectCase{Dir: reflect.SelectRecv, Chan: reflect.ValueOf(ch)}
cases[len(chs)] = reflect.SelectCase{Dir: reflect.SelectRecv, Chan: reflect.ValueOf(ctx.Done())}
// ok will be true if the channel has not been closed.
chosen, value, ok := reflect.Select(cases)
if !ok {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return -1, zeroT, ctx.Err()
return chosen, zeroT, errors.New("channel closed")
if ret, ok := value.Interface().(T); ok {
return chosen, ret, nil
return chosen, zeroT, errors.New("failed to cast value")
Here is an example on how to use it:
func TestSelect(t *testing.T) {
c1 := make(chan int)
c2 := make(chan int)
c3 := make(chan int)
chs := []chan int{c1, c2, c3}
go func() {
c2 <- 42
ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
chosen, val, err := Select(ctx, chs)
assert.Equal(t, 1, chosen)
assert.Equal(t, 42, val)
assert.NoError(t, err)
Why this approach wouldn't work assuming that somebody is sending events?
func main() {
numChans := 2
var chans = []chan string{}
for i := 0; i < numChans; i++ {
tmp := make(chan string)
chans = append(chans, tmp)
for true {
for i, c := range chans {
select {
case x = <-c:
fmt.Printf("received %d \n", i)
go DoShit(x, i)
default: continue

Wait for a buffered channel to be full

I must have missed something because I haven't found the answer online for this pretty basic problem. I am using a buffered channel capable of holding three int values.
I am then using three goroutines to fill it up and I want to do an operation once the buffered channel is full.
Here is a snippet explaining the problem:
func main() {
// Initialization of the slice a and 0 < n < len(a) - 1.
difs := make(chan int, 3)
go routine(a[:n], difs)
go routine(a[n + 1:], difs)
go routine(a[n - 1:n + 1], difs)
fmt.Println(<-difs) // Display the first result returned by one of the routine.
func routine(a []int, out chan<- int) {
// Long computation.
out <- result
I would like to update my code so that fmt.Println(<-difs) displays an array of int when all the values have been computed. I could use three times <-difs but I wonder if Go offers something cleaner to do that.
Wait using channel itself, like this working sample code:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
a := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12} // Initialization of the slice a and 0 < n < len(a) - 1.
difs := make(chan int, 3)
go routine(a[0:4], difs)
go routine(a[4:8], difs)
go routine(a[8:12], difs)
result := []int{<-difs, <-difs, <-difs}
fmt.Println(result) // Display the first result returned by one of the routine.
func routine(a []int, out chan<- int) {
result := 0 // Long computation.
for _, v := range a {
result += v
out <- result
[10 42 26]
The function len() supports channels, returning the number of unread queued elements within the channel. However, you'll have to run a loop to periodically check it.
The traditional method of handling this is using a sync.WaitGroup, as so:
func main() {
// Initialization of the slice a and 0 < n < len(a) - 1.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
difs := make(chan int, 3)
go routine(a[:n], difs, &wg)
go routine(a[n + 1:], difs, &wg)
go routine(n - 1:n + 1], difs, &wg)
wg.Wait() // blocks until wg.Done() is called 3 times
fmt.Println(<-difs) // Display the first result returned by one of the routine.
// NOTE: This MUST accept a POINTER to the waitgroup. They are not copy-safe.
func routine(a []int, out chan<- int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
// Long computation.
out <- result

Multiple goroutines listening on one channel

I have multiple goroutines trying to receive on the same channel simultaneously. It seems like the last goroutine that starts receiving on the channel gets the value. Is this somewhere in the language spec or is it undefined behaviour?
c := make(chan string)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
go func(i int) {
c <- fmt.Sprintf("goroutine %d", i)
c <- "hi"
goroutine 4
Example On Playground
I just realized that it's more complicated than I thought. The message gets passed around all the goroutines.
c := make(chan string)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
go func(i int) {
msg := <-c
c <- fmt.Sprintf("%s, hi from %d", msg, i)
c <- "original"
original, hi from 0, hi from 1, hi from 2, hi from 3, hi from 4
NOTE: the above output is outdated in more recent versions of Go (see comments)
Example On Playground
Yes, it's complicated, But there are a couple of rules of thumb that should make things feel much more straightforward.
prefer using formal arguments for the channels you pass to go-routines instead of accessing channels in global scope. You can get more compiler checking this way, and better modularity too.
avoid both reading and writing on the same channel in a particular go-routine (including the 'main' one). Otherwise, deadlock is a much greater risk.
Here's an alternative version of your program, applying these two guidelines. This case demonstrates many writers & one reader on a channel:
c := make(chan string)
for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ {
go func(i int, co chan<- string) {
for j := 1; j <= 5; j++ {
co <- fmt.Sprintf("hi from %d.%d", i, j)
}(i, c)
for i := 1; i <= 25; i++ {
It creates the five go-routines writing to a single channel, each one writing five times. The main go-routine reads all twenty five messages - you may notice that the order they appear in is often not sequential (i.e. the concurrency is evident).
This example demonstrates a feature of Go channels: it is possible to have multiple writers sharing one channel; Go will interleave the messages automatically.
The same applies for one writer and multiple readers on one channel, as seen in the second example here:
c := make(chan int)
var w sync.WaitGroup
for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ {
go func(i int, ci <-chan int) {
j := 1
for v := range ci {
fmt.Printf("%d.%d got %d\n", i, j, v)
j += 1
}(i, c)
for i := 1; i <= 25; i++ {
c <- i
This second example includes a wait imposed on the main goroutine, which would otherwise exit promptly and cause the other five goroutines to be terminated early (thanks to olov for this correction).
In both examples, no buffering was needed. It is generally a good principle to view buffering as a performance enhancer only. If your program does not deadlock without buffers, it won't deadlock with buffers either (but the converse is not always true). So, as another rule of thumb, start without buffering then add it later as needed.
Late reply, but I hope this helps others in the future like Long Polling, "Global" Button, Broadcast to everyone?
Effective Go explains the issue:
Receivers always block until there is data to receive.
That means that you cannot have more than 1 goroutine listening to 1 channel and expect ALL goroutines to receive the same value.
Run this Code Example.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
c := make(chan int)
for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ {
go func(i int) {
for v := range c {
fmt.Printf("count %d from goroutine #%d\n", v, i)
for i := 1; i <= 25; i++ {
You will not see "count 1" more than once even though there are 5 goroutines listening to the channel. This is because when the first goroutine blocks the channel all other goroutines must wait in line. When the channel is unblocked, the count has already been received and removed from the channel so the next goroutine in line gets the next count value.
I've studied existing solutions and created simple broadcast library
group := bcast.NewGroup() // you created the broadcast group
go bcast.Broadcasting(0) // the group accepts messages and broadcast it to all members
member := group.Join() // then you join member(s) from other goroutine(s)
member.Send("test message") // or send messages of any type to the group
member1 := group.Join() // then you join member(s) from other goroutine(s)
val := member1.Recv() // and for example listen for messages
It is complicated.
Also, see what happens with GOMAXPROCS = NumCPU+1. For example,
package main
import (
func main() {
runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU() + 1)
c := make(chan string)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
go func(i int) {
msg := <-c
c <- fmt.Sprintf("%s, hi from %d", msg, i)
c <- ", original"
5, original, hi from 4
And, see what happens with buffered channels. For example,
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
c := make(chan string, 5+1)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
go func(i int) {
msg := <-c
c <- fmt.Sprintf("%s, hi from %d", msg, i)
c <- "original"
You should be able to explain these cases too.
For multiple goroutine listen on one channel, yes, it's possible. the key point is the message itself, you can define some message like that:
package main
import (
type obj struct {
msg string
receiver int
func main() {
ch := make(chan *obj) // both block or non-block are ok
var wg sync.WaitGroup
receiver := 25 // specify receiver count
sender := func() {
o := &obj {
msg: "hello everyone!",
receiver: receiver,
ch <- o
recv := func(idx int) {
defer wg.Done()
o := <-ch
fmt.Printf("%d received at %d\n", idx, o.receiver)
if o.receiver > 0 {
ch <- o // forward to others
} else {
fmt.Printf("last receiver: %d\n", idx)
go sender()
for i:=0; i<reciever; i++ {
go recv(i)
The output is random:
5 received at 25
24 received at 24
6 received at 23
7 received at 22
8 received at 21
9 received at 20
10 received at 19
11 received at 18
12 received at 17
13 received at 16
14 received at 15
15 received at 14
16 received at 13
17 received at 12
18 received at 11
19 received at 10
20 received at 9
21 received at 8
22 received at 7
23 received at 6
2 received at 5
0 received at 4
1 received at 3
3 received at 2
4 received at 1
last receiver 4
Quite an old question, but nobody mentioned this, I think.
First, the outputs of both examples can be different if you run the codes many times. This is not related to the Go version.
The output of the 1st example can be goroutine 4, goroutine 0, goroutine 1,... actually all the goroutine can be a one who sends the string to the main goroutine.
Main goroutine is one of the goroutines, so it's also waiting for data from the channel.
Which goroutine should receive the data? Nobody knows. It's not in the language spec.
Also, the output of the 2nd example also can be anything:
(I added the square brackets just for clarity)
// [original, hi from 4]
// [[[[[original, hi from 4], hi from 0], hi from 2], hi from 1], hi from 3]
// [[[[[original, hi from 4], hi from 1], hi from 0], hi from 2], hi from 3]
// [[[[[original, hi from 0], hi from 2], hi from 1], hi from 3], hi from 4]
// [[original, hi from 4], hi from 1]
// [[original, hi from 0], hi from 4]
// [[[original, hi from 4], hi from 1], hi from 0]
// [[[[[original, hi from 4], hi from 1], hi from 0], hi from 3], hi from 2]
// [[[[original, hi from 0], hi from 2], hi from 1], hi from 3]
// ......anything can be the output.
This is not magic, nor a mysterious phenomenon.
If there are multiple threads being executed, no one knows exactly which thread will acquire the resource. The language doesn't determine it. Rather, OS takes care of it. This is why multithread programming is quite complicated.
Goroutine is not OS thread, but it behaves somewhat similarly.
Use sync.Cond is a good choice.
