Cannot install web agent for openam due to missing dll libraries from openssl - windows-7

When following the tutorial to install openAM, one of the steps is to create a web agent using the command
agentadmin.exe --i
But I get stuck on the second step:
Configuration file [c:\Apache\conf\httpd.conf]: c:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf
init_ssl(): ssleay32.dll is not available (error: 193)
init_ssl(): libeay32.dll is not available (error: 193)
I've tried downloading openssl from gnuwin32, also from slproweb, with or without placing those files inside \web_agents\apache24_agent\lib. Even looking on another web I found that I should replace ssleay32.dll, libeay32.dll and openssl.exe from \xampp\apache\bin and I did that.
The "Troubleshooting" section of openAM asks for installing KB2533623 , but when I try to install it from the .msu my system says that this is already installed.
All without success.
Any suggestion?

Try patching KB2758857 since it replaces KB2533623. Also, just to ensure it isn't a PATH issue with the user you're logged in as, find those two OpenSSL dll's and copy them to your system folder (c:\windows\system32) []. Last, I would be sure you're using the latest OpenAM Web Policy Agent [4.0.0].


Composer package not extracting - End-of-central-directory signature not found

Trying to install spatie/laravel-activitylog, however only the latest version of this package is troubling, other all packages are getting installed smoothly
Error Description
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
Platform used, Windows WSL2 with Ubuntu 20.04 distro running over Hyper.js
Steps to install the command
composer require spatie/laravel-activitylog "^4.0.0"
I have tried this even in fresh Laravel project but the exception is seen only for this particular package
This was solved using composer clearcache
After several search this led to the right solution

How to specify external library file locations when installing CPAN modules

I'm trying to get Perl's Finance::Quote module working after MacOS upgrade to 11.4. One of the dependencies is B::Keywords. B::Keywords installation fails a test with this error:
> sudo cpan B::Keywords
Can't open /System/Library/Perl/5.30/darwin-thread-multi-2level/CORE/keywords.h: No such file or directory at t/11keywords.t line 25
Digging around, I see that keywords.h exists on my system in this location:
Is there a way to tell cpan (or cpanm, or some other installation tool) where to look for these headers? Or, any other approach to get this working would be welcome.
It seems like they removed the keywords.h from the CORE directory (relative to the path given from $Config{archlibexp}) for the system perl on macOS 10.14, see this bug report.
The reason you are not able to install B::Keywords is due to a failed test 11keywords.t see line 24. Some possible solutions:
Install the module without running the tests (sudo cpan -T B::Keywords)
Submit an issue at the GitHub issue tracker so the author of the module can fix the problem.
Install the module with perlbrew instead of using the system perl (I tested this and it worked fine here).

Connection Refused RubyGems

I'm currently attempting to install a gem gem install micromidi. Whenever I run it from terminal I receive this error:
ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'micromidi' (>= 0), here is why:
Unable to download data from - Errno::ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused - connect(2) for "" port 443 (
I'm not behind a proxy and I have an internet connection. I've installed gems before and have never had a problem. What's wrong and how do I fix this?
There's been a few recent merges of commits regarding ssl and mentioning "fastly", like this search of the repo:
Also, 2.6.3 / 2016-04-05 […] New fastly cert. Pull request #1548 by David Radcliffe see:
I recommend manually updating to RubyGems v2.6.6 - June 22, 2016 via
If you don't have any RubyGems installed, there is still the pre-gem
approach to getting software, doing it manually:
Download from above
Unpack into a directory and cd there
Install with: ruby setup.rb (you may need admin/root privilege)
If the above doesn't resolve the issue, here are some additional resources:
[Comcast ISP] issue:
[OS X] Helpful Stack Overflow question: "gem install rails" fails with DNS error
[Windows] Workaround RubyGems' SSL errors on Ruby for Windows (RubyInstaller), via
Step 1: Obtain the new trust certificate
We need to download AddTrustExternalCARoot-2048.pem[ ]
Use the above link and place/save this file somewhere you can later
find easily (eg. your Desktop).
IMPORTANT: File must have .pem as extension. Browsers like Chrome will
try to save it as plain text file. Ensure you change the filename to
have .pem in it after you have downloaded it.
Step 2: Locate RubyGems certificate directory in your installation
In order for us copy this file, we need to know where to put it.
Depending on where you installed Ruby, the directory will be
Take for example the default installation of Ruby 2.1.5, placed in
Open a Command Prompt and type in:
C:\>gem which ruby gems
Now, let's locate that directory. From within the same window,
enter the path part up to the file extension, but using
backslashes instead:
C:\>start C:\Ruby21\lib\ruby\2.1.0\rubygems
This will open a Explorer
window inside the directory we indicated.
Step 3: Copy new trust certificate
Now, locate ssl_certs directory and copy the .pem file we obtained
from previous step inside.
It will be listed with other files like GeoTrustGlobalCA.pem.

Installing liblapack without root permissions? (Trying to get Armadillo/Lapack/Blas working)

I'm trying to install Armadillo (and thus also BLAS and LAPACK) on a linux server for which I do not have root permission. I have jumped through a few of the first hurdles, but I am getting an error:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -llapack
This question addresses the same problem, with the solution being to install
The problem is the only way I've found to do this online is by doing something like sudo-aptget install or yum install. Both are not allowed on the server I use. I can download binaries and install them locally - that is it.
My question is: how can I install these packages without the above permissions and get on my way to using Armadillo?
I'm using Centos linux, if it helps.
Since you do not have root permissions, the best way is to download and build LAPACK and BLAS. You can download the source code from netlib.
Description of installation instructions can be found here and here.
The basic steps are:
Unzip and tar the file.
Copy and edit the file LAPACK/ to LAPACK/
Edit the file LAPACK/Makefile
type make.
Similarly you can download and build BLAS.

mod_wsgi not found for apache/windows

I can't force my Apache 2.2 to load mod_wsgi module.
When I remove following line from httpd.conf, it starts correctly:
`LoadModule wsgi_module modules/`
I get this error when trying to start apache.
`httpd.exe: Syntax error on line 129 of D:/Apache2.2/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load D:/Apache2.2/modules/ into server: The specified module could not be found. `
- Apache 2.2.16 x86 VC9 (from
- Python 2.7.1 AMD64 (installed for all users)
- Added Python path to System Path
- Python working correctly with CGI
I searched a lot of info, none of them helped.
Anyone has any ideas?
Only confirmed explanation for this problem so far, bar the obvious of the file not actually being there or named wrongly, is that the Python version being used wasn't installed for all users and was only installed for yourself.
Because Apache run as a special service user, if Python installed for yourself, that service user may not be able to find it. For whatever reason the error suggests that the file cannot be found even though the real issue is that some file in Python installation, possibly the DLL for Python, cannot be found.
Suggest you uninstall Python and then reinstall it, making sure it is installed for all users.
Last time I worked with windows they had dll files. So it should at least be LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi.dll
Do you have the dll file in your installation?
