How to levarage spring batch without using POJO? - spring

I know BeanWrapperFieldSetMapper class depends on POJO.
But here is the thing: If I want to take advantage of Spring Batch features but do not want to create separate jobs ( does not want to write POJOs and separate reader writes or mappers) how to do this?
My requirement is to read *.csv file which will have the headers so I should be able to supply header names in a map or string[] and create my sql statement based on it, instead of writing a RowMapper.
This will help me uploading various files to different tables.
Is it possible to change BeanWrapperFieldSetMapper to make it suitable to map the values from Map or String[]?
Also Even if I do not have headers in the *.cvs file, I can construct update statement and load using chunk delimeters setting and other advantages of Spring Batch.


How to do data transformation using Apache NiFi standrad processor?

I have to do data transfomration using Apache NiFi standard processor for below mentioned input data. I have to add two new fields class and year and drop extra price fields.
Below are my input data and transformed data.
Input data
Expected output
Disclaimer: I am assuming that your input headers are not dynamic, which means that you can maintain a predictable input schema. If that is true, you can do this with the standard processors as of 1.12.0, but it will require a little work.
Here's a blog post of mine about how to use ScriptedTransformRecord to take input from one schema, build a new data structure and mix it with another schema. It's a bit involved.
I've used that methodology recently to convert a much larger set of data into summary records, so I know it works. The summary of what's involved is this:
Create two schemas, one that matches input and one for output.
Set up ScriptedTransformRecord to use a writer that explicitly sets which schema to use since ScriptedTransformRecord doesn't support the ability to change the schema configuration internally.
Create a fat jar with Maven or Gradle that compiles your Avro schema into an object that can be used with the NiFi API to expose a static RecordSchema (NiFi API) to your script.
Write a Groovy script that generates a new MapRecord.

read data through spring batch and return data outside the job

I read everywhere how to read data in spring batch itemReader and write in database using itemWriter, but I wanted to just read data using spring batch then somehow I wanted to access this list of items outside the job. I need to perform remaining processing after job finished.
The reason I wanted to do this is because I need to perform a lot of validations on every item. I have to validate each item's variable xyz if it exists in list(which is not available within job). After performing a lot of processing I have to insert information in different tables using JPA. Please help me out!

Spring Batch & Integration Flat File Generation Pattern

We have a use case where we receive data in flat files which we load into an Oracle DB using Spring Batch. Post data load in Oracle, we have to distribute the data in form of flat files to several consumers. The data selection criteria depends on some pre-decided values in some fields of the data.
We have a design in place which generates a list which contains objects that can be passed to a Spring Batch job as job parameter to generate the flat files needed to be sent to the data consumers.
Using a Splitter component, I can put the individual objects into a channel and plug a JobLaunchingGateway to launch a batch job to generate the flat file.
Need help on how I can launch multiple batch jobs in parallel using JobLaunchingGateway so that I can generate files in parallel.
A setup is already in place to FTP the files to consumers. We do not need to worry about that.
Use an ExecutorChannel with a task executor before the JobLaunchingGateway.

Spring batch without pojo or Dao [duplicate]

I know BeanWrapperFieldSetMapper class depends on POJO.
But here is the thing: If I want to take advantage of Spring Batch features but do not want to create separate jobs ( does not want to write POJOs and separate reader writes or mappers) how to do this?
My requirement is to read *.csv file which will have the headers so I should be able to supply header names in a map or string[] and create my sql statement based on it, instead of writing a RowMapper.
This will help me uploading various files to different tables.
Is it possible to change BeanWrapperFieldSetMapper to make it suitable to map the values from Map or String[]?
Also Even if I do not have headers in the *.cvs file, I can construct update statement and load using chunk delimeters setting and other advantages of Spring Batch.

writing multiple files (different content) using spring batch

I have a requirement to write multiple files using Spring Batch. The first file will be written based on the data from the database table. The second file will contain just the number of records written to the first file. How can I create the second file? I am not sure whether org.springframework.batch.item.file.MultiResourceItemWriter is an option for me as I think it will write multiple files based on the data it will write chunks of data in the multiple files. Correct me if I am wrong here.
Please do suggest some options with sample code if possible.
You have couple of options:
You can use CompositeItemWriter which calls collection of item writers in defined order so you can define one item writer which will write records based on data from DB and second will count records and write that to another file.
You can write data to a file in first step, finish whole file and save it somewhere, you can save counter of records if that is all you need to StepContext (common batch patterns and scroll to 11.8 Passing Data to Future Steps) and read in new Taskletcounter and save to new file.
If you want to go with option 1 which I think is right choice you can check this example of batch job configuration with CompositeItemWriter
