rownum very slow after a particular value - oracle

I am running a query in Oracle SQL developer which looks something like this :
select * from dummy_table where col1 < 10 and col2 < 20 and col3 < 40
and rownum <= x
The query takes around 3 seconds and returns x rows if the value of x is <= 12.
But if replace x by anything greater than 12, the query takes more than 7 seconds and returns only 12 results ( in other words, there are only 12 rows satisfying the where clause ) .
Why is rownum behaving like this ? I was expecting this query to take almost same time if value of x is changed from 12 to 13.
Edit : Another thing which I noticed is that there is a composite index on col1,col2 and col3. If I remove the index ( or disable it using a hint ) , the query runs quite fast.

It's difficult to give a complete explanation without knowing the table structure, the indexes, etc.
However, to keep it simple, if your table only has 12 rows matching your condition, asking for the first 12 rows means that Oracle simply looks for 12 rows and returns them, no matter the number of rows that do not match your condition.
If you ask for, say, 13 rows, Orace needs to scan the whole table, to check if a 13rd row exists.
So, without indexes and hints, asking for the first 13 rows where only 12 exist may need a full table scan, and this can be slow.
Please consider this as a very simplified explanation, not considering indexes, cache, hints. For example, we're not considering that even checking the performance of a query by simply running it may be misleading, because Oracle may use cache, and you can have better performance after the first run.


Oracle - Select Only Columns That Contain Data

We have a database with a vast number of tables and columns that was set up by a 3rd party.
Many of these columns are entirely unused. I am trying to create a query that returns a list of all the columns that are actually used (contain > 0 values).
My current attempt -
SELECT table_name, column_name
AND num_nulls < 1
Using num_nulls < 1 dramatically reduces the number of returned values, as expected.
However, on inspection of some of the tables, there are columns missing from the results of the query that appear to have values in them.
Could anybody explain why this might be the case?
First of all, statistics are not always 100% accurate. They can be gathered on a subset of the table rows, since they are, after all, statistics. Just like pollsters do not have to ask every American how they feel about a given politician, Oracle can get an accurate-enough sense of the data in a table by reading only a portion of it.
Even if the statistics were gathered on 100% of the rows in a table (and they can be gathered that way, if you want), the statistics will become outdated as soon as there are any inserts, updates, or deletes on the table.
Second of all, num_nulls < 1 wouldn't tell you the columns that had no data. Imagine a table with 100 rows and "column X" having num_nulls equal to 80. That would imply the column has 20 non-null values, but would NOT pass your filter. A better approach (if you trust your statistics are not stale and based on a 100% sample of the rows), might be to compare DBA_TAB_COLUMNS.NUM_NULLS < DBA_TABLES.NUM_ROWS. For example, a column that has 99 nulls in a 100 row table has data in 1 row.
"there are columns missing from the results of the query that appear to have values in them."
Potentially every non-mandatory column could appear in this set, because it is likely that some rows will have values but not all rows. "Some rows" being greater than zero means such columns won't pass your test for num_nulls < 1.
So maybe you should search for columns which aren't in use. This query will find columns where every row is null:
select t.table_name
, tc.column_name
from user_tables t
join user_tab_cols tc on t.table_name = tc.table_name
where t.num_rows > 0
and t.num_rows = tc.num_nulls;
Note that if you are using Partitioning you will need to scan user_tab_partitions.num_rows and user_part_col_statistics.num_nulls.
Also, I second the advice others have given regarding statistics. The above query may throw out some false positives. I would treat the results generated from that query as a list of candidates to be investigated further. For instance you could generate queries which counted the actual number of nulls for each column.

different columns on select query results different costs

There is an index at table invt_item_d on (item_id & branch_id & co_id) columns.
The plan results for the first query are TABLE ACCESS FULL and cost is 528,
results for the second query are INDEX FAST FULL SCAN (my index) and cost is 27.
The only difference is, as you can see, the selected column is used in index on the second query.
Is there something wrong with this? And please, can you tell me what should I do to fix this at db administration level?
select d.qty
from invt_item_d d
where d.item_id = 999
and d.branch_id = 888
and d.co_id = 777
select d.item_id
from invt_item_d d
where d.item_id = 999
and d.branch_id = 888
and d.co_id = 777
i made a new query and this query's cost is 529, with TABLE ACCESS FULL.
select qty from invt_item_d
so it doesn't matter if i use an index or not. Some says this is normal, is this a normal behaviour really?
In the first case, the table must be accessed, since the "qty" column is only stored in the table.
In the second case, all the columns used in the query can be read from the index, skipping the table read altogether.
You can add another index on columns (item_id, branch_id, co_id, qty) and it will most probably be used in the first query.
From the Oracle documentation:
A fast full index scan is a full index scan in which the database
accesses the data in the index itself without accessing the table, and
the database reads the index blocks in no particular order.
Fast full index scans are an alternative to a full table scan when
both of the following conditions are met:
The index must contain all columns needed for the query.
A row containing all nulls must not appear in the query result set. For this result to be guaranteed, at least one column in the
index must have either:
A NOT NULL constraint
A predicate applied to it that prevents nulls from being considered in the query result set
This is exactly the main purpose of using index -- make search faster.
Querying columns with indexes are faster compared to querying columns without indexes.
Its basic oracle knowledge.
I am adding another answer because it seems to be more convinient.
" i doesn't hit the index because there are 34000 rows, not millions". This is COMPLETELY WRONG and a dangerous understanding.
What I meant was, if there are a few thousand rows, and the index is not hit(oracle engine does a full table scan(TABLE ACCESS FULL) then), its not a big deal. Oracle is fast enough to read few thousand rows in a matter of a second(even without indexes) , and hence you wont feel the difference.The query is still slower(than the occasion when there is an index) , but its is so minimally slower that you wont feel the difference.
But, if there are millions of rows, the execution of the query will be much, much slower without index ( as this time it will scan millions of rows in a full table scan)and your performance will be hit.
Second: Why on earth do you have to loop over a table with 34000 rows, that too 4000 times???
Thats a terrible approach. Avoid loops as much as possible.There has to be a better approach!
You can force the oracle optimiser to hit the index by using the index hint.You will need to know the name of the index for that.
select /*+ index(invt_item_d <index_name>) */
from invt_item_d d
where d.item_id = 999
and d.branch_id = 888
and d.co_id = 777
Here is the link to a stack overflow question on index hint

A fast query that selects the number of rows in each table

I want a query that selects the number of rows in each table
but they are NOT updated statistically .So such query will not be accurate:
select table_name, num_rows from user_tables
i want to select several schema and each schema has minimum 500 table some of them contain a lot of columns . it will took for me days if i want to update them .
from the site ask tom he suggest a function includes this query
'select count(*)
from ' || p_tname INTO l_columnValue;
such query with count(*) is really slow and it will not give me fast results.
Is there a query that can give me how many rows are in table in a fast way ?
You said in a comment that you want to delete (drop?) empty tables. If you don't want an exact count but only want to know if a table is empty you can do a shortcut count:
select count(*) from table_name where rownum < 2;
The optimiser will stop when it reaches the first row - the execution plan shows a 'count stopkey' operation - so it will be fast. It will return zero for an empty table, and one for a table with any data - you have no idea how much data, but you don't seem to care.
You still have a slight race condition between the count and the drop, of course.
This seems like a very odd thing to want to do - either your application uses the table, in which case dropping it will break something even if it's empty; or it doesn't, in which case it shouldn't matter whether it has (presumably redundant) and it can be dropped regardless. If you think there might be confusion, that sounds like your source (including DDL) control needs some work, maybe?
To check if either table in two schemas have a row, just count from both of them; either with a union:
select max(c) from (
select count(*) as c from schema1.table_name where rownum < 2
union all
select count(*) as c from schema2.table_name where rownum < 2
... or with greatest and two sub-selects, e.g.:
select greatest(
(select count(*) from schema1.table_name where rownum < 2),
(select count(*) from schema2.table_name where rownum < 2)
) from dual;
Either would return one if either table has any rows, and would only return zero f they were both empty.
Full Disclosure: I had originally suggested a query that specifically counts a column that's (a) indexed and (b) not null. #AlexPoole and #JustinCave pointed out (please see their comments below) that Oracle will optimize a COUNT(*) to do this anyway. As such, this answer has been altered significantly.
There's a good explanation here for why User_Tables shouldn't be used for accurate row counts, even when statistics are up to date.
If your tables have indexes which can be used to speed up the count by doing an index scan rather than a table scan, Oracle will use them. This will make the counts faster, though not by any means instantaneous. That said, this is the only way I know to get an accurate count.
To check for empty (zero row) tables, please use the answer posted by Alex Poole.
You could make a table to hold the counts of each table. Then, set a trigger to run on INSERT for each of the tables you're counting that updates the main table.
You'd also need to include a trigger for DELETE.

ORACLE db performance tuning

We are running into performance issue where I need some suggestions ( we are on Oracle 10g R2)
The situation is sth like this
1) It is a legacy system.
2) In some of the tables it holds data for the last 10 years ( means data was never deleted since the first version was rolled out). Now in most of the OLTP tables they are having around 30,000,000 - 40,000,000 rows.
3) Search operations on these tables is taking flat 5-6 minutes of time. ( a simple query like select count(0) from xxxxx where isActive=’Y’ takes around 6 minutes of time.) When we saw the explain plan we found that index scan is happening on isActive column.
4) We have suggested archive and purge of the old data which is not needed and team is working towards it. Even if we delete 5 years of data we are left with around 15,000,000 - 20,000,000 rows in the tables which itself is very huge, so we thought of having table portioning on these tables, but we found that the user can perform search of most of the columns of these tables from UI,so which will defeat the very purpose of table partitioning.
so what are the steps which need to be taken to improve this situation.
First of all: question why you are issuing the query select count(0) from xxxxx where isactive = 'Y' in the first place. Nine out of ten times it is a lazy way to check for existence of a record. If that's the case with you, just replace it with a query that select 1 row (rownum = 1 and a first_rows hint).
The number of rows you mention are nothing to be worried about. If your application doesn't perform well when number of rows grows, then your system is not designed to scale. I'd investigate all queries that take too long using a SQL*Trace or ASH and fix it.
By the way: nothing you mentioned justifies the term legacy, IMHO.
Just a few observations:
I'm guessing that the "isActive" column can have two values - 'Y' and 'N' (or perhaps 'Y', 'N', and NULL - although why in the name of Fred there wouldn't be a NOT NULL constraint on such a column escapes me). If this is the case an index on this column would have very poor selectivity and you might be better off without it. Try dropping the index and re-running your query.
#RobVanWijk's comment about use of SELECT COUNT(*) is excellent. ONLY ask for a row count if you really need to have the count; if you don't need the count, I've found it's faster to do a direct probe (SELECT whatever FROM wherever WHERE somefield = somevalue) with an apprpriate exception handler than it is to do a SELECT COUNT(*). In the case you cited, I think it would be better to do something like
INTO strIsActive
bActive_records_found := TRUE;
bActive_records_found := FALSE;
bActive_records_found := TRUE;
As to partitioning - partitioning can be effective at reducing query times IF the field on which the table is partitioned is used in all queries. For example, if a table is partitioned on the TRANSACTION_DATE variable, then for the partitioning to make a difference all queries against this table would have to have a TRANSACTION_DATE test in the WHERE clause. Otherwise the database will have to search each partition to satisfy the query, so I doubt any improvements would be noted.
Share and enjoy.

where rownum=1 query taking time in Oracle

I am trying to execute a query like
select * from tableName where rownum=1
This query is basically to fetch the column names of the table.There are more than million records in the table.When I put the above condition its taking so much time to fetch the first row.Is there any alternate to get the first row.
This question has already been answered, I will just provide an explanation as to why sometimes a filter ROWNUM=1 or ROWNUM <= 1 may result in a long response time.
When encountering a ROWNUM filter (on a single table), the optimizer will produce a FULL SCAN with COUNT STOPKEY. This means that Oracle will start to read rows until it encounters the first N rows (here N=1). A full scan reads blocks from the first extent to the high water mark. Oracle has no way to determine which blocks contain rows and which don't beforehand, all blocks will therefore be read until N rows are found. If the first blocks are empty, it could result in many reads.
Consider the following:
SQL> /* rows will take a lot of space because of the CHAR column */
SQL> create table example (id number, fill char(2000));
Table created
SQL> insert into example
2 select rownum, 'x' from all_objects where rownum <= 100000;
100000 rows inserted
SQL> commit;
Commit complete
SQL> delete from example where id <= 99000;
99000 rows deleted
SQL> set timing on
SQL> set autotrace traceonly
SQL> select * from example where rownum = 1;
Elapsed: 00:00:05.01
Execution Plan
0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=7 Card=1 Bytes=2015)
2 1 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'EXAMPLE' (TABLE) (Cost=7 Card=1588 [..])
0 recursive calls
0 db block gets
33211 consistent gets
25901 physical reads
0 redo size
2237 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
278 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
0 sorts (memory)
0 sorts (disk)
1 rows processed
As you can see the number of consistent gets is extremely high (for a single row). This situation could be encountered in some cases where for example, you insert rows with the /*+APPEND*/ hint (thus above high water mark), and you also delete the oldest rows periodically, resulting in a lot of empty space at the beginning of the segment.
Try this:
select * from tableName where rownum<=1
There are some weird ROWNUM bugs, sometimes changing the query very slightly will fix it. I've seen this happen before, but I can't reproduce it.
Here are some discussions of similar issues: and
Surely Oracle has meta-data tables that you can use to get column names, like the sysibm.syscolumns table in DB2?
And, after a quick web search, that appears to be the case: see ALL_TAB_COLUMNS.
I'd use those rather than go to the actual table, something like (untested):
If you are hell-bent on finding out why your query is slow, you should revert to the standard method: asking your DBMS to explain the execution plan of the query for you. For Oracle, see section 9 of this document.
There's a conversation over at Ask Tom - Oracle that seems to suggest the row numbers are created after the select phase, which may mean the query is retrieving all rows anyway. The explain will probably help establish that. If it contains FULL without COUNT STOPKEY, then that may explain the performance.
Beyond that, my knowledge of Oracle specifics diminishes and you will have to analyse the explain further.
Your query is doing a full table scan and then returning the first row.
SELECT * FROM table WHERE primary_key = primary_key_value;
The first row, particularly as it pertains to ROWNUM, is arbitrarily decided by Oracle. It may not be the same from query to query, unless you provide an ORDER BY clause.
So, picking a primary key value to filter by is as good a method as any to get a single row.
I think you're slightly missing the concept of ROWNUM - according to Oracle docs: "ROWNUM is a pseudo-column that returns a row's position in a result set. ROWNUM is evaluated AFTER records are selected from the database and BEFORE the execution of ORDER BY clause."
So it returns ANY row that it consideres #1 in the result set which in your case will contain 1M rows.
You may want to check out a ROWID pseudo-column:
I've recently had the same problem you're describing: I want one row from the very large table as a quick, dirty, simple introspection, and "where rownum=1" alone behaves very poorly. Below is a remedy which worked for me.
Select the max() of the first term of some index, and then use it to choose some small fraction of all rows with "rownum=1". Suppose my table has some index on numerical "group-id", and compare this:
select * from my_table where rownum = 1;
-- Elapsed: 00:00:23.69
with this:
select * from my_table where rownum = 1
and group_id = (select max(group_id) from my_table);
-- Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
