Custom intro text in joomla 3.5 - joomla

I am trying to make the intro text is seperated and isn't extracted from the full text of Joomla 3.5.
To do that: I make a
<div class="intro-custom">the content that i need to show as intro-text</div>
put this at the top position of each article and use CSS to hide in display content.
But i dont know how to bring
<div class="intro-custom">
this to the front.
I found this file components/com-contents/view/category/tmpl/default_articles.php
$text = $article->introtext;
$text = preg_replace('#<div[^>]*class=(["\'])mosimage_caption\\1[^>]*>[^>]* </div>#', '', $text );
$preserv = "";
$text = strip_tags($text, /* exclude */ $preserv );
$text = preg_replace("#<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>#si","",$text);
$text = preg_replace('/{.+?}/','',$text);
$text = preg_replace('/(( )|( ))+/',' ',$text);
$text = preg_replace('/"/',' ',$text);
$text = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), "", $text);
$text = str_replace("caption","", $text);
$shorttext = substr($text,0,300);
echo '<p>' . $shorttext . '...</p><p>Read more</p>';
I just know CSS and HTML, any help?

Template override
First thing, use template override so that your changes will not be overwritten at next Joomla update. In your case, this means that you need to create a folder:
/templates/[YOUR TEMPLATE]/html/com_content/category/
and copy the file default_articles.php in this folder.
Edit template
If I understood your question correctly, you want to show always the same intro text for all articles, instead of using the intro text from the article themselves.
So you can remove all the code in the file and replace it with:
<div class="intro-custom">
<p>>the content that i need to show as intro-text</p>
<p>Read more</p>
You can then adapt HTML / CSS as you like.


Qrcode in laravel

i want to make qrcode, in there i can make it but i have something trouble when i want to change the format of qrcode to png file. but its only show symbol
here my view :
<?php echo QrCode::size(265)->generate($row->id) ?>
this qrcode i use :
"simplesoftwareio/simple-qrcode": "~1"
here my referance :
can anyone help me ? or can someone give me solution ?
before i change format to png :
and this after i change it :
There are more simple example available as well.
<img src="data:image/png;base64, {!! base64_encode(QrCode::format('png')->size(100)->generate('QrCode as PNG image!')) !!} ">
If you are formatting it as png file format, you need to include it with a <img> tag.
Taken from the documentation
//Inside of a blade template.
<img src="{!!$message->embedData(QrCode::format('png')->generate('Embed me into an e-mail!'), 'QrCode.png', 'image/png')!!}">
You can also do this:
$png = QrCode::format('png')->size(512)->generate(1);
$png = base64_encode($png);
echo "<img src='data:image/png;base64," . $png . "'>";
In controller
$path = getenv('IMAGE_URL')."/img/logo.png";
$png = QrCode::format('png')->merge($path, .17, true)->size(300)->errorCorrection('H')->generate($data);
$png = base64_encode($png);
In blade file
<img src='data:image/png;base64,{{$png}}'>
I came to this page because I needed to create a PNG file to send inline in an email in laravel8.
I used the examples above in order to create the QR code as a png which worked brilliantly. I used the following code:
<img src="data:image/png;base64, {!! base64_encode(QrCode::format('png')->size(100)->generate('QrCode as PNG image!')) !!}" />
However a number of email services (including Gmail) do not display images that use inlined base64 as above. Instead, they require you to add the base64 image as an attachment to the email and then reference that attachment in the img src.
Thankfully laravel (I'm using laravel8) has a really cool function that does this for you, so my code ended up looking like this (which worked):
$qrCodeAsPng = QrCode::format('png')->size(500)->generate("my text for the QR code");
<img src="{{ $message->embedData($qrCodeAsPng, 'nameForAttachment.png') }}" />
The $message variable is one that is in every blade that is being sent as an email in laravel. In my case I did not want to create an actual image on the server, but if you wanted to use an image that you had stored you would use $message->embed().

I want change page heading position

In Joomla Page heading showing inside of an article I want to change the position of page heading, is it possible to customize page heading position?
I had included following code in template/protostar/index.php
<?php if ($this->params->get('show_page_heading', 1)) : ?>
<div class="page-header">
<h1> <?php echo $this->escape($this->params->get('page_heading')); ?> </h1>
<?php endif;
if (!empty($this->item->pagination) && $this->item->pagination && !$this->item->paginationposition && $this->item->paginationrelative)
echo $this->item->pagination;
What you can do:
Just update one of the css files in the correct template to display the header correctly. If the header should only be reformatted on some pages and not all then you should be using different templates.
What you should do:
Otherwise (if you want to change the php instead) you can override the components/com_content/views/article/default.php using the standard joomla override method.
You can do both the above if necessary.
You should not need to override the index.php of your template in order to do this. However if you really want to i would use the code
$option = JRequest::getCmd('option');
$view = JRequest::getCmd('view');
if ($option=="com_content" && $view=="article") {
$ids = explode(':',JRequest::getString('id'));
$article_id = $ids[0];
$article =& JTable::getInstance("content");
echo $article->get("title");
Sorry if you want more you need to give more :)
PS. I am on joomla 2.5 but i know that for joomla 3 it is more or less the same thing.

Manually control <head> markup in Joomla

Is there a way to manually configure the contents of the <head> section of the site in Joomla 3.1? I want to use the templating system for the entire markup of the page, including everything between <html></html>.
I just read this: and I am astonished at the response. Surely this is template/data separation 101. Has this been fixed in the latest Joomla release?
If you are planning for a template development and you need all your template data get separated from Joomla libraries or core file (the head section).
Normally the head section include will works like
<jdoc:include type="head" />
it loads the content from libraries libraries\joomla\document\html\renderer\head.php
If you want to override the content of head you can make a module for your task.
Just create a module and include that module instead of this head make sure that have all required codes added to work $document Class otherwise it miss a lot off features of Joomla regarding document class
As explained by the answer from Jobin, normally, you would include the head data by using the <jdoc:include type="head" /> tag, but if you want more control over this, you can use the JDocument.
Example code in your template's PHP:
$doc = JFactory::getDocument();
$my_head_data = $doc->getHeadData();
This will give you an array of the data that JDocument would normally print, so that you can completely choose what to print and how.
To make jQuery load from CDN and get it on top of the script list, I made a little patch just after the $doc = JFactory::getDocument(); that manipulates the header array directly inside the $this object as follows:
$my_jquery = "//";
$my_jquery_ui = "//";
$my_jquery_cx = $this->baseurl."/media/jui/js/jquery-noconflict.js ";
foreach($this->_scripts as $k=>$v) {
// put own jquery.conflict && jquery-ui && jquery on top of list
if( strpos($k,'jquery.min.js')) {
$r = array( $my_jquery_cx => $v);
$this->_scripts = $r + $this->_scripts;
$r = array( $my_jquery_ui => $v);
$this->_scripts = $r + $this->_scripts;
$r = array( $my_jquery => $v);
$this->_scripts = $r + $this->_scripts;
else if( strpos($k,'jquery.ui.min.js')) {
else if( strpos($k,'jquery-noconflict.js')) {
Replace $my_jquery_xxx with editable config parameters in your templateDetails.xml file

Joomla - renderModule function strips javascript

please help, I've a problem with Joomla's function renderModule.. I am trying to render module with this function, but it unfortunately strips javascript from the the rendered module.
I use the function in my own module which includes other modules according to current article..
The code is as following:
$moduleType = "j15html";
$moduleName = "test";
$option = JRequest::getVar( 'option', '' );
$view = JRequest::getVar( 'view', '' );
$id = JRequest::getInt( 'id', 0 );
$moduleName .= $id;
//echo $view;
if ( $option == "com_content" && $view == "article" ) {
//echo $moduleName;
$module = JModuleHelper::getModule($moduleType, $moduleName);
if ( ! empty( $module ) ) {
$attribs = array();
echo JModuleHelper::renderModule( $module, $attribs );
When I set the position of the included module to any position used in my template and set it to displat in particular menu section, it renders properly even with javascript and so on..
Any advices how to make this thing working?
You didn't mention which version of Joomla you're using - but you may want to check out SOURCERER it keeps coding how you put it and does not strip out extra coding.
Make sure you read the how-to so you know how to use it because it can seem a little confusing at first, but it has a button to 'change the tags' from < to << or [ which do not get stripped out by the WYSIWYG editor in Joomla!.
Of course, that could be your issue also, if your WYSIWYG editor is on (by default it is) and you're inputting code - it strips it. An easy way is to just turn it off under global options, then when you save the code doesn't get stripped. Just turning off the WYSIWYG editor is the quick/easy/simple solution - but if you turn it back on and open that module again, the code will be gone. So it can be a tricky solution if others may like using the editor or if you're using lots of custom code around your side. In that case the plugin I mentioned above is a great solution.

WordPress plugin: finding the <!--more--> in the_content

I'm writing a WordPress plugin that filters the_content, and I'd like to make use of the <!--more--> tag, but it appears that it has been stripped out by the time it reaches me. This appears to be not a filter, but a function of the way WordPress works.
I could of course resort to reloading the already-loaded content from the database, but that sounds like it might cause other troubles. Is there any good way for me to get the raw content without the <!--more--> removed?
Chances are, by the time your plugin runs, <!--more--> has been converted to <span id="more-1"></span>
This is what I use in my plugin, which injects some markup immediately after the <!--more--> tag:
add_filter('the_content', 'inject_content_filter', 999);
function inject_content_filter($content) {
$myMarkup = "my markup here<br>";
$content = preg_replace('/<span id\=\"(more\-\d+)"><\/span>/', '<span id="\1"></span>'."\n\n". $myMarkup ."\n\n", $content);
return $content;
You can use the follow code:
The !is_single() will avoid display the more link in the View Post page.
add_filter('the_content', 'filter_post_content');
function filter_post_content($content,$post_id='') {
if ($post_id=='') {
global $post;
$post_id = $post->ID;
// Check for the "more" tags
$more_pos = strpos($filtered_content, '<!--more-->');
if ($more_pos && !is_single()) {
$filtered_content = substr($filtered_content, 0, $more_pos);
$replace_by = '<a href="' . get_permalink($post_id) . '#more-' . $post_id
. '" class="more-link">Read More <span class="meta-nav">→</span></a>';
$filtered_content = $filtered_content . $replace_by;
return $filtered_content;
Based on Frank Farmer's answer I solved to add thumbnail photo after the generated more tag (<span id="more-...) in single.php file with this:
// change more tag to post's thumbnail in single.php
add_filter('the_content', function($content)
$post_thumbnail = get_the_post_thumbnail(get_the_ID(), 'thumbnail', array('class'=>'img img-responsive img-thumbnail', 'style'=>'margin-top:5px;'));
$content = preg_replace('/<span id\=\"(more\-\d+)"><\/span>/', '<span id="\1"></span>'.$post_thumbnail, $content);
return $content;
}, 999);
