How can I stop a here string (<<<) from adding a line break or new lines? - bash

It seems that here string is adding line break. Is there a convenient way of removing it?
$ string='test'
$ echo -n $string | md5sum
098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6 -
$ echo $string | md5sum
d8e8fca2dc0f896fd7cb4cb0031ba249 -
$ md5sum <<<"$string"
d8e8fca2dc0f896fd7cb4cb0031ba249 -

Yes, you are right: <<< adds a trailing new line.
You can see it with:
$ cat - <<< "hello" | od -c
0000000 h e l l o \n
Let's compare this with the other approaches:
$ echo "hello" | od -c
0000000 h e l l o \n
$ echo -n "hello" | od -c
0000000 h e l l o
$ printf "hello" | od -c
0000000 h e l l o
So we have the table:
| adds new line |
printf | No |
echo -n | No |
echo | Yes |
<<< | Yes |
From Why does a bash here-string add a trailing newline char?:
Most commands expect text input. In the unix world, a text file
consists of a sequence of lines, each ending in a
So in most cases a final newline is required. An especially common
case is to grab the output of a command with a command susbtitution,
process it in some way, then pass it to another command. The command
substitution strips final newlines; <<< puts one back.

fedorqui's helpful answer shows that and why here-strings (and also here-documents) invariably append a newline.
As for:
Is there a convenient way of removing it?
In Bash, use printf inside a process substitution as an "\n-less" alternative to a here-string:
... < <(printf %s ...)
Applied to your example:
$ md5sum < <(printf %s 'test')
Alternatively, as user202729 suggests, simply use printf %s in the pipeline, which has the added advantage of not only using a more familiar feature but also making the command work in (more strictly) POSIX-compliant shells (in scripts targeting /bin/sh):
$ printf %s 'test' | md5sum

As a "here doc" add a newline:
$ string="hello test"
$ cat <<_test_ | xxd
> $string
> _test_
0000000: 6865 6c6c 6f20 7465 7374 0a hello test.
Also a "here string" does:
$ cat <<<"$string" | xxd
0000000: 6865 6c6c 6f20 7465 7374 0a hello test.
Probably the easiest solution to get an string non-ending on newline would be printf:
$ printf '%s' "$string" | xxd
0000000: 6865 6c6c 6f20 7465 7374 hello test


Saving grep output to variable changes value

I want to use grep to determine if a string contains a substring. (The plan is to use that result as the test command in a bash if statement.)
Here, I check the length of the output of grep . :
$ echo "abc" | grep "j" | wc -c
Since wc -c shows zero, I know that grep returned an empty string.
But if I save output from grep to a variable before calling wc -c, I get a different value:
$ match=$(echo "abc" | grep "j")
$ echo "$match" | wc -c
The output from grep now is a string with 1 character in it.
I suspect that it's a newline in there:
$ echo $match
Why is there now an extra character in $match, and how can I keep that from happening?
match does not contain a newline, but echo "$match" writes a newline (but see note below). In the first case, you are directly passing the output of grep to wc, but in the second case you are passing the output of grep plus a newline to wc.
But don't do this at all. There is no need to introduce wc into the problem. Just test the value returned by grep. eg:
if ... | grep -q "$pattern"; then echo "$pattern was found in the input"; fi
Note, echo "$match" is bad practice. For example, consider if $match expands to the string -e or -n. It is much more robust to use printf '%s' "$match"
Consider the following:
$ echo "$match" | od -c
0000000 \n
$ echo "$match" | wc -c
$ printf "$match" | od -c
$ printf "$match" | wc -c
The only difference in the 2 commands is that echo appends a \n on the end of the ouput.
Of course, we can make the printf generate the same result by explicitly adding a \n on the end:
$ printf "$match\n" | od -c
0000000 \n
$ printf "$match\n" | wc -c

Why does herestring add a newline [duplicate]

It seems that here string is adding line break. Is there a convenient way of removing it?
$ string='test'
$ echo -n $string | md5sum
098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6 -
$ echo $string | md5sum
d8e8fca2dc0f896fd7cb4cb0031ba249 -
$ md5sum <<<"$string"
d8e8fca2dc0f896fd7cb4cb0031ba249 -
Yes, you are right: <<< adds a trailing new line.
You can see it with:
$ cat - <<< "hello" | od -c
0000000 h e l l o \n
Let's compare this with the other approaches:
$ echo "hello" | od -c
0000000 h e l l o \n
$ echo -n "hello" | od -c
0000000 h e l l o
$ printf "hello" | od -c
0000000 h e l l o
So we have the table:
| adds new line |
printf | No |
echo -n | No |
echo | Yes |
<<< | Yes |
From Why does a bash here-string add a trailing newline char?:
Most commands expect text input. In the unix world, a text file
consists of a sequence of lines, each ending in a
So in most cases a final newline is required. An especially common
case is to grab the output of a command with a command susbtitution,
process it in some way, then pass it to another command. The command
substitution strips final newlines; <<< puts one back.
fedorqui's helpful answer shows that and why here-strings (and also here-documents) invariably append a newline.
As for:
Is there a convenient way of removing it?
In Bash, use printf inside a process substitution as an "\n-less" alternative to a here-string:
... < <(printf %s ...)
Applied to your example:
$ md5sum < <(printf %s 'test')
Alternatively, as user202729 suggests, simply use printf %s in the pipeline, which has the added advantage of not only using a more familiar feature but also making the command work in (more strictly) POSIX-compliant shells (in scripts targeting /bin/sh):
$ printf %s 'test' | md5sum
As a "here doc" add a newline:
$ string="hello test"
$ cat <<_test_ | xxd
> $string
> _test_
0000000: 6865 6c6c 6f20 7465 7374 0a hello test.
Also a "here string" does:
$ cat <<<"$string" | xxd
0000000: 6865 6c6c 6f20 7465 7374 0a hello test.
Probably the easiest solution to get an string non-ending on newline would be printf:
$ printf '%s' "$string" | xxd
0000000: 6865 6c6c 6f20 7465 7374 hello test

How does grep handle DOS end of line?

I have a Windows text file which contains a line (with ending CRLF)
The following is several commands' output:
[root#panel ~]# grep aline file.txt
[root#panel ~]# grep aline$'\r' file.txt
[root#panel ~]# grep aline$'\r'$'\n' file.txt
[root#panel ~]# grep aline$'\n' file.txt
The first command's output is normal. I'm curious about the second and the third output. Why is it an empty line? And the last output, I think it can not find the string but it actually finds it, why? The commands are run on CentOS/bash.
In this case grep really matches the string "aline\r" but you just don't see it because it was overwritten by the ANSI sequence that prints color. Pass the output to od -c and you'll see
$ grep aline file.txt
$ grep aline$'\r' file.txt
$ grep aline$'\r' --color=never file.txt
$ grep aline$'\r' --color=never file.txt | od -c
0000000 a l i n e \r \n
$ grep aline$'\r' --color=always file.txt | od -c
0000000 033 [ 0 1 ; 3 1 m 033 [ K a l i n e
0000020 \r 033 [ m 033 [ K \n
With --color=never you can see the output string because grep doesn't print out the color. \r simply resets the cursor to the start of the line and then a new line is printed out, nothing is overwritten. But by default grep will check whether it's running on the terminal or its output is being piped and prints out the matched string in color if supported, and it seems resetting the color then print \n clears the rest of the line
To match \n you can use the -z option to make null bytes the line separator
$ grep -z aline$'\r'$'\n' --color=never file.txt
$ grep -z aline$'\r'$'\n' --color=never file.txt | od -c
0000000 a l i n e \r \n \0
$ grep -z aline$'\r'$'\n' --color=always file.txt | od -c
0000000 033 [ 0 1 ; 3 1 m 033 [ K a l i n e
0000020 \r 033 [ m 033 [ K \n \0
Your last command grep aline$'\n' file.txt works because \n is simply a word separator in bash, so the command is just the same as grep aline file.txt. Exactly the same thing happened in the 3rd line: grep aline$'\r'$'\n' file.txt To pass a newline you must quote the argument to prevent word splitting
$ echo "aline" | grep -z "aline$(echo $'\n')"
To demonstrate the effect of the quote with the 3rd line I added another line to the file
$ cat file.txt
another line
$ grep -z "aline$(echo $'\n')" file.txt | od -c
0000000 a l i n e \r \n a n o t h e r l
0000020 i n e \n \0
$ grep -z "aline$(echo $'\n')" file.txt
another line
If the input is not well-formed, the behavior is undefined.
In practice, some versions of GNU grep use CR for internal purposes, so attempting to match it does not work at all, or produces really bizarre results.
For not entirely different reasons, passing in a literal newline as part of the regular expression could have some odd interpretations, including, but not limited to, interpreting the argument as two separate patterns. (Look at how grep -F reads from a file, and imagine that at least some implementations use the same logic to parse the command line.)
In the grand scheme of things, the sane solution is to fix the input so it's a valid text file before attempting to run Unix line-oriented tools on it.
For quick and dirty solutions, some tools have well-defined semantics for random binary input. Perl is a model citizen in this respect.
bash$ perl -ne 'print if /aline\r$/' <<<$'aline\r'
Awk also tends to work amicably, though there are several implementations, so the risk that somebody somewhere has a version which doesn't behave identically to AT&T Awk is higher.
Maybe notice also how \r is the last character before the end of the line (the DOS line ending is the sequence CR LF, where LF is the standard Unix line terminator for text files).
At least for me phuclv's answer doesn't completely cover the last case, i.e. grep aline$'\n' file.txt.
Your mileage my vary depending on which shell and which version and implementation of grep you are using, but for me grep -z "aline$(echo $'\n')" and grep -z aline$'\n' both just match the same pattern as grep -z aline.
This becomes more apparent if the -o switch is used, so that grep outputs only the matched string and not the entire line (which is the entire file for most text files when the -z option is used).
If you use the same file.txt as in phuclv's second example:
$ cat file.txt
another line
$ grep -z "aline$(echo $'\n')" file.txt | od -c
0000000 a l i n e \r \n a n o t h e r l
0000020 i n e \n \0
$ grep -z -o "aline$(echo $'\n')" file.txt | od -c
0000000 a l i n e \0
$ grep -z -o aline$'\n' file.txt | od -c
0000000 a l i n e \0
$ grep -z -o aline file.txt | od -c
0000000 a l i n e \0
To actually match a \n as part of the pattern I had to use the -P switch to turn on "Perl-compatible regular expression"
$ grep -z -o -P 'aline\r\n' file.txt | od -c
0000000 a l i n e \r \n \0
$ grep -z -o -P 'aline\r\nanother' file.txt | od -c
0000000 a l i n e \r \n a n o t h e r \0
For reference:
grep --version|head -n1
grep (GNU grep) 3.1
bash --version|head -n1
GNU bash, version 4.4.20(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

Convert 32/64 bit number to 4/8 character string

Given that:
$ printf "love" | od -td4 -A n
$ printf "lovehate" | od -td8 -A n
Is there a concise (ideally without loops, awk, sed, perl or python) way in Bash to convert the numbers 1702260588 and 7310575196135911276 to love and lovehate respectively?
Here's what I came up with:
alpha() {
(($1)) && printf "\x"$(printf "%02x" $(($1%256)))$(alpha $(($1/256)))"\n"
alpha 1702260588
alpha 7310575196135911276
Edit: Here's an answer using the xxd utility:
# The echo is only necessary to get a newline at the end.
echo $(printf "%x" 1702260588 | xxd -r -p | rev)
echo $(printf "%x" 7310575196135911276 | xxd -r -p | rev)

Ascii/Hex convert in bash

I'm now doing it this way:
[root#~]# echo Aa|hexdump -v
0000000 6141 000a
[root#~]# echo -e "\x41\x41\x41\x41"
But it's not exactly behaving as I wanted,
the hex form of Aa should be 4161,but the output is 6141 000a,which seems not making sense.
and when performing hex to ascii,is there another utility so that I don't need the prefix \x ?
The reason is because hexdump by default prints out 16-bit integers, not bytes. If your system has them, hd (or hexdump -C) or xxd will provide less surprising outputs - if not, od -t x1 is a POSIX-standard way to get byte-by-byte hex output. You can use od -t x1c to show both the byte hex values and the corresponding letters.
If you have xxd (which ships with vim), you can use xxd -r to convert back from hex (from the same format xxd produces). If you just have plain hex (just the '4161', which is produced by xxd -p) you can use xxd -r -p to convert back.
For the first part, try
echo Aa | od -t x1
It prints byte-by-byte
$ echo Aa | od -t x1
0000000 41 61 0a
The 0a is the implicit newline that echo produces.
Use echo -n or printf instead.
$ printf Aa | od -t x1
0000000 41 61
For single line solution:
echo "Hello World" | xxd -ps -c 200 | tr -d '\n'
It will print:
or for files:
cat /path/to/file | xxd -ps -c 200 | tr -d '\n'
For reverse operation:
echo '48656c6c6f20576f726c640a' | xxd -ps -r
It will print:
Hello World
$> printf "%x%x\n" "'A" "'a"
With bash :
for ((i=0;i<${#a};i++));do printf %02X \'${a:$i:1};done
I use:
> echo Aa | tr -d '\n' | xxd -p
> echo 414161 | tr -d '\n' | xxd -r -p
The tr -d '\n' will trim any possible newlines in your input
I don't know how it crazy it looks but it does the job really well
ascii2hex(){ a="$#";s=0000000;printf "$a" | hexdump | grep "^$s"| sed s/' '//g| sed s/^$s//;}
Created this when I was trying to see my name in HEX ;)
use how can you use it :)
for letter in $(echo "$Text2Conv" | sed "s/\(.\)/'\1 /g");do printf '%x' "$letter";done
The trick is using sed to parse the Text2Conv to format we can then seperate anf loop using for.
Finally got the correct thing
echo "Hello, world!" | tr -d '\n' | xxd -ps -c 200
here a little script I wrote to convert ascii to hex. hope it helps:
echo '0x'"`echo 'ASCII INPUT GOES HERE' | hexdump -vC | awk 'BEGIN {IFS="\t"} {$1=""; print }' | awk '{sub(/\|.*/,"")}1' | tr -d '\n' | tr -d ' '`" | rev | cut -c 3- | rev
SteinAir's answer above was helpful to me -- thank you! And below is a way it inspired, to convert hex strings to ascii:
for h in $(echo "4161" | sed "s/\(..\)/\1 /g"); do printf `echo "\x$h"`;done
echo -n Aa | hexdump -e '/1 "%02x"'; echo
according to you might use the hexdump format parameter
echo Aa | hexdump -C -e '/1 "%02X"'
will return 4161
to add an extra linefeed at the end, append another formatter.
BUT: the format given above will give multiplier outputs for repetitive characters
$ printf "Hello" | hexdump -e '/1 "%02X"'
instead of
jcomeau#aspire:~$ echo -n The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog | python -c "print raw_input().encode('hex'),"
jcomeau#aspire:~$ echo -n The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog | python -c "print raw_input().encode('hex')," | python -c "print raw_input().decode('hex'),"
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
it could be done with Python3 as well, but differently, and I'm a lazy dog.
echo append a carriage return at the end.
echo -e
to remove the extra 0x0A
Also, hexdump does not work byte-per-byte as default. This is why it shows you bytes in a weird endianess and why it shows you an extra 0x00.
