Is it possible to create the compound table using p:dataTable? - ajax

This is rather conceptual question, I have a compound table to be implemented and I am not sure if I should use <p:dataTable> for the same.
The structure is like there will be values for weekly basis and depending on those cumulative values will have to be calculated which will be part of the same table. Is it possible using <p:dataTable>? or I will have to create the structure using panel grids..rows and column..Any suggestions?
Structure: (the value are arbitrary for now)
please see here


Arrange imported columns after calculated columns in PowerBI

Is there a way to move imported columns after calculated columns? I know I can create a new table by using Selectcolumns, but that'll just balloon the size of the PowerBI data file. Seems like such a miss on Microsoft's part
No there is no way to. I would avoid calculated columns and instead create the additional columns in Power Query which will eliminate your problem anyway.
Simply start all calculated columns with an underscore (judging by your username, you seem to be fond of unnecessary underscores)
Another option would be to put imported and calculated columns into different Display folders (such a miss on user's part)

How to create a DAX cross-sectional measure?

I don't know if I even worded the question correctly, but I'm trying to create a measure that depends on what is showing in the pivot table (using PowerPivot). In the image I posted, "DealMonth" is an expression in the PowerQuery table itself that simply takes the start date of the employee and subtracts it from the month a deal was closed in. That will show how long it took for that salesperson to close the deal. "TenureMonths" is also an expression in the PowerQuery table that calculates the tenure of the person. The values populating this screenshot are coming from a total headcount measure created. What I'm trying to do is create a separate measure that will show when the "TenureMonths" is less than the "DealMonth." So if the TenureMonths is 5, then after DealMonth of 5, the value would be 0. Is this possible?
I should add the following information.
"DealMonth" - Comes from the FactData table
"TenureMonths" - Comes from the DimSalesStart table
These two tables are joined by name. I feel like I'm so close because I can see what I want. The second image below is a copy/paste of the pivot table result but with my edits to show what I'd want to have shown. Basically, if(TenureMonths >= DealMonth,1,0). The trouble seems to be that since they're in two different tables, I can't make it work. The rows in the fact table are transactions, but the rows in the dim table are just the people with their start and end dates.
Desired Result
This is possible with some IF([measure1]<[measure2],blank(),[measure1]), however without seeing more of the data it will be hard to guide you specifically.
However you need to create two separate measures, one for TenureMonths and one for DealMonth, depending on the data this can be done with an aggregator forumla such as sum, min, max, etc (depends if there will be more than one value).
Then reference those two measures in the formula pattern I mentioned above, and that should give you want you want.
I figured out a solution. I added a dimension table for DealMonth itself and joined to my fact table. That allowed me to do the formulas that I needed.

Oracle - build dimension from a file based data source

I'm trying to build a star schema in Oracle 12c. In my case my data source is not a relational database but a single excel/csv file which is populated via a google form, which means I don't have any sort of reference from a source system such as auto incremental keys/ids. Now what would be the best approach to build a star schema given this condition?
File row sample:
<submitted timestamp>,<submitted by user>,<region>,<country>,<branch>,<branch location>,<branch area>,<branch type>,<branch name>,<branch private? yes/no value>,<the following would be all "fact" values (measurements),...,...,...
In case i wanted to build a "branch" dimension, how would I handle updates/inserts after the first load into the dimension table?
Thought solution so far:
I had thought of making a concatenated string "key" with the branch values, which would make it unique (underscore would be the "glue" to concatenate the values), eg:
<region>_<country>_<branch>_<branch location> as branch_key
I would insert all the distinct branches into a staging table, including they branch_key column for each one of them, then when trying to load into the dimension I could compare which key does not exists yet in my dimension table and then insert it. As for updates, I'm a bit stuck on how to handle that, I had thought of having another file mapping which branches are active having a expiration date column. Basically trying to simulate what I could do having the data in a database instead of CSV files.
This is all I can think of so far, do you have any other recommendations/ideas on how to implement this? Take on consideration that the data source cannot as in I have to read these csv files, since data is not stored anywhere else.
Thank you.

Is it possible to traverse rowtype fields in Oracle?

Say i have something like this:
Is it possible to access the fields of somerecord with out knowing the fields names?
Something like somerecord[i] such that the order of fields would be the same as the column order in the table?
I have seen a few examples using dynamic sql but i was wondering if there is a cleaner way of doing this.
What i am trying to do is generate/get the DML (insert query) for a specific row in my table but i havent been able to find anything on this.
If there is another way of doing this i'd be happy to use but would also be very curious in knowing how to do the former part of this question - it's more versatile.
This doesn't exactly answer the question you asked, but might get you the result you want...
You can query the USER_TAB_COLUMNS view (or the other similar *_TAB_COLUMN views) to get information like the column name (COLUMN_NAME), position (COLUMN_ID), and data type (DATA_TYPE) on the columns in a table (or a view) that you might use to generate DML.
You would still need to use dynamic SQL to execute the generated DML (or at least generate static SQL separately).
However, this approach won't work for identifying the columns in an arbitrary query (unless you create a view of it). If you need that, you might need to resort to DBMS_SQL (or other tools).
Hope this helps.
As far as I know there is no clean way of referencing record fields by their index.
However, if you have a lot of different kinds of updates of the same table each with its own column set to update, you might want to avoid dynamic sql and look in the direction of statically populating your record with values, and then issuing update someTable set row = someTableRecord where =;.
This approach has it's own drawbacks, like, issuing an update to every, even unchanged column, and thus creating additional redo log data, but I believe it should be considered.

Enumerate indexes on a Extensible Storage Engine (ESENT) table

I'm writing an adapter for ESE to .NET and LINQ in a Google Code project called eselinq. One important function I can't seem to figure out is how to get a list of indexes defined for a table. I need to be able to list available indexes so the LINQ part can automatically determine when indexes can be used. This will allow much more efficient plans for user queries if appropriate indexes can be found.
There are two related functions for querying index information:
JetGetTableIndexInfo - get index information by tableID
JetGetIndexInfo - get index information by tableName
These only differ in how the related table is specified (name or tableid). It sounds like these would support the function I want but all the info levels seem to require that I already have a certain index to query information for. The only exception is JET_IdxInfoCount, but that only counts how many indexes are present.
JET_IdxInfo with its JET_INDEXLIST sounds plausible but it only lists the columns on a specific index.
I am aware that I could get the index information another way, like annotations on .NET types corresponding to database tables, or by requiring a index mapping be provided ahead of time. I think there's enough introspection implemented to make everything else work out of the box without the user supplying extra information, except for this one function.
Another option may be to examine the system tables to find related index objects, but this is would mean depending on an undocumented interface.
To satisfy this question, I want a supported method of enumerating the indexes (just the name would be sufficient) on a table.
You are correct about JetGetTableIndexInfo and JetGetIndexInfo and JET_IdxInfo. The twist is that the data is returned in a somewhat complex: a temporary table is returned containing a row for the index and then a row for each column in the table. To just get the index names you will need to skip the column rows (the column count is given by the value of the columnidcColumn column in the first row).
For a .NET example of how to decipher this, look at the ManagedEsent project. In the MetaDataHelpers.cs file there is a method called GetIndexInfoFromIndexlist that extracts all the data from the temporary table.
