Laravel 4.2 + Laravel Valet + PHP 7 = Mcrypt PHP extension required - laravel-4

I've just installed Laravel Valet and it's awesome working with Laravel 5.2 but I need to work with a project made in Laravel 4.2 and I can't run any "php artisan" command that I have "Mcrypt PHP extension required." error!
It does not happens with projects made in Laravel 5.2... Somebody knows why? It's using PHP 7 as da Valet Documentation advise!
There other issue that I know I am going to face and it's I am using Ardent Package on those projects made in Laravel 4... as I know by working with Homestead Ardent has something incompatible with PHP 7 so I may be have to change PHP version to 5.6 sometimes to work on those old projects!
Somebody have any idea how to deal with this two issues?
My env: OS El Capitan + Laravel Valet (fresh installed) + PHP 7 + MariaDB
Thanks in advance!

Just found the answer to the MCrypt issue!!!
Just run brew install php70-mcrypt
About the Ardent+PHP7 issue I am going to open another topic! It's kind off-topic here!


Ambiguous Laravel version

I am going to start working on existing Laravel project and I checked Laravel version using 2 ways:
I run php artisan --version and Laravel Installer 4.2.10 got printed.
I checked composer.json file and there is laravel/framework": "^8.0.
Which one is real one? Thank you in advance.
PS: This question is not about how to. It is about why 2 different method return 2 different answer.
To answer your question, the Laravel Installer is the composer laravel installer which allows devs to run
laravel new blog
instead of
composer create-project laravel/laravel:^8.0 blog
Laravel Framework is the one that will advise what version of laravel you are running
Search in composer.lock "name": "laravel/framework", for see current installed version
using php artisan --version to check via CLI.
{{ app()->version() }} to print version in blade template.

Error on installing backpack for laravel 6.0.3

I did a fresh Laravel 6.0.3 install on laragon and I am trying to install backpack.
I did
composer require backpack/crud correclty
but then when I tried to do the next step
php artisan backpack:base:install
I get an error
Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\ProcessFailedException : The command "composer require backpack/generators --dev" failed.
Exit Code: 2(Misuse of shell builtins)
I tried to delete the cache, to add timeout 600 and I do not know what else to do.
There was indeed a problem with installing backpack/generators - composer did not fall back to an appropriate version, but it is now fixed. You should be able to run php artisan backpack:base:install without problems.
If you hit any roadblocks during the installation, I recommend you follow the manual installation procedure, instead of php artisan backpack:base:install.
Backpack v3.4 is a collection of packages for Laravel 5.5 / 5.6.
Right under requirement in it says it requires laravel 5.5 or 5.6 and PHP7.
It's not compatible with laravel 6.*

php artisan optimize got stucked

after installing composer and laravel, I create new project by using commandline laravel new blog, and then I stuck at here. Please tell me what should I do? thanks.
I had the same problem. Cost me two days to figure out.
Mine is because the APCu extension. Change apc.enable_cli to 0 then it worked.
I am using php 5.5.28 and windows 10, however in windows 7 is fine with the same configuration. So check your php.ini configuration.
I had same issue, but because of xdebug running on the command line. I disabled xdebug and it resolved the issue.

Laravel upgrade to 4.2 - mcrypt extension required

I have problems when trying to update laravel 4.1 to 4.2.
I started that project on ubuntu, then got a new macbook pro and it looks like I'm missing something.
I'm using XAMPP 1.8.3
When I
composer update
I get the following error
Mcrypt PHP extension required.
Script php artisan clear-compiled handling the post-update-cmd event returned with an error
After few googling, found homebrew, then it's easy
brew install mcrypt
but I get the following warning
Warning: mcrypt-2.6.8 already installed
Any ideas?
Assuming your macbook pro is running Mavericks, the problem is most likely in your $PATH variable. The php command defaults to the built in php that ships with your mac. You can verify this by entering in terminal echo $PATH;
If it points to /usr/bin:/bin/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin then the problem is here because the native mac php does not include mcrypt. Add your XAMP PHP to your paths variable should solve the problem,
export PATH=$PATH:\path\to\xamp\bin\php5.ver\bin

How to solve Laravel requires php mcrypt extension?

I searched the net, I followed the instructions to solve this problem but I could not solve it,
when I want to use Laravel php artisian it gives errors like this:
Laravel requires php Mcrypt extenstion.
Note: I am using MAMP in Mac
please give example and solution for mac with MAMP.
I had a similar issue on Ubuntu 12.04. What version of PHP are you running and does Mcrypt show up as active when you run:
It's quite possible that your command-line PHP isn't the same that MAMP is using, but rather the one that came with OSX. To find out, you can open your terminal and type php -i | grep php.ini, which will show you what ini file you're using.
If this is the case, which seems likely, you can follow the steps of older SO posts such as this one to create a symlink or overwrite the default PHP.
Alternatively, you can upgrade your system's PHP using Homebrew, for instance. I'm running 5.5.8 on my Macs, and it's working great. Do note that I do not necessarily recommend this, though, as configuring MAMP to use the new version isn't a fun experience. Also note that if you do this, you'll have to install both PHP and Mcrypt through Homebrew.
