Remove limits on parse server after migration - parse-platform

I've migrated my parse app on a IBM Bluemix hosting using this node js app
Despite the parse server is now installed only on my hosting environment I'm trying to remove the very annoying limit of 30 requests per sec.
Does anybody know how to that? I've tried looking into parse server source code but I couldn't spot it..

It's was already removed in parse server open source.


Critical Caching issue in Laravel Application (AWS Server)

I am facing a critical issue in my application, it is developed in Laravel and Angular. The issue is I am getting the old email templates on live site and on local server I am getting the latest updated one. The process to deloy the code is automatic, I just to commit the code in BitBucket and after that Bitbucket Pipleline push the code to AWS server directly.
I have already run the cache cammands for Laravel and restarted the jobs but still i am getting the same issue. If anyone have expirienced the same issue or have knowledge of the same to resolve, Please guide!
I think you can try one of the following ways to overcome the issue, I faced a similar issue and resolved it by following ways -
Try deleting the cache files manually from Laravel from storage/framework/views
Upload the code directly into AWS for particular module without using the pipeline way
restart your server
This will surely resolve your issue!
Since you are using Laravel and angular application deployed on AWS,
I assume that bit bucket is pushing code and build commands are fired on every push
there are few things which can help you.
Try to build the angular side on every push, since angular builds hashes all the files in the dist folder
Try to delete the Laravel cached files which are stored in storage/framework/views
Check that on that your server is pointing to the right project folder
If any of the points from 1 or 2 works you can automate the process by passing CLI command after every push,
Point 1 and 2 are achievable by passing CLI commands.

Where is the link of Parse data browser in website?

Simply to say, i can not find the Parse Data Browser and really don't know what is it. is it a link of parse site or a software or ... ?
I've tried google for that and a couple of youtube videos about that but i think anybody knows what it is and how to find it except me. is down now, you can see this but you can have your own parse server because parse is open source
Install your parse-server and set-up your parse-dashboard
All documentation is available here
If you want to start quickly you can host your parse-server on Heroku or use back4app
If you are looking for an alternative solution you can use Firebase
If you're running your own parse-server, you just have to add the parse-dashboard module. It's pretty easy to set up.
You can mount it right on the same app your parse-server is hosted from, or keep it separate and just run it locally.

Parse Server Migration, Swapping Client Code

As a server rookie and Parse user, I need to migrate and I intend to migrate to Parse Server, likely with Heroku and mLab.
Once I have clicked Migrate and Finalise in the Parse Dashboard, all data from my original Parse client code goes to the new database, right?
Once migrated, I can just push an update of my client code with the new Parse Server SDK pointing to the new server?
My main over ruling question is do I need to do any management on the client side, sending data to both servers? Or does Parse migration handle this?
I think you are mixing two different things. Read the tutorial
Step 1
You should move your data from to self hosted database (mLab or mongoDB and more...), this step means that will use the "external" database but you will still use the code and server from (when you send query to your app it goes to and than it access the database) - do this till end of April 2016
Step2 move from to your own instance of Parse server (the one you download from github or install it on heroku). You will need change you code in your app because it wont use fro mthis point... - till end of July 2016
On github the developers still say that it is not "production ready". You should only migrate your database and build the whole server later. You can read the discussion here

In Weblogic 10.3.5, is there any way to expire an html file from cache without going through a server restart

In Weblogic 10.3.5, is there any way to expire an html file from cache without going through a server restart. I am supporting a server with frequent HTML changes and hoping to find a way not to restart the server each time the HTML is updated. Environment is supporting a PeopleSoft domain. Thanks.
There's a way indeed, the parameter "Resource Reload Check (in seconds)" which can be found on a web app setup is what you're looking for. I've setup this to 5(secondes) in order to have a periodic refresh on dynamic ressources generated by an application engine (an xml parsed by an xslt)
For some details here's doc of 12.1.2 but I confirm it exists also on 10.3.4 (so on your version too) :

How to actually configure debugging in CFBuilder

I have ColdFusion Builder 2.0.0 installed and I am trying to look at the much vaunted step debugging. However, I cannot seem to get it to work as I don't have my site / JRun install setup in the naive way the examples show.
I am using version 9,0,1,274733 of ColdFusion and my configuration is as follows:-
Installed as multi-server version with Jrun here:- c:\Apps\JRun4
application files are here:- d:\websites\
web root is here d:\websites\\www
core library of CFCs is here d:\websites\frameworks\core which is mapped in CF as core
I have read this watched this and this and watched this but I get stuck at the point after you have configured RDS and you are setting up the server for your project.
Now I am pretty sure the above is correct, when I move to the next page in the wizard I get the following:-
Now I as I understand it my Server Home should be c:\Apps\JRun4 and my Document root should be d:\websites\
This all looks like it is going to be fine until you actually try and debug when I get
followed by
I can confirm that the server is running and RDS is enabled as in the RDS Dataview I can see all my databases.
Any help would be gratefully received as this is very frustrating and the documentation is very lacking.
There is a video tutorial as well that you may want to check and see if that helps.
You need to specify the RDS username/password and the "application server name". If you are using the base instance that was installed when you setup the multiserver install of CF that is "cfusion", otherwise its the name of the instance you are using.
The RDS username is most likely "admin" unless you setup custom users for RDS. The password is the RDS password you specified when you installed CF.
