Placing characters after an end statement - any benefit beyond readability? - coding-style

Beyond possible readability benefits, is there any reason to place a descriptor following an end in Fortran, e.g.:
subroutine foo()
!> small code fragment
end subroutine foo
subroutine foo()
!> small code fragment
end subroutine
Obviously, for any code block that can't be viewed in a single instance, I can immediately see the value of such a closing statement, but, especially for small functions and type definitions it feels unnecessary verbose.
Not looking for a "opinion on whether its good style", or not, answer, but trying to understand further if there is something I am misunderstanding about the construction on such statements.

If a name is provided on an end statement, and that name does not match the name in the opening statement of the program unit or subprogram, then a conforming compiler is required to issue a diagnostic. This may help locate coding errors.
Otherwise this is purely a question of style.


What is the colon before Fortran if `something:if(some_condition) then`?

I am working through some code other people have written and found a piece of Fortran syntax that I haven't seen yet and don't exactly understand nor can seem to find anything on the web about (probably because I don't know what it's called).
The code looks like this:
bisection_or_ordering:if(ordering /= 'bisection') then
do stuff
end if bisection_or_ordering
bisection_or_ordering is not a variable and not declared anywhere in the code.
What does this do? What is it for? And what is it called?
The part before the colon is a construct name.
Executable constructs with blocks - if, block, associate, critical, select case, select type and of course do - may optionally have these construct names.
They are useful both for identification (for clarity with nested or long constructs) but also for control under the exit statement (except to escape critical or do concurrent blocks).
The construct name may appear on the closing statement of the block, as in the question's example, but it is optional and must match if present.

Handle ARGV in Ruby without if...else block

In a blog post about unconditional programming Michael Feathers shows how limiting if statements can be used as a tool for reducing code complexity.
He uses a specific example to illustrate his point. Now, I've been thinking about other specific examples that could help me learn more about unconditional/ifless/forless programming.
For example in this cat clone there is an if..else block:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
if ARGV.length > 0
ARGV.each do |f|
It turns out ruby has ARGF which makes this program much simpler:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
I'm wondering if ARGF didn't exist how could the above example be refactored so there is no if..else block?
Also interested in links to other illustrative specific examples.
Technically you can,
inputs = { ARGV => { |f| }, [] => [STDIN] }[ARGV]
Though that's code golf and too clever for its own good.
Still, how does it work?
It uses a hash to store two alternatives.
Map ARGV to an array of open files
Map [] to an array with STDIN, effectively overwriting the ARGV entry if it is empty
Access ARGV in the hash, which returns [STDIN] if it is empty
Read all open inputs and print them
Don't write that code though.
As mentioned in my answer to your other question, unconditional programming is not about avoiding if expressions at all costs but about striving for readable and intention revealing code. And sometimes that just means using an if expression.
You can't always get rid of a conditional (maybe with an insane number of classes) and Michael Feathers isn't advocating that. Instead it's sort of a backlash against overuse of conditionals. We've all seen nightmare code that's endless chains of nested if/elsif/else and so has he.
Moreover, people do routinely nest conditionals inside of conditionals. Some of the worst code I've ever seen is a cavernous nightmare of nested conditions with odd bits of work interspersed within them. I suppose that the real problem with control structures is that they are often mixed with the work. I'm sure there's some way that we can see this as a form of single responsibility violation.
Rather than slavishly try to eliminate the condition, you could simplify your code by first creating an array of IO objects from ARGV, and use STDIN if that list is empty.
io = { |f| };
io = [STDIN] if !io.length;
Then your code can do what it likes with io.
While this has strictly the same number of conditionals, it eliminates the if/else block and thus a branch: the code is linear. More importantly, since it separates gathering data from using it, you can put it in a function and reuse it further reducing complexity. Once it's in a function, we can take advantage of early return.
# I don't have a really good name for this, but it's a
# common enough idiom. Perl provides the same feature as <>
def arg_files
return { |f| } if ARGV.length;
return [STDIN];
Now that it's in a function, your code to cat all the files or stdin becomes very simple.
arg_files.each { |f| puts }
First, although the principle is good, you have to consider other things that are more importants such as readability and perhaps speed of execution.
That said, you could monkeypatch the String class to add a read method and put STDIN and the arguments in an array and start reading from the beginning until the end of the array minus 1, so stopping before STDIN if there are arguments and go on until -1 (the end) if there are no arguments.
class String
def read self if File.exist? self
puts [*ARGV, STDIN][0..ARGV.length-1].map{|a|}
Before someone notices that I still use an if to check if a File exists, you should have used two if's in your example to check this also and if you don't, use a rescue to properly inform the user.
EDIT: if you would use the patch, read about the possible problems at these links
Since the read method isn't part of String the solutions using alias and super are not necessary, if you plan to use a Module, here is how to do that
module ReadString
def read self if File.exist? self
class String
include ReadString
EDIT: just read about a safe way to monkey patch, for your documentation see

is it best practice to define vars first before using them inside a begin block?

foo = ''
foo = 'hi there'
puts foo
if I don't delcare foo = '' at the top before the begin it still works. But I see a lot of people do this. And it feels better. But is it best practice?
This is part paranoia, and part clarity. In this trivial example there's unlikely to be an issue, but what if you had this?
foo = complicated_method_call(with: lots_of_arguments, and: another_call(with: args))
A whole bunch of stuff could go wrong there, and if that's the case you end up with foo being nil.
Now, using a blind rescue is generally bad form, you ideally want to scope down to just the ones your code might trigger.
Remember Ruby variables are defined at the method level, any instance of them in the method makes them defined, but they will have a default of nil which can be undesirable.
As you already know, for Ruby the variable exists whenever you assign a value/object to it, making it a weakly/loosely-typed (as opposed to "strongly typed") language. Why? The focus of the language's designer was simplicity and easy of use -- see the statement in the manual :). Remember also that there isn't a need to write 'return' inside methods to return values nor write parenthesis when calling functions if there isn't confusion. Why? Simplicity, ease of use. Hard to tell if these things are better or not as a general answer. Do we have to rely always upon the compiler checks? Are we pro? Really? But generally speaking, we can hardly find ruby programmers declaring variables always unless instance/global ones, and at the end we'll getting ourselves rushing in the mainstream. Yay! General answer to determine the type of a variable: Have fun!

Can I put an if/unless clause on the next line in Ruby?

In Perl, I often find myself using the following pattern:
croak "incompatible object given: $object"
unless $object->isa('ExampleObject') and $object->can('foo');
I tried to translate this into Ruby like this:
raise ArgumentError, "incompatible object given: #{object.inspect}"
unless object.is_a?(ExampleObject) and object.respond_to?(:foo)
But that does not work because Ruby interprets unless as the start of a new statement. As far as I understand, I can put a backslash at the end of the first line, but that looks ugly and feels wrong. I could also use a regular unless condition raise error end structure, but I like the style of the original form more. Is there a nice (and idiomatic) way to write this as a single statement in Ruby?
Can I put an if/unless clause on the next line in Ruby?
You can't. From page 107 (PDF page 127) of the final draft of ISO Ruby which usually isn't relevant, but basic things like this are and it also spares us from having to read parse.y:
unless-modifier-statement ::
statement [no line-terminator here] unless expression
This is pretty clear. It just doesn't get more similar to your Perl example than:
raise ArgumentError, "incompatible object given: #{object.inspect}" unless
object.is_a?(ExampleObject) and object.respond_to?(:foo)`
raise ArgumentError, "incompatible object given: #{object.inspect}" \
unless object.is_a?(ExampleObject) and object.respond_to?(:foo)
Just as you feel wrong to put a backslash at the end to force a single line statement, it is wrong to use a single line statement when it extends beyond a single line.
This is not really a solution, I was sloppy when reading the question. The OP wants a solution without backslash.
You should be able to do this:
raise ArgumentError, "incompatible object given: #{object.inspect}" \
unless object.is_a?(ExampleObject) and object.respond_to?(:foo)
The \ characters tells ruby to keep reading as if there was no line break.
As far as I know there is no other way than a \, since otherwise, as you already said, Ruby thinks it's a new statement.
Keep in mind that style guides and conventions differ from language to language. In Ruby I'd not expect an if/unless statement in a line coming after it's code. In fact I even dislike putting if/unless at the end of a line, since it reverses the reading direction from If this, then that to that, if this (then what? Ah, I need to read back again), especially when the condition is more complex than raise 'foo' if bar.empty?.
In Perl and other languages though this might be different, since you have other conventions, style guides and this ;-thingy ;)

Why are else statements discouraged in Ruby?

I was looking for a Ruby code quality tool the other day, and I came across the pelusa gem, which looks interesting. One of the things it checks for is the number of else statements used in a given Ruby file.
My question is, why are these bad? I understand that if/else statements often add a great deal of complexity (and I get that the goal is to reduce code complexity) but how can a method that checks two cases be written without an else?
To recap, I have two questions:
1) Is there a reason other than reducing code complexity that else statements could be avoided?
2) Here's a sample method from the app I'm working on that uses an else statement. How would you write this without one? The only option I could think of would be a ternary statement, but there's enough logic in here that I think a ternary statement would actually be more complex and harder to read.
def deliver_email_verification_instructions
if Rails.env.test? || Rails.env.development?
If you wrote this with a ternary operator, it would be:
def deliver_email_verification_instructions
(Rails.env.test? || Rails.env.development?) ? deliver_email_verification_instructions! : delay.deliver_email_verification_instructions!
Is that right? If so, isn't that way harder to read? Doesn't an else statement help break this up? Is there another, better, else-less way to write this that I'm not thinking of?
I guess I'm looking for stylistic considerations here.
Let me begin by saying that there isn't really anything wrong with your code, and generally you should be aware that whatever a code quality tool tells you might be complete nonsense, because it lacks the context to evaluate what you are actually doing.
But back to the code. If there was a class that had exactly one method where the snippet
if Rails.env.test? || Rails.env.development?
# Do stuff
# Do other stuff
occurred, that would be completely fine (there are always different approaches to a given thing, but you need not worry about that, even if programmers will hate you for not arguing with them about it :D).
Now comes the tricky part. People are lazy as hell, and thusly code snippets like the one above are easy targets for copy/paste coding (this is why people will argue that one should avoid them in the first place, because if you expand a class later you are more likely to just copy and paste stuff than to actually refactor it).
Let's look at your code snippet as an example. I'm basically proposing the same thing as #Mik_Die, however his example is equally prone to be copy/pasted as yours. Therefore, would should be done (IMO) is this:
class Foo
def initialize
#target = (Rails.env.test? || Rails.env.development?) ? self : delay
def deliver_email_verification_instructions
This might not be applicable to your app as is, but I hope you get the idea, which is: Don't repeat yourself. Ever. Every time you repeat yourself, not only are you making your code less maintainable, but as a result also more prone to errors in the future, because one or even 99/100 occurrences of whatever you've copied and pasted might be changed, but the one remaining occurrence is what causes the #disasterOfEpicProportions in the end :)
Another point that I've forgotten was brought up by #RayToal (thanks :), which is that if/else constructs are often used in combination with boolean input parameters, resulting in constructs such as this one (actual code from a project I have to maintain):
class String
def uc(only_first=false)
if only_first
Let us ignore the obvious method naming and monkey patching issues here, and focus on the if/else construct, which is used to give the uc method two different behaviors depending on the parameter only_first. Such code is a violation of the Single Responsibility Principle, because your method is doing more than one thing, which is why you should've written two methods in the first place.
def deliver_email_verification_instructions
subj = (Rails.env.test? || Rails.env.development?) ? self : delay
