Querying data from har archives - Apache Hive - hadoop

I am using Hadoop and facing the dreaded problem of large numbers of small files. I need to be able to create har archives out of existing hive partitions and query them at the same time. However, Hive apparently supports archiving partitions only in managed tables and not external tables - which is pretty sad. I am trying to find a workaround for this, by manually archiving the files inside a partition's directory, using hadoop's archive tool. I now need to configure hive to be able to query the data stored in these archives, along with the unarchived data stored in other partition directories. Please note that we only have external tables in use.
The namespace for accessing the files in the created partition-har corresponds to the hdfs path of the partition dir.
For example, For example, a file in hdfs:
can after archiving be accessed as:
Would it be possible for hive to query the har archives from the external table? Please suggest a way if yes.
Best Regards

In practice, the line between "managed" and "external" tables is very thin.
My suggestion:
create a "managed" table
add explicitly partitions for some days in the future, but with ad hoc locations -- i.e. the directories your external process expects to use
let the external process dump its file directly at HDFS level -- they are automagically exposed in Hive queries, "managed" or not(the Metastore does not track individual files and blocks, they are detected on each query; as a side note, you can run backup & restore operations at HDFS level if you wish, as long as you don't mess with the directory structure)
when a partition is "cold" and you are pretty sure there will never be another file dumped there, you can run a Hive command to archive the partition i.e. move small files in a single HAR + flag the partition as "archived" in the Metastore
Bonus: it's easy to unarchive your partition within Hive (whereas there is no hadoop unarchive command AFAIK).
Caveat: it's a "managed" table so remember not to DROP anything unless you have safely moved your data out of the Hive-managed directories.


update Parquet file format

my requirement is to read that and generate another set of parquet data into another ADLS folder.
do i need this into spark dataframes and perform upserts ?
Parquet is like any other file format. You have to overwrite the files to perform insert, updates and deletes. It does not have ACID properties like a database.
1 - We can use SET properties with the spark dataframe to accomplish what you want. However, it compares at both the row and column level. Not as nice as an ANSI SQL.
2 - We can save the data in the target directory as a DELTA file. Most people are using DELTA since it has ACID properties like a database. Please see the merge statement. It allows for updates and inserts.
Additionally we can soft delete when reversing the match.
The nice thing about a delta file (table) is we can partition by date for a daily file load. Thus we can use time travel to see what happen yesterday versus today.
3 - If you do not care about history and soft deletes, the easiest way to accomplish this task is to archive the old files in the target directory, then copy over the new files from the source directory to the target directory.

How to efficiently update Impala tables whose files are modified very frequently

We have a Hadoop-based solution (CDH 5.15) where we are getting new files in HDFS in some directories. On top os those directories we have 4-5 Impala (2.1) tables. The process writing those files in HDFS is Spark Structured Streaming (2.3.1)
Right now, we are running some DDL queries as soon as we get the files written to HDFS:
ALTER TABLE table1 RECOVER PARTITONS to detect new partitions (and their HDFS directories and files) added to the table.
REFRESH table1 PARTITIONS (partition1=X, partition2=Y), using all the keys for each partition.
Right now, this DDL is taking a bit too long and they are getting queued in our system, damaging the data availability of the system.
So, my question is: Is there a way to do this data incorporation more efficiently?
We have considered:
Using the ALTER TABLE .. RECOVER PARTITONS but as per the documentation, it only refreshes new partitions.
Tried to use REFRESH .. PARTITON ... with multiple partitions at once, but the statement syntaxis does not allow to do that.
Tried batching the queries but the Hive JDBC drives does not support batching queries.
Shall we try to do those updates in parallel given that the system is already busy?
Any other way you are aware of?
Note: The way in which we know what partitions need refreshed is by using HDFS events as with Spark Structured Streaming we donĀ“t know exactly when the files are written.
Note #2: Also, the files written in HDFS are sometimes small, so it would be great if it could be possible to merge those files at the same time.
Since nobody seems to have the answer for my problem, I would like to share the approach we took to make this processing more efficient, comments are very welcome.
We discovered (doc. is not very clear on this) that some of the information stored in the Spark "checkpoints" in HDFS is a number of metadata files describing when each Parquet file was written and how big was it:
$hdfs dfs -ls -h hdfs://...../my_spark_job/_spark_metadata
w-r--r-- 3 hdfs 68K 2020-02-26 20:49 hdfs://...../my_spark_job/_spark_metadata/3248
rw-r--r-- 3 hdfs 33.3M 2020-02-26 20:53 hdfs://...../my_spark_job/_spark_metadata/3249.compact
w-r--r-- 3 hdfs 68K 2020-02-26 20:54 hdfs://...../my_spark_job/_spark_metadata/3250
$hdfs dfs -cat hdfs://...../my_spark_job/_spark_metadata/3250
So, what we did was:
Build a Spark Streaming Job polling that _spark_metadata folder.
We use a fileStream since it allow us to define the file filter to use.
Each entry in that stream is one of those JSON lines, which is parsed to extract the file path and size.
Group the files by the parent folder (which maps to each Impala partition) they belong to.
For each folder:
Read a dataframe loading only the targeted Parquet files (to avoid race conditions with the other job writing the files)
Calculate how many blocks to write (using the size field in the JSON and a target block size)
Coalesce the dataframe to the desired number of partitions and write it back to HDFS
Execute the DDL REFRESH TABLE myTable PARTITION ([partition keys derived from the new folder]
Finally, delete the source files
What we achieved is:
Limit the DDLs, by doing one refresh per partition and batch.
By having batch time and block size configurable, we are able to adapt our product to different deployment scenarios with bigger or smaller datasets.
The solution is quite flexible, since we can assign more or less resources to the Spark Streaming job (executors, cores, memory, etc.) and also we can start/stop it (using its own checkpointing system).
We are also studying the possibily of applying some data repartitioning, while doing this process, to have partitions as close as possible to the most optimum size.

How to write incremental data to hive using flink

I use flink 1.6,I know I can use custom sink and hive jdbc to write to hive,or use JDBCAppendTableSink,but it is still use jdbc.The problem is hive jdbc do not suppot batchExecute method.I think it will be very slow.
Then I seek another way,I write a DataSet to hdfs with writeAsText method,then create hive table from hdfs.But there is still a problem:the how to append incremental data.
The api of WriteMode is:
Enum FileSystem.WriteMode
Enum Constant and Description
Creates the target file only if no file exists at that path already.
Creates a new target file regardless of any existing files or directories.
For example,first batch,I write data of September to hive,then I get data of October,I want to append it.
But If I use OVERWRITE to the same hdfs file,data of September will not exist any more,if I use NO_OVERWRITE,I must write it to a new hdfs file,then a new hive table,we need them in a same hive table.And I do not know how to combine 2 hdfs file to a hive table.
So How to write incremental data to hive using flink?
As you already wrote there is no HIVE-Sink. I guess the default pattern is to write (text, avro, parquett)-files to HDFS and define an external hive table on that directory. There it doesn't matter if you have a single file or mutiple files. But you most likely have to repair this table on a regular basis (msck repair table <db_name>.<table_name>;). This will update the meta-data and the new files will be available.
For bigger amounts of data I would recommend to partition the table and add the partitions on demand (This blogpost might give you a hint: https://resources.zaloni.com/blog/partitioning-in-hive).

Incrementally updating data on HDFS

We are copying data from various sources such as Oracle, Teradata to HDFS using Sqoop. We use incremental update feature to 'import' new data & then 'merge' it with the existing data. Data first gets populated in a temporary directory & then we 'remove' the old & 'rename' the new one.
Problem is, if a user is running a query against the data on HDFS using a tool such as Hive while we swap the directory, the query terminates abnormally.
Is there a better way to handle the updates on HDFS?
(Please note, that even though HBase keeps different versions, it doesn't work for us because we want to query by any column. HBase is very slow in cases where you don't search by primary key.)
Hadoop is not designed to work like that. It is good for storing data but not editing. I would just add new data beside old data and while adding it(copying or any other import) you could add sufix .tmp to filename. But i did not use hive that much(pig user here) and in pig i could tell A = LOAD '/some/path/to/hdfs/*.log' and that would load all files except .tmp which are importing. With that there is no problems.

Providing access to unstructured files in Hadoop

So I have a collection of files archived in a HDFS with a unique key in the file-name. I have a table of records in a HIVE table with the same unique key.
How would I provide access to the files to other users? I may need to restrict access to certain users.
I was thinking of providing a reference to the files in the hive table.
I could also look at some sort of web interface for searching for an downloading files.
Hive kicks off a MapReduce job (or several) every time you execute a query. A latency introduced by setting up and tearing down a MapReduce job(s) exceeds any acceptable standards for a responsivness expected from a web interface.
I recommend you keep the metadata for the files in a relational database. You would have to have a relational database, like PostgreSQL, to store Hive metadata. I sure hope you are not using default Derby for that!
