Preprocess shortest paths under contention - algorithm

It is easy to prove that if P is a shortest path between u and v, then every subpath is also a shortest path.
Given a connected Graph, I want to preprocess a the shortest path between every pair of nodes in a Matrix, such that:
Path[u,v] = Path[v,u]
If x,y in Path[u,v] then Path[x,y] is a subpath of Path[u,v].
I can not figure out an algorithm or a prove and actually I do not know if this is posible.
Any idea is welcome.Thank you.

You can only get (1) if you are working with undirected graphs OR if it is guaranteed that the weight of the arc (a, b) is equal to the weight of the arc (b, a) for all arcs in your graph.
The problem you describe sounds like the all-pairs shortest path problem: for each pair of nodes in a connected graph, find the shortest paths between nodes in the pair. The Floyd-Warshall algorithm can be used to find the lengths of paths and it is straightforward to reconstruct the shortest paths from there.
This algorithm further requires that there are no negative cycles (otherwise a shorter path could always be obtained by running through that cycle again) but that requirement seems reasonable.
To guarantee property (2), you need to make sure when reconstructing paths you are reconstructing "canonical" paths whenever more than one shortest path may be possible. To do this, impose an ordering on the vertices and always test candidate nodes in ascending order, always preferring the lowest-ordered node which maintains the shortest-path property.
Wikipedia has a fairly good write-up.


Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm on directed tree with negative weight edges

Will Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm return correct results on a directed tree with negative weight edges?
On a general graph with negative weights, the algorithm will fail, but since it’s a directed tree it feels like the algorithm will succeed.
From other answers, you know that there is no good reason to run Dijkstra's algorithm if you know that the graph is a tree.
If you do run it, though, it will work even if the tree has negative edge weights.
The reason that Dijkstra's algorithm doesn't work for graphs with negative weights, is that negative weights allow a 2nd, shorter, path to be found to a vertex after its distance has already been decided. In a tree there are no 2nd paths.
In a tree there is only one path between any two given nodes, so searching for the "shortest" path in a tree makes little sense: when you find a path it is the shortest, and this search does not need to take weights into account, so there is no need to use Dijkstra's algorithm. A simple depth-first search will do.
If the graph is not a tree, but a directed acyclic graph (DAG) with negative edges, then Dijkstra's algorithm cannot be used to find a shortest path. Take this counter example:
If we have to look for the shortest path from A to C, Dijkstra's algorithm will proceed to visit B and C, and as it hits the target, it will stop looking further, never considering the edge from B to C.
Other attempts to apply Dijkstra
Another (now deleted) answer proposed to make all edge weights positive by adding an absolute value to all weights, but this does not yield correct results: what is the shortest path in the original graph, is not guaranteed to be still the shortest path in the derived graph.
Counter example:
Where in the original graph the shortest path from A to C runs via B, in the adjusted graph, the shortest path is A-C.

Dijkstra's Single Source Shourtest Path with an extra edge with weight of 'w'

In an recent interview I was asked to implement single source shortest path algorithm(for undirected and positive weighted graph) with slight modification i.e. we're given an extra edge with weight 'w'. And we have to find if we can find a more shorter path, than the one calculated by SSSP algo, by connecting that extra edge, with weight 'w', between two nodes which are not already connected.
Here's an image. As according to SSSP the shortest path between A(source) & D(destination)is A-B-C-D i.e. total of 8.
But given the extra edge. It can be connected between A and D, which are not already connected, to minimize the shortest path yielded through SSSP algo.
Image of graph with extra edge contributing the shortest path
I tried thinking about the solution. But nothing struck so far. I've implemented the Dijkstra algorithm to find the shortest path. But this little modification has baffled me. So can you help a little bit.
There are two options:
We don't need an extra edge. This case is handled by a standard Dijkstra algorithm.
A shortest path with an extra edge looks like this: shortest_path(start, V) + (V, U) + shortest_path(U, target). That is, we go from the start to some vertex V by the shortest path in the original graph, then we go to U (again, an arbitrary vertex) by adding this extra edge (V and U mustn't be connected) and then we go from U to the target node by the shortest path in the original graph.
We can use the structure of the path to get an O(n ^ 2) solution: we can compute shortest paths from the start node to all the others (one run of the Dijkstra's algorithm) and all shortest paths from the target node to all other nodes (one more run). Now we can just iterate over all possible pairs (V, U) and pick the best one.
Bonus: we can solve it in O(m log n) for a sparse graph. The idea is as follows: instead of checking all (U, V) pairs, we can find such U that it has the minimal distance to the target among all vertices that are not connected to V in degree(V) * log V (or even linear) time (this problem is known as finding the smallest element not in the set).
i am not sure I ubderstand your question. You Have a weighted graph ,and can add a edge with w, add to where make shortest path.
I think we can use spfa + dp to solve the problem. Set all other edge to w and create boolean matrix m, m[i,j] =1 mean no edge between i,j, dp[u,0] mean shortest distance when we reach u without using an extra edge, dp[u,1]mean using an extra edge. I don’t write the dp transfer equation. So we can iterate in spfa, and we can also backtrack the best way of dp and get where to set an extra edge.
We do not use Dijkstra algorithm in above solution.
spfa is also a Single Source Shourtest Path algoritm, it can deal negative weighted edge, but not negative cycle.
It’s just my think,i have not try it.but I think it’s a idea to solve it.
If any wrong, tell me please.

Given a weighted undirected graph, how do I find a path which has the total weights close to a given value?

Suppose I have a weighted, undirected graph. Each edge has a positive weight. I would like to find a simple path (no vertices appear in the path twice) from a given source node (s) to a target node (t) which has the total sum of weights close to a given value (P).
Even though it sounds like a well-studied problem, I couldn't find a satisfying solution. Many graph algorithms are aiming to find the shortest path (in a sense of steps or cost), but not to find the "matched" cost path.
A naive solution would be finding all paths from s to t, compute sum of weights for each path and select the one that is close to P. However, finding all paths between two nodes in a graph is known to be #P-hard.
A possible solution could be modified the A* algorithm, so that for each node in the frontier we get the cost from the root to that node (g), and estimate the cost from that node to the goal (h). Then instead of choosing a node with the smallest g+h, we choose a node with the smallest |P - (g+h)|. However, I am not sure if this is the best solution.
Another thought is inspired from the linear programming since the objective function of this problem is sum(weights of a path from s to t) - P = 0. I know the shortest path problem can be formed as a linear programming task but not sure how to formulate this problem as a one.
Please help, thanks in advance!
This problem is NP-hard via a reduction from the Hamiltonian path problem. In that problem, you are given a graph and a pair of nodes s and t and are asked whether there's a simple path from s to t that passes through all the nodes in the graph. You can solve the Hamiltonian path problem via your problem as follows:
Assign each edge in the graph weight 1.
Find the s-t simple path whose weight is as close to n-1 as possible, where n is the number of nodes in the graph.
Returns whether this path has cost exactly n-1.
If the graph has a Hamiltonian path, then that path will have cost n-1. Otherwise, it doesn't, and the best path found will have a cost that's lower than n-1.

Find the shortest path between a given source and a set of destinations

You are given a weighted connected graph (20 nodes) with all edges having positive weight. We have a robot that starts at point A and it must pass at points B, D and E for example. The idea is to find the shortest path that connects all these 4 points. The robot also has a limited battery, but it can be recharged in some points.
After researching on the internet I have two algorithms in mind: Dijkstra's and TSP. Dijkstra's will find the shortest path between a node and every other node and TSP will find the shortest path that connects all points. Is there any variant of the TSP that only finds the shortest path between a set of nodes? After all, in the TSP all nodes are labeled "must-pass". I'm still not taking in account the battery constraint.
Thanks in advance!
You can reduce your graph to a TSP and then invoke a TSP algorithm on it:
Use Floyd-Warshall algorithm to find the distance u,v for ALL pairs of vertices u and v.
Create a new graph, containing only the "desired" vertices, and set the weight between two such vertices u and v as the distance found by Floyd-Warshall.
Run TSP Solver on the modified graph to get the path in the modified graph, and switch each edge in the modified graph with a shortest path from the original graph.
The above is optimal, because assume there is a shorter path.
Di->...->D{i+1} has at least the weight of FloydWarshall(Di,D{i+1}) (correctness of Floyd-Warshall), and thus the edges (D0,D1),(D1,D2),...,(Dk,D{k+1) exist in the modified graph with a weight smaller/equal the weight in the given path.
Thus, from correctness of your TSP-Solver, by using D0->D1->...->Dk->D{k+1}, you get a path that is at least as good as the candidate optimal path.
You might also want to look into the generalized traveling salesman problem (GTSP): The nodes are partitioned into subsets, and the problem is to find the minimum-length route that visits exactly one node in each subset. The model is allowed to choose whichever node it wants from each subset. If there are nodes that must be visited, you can put them in a subset all by themselves.

Single shortest path of an acyclic undirected disconnected graph

Is there a graph algorithm that given a start(v) and an end(u) will find a shortest path through the given set of edges, but if u is a disconnected vertex, it will also determine the shortest path to add missing edges until u is no longer disconnected?
I have a pixel matrix where lines are made of 255's(black) and 0's(white). lines(255) can have breaks or spurs and I must get rid of both. I could have a pixel matrix forest with say 7 or so trees of black pixels. I need to find the true end points of each tree, find the single shortest path of each tree, then union all skew trees together to form 1 single line(ie, a single shortest path from the furthest 2 end points in the original matrix). all edge weights could be considered 1.
How about running Dijkstra's algorithm and if disconnected, connect v and u? What's your criteria for "best place to add a missing edge?" Do edges have weights (like distance)?
For one idea of "the best place," you could try the path that has minimal sum of shortest paths between all connected pairs. Floyd–Warshall algorithm can be used to find shortest paths between all pairs. So, run Floyd-Warshall for each node in v's tree and u.
Your problem isn't well defined for disconnected graphs. I can always add and edge between v and u.
If you meant that given an acyclic undirected disconnected graph, actually known as a forest, and given a subset of edges as a subgraph, can you find the shortest path between vertices, than this problem is trivial since if there is a path in the full graph, there is one path only.
If this is a general graph G, and you are talking about a forest subgraph G', than we need more info. Is this weighted? Is it only positive weights? If it is unweighted, do some variant of Dijksta. Define the diameter of a tree to be the length of the longest path between two leaves (this is well defined in a tree, since ther is only one such path). Let S be the sum of the diameters of all the trees in G', then set the weight all edges out of G' to 2S, then Dijkstra's algorithm will automatically prefer to step through G', stepping outside G' only when there is no choice, since walking through G' would always be cheaper.
Here you have following scenarios:
case:1. (all edges>0)
Negate all edges
find the longest path in graph using this:
negate the final result
case2: edges might be or might not be negative
Read Floyd–Warshall algorithm for this
