Maven Dynamically Exclude File - maven

I have a Java project where I need to build 2 versions of the same EAR.
1 version needs to include all java files.
1 version needs to include all java files, except for one particular java file.
Right now I can achieve this by simply doing a normal Maven build to create the all inclusive EAR.
To build the EAR that excludes that 1 .java file, I just add an exclusion to the maven-compiler-plugin in my POM.xml file.
While this approach gives me what I need, it seems like there should be a better way to do this.
For instance, can I pass some kind of argument into Maven that will dictate whether or not that single Java file should be excluded or not?
It would be even better if I was able to build both versions from a single build, but I know I'm probably already pushing Maven beyond it's intended usage.
Has anyone ever had experience with dynamically excluding Java source files from a build?


ant to maven conversion: correct approach?

I am tasked with converting a java project which is created with ant to maven.
This is how the project is set up.
All the sources are stored in src directory.
ant's compiling target is to compile the entire src directory.
ant's packaging target has several sub-targets.
Each target has different jars which has include or exclude directories.
This is the approach that I took.
Find out all dependencies. Store them in DependencyManagement section of parent pom
Create a module and copy entire src directory.
compiled it.
Tried to create separate modules for different jar files.
Problem: the files are in-separable. Most of the files are depending on other files. I tried separating them. It results in creating cyclic dependencies. Hence, this step failed.
Use different profiles and maven-jar-plugin to include or exclude packages.
Question 1 when I tried this mvn install -P profile1,profile2, target has only jar file for profile2. They both have maven-jar-plugin and each has different finalName.
Is there a different command or am I doing something wrong?
Question 2 one of the lib has several image files in it.
The above approach does not copy the image files in the result jar.
I understand maven wants all resources in resources directory. I will move the images, but for now I am trying to include them in the jar.
I added maven-resources-plugin.
When I run mvn install -P profile1, I can see the logs saying Copying # resources.
I can also see them being copied to target/classes. the path that I gave to the plug-in. But they are all copied to that directory.
I want to retain the structure, and the result jar still doesn't have it.
Answer: I have to move them to resources directory. maven is strict.
Anything that I should be doing differently?
Extra Question Am I using the correct plug-ins? Or is there more efficient plug-ins that I should be using?
Thank you.
Answer to Question1 : You have missed the </includes> tag.(Probably because of the stackoverflow formatting!). I am not sure whether you can execute a maven command on two profiles at a time. when you do so, only the second profile gets executed. Try executing the command on each profile separately.
Answer to Question2: You have missed the <resources> opening tag.(Probably because of the stackoverflow formatting!). Moreover, if you want to retain the structure, you can mention the structure too in the <outputDirectory> tag, something like the below:
This may look insane!, but may work if you have few resources directory. If you have more resources, then this may become cumbersome. But anyways, check whether this can be helpful!

maven rebuilds modules because of auto-generated files from thrift, any way to only generate changed files?

EDIT: skip to the last sentence for the correct relevant question
i am building a project with this maven command:
-am -DskipTests=true -pl myModule install
the project is very large and the module has a lot of dependencies, and for some reason they get recompiled even though they are unchanged,
i am getting this message for a lot of modules:
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
this is my build tag:
i am using maven 3.5.0
why do the dependent modules get recognized as changed?
edit:using michaldo's advice
i discovered a dependency module that a lot of Stale source detected
on auto generated .java files created from thrift,
the question now becomes: how do i instruct maven/thrift, not to generate .java files for unchanged thrift sources?
michaldo's comments solved my problem,
after resolving all unnecessary code generation from the thrift plugin, the build is much faster
the critical bit is to add checkStaleness parameter to the configuration:

how to exclude jar file from getting installed using maven-install-plugin?

I have a jar file created using maven-jar-plugin.
Is there a way to skip this jar file from getting installed in repository?
Thanks in advance.
Try this:
The reason this works is that the install plugin's only job is to take your artifact(s) and install them in your local repo.
In Maven, there are main artifacts and attached artifacts. I am not sure if you can suppress installation of the main artifact and only install the attached artifact, since assemblies are not required to provide a POM.
If this is what you really want to achieve, I would suggest breaking out the assembly to a separate artifact (with <packaging>pom</packaging>), have it depend on the jar-artifact you are trying to exclude and simply install that.

Maven Compiler Plugin

I know Maven compiler plugin by DEFAULT is bind to :
test compile
life cycles, in general without specifying addition configuration, we don't have to
explicitly define it in our POM, but I still seen experienced developer putting things like
this in their POM, e.g
I wander what's the point? and why is he doing this?
For the shade plugin, he is probably using POM inheritance. Look in the parent POM hierarchy for a pluginManagement section, there is probably shade plugin configuration there that he is pulling into this module.
For the compiler plugin, I do not know. You are correct, for jar/war/ear/ejb projects Maven will pull in the compiler config automatically, even if he has defined specific configuration in a parent POM's pluginManagement section.
If they put such things in their pom's they don't understand Maven. You should define the version of the plugins your are using in your build. This is done by:
This should be usually located into a pom file known under Company POM which defines versions of plugins for projects within a company.
Furthermore based on the life-cycle definition in Maven the Maven Super POM which contains the default bindings there you could see that particular plugins versions are defined.This means if you upgrade your Maven version you start using different plugin versions which is fact not the best related to build reproducibility. So the best practice is to define all used plugins like here as an example.. Based on the definition you shouldn't need to mention anything in your build-tag area if you have a defined packaging type (This is one of those Convention Over Configuration paradigm hints).

jaxb2-maven plugin

I wanna generated java classes from xsd files bt soome how whenever i run the code it shows the error
No Schema has been found... here is the code... Kindly help...
<!-- <generatepackage>org.onesync.esb.datasync.model</generatepackage> -->
<!-- The package in which the source files will be generated. -->
<!-- The working directory to create the generated java source files. -->
I don't think <includeSchema>**/*.xsd</includeSchema> is valid syntax for jaxb2-maven-plugin:xjc Try omitting that parameter.
If you don't specify schemaFiles it should use all XSD files in the schemaDirectory.
"schemaFiles -- List of files to use for schemas, comma delimited. If none, then all xsd files are used in the schemaDirectory. This parameter also accepts Ant-style file patterns." (see jaxb2-maven-plugin documentation)
BTW, it is usually a good idea to use maven's configuration parameters to refer to a directory. For example, change <schemaDirectory>src/main/resources/xsd</schemaDirectory> to <schemaDirectory>${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/xsd</schemaDirectory>.
Finally, you might also want to refer to this similar SO post.
I am also using maven configuration and spent almost to compile the project stuff. Later on i came to know that it looking for the schema file i.e. schema.xsd.
If you are using the MAVEN configuration then by default you can put the schema file under the resources directory.
But if you want to specify your path for finding the schema file then you can use the includeSchema tag of schemaDescription in plugin configuration.
You can use the effictive pom to search for specific tag also.
Command for effective pom in maven: mvn help:effective-pom
