Unable to connecte with security server JD Edwards EntrepriseOne - jdeveloper

its almost 3 days that i got this error :
Unable to locate security server.
Failed to communicate with security server
JD Edwards EntrepriseOne could not sign you on.
thanks for your help ;

This type of error occurs on JDE fat client when database client was configured incorrectly. For example when TNSNAMES.ORA doesn't have correct entry for JDE database.
Please check oracle support document regarding this issue.

If you're sure about your JDE.INI and the security server is correct
try restarting the JDE E920 Network process


Informatica Admin console home page can't be reached

Iam able to open the admin web page just after installing informatica 9.6.1 on windows 10, but when i restart my machine (or when laptop went to sleep mode) again when checked the admin page says
"This site can’t be reached <hostname> refused to connect."
URL is <my machine hostname>:6008/administrator/
Is there something going wrong with the 6008 port after installation?
I used this URL for installation
I searched a lot on the internet but could not fix this issue.
Tried start/stop Informatica services, dint work.
please help
I had same problem while working on windows system with Informatica 9.6.1.
I believe any of the 3 processes: pmrepagent, pmserver and tomcat/JAVA services
is/are not running. In simple words Informatica is not up and running.
This helped me out.
open Command prompt in Admin mode
cd C:\Informatica\9.6.1\tomcat\bin
infaservice.bat startup
for more details refer this KB article
If you have also faced such problem while connecting to Informatica post installation then i recommend to check if you are well connected to the database which you opted while installing informatica (For eg. Oracle,sql server etc) with the same user and password which was seperately created to link the database with informatica.
If still you cannot open the Administrator homepage then you can cross check if the Informatica services are already started.You can restart the service if it is stopped and then the homepage will get open.
Seems like the service is not started. Please check the services and make sure Informatica is set to start automatically and that it's able to connect to DBMS where repository DB has been created.
When i installed Informatica that time i was able to login to admin console. But after restart i got - "site refused to connect " error. My informatica service & oracle db serv are running. But still i could not able to login to admin console. What is did was - i login to the schema what i used while installing informatica server through dbeaver tool. On my astonishment, after that im now able to connect admin console.
I found another error that caused this kind of issue.
Check in your system where information is installed and search for "Catalina.out"
See the error:
org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase clearReferencesThreads SEVERE: [localhost-startStop-2] The web application [/csm] appears to have started a thread named [phoneHomeScheduler] but has failed to stop it.
This is very likely to create a memory leak.
You need to restart the system and re-process the services.

CAS + SAML1.1 and clock drift

I'm facing an error 401 when I do a request from my application to CAS Server. I saw that this meaning that the time between the servers are different. So I found this link, showing how configure it.
I'm using spring-cas-client to do the connection between my app and CAS Server. In this example shows how to configure in the web.xml. There are a way to configure in my applicationContext-security.xml.
Tks a lot !
Only for document, I found the error. And the simplest way to fix this error is synchronize servers with the same NTP Server.

TNS oracle connection failed from MVC3 site using ASP.NET Membership provider

We have an MVC3 site that uses the ASP.NET Membership Provider with Forms Authentication to let users onto the site. We have an Oracle database behind it.
It all works in house on development machines, test machines and deployment machines.
But at a client - they are getting the error "ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified".
We thought this would be a simple case of a wrong config entry but all seems correct. They've also run a tnsping to the same TNS alias and it works. A connection via SQL*Plus also works. We've even got them to download a .NET connection string tester application and that connects ok using exactly the same connection string as the MVC3 site web.config has. It's only the website that comes back with this error. (note: all the tests were done from the same machine as the website is on)
Has anyone seen this before and provide some guidance on how to solve?
The likely cause for this, from experience, is that the account under which the application is running is unable to read/access the TNSNAMES.ORA file, either due to file/folder permissions or network access permissions.

Certificate Exception connecting to Azure SQL with JDBC with default connection string (the one the management console says to use)

I'm wanting to connect to an Azure SQL Server from jdbc.
I copy the connection string from the azure management console. It is something like:
When I try and connect with this value I get the following error:
com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The driver could not
establish a secure connection to SQL Server by using Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL) encryption. Error:
"java.security.cert.CertificateException: Failed to validate the
server name in a certificate during Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
initialization. The server name is *.database.windows.net, the name in
certificate is data.am2-1.database.windows.net.
Then if I change the *.database.windows.net to data.am2-1.database.windows.net as it says in the exception it works fine.
So is it a problem to set this name? I feel like if it is a wild card as default then it is probably going to change? and when it does I assume I won't be able to connect anymore.
Has anyone else had this issue? I am using the most up to date jdbc drivers for SQL Server that I could find.
Turns out an upgrade of the sql server jdbc version to version 4.0 cleaned up the issue.
I've got the same issue on JDBC driver version 4.1, downgrading to 4.0 resolved issue
You can also add trustServerCertificate=true in your connection string, but it's not recommended from a security perspective.

Failed to connect to Content Server

So I've just Install Site Studio Designer and I want to connect to the web site.
I enter my Server Cgi URL (https://myservername:port/cs/idcplg).
When I click connect I got a Error :
Failed to connect to Content Server "https://myservername/cs/idcplg" (Unable to open connection).
So I wonder wants wrong with my URL.The error log doesn't say much. And I don't think it'a a security issue. Do I miswritten it or do I suppose to put somthing else in the URL? Every docs and forums I've visted says it's the correct way. Could it be a network configuration issue.
check if your services are up and running.
start--> Run--> services.msc--> (select your respective service.. eg:admin)--> start
