How to Include events (not event-plugin) in Ractive initialization/defaults? - events

I've read through the Ractive Documentation and I'm scratching my head a bit, because it seems like the default events initialization option allows me to do something - create new eventtypes - far more complex than what i need but conversely, there's no hook for the simpler, (more common?) task of defining default events
Could someone advise on how to provide global events that could be fired for traditional DOM events?
I have a 3 Component application page. I want to define a getOptions event, such that any <select on-click='getOptions'>...</select> will be handled by the same function. I don't want to have to define that function in each component.
My intuition would have been to do the following:['getOptions'] = function(event){
//logic for getting the options for the value in event.keypath
or, if i wanted a true default that could be overridden...['getOptions'] = function(event){
//logic for getting the options for the value in event.keypath
but my understanding of the documentation, is that and do not provide this, but rather provide a way to define new event plugins, that depend on a separate mechanism for getting fired: = function(node,fire){
//here goes logic for interacting with DOM event listeners, etc
//and then i would need to do this
ractive = Ractive.extend({...});
//logic for getting the options for the value in event.keypath
//and then I could do this...
<select on-getoptions='someOtherEventName'>...</select>
but what would fire the getoptions in this case - from the template, rather than js
Would something like <select on-getoptions='someOtherFunction' on-click=getoptions>...</select> work? That seems very strange to me. Do I understand the concept correction? If not, what am i missing?
Is there a simple way to achieve the first example? refers to custom events for mediating between the dom and the template: = function( node, fire ) { ... };
<div on-banana="doSomething()"/>
The handler for the event can either be the name of an event to fire, or a method on the component instance.
In your case, I think defining a method on the Ractive.prototype would be the best way to have a common handler:
Ractive.prototype.getOptions = function( /* pass in arguments */ ){
// and/or this.event will give you access
// to current event and thus context
// you can also override this method in components and
// call this base method using this._super(..)
// now any ractive instance can use:
<select on-click="getOptions(data)">...</select>
An event based approach usually entails letting the root instance or common parent in the view hierarchy handle same event across child components:
var app = new Ractive({
template: "<componentA/><componentB/>",
this.on( '*.getOptions', ( event, arg ) => {
// any child component (at any depth)
// that fires a "getOptions" event will
// end up here
// in component A or B:
<select on-click="getOptions">...</select>
UPDATE: If you wanted to assign an event handler to the prototype, so in essence every component is pre-wired to handle an event of a set name, you could do:
Ractive.prototype.oninit = function(){
this.on( 'getOptions', ( event ) => {
// handle any "getOptions" event that happens in the instance
Just be aware that you must call this._super(); in any component in which you also implement oninit:
var Component = Ractive.extend({
oninit() {
// make sure we call the base or event listener won't happen!
// do this component instances init work...


Knockout.JS: How to fire event inside a component and consume it

In the file "KoComponents.js", I wrote the following component
ko.components.register('pager-navigator', {
viewModel: function (params) {
var self = this;
self.GoToPageNumber = function (pageNo) {
// Raise event and with the value of the parameter pageNo.
alert('Button clicked with parameter (pageNo) = ' + pageNo);
template: '<input type="button" value="Click me and raise event" data-bind="click: function(){GoToPageNumber(1);}"/>'
In the view, I wrote the following to consume the created component.
<div data-bind='component: {name: "pager-navigator", params: { TotalPagesCount: 20 }}'></div>
My question is: How can I fire event in the component with parameters and consume that event from the view?
A good way to structure your code to share an observable variable between your parent page, and the component. It would be passed in with the params.
So if your parent VM had an observable called "pageNum" then make sure your component does too, and then pass the observable in to the component to link them.
This way, if the component changes the pageNum value then the observable in the parent will also change. So you can subscribe to the variable in the parent, and if it changes, you can execute some code. Essentially you are left with a situation where if the component changes the pageNum, the parent will know and can act accordingly.
It might sound long-winded, but it's a really clean solution, and it really helps you break problems down into sections and cut down on strong couplings.
Hopefully that explanation makes sense, but if you need a fiddle to demonstrate then let me know.
This is the answer:
Create an observable parameter in the page named for example "CurrentPageNumber".
Pass the observable parameter to the component.
In the component, you can change the value of the passed parameter. (act as passing by reference).
In the view, you'll need to add a subscribe method and handle your custom action when the value of CurrentPageNumber changed.
Check the sample code below.
ko.components.register('pager-navigator', {
viewModel: function (params) {
var self = this;
self.PageNumber = params.pageNumber;// pageNumber is an observable passed parameter.
self.GoToPageNumber = function (pageNo) {
self.PageNumber(pageNo);// Act as passing by reference.
template: '<input type="button" value="Click me and raise event" data-bind="click: function(){GoToPageNumber(2);}"/>'
In the view, write:
<div data-bind='component: {name: "pager-navigator", params: { totalPagesCount: totalPagesCount(), pageNumber: CurrentPageNumber}}'></div>
In the View JavaScript, write the following:
var self = this;
// Declare an observable variable named CurrentPageNumber with the value 1.
self.CurrentPageNumber = ko.observable(1);
self.CurrentPageNumber.subscribe(function (newValue) {
// The value of CurrentPageNumber is changed inside the component.
var newPageNo = newValue;
alert('value changed = ' + newPageNo);

How to route from an <iron-ajax> callback

Given a root component in index.html (my-app) containing iron-pages, and an iron-ajax call inside one or more of those pages, what is the best way for an iron-ajax on-response function in a child component to tell my-app to change the route? I am using Polymer 2. I see examples relying on links in different components, and calls in the same component, but no iron-ajax from one component to its parent.
In my-app.html I have an app-location and app-route, and the iron-pages:
<app-location route="{{route}}"></app-location>
<iron-pages role="main" selected="[[]]"
attr-for-selected="name" selected-attribute="visible"
<my-login name="" route="[[subroute]]"></my-login>
<my-todos name="my-todos" route="[[subroute]]"></my-todos>
<my-404-warning name="404"></my-404-warning>
The user first sees my-login. When the iron-ajax in my-login call completes, I want to replace my-login with my-todos. I’ve come up with two approaches so far (see below). Both work--changing the page and updating the URL--but is one necessarily better? Is there a cleaner approach I’ve not found?
The iron-ajax on-response handler in my-login
_handleLogin(e) {
if (e.detail.response) {
let loginInfo = e.detail.response;
if (loginInfo.o_error) {
console.log('login error: '+loginInfo.o_error);
// ...
} else {
this.dispatch('login', loginInfo); // to polymer-redux store
var page = this.ownerDocument.body.children[0];
page.set('route.path', 'server-catalog');
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('change-route', {
bubbles: true, composed: true, detail: "my-todos" }));
} else {
Both options trigger the observer, _routePageChanged(, and so the magic proceeds.
Option #1 is straightforward, but involves reaching directly into the parent, my-app.
Option #2 relies on two additions to my-app:
ready() {
// Custom elements polyfill safe way to indicate an element has been upgraded.
// listen for custom events
this.addEventListener('change-route', (e)=>this._onChangeRoute(e));
_onChangeRoute(e) {
this.set('route.path', e.detail);
Option #2 feels better, but I’m wondering if it’s the cleanest I can do.
It's recommended to pass routeData into <my-login> via data binding, and set = "my-todos" in your _handleLogin()
I found a third way (and one I think I'll use) in the app-location docs: "app-location fires a location-changed event on window when it updates the location". So,
window.history.pushState({}, null, '/new_path');
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('location-changed'));

How do I add default events to Marionette's Marionette.View base type?

I am currently extending Marionette's base Marionette.View type with the method I named quickClick. I'm doing this to
(function() {
return _.extend(Backbone.Marionette.View.prototype, {
quickClick: function(e) {
This allows me to call this method from any view I create without having to redefine it per view. Great!
Here's a trimmed down view with the events object still in place:
(function() {
function(Marionette, App, templates){
// Define our Sub Module under App
var List = App.module("SomeApp");
List.Lessons = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
events: {
'tap .section-container p.title': 'quickClick'
// Return the module
return List;
In case your wondering, tap is an event I'm using from Hammer.js because this is a mobile app. So, in order to circumvent the 300ms click event delay on iOS and Android, I'm manually triggering a click event when the tap event fires on certain elements.
Now, all of this is working just fine, and I felt it was necessary to describe this in detail, so that an answer could be given with context.
My problem is having to define the events object. I don't mind at all for elements as specific as the one above, .section-container p.title. But, I would like to register a tap event for all <a> tags within every view. It doesn't make sense to keep defining this event in each view I create
events: {
'tap .section-container p.title': 'quickClick',
// I don't want to add this to every single view manually
'tap a': 'quickClick'
Instead, of adding this to every view, I thought I would just add an events object to the config/marionette/view.js file where I added a method to the Marionette.View prototype.
Here's what I did
(function() {
return _.extend(Backbone.Marionette.View.prototype, {
events: {
'tap a': 'quickClick'
quickClick: function(e) {
Of course, that doesn't work. The events object is overridden each time I need to add events that only apply to that view. Btw, tap a does work when my view does not have its' own events object.
So, my question is: How do I add default events to Marionette's Marionette.View base type?
"Of course, that doesn't work. The events object is overridden each time I need to add events that only apply to that view."
Yes, that seems to be the problem. Here is the part of Marionette that does the event delegation:
// internal method to delegate DOM events and triggers
_delegateDOMEvents: function(events){
events = events ||;
if (_.isFunction(events)){ events =; }
var combinedEvents = {};
var triggers = this.configureTriggers();
_.extend(combinedEvents, events, triggers);, combinedEvents);
One possible solution could be overwriting this (private!) part of Marionette - but it could probably change in new versions of Marionette and you'd always have to make sure that things still work. So this is bad.
But you could do something like this in your subviews.:
events: _.extend(, {
'tap .section-container p.title': 'quickClick'
If this makes sense for only one 'global' event is another question.
Or you could define an abstract View Class, which does something like that
events: _.extend({'tap a': 'quickClick'}, this.my_fancy_events)
and also defines the quickClick method and then use this view for all you subviews. They then define their events not in 'events' but in 'my_fancy_events'.
When extending the views I occasionally find myself in situation when I need to add some extra calls in 'initialize' as well as extend 'events' property to include some new calls.
In my abstract view I have a function:
inheritInit: function(args) {
this.constructor.__super__.initialize.apply(this, args); = _.extend(, this.eventsafter);
Then, in an extended view, I can call
initialize: function(options) {
//..some extra declarations...
and also I can use 'events' property in a regular way.

Titanium Mobile: reference UI elements with an ID?

How do you keep track of your UI elements in Titanium? Say you have a window with a TableView that has some Switches (on/off) in it and you'd like to reference the changed switch onchange with a generic event listener. There's the property event.source, but you still don't really know what field of a form was just toggled, you just have a reference to the element. Is there a way to give the element an ID, as you would with a radiobutton in JavaScript?
Up to now, registered each form UI element in a dictionary, and saved all the values at once, looping through the dictionary and getting each object value. But now I'd like to do this onchange, and I can't find any other way to do it than create a specific callback function for each element (which I'd really rather not).
just assign and id to the element... all of these other solution CAN work, but they seem to be over kill for what you are asking for.
// create switch with id
var switcher0 = Ti.Ui.createSwitch({id:"switch1"});
then inside your event listener
myform.addEventListener('click', function(e){
var obj = e.source;
if ( == "switch1" ) {
// do some magic!!
A simple solution is to use a framework that helps you keep track of all your elements, which speeds up development quite a bit, as the project and app grows. I've built a framework of my own called Adamantium.js, which lets you use a syntax like jQuery to deal with your elements, based on ID and type selectors. In a coming release, it will also support for something like classes, that can be arbitrarily added or removed from an element, tracking of master/slave relationships and basic filter methods, to help you narrow your query. Most methods are chainable, so building apps with rich interaction is quick and simple.
A quick demo:
// Type selector, selects all switches
// Bind a callback to the change event on all switches
// This callback is also inherited by all new switch elements
$(':Switch').bind('change', function (e) {
alert(e.type + ' fired on ' + + ', value = ' + e.value);
// Select by ID and trigger an event
$('#MyCustomSwitch').trigger('change', {
foo: 'bar'
Then there's a lot of other cool methods in the framework, that are all designed to speed up development and modeled after the familiar ways of jQuery, more about that in the original blog post.
I completely understand not wanting to write a listener to each one because that is very time consuming. I had the same problem that you did and solved it like so.
var switches = [];
function createSwitch(i) {
switches[i] = Ti.UI.createSwitch();
switches[i].addEventListener('change', function(e) {'switch '+i+' = '+e.value);
return switches[i];
for(i=0;i<rows.length;i++) {
row = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow();
However keep in mind that this solution may not fit your needs as it did mine. For me it was good because each time I created a switch it added a listener to it dynamically then I could simply get the e.source.parent of the switch to interact with whatever I needed.
module Id just for the hold it's ID. When we have use id the call any another space just use . and use easily.
Try This
var but1 = Ti.Ui.createButton({title : 'Button', id:"1"});
window.addEventListener('click', function(e){
var obj = e.source;
if ( == "1" ) {
// do some magic!!
I, think this is supported for you.
how do you create your tableview and your switcher? usually i would define a eventListener function while creating the switcher.
// first switch
var switcher0 = Ti.Ui.createSwitch();
// second switch
var switch1 = ..
so no generic event listener is needed.

Event removal in Mootools, and syntax of event addition

So I have been adding my events thusly:
element.addEvent('click', function() {
However, when attempting to remove said event, this syntactically identical code (with "add" switched to "remove") does not work.
element.removeEvent('click', function() {
I assume this is because the two functions defined are not referenced the same, so the event is not technically removed. Alright, so I redefine the event addition and removal:
element.addEvent('click', alert('foobar'));
element.removeEvent('click', alert('foobar'));
Which works great, except now when the page loads, the click event is fired even before it's clicked!
The function is removed, though, which is great......
update: when you do .addEvent('type', function(){ }) and .removeEvent('type', function(){ }), even though the functions may have the same 'signatures', they are two separte anonymous functions, assigned on the fly. function 1 is !== to function 2 - hence there is no match when MooTools tries to remove it.
to be able to remove an exact handler, o:
function handler(){ ... }
el.addEvent('click', handler);
// .. later
el.removeEvent('click', handler);
Internally, events are actually a map of keys to functions in element storage. have a look at this fiddle i did a while back for another SO question -
it will check to see how many events are stacked up for a particular event type on any given element (or all events).
similarly, removeEvent looks for a match in the events storage - have a look on hence, using named functions like Nikolaus suggested allows you to remove them easily as it provides a match.
also, you can remove events via element.removeEvents("click") for all click events.
your page now alerts because you pass on alert as the function as well as execute it with the params 'foobar'. METHOD followed by () in javascript means RUN THE METHOD PRECEDING IT IMMEDIATELY, NOT LATER. when you bind functions to events, you pass the reference (the method name) only.
to avoid using an anonymous function and to pass argument,s you can do something like:'foobar').addEvent('click', alert.bind(this, 'foo'));
as bind raps it for you, but removing this will be even more complicated.
as for event delegation, it's:
"click:relay(a.linkout)": function(e, el) {
"mouseover:relay(": function(e, el) {
more on that here
keep in mind it's not great / very stable. works fine for click stuff, mouseenter is not to be used delegated, just mouseover - which means IE can fire mouseout when it should not. the way i understand it, it's coming improved in mootools 2.0
edit updating to show an example of bound and unbound method within a class pattern in mootools
var foo = new Class({
message: "hi",
toElement: function() {
return this.element = new Element("a", {
href: "",
text: "google",
events: {
"click":, // bind it
"mouseenter": // unbound -> this.element becomes this
bar: function(event) {
// hi when bound to class instance (this.message will exist)
// 'undefined' otherwise.
console.log(this.message || "undefined");
}); foo()).inject(document.body);
the mouseenter here will be unbound where this will refer to the default scope (i.e the element that triggered the event - the a href). when bound, you can get the element via instead - the event object is always passed on to the function as a parameter.
btw, this is a slightly less familiar use of class and element relation but it serves my purposes here to illustrate binding in the context of classes.
assig the function to a variable and use the same reference to add and remove the event.
if you use an anonymous function you will get to different references
var test = function(){ alert('test: ' +; }
$('element').addEvent('click', test);
$('element').removeEvent('click', test);
addEvent : Attaches an event listener to a DOM element.
Example -
$('myElement').addEvent('click', function(){
removeEvent : Works as Element.addEvent, but instead removes the specified event listener.
Example -
var destroy = function(){ alert('Boom: ' +; } // this refers to the Element.
$('myElement').addEvent('click', destroy);
$('myElement').removeEvent('click', destroy);
This means when you add an event with a eventhandler not an anonymous function if you than remove the event than it will be removed.
