Accessing Remote Registry for the currently logged in user with Powershell - windows

I'm trying to find the printer ports that are in use for the user that is logged in to multiple machines. However, when I run my script it is running Regedit as myself... How do I go about getting it for the user that is logged in?
Here is my current script:
Get-Content -Path c:\ListOfComputers.txt | ForEach-Object {
Get-ItemProperty -Path Registry::"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\PrinterPorts\" | ForEach-Object {Get-ItemProperty $_.pspath} | Format-List | Out-file c:\PortResults.txt


fsmgmt.msc | stop process are running from specific directory | Remote server with invoke

I want to stop all the processes are running from specific directory if the process is from C:/CSV/X kill the process the server is remote but I have users are opened the files from different sessions so how can I kill it from different sessions
$files = gci "C:\CSV\X\*"
foreach($file in $files){
Get-Process |
Where-Object {$_.Path -eq $file.FullName} |
Stop-Process -Force -Verbose
I tried it and it doesn't work
For example we have a folder named: MyItem Inside the folder there is
And I look for the processes through this: fsmgmt.msc
So I need to find a way to close all those whose source is MyItem/
If you only want to terminate 'open files' accessed from the network you can do something like this:
#set path
$path = 'C:\CSV\X\'
#get smb open files in specified directory and close em, escape $path \ because of -match operator (regex)
Get-SmbOpenFile | ?{$_.path -match ($path -replace '\\','\\')} | Close-SmbOpenFile
No need to kill processes.

Powershell - how to show which computers from a list are running a specific process?

Powershell beginner here working in an air-gapped, Win7 environment with Powershell 4.0 so unable to import any modules or do anything sophisticated but wondering how I can achieve generating a txt file of computers on the network that are running a specific process, say wusa.exe for Windows Updates?
I have a txt list of all the computer names already and so far have this:
$computers = gc "C:\PCList.txt"
foreach ($computer in $computers) {Get-process | out-file -Path "C:\TheseAreRunningWusa.txt"}
But obviously that displays ALL processes, any way to cut out everything aside from a specific one but also only list the ones running said process?
Thanks in advance.
The Get-Process command allows you to specify both a remote computer to run on, and what service you are looking for.
$computers = Get-Content "C:\PCList.txt"
$output = #()
foreach ($computer in $computers) {
if(Get-Process "myProcessName" -ComputerName $computer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
$output += $computer
$output | Set-Content "C:\TheseAreRunningMyProcess.txt"
Note: I used -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue as Get-Process throws an error if the process is not found.

running remotely ps commands

i have written a script which acts like a gpo editor, it can get some GPO and OU and link them or unlink them depending on user's wish. now this script does work when its running on Domain Controller machine but i need it to run on a windows 10 machine workstation on the domain. so i need to do the adjusment while showing the user the GUI, all the code must invoke the commands on the dc. i dont know whats the problem but when i enter the commands manually one by one it works and when its running as a script i get errors:
for example here is a function for a link button . (i have a gui with 2 listboxes. one showing the GPO's and one showing the OU (the ou is shown as CanonicalName and not as Distinguishedname hence the $SWITCH variable to go back and forth so the user will see it in a more friendly way)
function LinkFn {
#This $SWITCH is used to Translate the user selection from the OU listbox from canonical back to distinguishedname
$SWITCH = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -filter * -Property CanonicalName | Where-Object {$_.CanonicalName -eq $listBox2.SelectedItem}
ForEach ($line in $listBox1.selecteditems){
try {
Invoke-Command -ComputerName "$DCNAME" -ScriptBlock {New-GPlink -name $line -target $SWITCH -ErrorAction STOP | Out-null}
$ResultsTextBox.AppendText("`n GPO: $line HAVE BEEN LINKED Successfully.`n")
$ResultsTextBox.AppendText("`n$line ALREADY LINKED! TO THIS OU `n")
can someone help?
From what i see, i think there is a problem with the code line:
$SWITCH = Invoke-Command -ComputerName "$DCNAME" -ScriptBlock {Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -filter * -Property CanonicalName | Where-Object {$_.CanonicalName -eq $listBox2.SelectedItem}}
$switch is coming up empty (where it runs fine on dc), any idea why?
write your try catch block like below. You have to use $using:variable to use the variables declared outside of the scriptblock.;
try {
Invoke-Command -ComputerName "$DCNAME" -ScriptBlock {New-GPlink -name $using:line -target $using:SWITCH -ErrorAction STOP | Out-null}
$ResultsTextBox.AppendText("`n GPO: $line HAVE BEEN LINKED Successfully.`n")
$ResultsTextBox.AppendText("`n$line ALREADY LINKED! TO THIS OU `n")
Also, if the user does not have access to connect / remote to the DC, this wont work. User running the script will need admin level access to the DCs or use credentials for account that actually have access.

Check if specific programs are installed on a remote server using powershell

I am writing a script where I need to check specific applications if installed or not on a remote server. I am fairly new to PowerShell, but here is the script I have written
ForEach ($computers in $computer){
Get-WMIObject -Class win32_product -Filter {Name like "%Microsoft%"} -ComputerName $computers -ErrorAction STOP | Select-Object -Property Name,Version | export-csv "C:\progrms.csv"
The problem I am facing here is I can get details of only Microsoft application which are installed and if I give multiple names for filter parameter like "Microsoft", "SQL", "app1" so on. This script does not seem to work.
Please let me know what has gone wrong and what needs to be done in order to get the list of specific software's that are installed. Also, note that I will be using this script for both Windows 2008 and 2012 servers.
Remove the -Filter {Name like "%Microsoft%"} part of the script to have it return all installed software.
You probably want to be doing ForEach ($computer in $computers) rather than the other way around, assuming you're creating a $computers variable somewhere above this code with the list of computer names.
You also need to -Append to the Export-CSV command as otherwise each computers output will overwrite the output of the previous, however another issue you'll then have is knowing which software comes from which computer. You can address this by using a Calculated Property to add in the computer name to the output, as follows:
ForEach ($Computer in $Computers){
Get-WMIObject -Class win32_product -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction Stop |
Select-Object -Property #{N='Computer';E={$Computer}},Name,Version |
Export-Csv "C:\progrms.csv" -Append

Run elevated Powershell Script and import system modules

I'm trying to call a .PS1 using a batch file to produce a csv file with just the User Name and Other Telephone number details. I have the script to produce the csv file.
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties otherTelephone |
select name, #{L='otherTelephone'; E={$_.otherTelephone[0]}} | sort-object otherTelephone | select-object -last 1000 |
Export-Csv C:\Test.csv -NoTypeInformation
and I have the batch file to elevate the PowerShell
powershell -noprofile -command "&{ start-process powershell -ArgumentList '-noprofile -file C:\Test.ps1' -verb RunAs}"
The problem is when I try to import the system modules by adding
powershell.exe -ImportSystemModules
to the front of the powershell script, the CSV only returns the header information e.g. name and otherTelephone. The script works if I import the modules manually i.e right click import system modules, but not when I try to load modules before running the script.
Basically I need to run the PS script as admin, import the system modules and have the code output my data.
Any help as to where I am going wrong is appreciated.
powershell.exe -ImportSystemModules Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties otherTelephone |
select name, #{L='otherTelephone'; E={$_.otherTelephone[0]}} | sort-object otherTelephone | select-object -last 10 |
Export-Csv C:\Test.csv -NoTypeInformation
If you need to load the modules inside your script use the following code:
Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where-Object {$_.Path -like "$PSHOME*"} | Import-Module
The -ImportSystemModules switch is a flag for powershell.exe. If you call powershell.exe -ImportSystemModules inside of your script it will start another powershell instance and load the modules inside of it.
You could also add the -ImportSystemModules to your powershell call inside the batch file. That should work too
