Access - Get the total of a column in a select query - ms-access-2013

I have an Access database set up that takes a bunch of raw data, splits things up in different 'select' queries and pipes the results into various CSV files, where a dashboard set up in Excel will pick it up.
There's some data that I'm trying to calculate in Access, namely I have a quantity field, and I need to calculate the percentage of for each record. In other words, quantity / total of quantity.
Using my rather limited Access abilities, I tried the following query:
SELECT [Sales].*, [Quantity] / Sum([Quantity]) AS QuantityPercent FROM [Sales];
Which comes up with an error:
Your query does not include the specified expression 'company_name' as part of an aggregate function.
Company_name is the first field of the table, and after some Googling and Binging, I'm still quite confused as to what it means in this context.
To sum it up, my question is this: Is there a way to calculate data based off the total of a column/field?

The easy method is to use DSum:
[Quantity] / DSum("[Quantity]", "[Sales]") AS QuantityPercent


Writing a formula in a cell in Google Sheets that averages the results from a column derived from expected values in multiple columns

I'm an average user of Google sheets and I've tried writing/looking up the formula I'm going for, but I haven't had any luck yet.
I have a spreadsheet that details multiple values that I need to display in a single cell the average of a certain set of values derived from a specific set of those values from multiple columns.
The flow of information would look something along the lines of:
if value in Column D=L
if value in Column J<$1.20
Find Avg of all Values in Column N
I'd need the formula to narrow it's field of data each time so the final result was the average of all the values in Column N that had a value in column J<$1.20 with a value in Column D=L.
I feel like a dummy over here because I just can't narrow down how I should write this flow and get it to work right without adding multiple extra hidden columns. Can anyone help on this one?
I've tried writing the formula multiple different ways but haven't kept it written down to pass on.

Compare Dynamic Lists Power BI

I have a table ("Issues") which I am creating in PowerBI from a JIRA data connector, so this changes each time I refresh it. I have three columns I am using
Form Name
I created a second table and have summarized the Form Names and obtained the Total Effort:
SUMMARIZE(Issues,Issues[Form Name],"Total Effort",SUM(Issues[Effort (Days)]))
But I also want to add in a column for
Total Effort for each form name where the Status field is "Done"
My issue is that I don't know how to compare both tables / form names since these might change each time I refresh the table.
I need to write a conditional, something like
For each form name, print the total effort for each form name, print the total effort for each form name where the status is done
I have tried SUMX, CALCULATE, SUM, FILTER but cannot get these to work - can someone help, please?
If all you need is to add a column to your summarized table that sums "Effort" only when the Status is set to 'Done' -- then this is the right place to use CALCULATE.
Table =
Issues[Form Name],
"Total Effort", SUM(Issues[Effort]),
"Total Effort (Done)", CALCULATE(SUM(Issues[Effort]), Issues[Status] = "Done")
Here is a quick capture of what some of the mock data that I used to test this looks like. The Matrix is just the mock data with [Form Name] on the rows and [Status] on the columns. The last table shows the 'summarized' data calculated by the DAX above. You can compare this to the values in the matrix and see that they tie out.

PowerBI groupby with filters

My company has tasked with slicing the information on turnover and to create different graphs.
My source data looks like this: Relevant columns are: Voluntary/Involuntary, Termination Reason, Country, Production, and TermDateKey
I am trying to get counts using different filters on the data. I managed to get the basic monthly total using the formula:
Term Month Count = GROUPBY('Turnover Source','Turnover Source'[TermDateKey],"Turnover Total Count", COUNTX(CURRENTGROUP(),'Turnover Source'[TermDateKey]))
This gave me a new sheet with the counts for each month.
Table that shows TermDateKey on Column 1, and Counts on column 2
I am trying to add onto this table by adding counts but using different filters.
For example, I am trying to add another column that gives me the monthly count but filtered for 'Turnover Source'[Voluntary/Involuntary]=="Voluntary". Then another column for 'Turnover Source'[Voluntary/Involuntary]=="Involuntary" and so on. I have not found anywhere that shows me how to do this and when I add in the FILTER function it says that GROUPBY(...) can only work on CURRENTGROUP().
Can some one point me to a resource that will give me the solution I need? I am at a loss, thank you all.
It looks like you may not be aware that you don't have to calculate all possible groupings with DAX formulas.
The very nature of Power BI is that you use a column like "Termination Reason" on an X axis or in the legend of a visual. Any measure that you have created on values of another column, for e.g. a count of all rows, will then automatically be calculated to be grouped by the values in "Termination Reason", giving you a count of each of the values in the column.
You do NOT need DAX functions to calculate the grouping values for each measure for each column value combination.
Here is some simple sample data that has been grouped into dates and colours, one chart showing a count of each colour and one chart showing a sum of the Value column. No DAX was written for that.
If your scenario is different, please explain.

Laravel - find offset of record in mysql results

I have a MySQL table of records with several fields.
These records are shown and updated live in the browser. They are displayed in an order choosen by the user, with optional filters also choosen by the user.
Sometimes a change is made to one of the records, and it may affect the order for a given user.
In order to position the message correctly in the list, I need to find where its new offset falls after the change to the record. Basically, I need to get the "id" for the record that now comes before it in the MySQL results, so that I can use Javascript on the client side to reposition the record on the screen.
In raw SQL, I'd do something like this:
SET #rank=0;
(SELECT #rank:=#rank+1 AS rank, AS innerQuery,
FROM ...{rest of custom query here}... as subQuery)
AS outerQuery WHERE outerQuery.innerQuery={ID TO FIND};
Then I can just subtract 1 from the resulting rank, and find the ID of the question that comes before the record in question.
Is this kind of query possible with Laravel's query builder? Or is there a better strategy than what I've come up with here to accomplish the same task?
EDIT: There are a lot of records. So if possible I'd like to avoid loading all the records into memory to find the offset of the record. They are originally loaded on the screen in an "infinite scroll" type method, since it would be too much to load all of them at once.

Scan on DynamDB table or Query on secondary global index or a local index (What's the best solution)

I have AWS DynamoDB table called "Users", whose hash key/primary key is "UserID" which consist of emails. It has two attributes, first called "Daily Points" and second "TimeSpendInTheApp". Now I need to run a query or scan on the table, that will give me top 50 users which have the highest points and top 50 users which have spend the most time in the app. Now this query will be executed only once a day by cron aws lambda. I am trying to find the best solutions for this query or scan. For me, the cost is most important than speed/or efficiency. As maintaining secondary global index or a local index on points can be costly operations, as I have to assign Read and Write units for those indexes, which I want to avoid. "Users" table will have a maximum of 100,000 to 150,000 records and on average it will have 50,000 records. What are my best options? Please suggest.
I am thinking, my first option is, I can scan the whole table on Filter Expression for records above certain points (5000 for example), after this scan, if 50 or more than 50 records are found, then simply sort the values and take the top 50 records. If this scan returns no or very less results then reduce the Filter Expression value (3000 for example), then again do the same scan operation. If Filter Expression value (2500 for example) returns too many records, like 5000 or more, then reduce the Filter Expression value. Is this even possible, I guess it would also need to handle pagination. Is it advisable to scan on a table which has 50,000 record?
Any advice or suggestion will be helpful. Thanks in advance.
Firstly, creating indexes for the above use case doesn't simplify the process as it doesn't have solution for aggregation or sorting.
I would export the data to HIVE and run the queries rather than writing code to determine the result especially as it is going to be a batch executed only once per day.
Something like below:-
Create Hive table:-
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE hive_users(userId string, dailyPoints bigint, timeSpendInTheApp bigint)
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.dynamodb.DynamoDBStorageHandler'
TBLPROPERTIES ("" = "Users",
"dynamodb.column.mapping" = "userId:UserID,dailyPoints:Daily_Points,timeSpendInTheApp:TimeSpendInTheApp");
SELECT dailyPoints, userId from hive_users sort by dailyPoints desc;
SELECT timeSpendInTheApp, userId from hive_users sort by timeSpendInTheApp desc;
Hive Reference
