How to add an existing view to a UIScrollView - xcode

I have created a view and the content is larger than the screen. How do I add this view as a subview of a scrollview? For some reason I can't do this in Document Outline. It will only let me add the scrollview as a subview of the existing view.

Select your view in Interfacebuilder and then use the menu command Editor:Embed In:Scroll View


Autolayout not working properly

I have UIView in separate .xib file and I make UICollectionView in it.
To add collectionViewCell I made separate .xib file.
Now below collectionview I want to add UIView.but my problem is I set height of collectionview dynamically by using code.
But when I add this using autolayout constraint to add view below bottom of the collectionview but view will add on distance where It put on UI.
I want that first setup collectionview than view placed below it.
Problem screenshot 1
Below UIView constraint I have already set 2
Nirav Zalavadia
Instead of adding the UIView below the UICollectionView, place the UIView in the bottom of the screen.
Then, use a constraint from the bottom of the UICollection view to the top of the UIView.

UIScrollView cover controllers on top

I have a problem with an old project (Objective-C and No Auto layout).
I am trying to update some logic but I have a problem with a controller.
The structure of the controller is the same as the image attached
I have the problem that when I scroll up the tableView, the scrollView covers the button container view.
How can I solve this issue? I need that the scrollview does not cover that bar.
did you try to have another viewContainer where you put on the tableView and the Line Color?
Basically you need to have something like that:
viewContainer (Table View Container)
Line Color
viewContainer (Button View Container)

How do I add UILabel to UIScroll View using the Storyboard?

I am trying to add a UILabel onto a scroll view, so that when I scroll, the contents will move but the label will not. How do I do this in the story board without messing up the constraints of the scrollview?
Don't add the label inside the scroll view (the first picture), but rather inside the scroll view's parent view (the second picture)
So now the label's position will be relative to the parent view and not the scroll view. Then you can just control+click+drag from the label to the scroll view and choose your constraints from there.

Xcode: Determine which UI element is triggering segue

We have created a segue from a UITableViewCell in scene A to show scene B. How can you see that relationship in Xcode?
In Xcode we can select the source scene, look at Utilities \ Connections Inspector and see the segue. The storyboard shows the link between scene A and B. But I can't see how you can determine that the UITableViewCell in scene A is the UI element which triggers the segue.
The segue is not hooked up automatically to your table view by creating it in the Storyboard. A segue is just information that says we can transition from view A to view B. You've got to manually kick it off in tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: with a call to performSequeWithIdentifier:, passing in the value you've set for the Identifier field for the segue in your Storyboard.
If you select the segue in the outline view you can see the linkage:
The outline view is shown with by clicking this image in the bottom left corner of the storyboard editor:

Embedding Custom View with controls in NSScrollView

I'm trying to create a scrollable view with multiple controls inside it. For this I'm wrapping a Custom View control inside a NSScrollView and set the size of the custom view to about the same as the scroll view.
However if I place other controls inside the custom view in Interface Builder they don't appear in the custom view when running. Why is that?
If I place a button in a Custom View that is not wrapped in a NSScrollView it works but I want the custom view to be scrollable in case the window height is too small to show all controls.
After dragging in an NSScrollView in Interface Builder, look at the outline view in the xib window. You'll see that you now have a Bordered Scroll View, which contains a ClipView, which then contains a NSView.
a. Make sure your Custom View have been added as a subview to the NSView. If you add them at a higher level, you wont get the behavior you want.
b. Another option is to simply change the class of the NSView to your custom view class. Select the View that is inside the BorderedScrollView->ClipView, then click the 3rd tab from left (in the upper right of Xcode window) where you can type in your custom class name in the field labeled "Class".
