In Elastic Search how can I get result from each types in an index for result limited to 10 query.? - elasticsearch

I have four types in my index and I am searching for a keyword and the result is limited to 10.I need to get records from all types.Is it possible.?

If you mean getting the first 10 docs per type, I'd use the multisearch API.


ElasticSearch: how to search from multiple indexes

I have a situation where I need to search from multiple indexes (products and users). Below is a sample query I am using to do that search
With the above API request, it only returns search results for the product index. But if I search using the below API it returns search results for users index
As you can see I am passing same value for "q" parameter. I need to search for both product and users index and check if there is the word "wood" in any attribute in both indexes. How can I achieve this
You can pass multiple index names instead of _all as it will search in other indices that you don't intent to by using the comma seprated index name like
Although, _all should also fetch the result from users index which you get when you specify its name, you need to debug why its happening, maybe increase the size param to 1000 as by default Elasticsearch returns only 10 results and it seems in case of _all all the top results coming from products index only.

Is there a limit on the number of filters that can be passed to DynamoDB query

I’d like to search for something like
Field “Id” has a value in [Long list of IDs]
This long list of Ids can hit over 1000 Ids.
should I expect a problem with that? Is there a limit on how long the query can be?
I am looking at cloudsearch and it seems to have a limit of 1024 clauses and wondering if it should just be done from DynamoDB if there are no limits on it.
At that point, I guess I should also ask if Elastic search/Open search has such limits,
You can review the various DynamoDB limits at Here's two that will impact you:
The maximum length of any expression string is 4 KB.
The maximum number of operands for the IN comparator is 100.
Elasticsearch has a limit on max clause a query can have as explained in the search settings, but if you are using it only to filter the data, as you mentioned in your question, than you can simply use the terms query where you can send a long list of ids to filter on, this is also advised by Elasticsearch in the same document search settings.
Field “Id” has a value in [Long list of IDs]
This long list of Ids can hit over 1000 Ids.
Is Id your primary key?
If so, no because in dynamo you can do batchGet operation on passing the Ids and for 1000 you will have to do 10 concurrent/sequential calls to dynamo.
if it's not a primary key, i.e. a secondary index then you will have to do 1000 concurrent query operation to check the presence of the key.

Elasticsearch query to return limited amount of result (10) which will contain 2 from each specified keyword

I have articles stored in Elasticsearch and I've been wondering if there is a way I can query by date but the result to contain a specific amount of articles from each publisher. More specifically, I have 5 different publishers and I want to get the 10 latest articles, 2 from each publisher. I'm storing the publishers name as a keyword field in elastic.
The only idea I've come up with is to run a query for each publisher separately and limit the result to the first 2 (and then merge the results programmatically), but it will be more efficient I think if there is way I can do this in a single query.
This sounds like a case for field collapsing.
You would collapse on the publisher field (as long as it is a keyword or a number) and then request inner_hits, the actual articles.

End of search results using search_after parameter from Elastic Search API

For a given date range in the query and with a search_after parameter I am able to successfully extract the relevant results. How do I figure out if I am at the end of the search results for the given date range and I dont have to continue querying with the search_after parameter.
There is a pretty cool "trick" that does not involve any additional queries or knowledge of the total number of results:
Say you have a page size of 20. Instead of asking elasticsearch for 20 results, ask it for 21.
If you got 21 results back, only use the first 20 of them. But you now know that the next query will have at least one more result (If you use the sort values of the 20th result for the search_after parameter, not the 21st!).
If you get 20 results or fewer, there will be no additional results.
This github issue gives some more details into why elasticsearch does not have this feature out of the box:
You can either keep querying until it starts returning zero results, or it does return the total, so you could keep a track of how many you've already retrieved and stop searching once you've met the total. (I do a combination of both)

display limited words from ES field

I am using Mpdreamz/NEST for integrating Elasticsearch in C# . Is there any way to limit the number of words in a result string of query??
For example I have a field named 'Content' in ES and I need to dispaly 30 words of 'Content' matching 'sensex' from my index.
Thanks in advance for any help
You can't so easily even within Elasticsearch itself.
You have three options
Force excerpts by using highlighting
Try to use script_fields to return the first 30 words
At index time add another field that has just the first 30 words
Eventhough the first two are possible to do with NEST i would go for the third option since it won't incur a performance penalty at query time.
