Real time applications for counting numbers [closed] - algorithm

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am solving interesting questions which are quite frequently asked in programming interview like following:
Compute sum of digits in all numbers from 1 to n?
Compute number of perfect square between two given numbers?
Count numbers from 1 to n that have 4 as a digit?
I am wondering what are real time applications for above? Can any one please share there views.

I think these questions have multiple solutions. Question 1 and 3 are interesting because you can solve these problems without iteration in very clever ways, but also solve them using very long winded ways. As someone who does a lot of interviewing, I would want use this type of question to gauge the sophistication of the candidate at solving problems. On that basis I don't think giving you a clever answer to these question is going to be in your best interests to succeeding at interviews. How you tackle a problem and how far you can push the boundaries is what is likely being tested.


Is there a good and easy way to find algorithms? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm mainly a selftought I started studying computer science half a year ago.
Before studying, I genneraly just tried to think of an algorithm to do the tasks I needed to be done - with sorting algorithms for example this was quite easy (they might not have been super efficient, but they did good enough). But sometimes I really struggled to come up with algorithms for quite typical problems:
One example for this is triangulation.
The problem is: I didn't know it was called like that. Quite a few hours later I finally found out about delauney triangulation, and all my problems where immediately solved.
Also in computer science I'm learning about a lot of specific algorithms, but my question is:
Is there a way to learn about all these "important" algorithms, maybe by type or something simular? Or is the only good way to keep studying and hope they come my way at some point?

I am at a crossroads in my program and I was wondering which path would be more efficient time wise [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I currently see two ways to code the next step of my program and there are probably more, but the two routes I have are as follows.
I take the factors of the lowest number and loop through the other numbers two see if they share those common factors.
I find the factors of the lowest number and add it to a list. I then find the factors of the other numbers that do not exceed the lowest and add them to the same list. I then run through the list to check which is the highest number that appears x times.
I am leaning towards 1, but I'm not sure.
Sorry if this is too ambiguous, thanks.
Well, given the ambiguity, as stated: the 1st requires less steps and avoids the allocation of a data structure.

Algorithm for finding similar words [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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In order to support users learning English, I want to make a multiple-choice quiz using the vocabulary that the user is studying.
For example, if the user is learning "angel" then I need an algorithm to produce some similar words such as "angle" and "angled"
Another example, if the user is learning "accountant" then I need an algorithm to produce some similar words such as "accounttant" and "acountant", "acounttant"
You could compute the Levenshtein Distance from the starting word to each word in your vocabulary and pick the 2 or 3 shortest ones.
Depending on how many words are in your dictionary this might take a long time though, so I would recommend bailing out after a certain (small) number of steps - i.e. if you have made 3 mutations and still haven't arrived at your target word then stop and move on to the next one.

What statups are expecting while asking to solve a programming challenge before hand? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have applied to couple of startups and most of them are asking to solve programming challenge before they start on the interviewing candidate.
I have submitted couple of the solution and all the time getting rejected in the initial screening.
Now what i think is, they will see my coding style, algorithm and OOD concepts that i have used to solve the problem. Can you guys input more on it as what other details are taken into consideration and how can i improve my coding for getting selected.
By the way, i did all my coding in either Java/Perl.
Nice question, I am a new grad too... One thing I notice: When you do the exercise home, they expect you to use the best algorithm out there. In my opinion code modularity, even on a small function is key. Put lot effort into the code because they are not just judging you, but comparing you against other candidate. The one which seems to have put the more effort wins.
ps: Ask this question on programmers.stackexchange, you will obtain some good inputs there.

Algorithm for creating infinite terrain/landscape/surface? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Does any have an algorithm for creating infinite terrain/landscape/surface?
The algorithm should start by a random seed
The algorithm should be one to one, (the same seed gives the same result)
Other input parameter are allowed as long as 2 is fulfilled
The algorithm may output a 2d map
It suppose to create only surface with varying height (mountains), not three, ocean etc.
I’m looking for an algorithm and not a software.
It should be fast
None of other related questions in here answers this question.
If anything is unclear please let me know!
I would suggest something like Perlin noise, I've used it before for something like you're describing above, and it fits the bill. Check out this Example and you can see the sort of output you would expect from the noise generator.Here is a link to algorithm p-code too.
As others already said perlin noise is a possibility. Gpugems 3 has a nice capter about procedual generation using (IIRC, it has been some time since I read this) 3D Perlin noise.
Of course there are other methods too, e.g. might be worth a look.
