Publishing in Visual Studio 2015 - Could not find part of path - visual-studio

Am trying to publish my Web Application. It worked fine literally 15 minutes ago and not aware of anything changing in the meantime. Now receiving this error:
Copying file bin\myApp.dll to obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp\bin\myApp.dll failed. Could not find a part of the path 'obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp\bin\myApp.dll'.
Tried copying the dll manually and Windows just hangs.
Any ideas?

Usually this happens to me when a file is locked (still in use) by windows.
Try right clicking on the solution and doing "clean" solution. Then rebuilding.
If that does not work. Try cleaning solution, closing Visual Studio, re-opening it, then publishing it.

Think I've fixed it. Had to remote directly into the server and cut the release folder to the desktop then copy it back again. Window's threw some permission errors, which it shouldn't have as I have full permissions but worked when I clicked "Try Again". Then manually inserted the dll the same way and tried publishing again. This time it worked. Bit of a weird one but seems to be working now.

I was looking for a solution to this problem and I've found out, in my case, that the folder was not being created when the project was published in IIS. So I've copied the folder from my project's directory to the location where the project is published.
It worked for me!

I had a similar issue and found that the cause was the permission set in the Build folder located in the project folder where the software is compiled to.
For some reason the permission were not set to full, and on further investigation the delete permissions were not set to active.
This meant that the first compile succeeded, but the second failed because the original folder could not be cleared by Visual Studio, or the original files could not be overwritten.
Setting the permissions to full fixed this issue.

This happened to me when you have a files that the path that is longer than 255 chars.
Ensuring all file paths from the drive root to all the files in the Debug\Package\PackageTmp folder were shorter than 255 corrected the issue for me


Getting a "vspscc could not be found in your workspace, or you do not have permission to access it" error

Today, while trying to publish an app so I could test it, I suddenly got this error message:
The item
could not be found in your workspace, or you do not have permission to
access it.
That's a mystery to me, as I've never gotten this before and I was working with this app just last week. Publishing it, too.
I've looked for the .vspscc file. Found it exactly where it said it should be. So, the alternative is that I don't have permissions to it. I don't understand why I shouldn't have permissions to a file on my machine that I created, but whatever. So, how do I get permissions to my own file?
I'm working with VS 2017, TFS 2015 on premise.
This issue may due to the wrong source control binding for that specific xx.vspscc file.
Double check your source control bindings for that file in TFS. You could also try to unbind and rebind the file.
Then delete the file in local(back up local changes first) and get latest version from TFS. Finally do the publish again.
If above solution is still not working, try to delete local workspace and create a new one, get latest version of the file, modify the file with local changes (if you have) in your backup , check in the file, then do the publish .
Another reason for this problem is, that the vspscc file is not checked in.
Just do a "Compare" on the project folder to see, if it's missing.
If the csproj.vspscc is missing you can create a new one by removing the project in visual studio and adding it back
I was able to 'fix' the problem by going to the source control explorer, selecting the smproj file (which was checked out for editing), and checked it in by itself. Then, I checked in the Model.bim. Was able to do both of these things without getting the error.
I also tried all the usual things, deleting the entire solution directory, getting it from TFS again but nothing worked.
Noticed the version of Visual Studio 2019 was a few months old so upgraded to the latest. That fixed it!

Visual Studio 2015 can't open project.exe for writing. Access to path denied

I am developing a VB.NET (4.5 framework) solution in Visual Studio 2015, Win10 OS, and have been able to run the builds uninhibited for several months, but now I am receiving the following error upon starting the build:
vbc : error BC2012: can't open
'C:\MyProject\ProjR5\ProjR5\obj\Debug\ProjR5.exe' for writing: Access
to the path 'C:\MyProj\ProjR5\ProjR5\obj\Debug\GenTagR5.exe' is
At first, VS2015 would give me the option to run the last successful build, but even that is no longer an option. After exhaustive internet searches on this problem, none of the dozen or so given solutions are solving my issue.
Here is what I have tried in order to resolve the error so far:
Ran sfc /scannow (elevated prompt)
Using ProcessExplorer, find handle or DLL substring that included my project
Made sure there were no hanging procs (including procs with my project name, devenv.exe, [project].exe, [myproject].vhost.exe, etc.)
Restarted VS2015
Restarted VS2015, running "as Administrator"
Restarted Computer
Full Shutdown of computer
Complete Rebuild of Solution
Build->Clean Solution
Build->Clean Solution, then Build->Build Solution
Build->Rebuild Solution
Uninstalled and Reinstalled VS2015
Disabled all indexing
Removed "Read Only" attribute from entire project folder and files within
Checked startup scripts for like- or identical processes
Disabled all AV apps
Disabled all antispyware apps
Disabled all firewalls
Verified that Application Experience (services.msc) wasn't disabled (I'm using
Win10 ... it isn't even in the list of services)
Set Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->Build and Run->Max. parallel
builds to 1
Rerun aspnet_regiis.exe (under .NET\Framework)
Checked Local Security Policies and verified account was listed under
"Impersonate a client after authentication"
Removed \bin and \obj folders
Put \bin and \obj back when removing them didn't help
Removed \bin and \obj folders, then Rebuilt
None of these have worked. Any suggestions?
The problem ended up being Samsung Magician's Rapid Mode losing data during its write-caching phase to my solid state drive. I turned off Rapid Mode, and now the project builds without any problems.
Sorry for came too late, but i had this problem and i wanted to show how i fixed for the next devs who need a solution:
It's quite simple, just change your proyect assembly name:1) On your solution explorer: Right click on your proyect.
2) Properties>> aplication>> assembly name>> change it.
3) Compile, run to test it.
4) Change the name again if u wanted the original name.
Adding a description:
Changin the assembly name
New 2 programing in VS but i had same problem of Access or Write exe file ON BUILD.
Problem came out of nowhere. I didn't use or make changes 2 exe file in months,
made exe file, used it now and then and forgot about it....
Then after few months i wanted 2 start exe but no icon on desktop ??? ....tried everything, lost 3 days of searching inside code for error in VS and then called Google....
I read last comment ABOVE which mentioned Bitdefender, opened it and found BitD did block and isolate exe files ..... so i tried exluding files and folders which made problems inside BitD but no help....
So i went back 2 VS.
Within debug i got some X86 processor error which didnt make problem to build but it was warning (free component name in error description helped me ), - errors you can ignore but they are here on build ....
So i made last move before starting it all over again. Removed COMPONENT from application, deleted it on PC ...started VS from start .. and ALL was OK !!!
So in my case it was all about FREE component i used in app inside VS .... Bitdefender found some add / virus in it and blocked build progress.
BitD deleted or blocked exe file in start....
Hope this help anyone with similar problem !
The cause of this error for me was that Team Foundation Server had pulled in a bunch of files to my work space as Read-only. Not sure why it pulled them down from the server with read-only checked, but all I had to do was uncheck it.
Ok. Create a new solution and add its directories to the exception list and copy all your work, except for the '.vbproj' and except for the '.csproj' and the directory files to the directory of the directory of the new solution. I have tried that and it works, due that I have Bitdefender, it will be the only way to sort that issue. After doing so, try to build the app again. If it does not work, then I am definitely out of ideas.

Unable to save changes to files in Visual Studio 2013

I have a Visual Studio 2013 solution that is under source control (TFS, Visual Studio Online). It is mapped to a local workspace, I have checked out some files (e.g. web.config, global.asax).
When I try to save any changes to files I get a 'Save File As' dialog, and if I hit Save it warns me the file already exists (say, web.config), and asks me if I want to replace it. If I hit Yes I get I get an error dialog saying 'the process cannot access the file '....\wyfvmjia.p1p~' because it is used by another process. I have no idea what this file is or how it is related to the file (web.config) I am trying to save.
This is infuriating, any help would be greatly appreciated!
It looks like the Visual Studio process (devenv.exe) is creating and deleting random temporary files in the same folder (e.g. wyfvmjia.p1p~) and is causing a 'sharing violation' on those files (I used a sys internals utility to monitor the folder) when I am trying to save let's say web.config.
This seems to suggest in one of the comments that VS2013 creates a copy of a file and then replaces the original when trying to save a file in your project. This would explain why I see temporary files getting created and deleted. It's odd I get the 'Save File As' dialog though. It looks like some other process (antivirus?) gets hold of the temporary file before VS can do something with it?
I created a console application project with only a program.cs file and the same is happening. This may be a problem with Antivirus software interfering with the VS2013 'copy-replace' feature.
Changed title. Still have not been able to find a solution.
See the accepted answer. Apologies for not getting back earlier.
For me it was Google Drive.
Once I've closed it, I was able to save the file.
Try running Visual Studio as Administrator.
Extensions might be the problem. Or you could be opening some readonly files.
It's worth to mention that some of the extensions can turn any file you create in to a readonly file, and this would be the same result that you're facing.
So first, disable all extensions, and check for the little icon near the files's name (in the tab) that indicates a readonly file.
It turns out this was caused by disk encryption software. Disabling the disk encryption software services each time after starting VS2013 solves the problem. I did not have this problem with earlier versions of Visual Studio, presumably because of the new copy-replace cycle adopted by VS2013 mentioned in EDIT 2 in my original question.
Apologies for not coming back to comment and answer my original question, I completely forgot about it.
I had the same problem and it was caused by "Backup and Sync from Google". After I’ve closed it everything went back to normal.
I had this problem as well. It went away once I uninstalled VS 2013 and installed VS 2012 instead. Good enough for me.
I had the exact problem on a company computer. I had to uninstall VS 2013 RC2 and reinstall vs2013 ultimate. Then I had to go through the update process for update 1. I believe it must by the Symantec progressive scan along with the VS 2013 upgrade handling of files. I guess the moral of the story, if I can be so cliché is "If it aint broke don't fix it".
I had the same issue and created a bug on Connect. Let's hope this gets fixed
I got mine fixed by making a copy of all the files with git clone then deleting all old files and pasting the copied versions over it. Not sure how this fixed permissions or an antivirus denying permission but it did
martijn_himself sounds correct, problem could be because of Disk Encryption Software. This problem started om my PC when i changed settings (domain etc) on Disk Encryption Software. and a simple "Update 2" for VS2013 fixed this issue.
I had the same problem with only one html file in a project. For me it seems to have something to do with VPN that I was using to upload this html file to CRM system. Whenever it was on it seemed to "block" the file somehow. When I closed the window where I was uploading the html file I can save without any issues.
I tried all the suggestions here but none worked. Then, with the modified file open in Visual Studio, I navigated to the file on disk and deleted it. Then clicked build and the save file dialog no longer popped up. I was able to build and check in.
For me, it was Windows' Controlled Folder Access, even though I didn't get the standard warning/error. In "Allow an app through...", I had to add
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\WDExpress.exe
(Backup and Sync from Google) when I close it The problem vanished

Visual Studio retrieving an incorrect path to a project from somewhere

Visual Studio (and possibly TFS) has somehow (I think perhaps during a source control merge) become confused about the path of a project within my solution.
It thinks it is here (example paths for simplicity):
C:\My Projects\ExampleSolution\ExampleProjectWrong\ExampleProjectCorrect.csproj
whereas actually, the project file is located here:
C:\My Projects\ExampleSolution\ExampleProjectCorrect\ExampleProjectCorrect.csproj
I cannot for the life of me get it to recognize the correct location. I have tried:
Removing and re-adding the project from the correct location. An error message comes up saying The project file at C:\My Projects\ExampleSolution\ExampleProjectWrong\ExampleProjectCorrect.csproj could not be found.
Manually editing the .sln file to ensure all references to ExampleProjectCorrect.csproj have the correct paths.
Doing a find in files on the solution directory for both the correct and incorrect paths, to try and track down where studio is hiding the incorrect path.
Deleting the cache directories for VS and TFS
I'm tearing my hair out because I can't recreate the solution as it has near as makes no difference 100 projects in and is tied in to source control with several other developers working on it.
Can anyone point me in the right direction as to where it is storing this incorrect path and/or how to reset it so the damn thing will load correctly?
Go to Manage Workspaces (either through the File/Source Control menu or the workspace drop down in Source Control Explorer)
select edit for your workspace.
You should see, under working folders, a mapping for the source
control directory to the old/wrong project directory.
Select it and click remove.
Close VS and delete the suo file.
It still references the wrong directory. Maybe rebinding might work at this point but I didn't try that. Reload your project and you should be good to go.
Simply deleting the solutions .suo file worked for me.
I was facing this issue after performing a migration from Visual Source Safe 2005 to TFS 2012. I couldn't wait for the "Conversion Wizard" due out in the next couple weeks so I just ran VSSConvert.exe. This took 6 or so years of history and moved it into TFS.. while I didn't get the actual timeline history.. I got a bunch of entries on the same day with the comments indicating the actual check-ins of the history.. not bad.
So after it ran all night (Successfully, yay!), I was having trouble loading my projects just as this question stated. For some reason, a few projects were being referenced to an incorrect directory. I checked the .sln, the .vsproj files, and getting latest, deleting re-getting, adding removing, etc.. I tried everything noted here... even upgrading my workspace, which I'm not sure what that even did.
FINALLY... I deleted the *.suo files and viola. It worked.
I spent a couple hours on this one.
A slightly different solution.
TFS was displaying a non-existing path for a particular Solution. Previously, I had a laptop with a separate D: drive, but now, I just have a C: drive. TFS still thought my project was stored on D:\Project\MikesProject
I didn't have a .suo file to delete, the D: path wasn't mentioned anywhere in my Workspaces (buried away under the File\Source Control\Advanced\Workspaces menu), TFS showed that I did have the latest files in my (no-longer-existant) D: directory, and TFS in VS2013 didn't have a "Remove Mappings" option for this project.
But what did work was to simply do a "Get latest version" on the project.
After doing so, a fresh copy of the code was written to my C: drive, and (interestingly), now the Local Path was shown underlined.
Previously, the D: path wasn't shown like this.
Odd. Very odd.
We've had similar issues with moves and renames.
Deleting the local directories and then getting again solved it.
Even after deleting the .suo file and .vs folders, I had to edit the .sln file and remove the old relative url from SccProjectName# despite the SccLocalPath# being correct. Apparently VS also uses the name as a hint path.
Try to delete or rename .suo file (including extension). This file is at the same location where your solution file is. It worked for me.
Just guessing, but perhaps some of your other projects references your project from the wrong location? In this case, you have not just to delete and re-insert the project into your solution, you will also have to delete and recreate the references from the referencing projects (stored in their .csproj files).
After trying many recommendations I deleted the suo file ( again ). The last time worked. Why it did not work earlier I do not know. In general I find deleting the suo file one of the first steps I do.
I had my website solution opened from my Dev Branch.
Then for some other purpose I opened same solution from Main branch.
I made a change to one of my .ascx.cs file in the dev branch and set breakpoint. When I ran the debugger, all my break points were hit in the Dev Branch except for the .ascx.cs which was hitting the Main branch. Have not idea.
Tried cleaning the Temporary folder but didn't work.
What worked:
Closed all instances of Visual Studio
Opened the solution from Dev branch again.
Run again and the break points started hitting.
In my case i copied the *.sln file into the project folder and changed the path to project into the *.sln file. Only this resolved the problem (vs 2015 sp1, winservise project).
Delete *.suo does not helps for me.
Yet another solution worked for us - after trying the delete of suo and almost everything mentioned in this thread. We had a project in the solution which was showing a ghost version of the csproj file. We deleted that file and our paths fixed on another project we were trying to add.
Deleting obj and bin files would solve the problem...
I know it is an old line. I just went through the same problem. We recently migrate the TFS, so I created a new workspace to map to new server and kept the old one. Every time when I open a solution which is supposed to target to my new workspace, VS always tried to load projects from my old mapping directory, till I removed my old workspace.

Unable to copy file to server on build. Access to path is denied

I have a solution in Visual Studio that is comprised of 5 projects. The projects build to assemblies (.dll). I have the output path of each project set to \my-web-server\wwwroot\bin, which works fine on one project. In the properties for all of my projects, I have the output path set to the same directory, but when I try building all but one of the projects, I get the error:
Unable to copy file "obj\Release\Index.dll" to "\my-web-server\wwwroot\bin\Index.dll". Access to the path '\my-web-server\wwwroot\bin\Index.dll' is denied.
I assume it could be an issue with permissions, because my organization keeps things locked down, but I have no control over granting permissions. Any help in the right direction is much appreciated.
It must've been something silly. I deleted the .dll manually, then rebuilt. Looks like everything's working normally. Thanks.
The solution for me was to delete everything in bin and obj folders in every project. Just ran this powershell script as described here.
I had the same issue. A copy of Visual Studio (devenv.exe) was still running invisible in the background keeping the particular dll locked.
Delete all DLLs from the bin folder and build the solution.
just had the same issue, built a new project/solution, got it all working and then added to TFS.
Unfortunately I did not clean the build before adding and this meant some files that should not have been under source control were and were then read only(not checked out).
Manually deleting the files before rebuilding fixed the issue.
Most likely a program is running using that library.
This happens to me when running something to debug, and I forget to close it (not attached to IDE debugger).
And since this looks like a website, it is potentially due to the website being hosted from the development build folder, and someone is accessing it.
Similar to what Aequitarum said, it's mostly likely a locked file because it's in use. Since you have multiple projects, you mostly likely have references between them. And since you have all the projects outputting to the same folder any of the referenced projects will most likely get copied more than once if you have those files set to be deployed in the child project. (In a C# web application, you can view the properties of the reference and look at the "Copy Local" property.) And if you have the MsBuild project set to use multiple processors for the build, two child projects are both trying to copy the file at approximately the same time and one is erring out.
It's a very unique situation, but it is possible.
Working solution
Just go to Task Manager and search Detail (if its Win10) and search with your application name (for easy search just look at your windows user id wise)
And right click shows properties. just give the permission like Administrator access.
That's all its working fine for me. ( I was struggling for 1 week and its killed more my time)
It looks like WSearch Service locks up the files and does not release them. I disabled the service on WINDOWS 10 and was able to rebuild the solution.
