Xuggler can't open IContainer of icecast server [Webm live video stream] - ffmpeg

I'm trying to stream a live webm stream.
I tested some server and Icecast is my pic.
With ffmpeg capturing from an IP camera and publishing in icecast server I'm able to see video in html5
using this command:
ffmpeg.exe -rtsp_transport tcp -i "rtsp://" -f webm -r 20 -c:v libvpx -b:v 3M -s 300x200 -acodec none -content_type video/webm -crf 63 -g 0 icecast://source:hackme#
I'm using java and tryed to make this with xuggler, but I'm getting an error when opening the stream
final String urlOut = "icecast://source:hackme#";
final IContainer outContainer = IContainer.make();
final IContainerFormat outContainerFormat = IContainerFormat.make();
outContainerFormat.setOutputFormat("webm", urlOut, "video/webm");
int rc = outContainer.open(urlOut, IContainer.Type.WRITE, outContainerFormat);
if(rc>=0) {
}else {
Logger.getLogger(WebmPublisher.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "Fail to open Container " + IError.make(rc));
Any help?
I'm getting the error -2:
Error: could not open file (../../../../../../../csrc/com/xuggle/xuggler/Container.cpp:544)
It's is also very importatn to set the content type as video/webm because icecast by default set the mime type to audio/mpeg


Use ffmpeg to record 2 webcams on raspberry pi

I want to record 2 webcams using ffmpeg, i have a simple python script but it doesn't work when I run the 2 subprocesses at the same time.
ROOT_PATH = os.getenv("ROOT_PATH", "/home/pi")
ENCODING = os.getenv("ENCODING", "copy")
new_dir = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
RECORDINGS_PATH1 = os.getenv("RECORDINGS_PATH", "RecordingsCam1")
RECORDINGS_PATH2 = os.getenv("RECORDINGS_PATH", "RecordingsCam2")
recording_path1 = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, RECORDINGS_PATH1, new_dir)
recording_path2 = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, RECORDINGS_PATH2, new_dir)
segments_path1 = os.path.join(recording_path1, "%03d.avi")
segments_path2 = os.path.join(recording_path2, "%03d.avi")
record1 = "ffmpeg -nostdin -i /dev/video0 -c:v {} -an -sn -dn -segment_time 30 -f segment {}".format(ENCODING, segments_path1)
record2 = "ffmpeg -nostdin -i /dev/video2 -c:v {} -an -sn -dn -segment_time 30 -f segment {}".format(ENCODING, segments_path2)
subprocess.Popen(record1, shell=True)
subprocess.Popen(record2, shell=True)
Also, i tried capturing the 2 sources side by side but it gives the error:`Filtering and streamcopy cannot be used together.
This has nothing to do with running two processes at the same time. FFmpeg clearly states that it cannot find /dev/video0 and /dev/video2. It seems your video camera is not detected. You can check this with following command :
$ ls /dev/ | grep video
will list all devices which have video in their name. If video0 and video2 do not exist, its clear FFmpeg gives such error. If they do exist, i do not know how to resolve this. You may try to run the FFmpeg commands directly in terminal.

Can I have a rawvideo stream in a MPEG TS container

I receive an MPEG TS container over network (UDP). It contains two streams: an mpeg2video vidoe stream with yuv420p pixel format and a data stream encoded using a propitiatory KLV format.
My receiver program must be in Python. So, I can't use FFMPEG library (like AVFormat, AVCodec) directly.
Now my problem is as follows:
I need to receive video frames and save them as RGB image as raw numpy array. I also need for each frame to parse the corresponding KLV data. There is a one to one relationship between video frames and KLV data units.
I thought I use ffprobe to output the packets including their payload data from incoming container and then parse the output of ffprobe to get the images and metadata:
$ ffprobe -show_packets -show_data -print_format json udp:// > test_video.packets.data.json
This gives me an output (in test_video.packets.data.json file) like:
"codec_type": "video",
"stream_index": 0,
"pts": 140400,
"pts_time": "1.560000",
"dts": 136800,
"dts_time": "1.520000",
"duration": 3600,
"duration_time": "0.040000",
"size": "21301",
"pos": "3788012",
"flags": "K_",
"side_data_list": [
"side_data_type": "MPEGTS Stream ID"
"data": "... "
"codec_type": "data",
"stream_index": 1,
"pts": 140400,
"pts_time": "1.560000",
"dts": 140400,
"dts_time": "1.560000",
"size": "850",
"pos": "3817904",
"flags": "K_",
"side_data_list": [
"side_data_type": "MPEGTS Stream ID"
"data": ".... "
I can extract the KLV data from the data packets and parse it. However the data from the video packets in encoded as mpeg2video video with yuv420p pixel format.
My Questions:
How can I get the raw pixel values from that mpeg2 encoded payload?
Is it possible to use ffmpeg to receive the original container and copy it (with both streams) into a new container, but with raw video instead of mpeg2 video? if yes, how? what should be the command? I tried for example: ffmpeg -i udp:// -map 0:0 -codec rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -map 0:1 -codec copy -f mpegts udp://, but it gives me again mpeg2 encoded video data in payload of video packets
MPEG-TS supports a limited number of video codecs. However, ffmpeg's muxer will silently mux even unsupported streams as private data streams.
To mux a raw RGB stream, convert to rgb24 pixel format and code using rawvideo codec.
ffmpeg -i udp:// -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -c copy -c:v rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -f mpegts udp://

What are supported ffmpeg rtp_mpegts Muxer options? (mpegts Muxer options are ignored)

I created a UDP stream with -f mpegts and some options like -mpegts_transport_stream_id.
I received the stream with "StreamXpert - Real-time stream analyzer" that shows all options are in the output. See my ffmpeg parameters and the StreamXpert at the end.
The same Muxer options seem to be ignored with -f rtp_mpegts.
I have tried to use -f mpegts and pipe it to -f rtp_mpegts like so:
ffmpeg -i ... -f mpegts pipe: | ffmpeg pipe: -c copy -f rtp_mpegts "rtp://"
The options are still ignored.
This ticket "support options for MPEGTS muxer when using RTP_MPEGTS" also notices the ignored option. Furthermore in this comment, "thovo" gives an analysis and suggests a solution.
Obviously the problem still exists. Anybody found a workaround for this?
My additional question: I have not questioned if my project really needs rtp in the first place. Maybe my coworker didn't know better and requested rtp when udp would be sufficient as well.
The aim was to receive the RTP stream with a TV using DVB via IP. This was successful an a Panasonic TV.
The SAT>IP Specification on page 10 requires rtp for Media Transport:
The SAT>IP protocol makes use of:
UPnP for Addressing, Discovery and Description,
RTSP or HTTP for Control,
RTP or HTTP for Media Transport.
Is udp out of the equation?
ffmpeg: (all options are in the output with -f mpegts)
(HEX to decimal: 0x005A = 90, 0x005B = 91 0x005C = 92, 0x005D = 93, 0x005E= 94)
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc \
-r 25 \
-c:v libx264 \
-pix_fmt yuv420p \
-profile:v main -level 3.1 \
-preset veryfast \
-vf scale=1280:720,setdar=dar=16/9 \
-an \
-bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb \
-flush_packets 0 \
-b:v 4M \
-muxrate 8M \
-pcr_period 20 \
-pat_period 0.10 \
-sdt_period 0.25 \
-metadata:s:a:0 language=nya \
-mpegts_flags +pat_pmt_at_frames \
-mpegts_transport_stream_id 0x005A \
-mpegts_original_network_id 0x005B \
-mpegts_service_id 0x005C \
-mpegts_pmt_start_pid 0x005D \
-mpegts_start_pid 0x005E \
-mpegts_service_type advanced_codec_digital_hdtv \
-metadata service_provider='WI' \
-metadata service_name='W' \
-mpegts_flags system_b -flush_packets 0 \
-f mpegts "udp://"
StreamXpert Output:
-mpegts_transport_stream_id = Transport Stream ID (yellow text highlight)
-mpegts_original_network_id = Original Network ID, onw (green text highlight)
-mpegts_service_id = Program, service (pink text highlight)
-mpegts_pmt_start_pid = PMT PID, Table PID (turquoise text highlight)
-mpegts_start_pid = PID, PCR PID (red text highlight)
-mpegts_service_type = service type (blue text)
service_name = Service name (orange text)
service_provider = Service provider (pink text)

concat two video using ffmpeg working on local but not working on server why?

Here the code is for concat two video and adding watermark to that video but this code working perfectly in local but not in server.
The code is as follows:
$videoFileName = rand('111111', '999999').'_'.time().'.'.$request->file('video1')->getClientOriginalExtension();
$intermediateVideo1 = rand('1111111', '9999999').'_'.time().'.ts';
$intermediateVideo2 = rand('1111111', '9999999').'_'.time().'.ts';
$concatVideoFileName = rand('111111', '999999').'_'.time().'.'.$request->file('video1')->getClientOriginalExtension();
exec('ffmpeg -i '.$request->file('video1').' -c copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts '.$intermediateVideo1);
exec('ffmpeg -i '.$request->file('video2').' -c copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts '.$intermediateVideo2);
exec('ffmpeg -i "concat:'.$intermediateVideo1.'|'.$intermediateVideo2.'" -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc '.public_path('uploads/videos/'.$concatVideoFileName));
exec('ffmpeg -i '.public_path('uploads/videos/'.$concatVideoFileName).' -i '.storage_path("assets/image/watermark.png").' -filter_complex "overlay" '.public_path('uploads/videos/'.$videoFileName));

How to Create video from selected images of a folder using FFMPEG?

For the time being I am doing
ProcessStartInfo ffmpeg = new ProcessStartInfo();
ffmpeg.CreateNoWindow = false;
ffmpeg.UseShellExecute = false;
ffmpeg.FileName = "e:\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe";
ffmpeg.Arguments = "for file in (D:\\Day\\*.jpg); do ffmpeg -i \"$file\" -vf fps=1/60 -q:v 3 \"D:\\images\\out.mp4\"; done;";
ffmpeg.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
Process x = Process.Start(ffmpeg);
Here I'm getting exception saying system cannot find specified file.
For time being I'm considering all the files in D:\Day\*.jpg but actually I need to query individual files from a list.
Where am I wrong in the above scenario?
We need to create a separate text file with the image names and use that text file to create your video.
inside frameList.txt :
file 'D:\20180205_054616_831.jpg'
file 'D:\20180205_054616_911.jpg'
file 'D:\20180205_054617_31.jpg'
file 'D:\20180205_054617_111.jpg'
and in Arguments of the process use,
"-report -y -r 15/1 -f concat -safe 0 -i frameList.txt -c:v libx264 -s 1920*1080 -b:v 2000k -vf fps=15,format=yuv420p out.mp4"
