I was wondering if there is a way to access the little gray content boxes located right under a WebPage url in a Bing.com search result with the Big Websearch Api. I referred to here but nothing in the webpage object maps to what I see in bing.com search results. Any idea how I can access this content through api?
Unfortunately this content is not accessible through the API. You can suggest this feature is implemented on their feedback forum.
Right now I'm using Custom Search Engine (CSE) to search through entire web by search term. The request looks like:
GET "https:/www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?key=API_KEY&cx=SEARCH_ENGINE_ID&q=SEARCH_TERM"
And this request returns me list of search results.
But, I need to implement search by image or image url. Do Google API provide such a url param? Maybe something like "image_url"? So, the request can look the following:
Basically, I need to implement the same functionality as images.google.com/ but using my Custom Search Engine. Thanks.
Example of what I need to implement:
As far as I know, what you're looking for is only supported by Vision AI service (partially at least, never used it before). Google CSE API only allows you to search images and not by images as you may noticed.
Google had a beautiful API which you can use to search for large images, but unfortunately they decided to disable it. Now you can use their "custom search engine", but it doesn't get even close to what that old API could do. For a start, the results you get are not the same as if you search in the common search page with your browser, and you can't specify the size of the images you are searching for.
Is it there any programatically way I can get a list of the URLs of the images I would find in the common search google page, size included?
You can use scrapping the google image search results and parse the links to the images. urllib2 library in python can help you here.
I'm trying to find out if there is a way to do google similar image searches via an API?
I know the image search api is depreciated but is it still useable?
Also... It seems that you can do image searches with the custom search api but I can't seem to work out if a similar image search is possible.
Any leads on advice on working this our would be appreciated.
If you have a URL for a hosted image (using Dropbox, imgur, etc), the answer at https://stackoverflow.com/a/15134958/116891 shows you how to find similar images. Basically,
That is deprecated.
But I need JSON format of similar images result.
So, I try to use google cse but this is not supported searching of similar images.
It's just displayed image search results in a custom domain.
Another method that i try is URL.
But this is not solution what i need.
It is because able to use in the browser. I need JSON.
Conclude, I decide to use Vision API of Google.
This is very simple.
You can try on the top.
First, access the URL.
Second, upload your image file on the "Try API".
Third, click "JSON" tab menu on the result.
You can be seen JSON about similar images.
I have a website for book reviews. I offer a link to the Amazon entry of the books. I discovered after a bit of research that the direct URL for Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky" is:
Which works magic because then I don't have to manually include the Amazon link in my database and directly links to the Amazon page (works 99.99% of the times).
I was wondering if there was an equivalent for images (whether Google or some alternative) to retrieve an image URL based on keywords only (for the purpose of getting the book cover image).
There's no such thing for Google Images, but you might be able to use another web service to do what you want. I noticed that when you're searching for a book, the first image result isn't always the cover of it. Sometimes it's a photo of the author, sometimes it's some image from book's review, so you can hardly rely on that.
It should not be hard to parse the amazon page and get the image and link but google has an API to google books that return all informations about a book in JSON format, you can try it online on the API Explorer (the cover are on the results too). Click here to see an example (click "Execute" to run it).
Unfortunately public Google search engine doesn't support that. You should use Custom Search API to implement such feature in your application. Alternatively use XGoogle (unofficial Python wrapper to Google Search services, see google_dl tool for example).
Other suggestions is to use:
YQL by Yahoo (see yql-tables repo at GitHub for examples).
Use alternative search engines.
E.g. In Wolfram Alpha you can type: "show image of laptop" and it'll give you the first popular picture, however you need to use Wolfram|Alpha APIs or some script (see this ChatBot for example) to pick up the direct link.
I would like to use Google Image search, however I can't find the proper url anywhere. Examples always refer to the web search, not the image search. I do not want to use javascript, I need the iamge at server side.
Please, do not simply post links to the API documentation, but preferably the url itself. (Or the missing url argument etc).
This is a web search - no changing web to image/img doesn't work.
The right url is