Starting Neo4j failed: Address localhost:7474 is already in use, cannot bind to it on Mac OSX - macos

I'm trying to install a neo4j server on my localhost (mac osx - El-capitan) and i'm getting this error -
Starting Neo4j failed: Address localhost:7474 is already in use,
cannot bind to it.
I tried to stop the port from running and then install it throw the neo4j install app, but it still give this error
When i try to start the neo4j server it gives me this error :
./usr/local/bin/neo4j: line 229: [: too many arguments

Try to kill your java processes :
sudo killall -9 java
Then restart your neo4j server :
./bin/neo4j restart

Same problem using Win 10, I had to turn off https-support
in, i.e.
\# Turn https-support on/off

You don’t need to install anything. Just download the linux tar.gz package, uncompress it and use the terminal to run the command ‘./bin/neo4j console’ to run it in console mode. You can start it in background too but based on your question, it sounds like this is just a dev machine.


another web server is already running and unable to run Apache2

I am using Kali linux
I am unable to run Apache2, i tried so many ways to fix it .., i successful installed xampp and apache2 but dont know why apache not running, mysql and proFTD is running
When i run code to to check the status of apache in lampp it show that another web server is already running.
(another web server already runing)
write this code in terminal
/opt/lampp/xampp disablessl
then check for the apache
sudo /opt/lampp/xampp start
Starting XAMPP for Linux 7.2.5-0...
XAMPP: Starting Apache...ok.
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...already running.
XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD...already running.

Screen freezes on connecting to mongodb in Windows 10

I was trying to set up mongo server on Windows 10.
It looked like everything alright and the service was listening on 27017.
However on another command prompt, mongo failed to connect and the screen just froze as follow
I've checked the firewall rule, port 27017 is open. And ping is responding.
Any idea why the connection would get stuck?
Try running mongo.exe with verbose mode
c:\mongodb\bin>mongo.exe --verbose
This will help you diagnose this further.
I have just got this situation.
Solution: Edit mongo configuration
linux: sudo nano /etc/mongodb.conf
and disable auth=true. Then restart mongo server service.
linux: sudo service mongodb restart
Incorrect config authentication steps lead to this hanging in mongo shell.
After that, config following this link:
Then re-enable auth=true

XAMPP Servers not starting in Macos Sierra

I have installed XAMPP in OS EL Captian, it works fine there. When i upgrade my os to macos Sierra, it throws the following error messages in XAMPP control panel...
Restarting all servers...
Starting MySQL Database...
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/mysql/scripts/ : mysql started at port 3306
Starting Apache Web Server...
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/apache2/scripts/ : httpd started
Starting ProFTPD...
Exit code: 8
Checking syntax of configuration file
proftpd config test fails, aborting
MM-SHANMUGAM-SA.local proftpd[19886]: warning: unable to determine IP address of 'MM-SHANMUGAM-SA.local'
MM-SHANMUGAM-SA.local proftpd[19886]: error: no valid servers configured
MM-SHANMUGAM-SA.local proftpd[19886]: Fatal: error processing configuration file '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/etc/proftpd.conf'
I had the same problem. I didn't get the error though.
With me the problem was that Apache was already running on macOS itself so it couldn't start from XAMPP. I guess the update to Sierra must have started it.
I fixed the problem by stopping Apache by running sudo apachectl stop on the Terminal.

mongodb : listen() attempts to access socket in a forbidden way

I downloaded 64-bit zipped version of mongodb for windows, created '/data/db' as instructed.
Now, when I run "mongod" command, I am getting the following error & the mongodb server shuts down automatically.
"ERROR : listen() failed error-10013. An attempt was made to access socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. "
Please help me to clear the firewall settings in windows to prevent this error & run mongodb.
I was able to fix the error by using the following command : "mongod --bind_ip="". :)
This error also seems to happen when mongod is already running. On Windows 10, mongod will be listed under Background Processes in the Task Manager if it is running. If it is already running, ending the task should allow you to run mongod again without this error occurring. Also check that it is not running as a service; it may be set to restart automatically.
Also, if you have a docker container running mongodb, you also get this error. If you stop your container(s) running mongodb, then it should start up.
I was able to fix this issue by allowing access for Mongo Db Server Application under firewall settings in my antivirus settings.
After you did the above step,open the cmd as administrator and go to the bin path of mongodb application in your system.
Then run the below command.
Note : try the above steps only after you tried the below steps
I ran across a similar error which is why I ended up on this thread. For me, my solution was that McAfee Antivirus was blocking MongoDB.
The initial error basically showed that access was denied for mongo:
mongo error
I was able to do a search on the internet and found steps to allow MongoDB to run under McAfee Antivirus software by changing the setting for the app directly.
mcaffee settings
When I located MongoDB in the apps requesting internet access, it was initially set to blocked. I selected the app, clicked on edit and changed it to 'Designated ports'.
mongodb settings changed
Now, I am able to run mongo whether the mongod service is started automatically or if I start it manually in a hyper terminal window.

Mongodb windows setup "admin web console waiting for connections on port 28017" error

I have a problem on mongodb setup.
I am using windows 8 64 bit, downloaded package for windows.
While I am trying to install this package on cmd, I get an error.
It's stoped this line "[websvr] admin web console waiting for connections on port 28017"
How can I repair this error?
I realized from answers, "this problem isn't error".
I try this command, it worked flawlessly.
mongod --logpath c:\mongodb\logs\mongo.log --dbpath c:\mongodb\data\db --directoryperdb --install
From the attached screenshot, MongoDB server has started successfully. By running mongod.exe you have started MongoDB server. It is now ready to accept connections from MongoDB clients. You can connect to your MongoDB server using MongoDB shell, a MongoDB client, or your application, and perform database operations. To start the MongoDB shell, use the following from command prompt.
By default, MongoDB server listens on port 27017. In addition, the MongoDB admin console listens on MongoDB port number + 1000. Here you are using port 27017 for your MongoDB, hence admin console is on port 28017. The following url will take you to the admin console.
I try this command, it worked flawlessly.
mongod --logpath c:\mongodb\logs\mongo.log --dbpath c:\mongodb\data\db --directoryperdb --install
And windows service Mongodb started successful.
I like that ;)
