How to add new /proc/sys/kernel entries? - linux-kernel

I wanted to add the new sysctl parameter in kernel module for the code audit.c and this parameter value should be changed during runtime.Where exactly I need to add the new sysctl code and How to achieve it?

You should use ctl_table in tree hierarchy and handle it in your module.
static struct ctl_table sample_child_table1[] = {
.ctl_name = CTL_UNNUMBERED1,
.procname = "sample",
.maxlen = sizeof(int),
.mode = 0444,
.data = &global_var,
.proc_handler = &proc_dointvec_minmax,
.extra1 = &min_val,
.extra2 = &max_val,
static struct ctl_table sample_parent_table[] = {
.ctl_name = CTL_KERN,
.procname = "kernel",
.mode = 0777,
.child = sample_child_table,


How can I get and edit a FString inside a Struct inside a TArray using UProperties

I have these structs:
struct FBaseCreateEditVariable {
FBaseCreateEditVariable() {}
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, meta = (DisplayName = "variableName"))
FString variableName = "";
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, meta = (DisplayName = "variableValue"))
FString variableValue = "";
struct FCreateEditVariable : public FInteractStruct {
FCreateEditVariable() {}
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, meta = (DisplayName = "variables"))
TArray<FBaseCreateEditVariable> variables;
So if I have these two variables:
UArrayProperty* arrayProp; //The property "variables" inside "FCreateEditVariable" struct
void * dir2; //The address of "variables"'s parent ("FCreateEditVariable")
How can I get and how can I edit dynamically using Uproperty and "for/while" all of the FString properties inside FBaseCreateEditVariable (can be more than these two FString variables)?

Syntax help for creating a filter in aws ec2 describeinstance api call in c++

Using DescribeInstancesRequest (c++ sdk) to get response about a particular instance_id. I am having a problem constructing the filter.
I am adapting the example code provided by the aws-doc-sdk-examples c++ example code describe_instances.cpp. I have added code to filter the response to use a known valid (now hard coded) instance ID.
I have tried multiple variations to set up the filter, but the docs aren't clear to me about the "value pair" format for the filter.
Here is the complete code. It compiles just find, but always responds with the "Could not find: ..."
Please let me know what I am getting wrong with the filter syntax! (See commented section Filter an instance id)
void Server::set_instance_info()
// Get server instance information via aws sdk
Aws::SDKOptions options;
/* #TODO Make this a startup config value */
Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration clientConfig;
clientConfig.region = "us-west-2";
Aws::EC2::EC2Client ec2(clientConfig);
Aws::EC2::Model::DescribeInstancesRequest request;
// Filter an instance_id
Aws::EC2::Model::Filter filter;
Aws::String filter_val{"Name=instance_id,Values=i-0e120b44acc929946"};
Aws::Vector<Aws::String> filter_values;
Aws::Vector<Aws::EC2::Model::Filter> DIRFilter;
auto outcome = ec2.DescribeInstances(request);
if (outcome.IsSuccess())
const auto &reservations =
for (const auto &reservation : reservations)
const auto &instances = reservation.GetInstances();
for (const auto &instance : instances)
Aws::String instanceStateString =
Aws::String type_string =
Aws::String name = "Unknown";
const auto &tags = instance.GetTags();
auto nameIter = std::find_if(tags.cbegin(), tags.cend(),
[](const Aws::EC2::Model::Tag &tag)
return tag.GetKey() == "Name";
if (nameIter != tags.cend())
name = nameIter->GetValue();
Server::id_ = instance.GetInstanceId();
Server::name_ = name;
Server::type_ = type_string;
Server::dn_ = "Not implemented";
Server::ip_ = "Not implmented";
} else {
Server::id_ = "Could not find: " + filter_val;;
Server::name_ = "";
Server::type_ = "";
Server::dn_ = "";
Server::ip_ = "";
I just couldn't get the filter to work. Any input would be appreciated. However, there is an alternate method using the WithInstanceIds member function. Reading the API docs is always a good idea!!
Here is the subroutine that works:
void Server::set_instance_info()
// Get server instance information via aws sdk
Aws::SDKOptions options;
/* #TODO Make this a startup config value */
Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration clientConfig;
clientConfig.region = "us-west-2";
Aws::EC2::EC2Client ec2(clientConfig);
Aws::EC2::Model::DescribeInstancesRequest request;
/* #TODO Make this a startup config value */
const Aws::String instanceId{"i-0e120b44acc929946"};
Aws::Vector<Aws::String> instances;
auto outcome = ec2.DescribeInstances(request);
if (outcome.IsSuccess())
const auto &reservations =
for (const auto &reservation : reservations)
const auto &instances = reservation.GetInstances();
for (const auto &instance : instances)
Aws::String instanceStateString =
Aws::String type_string =
Aws::String name = "Unknown";
const auto &tags = instance.GetTags();
auto nameIter = std::find_if(tags.cbegin(), tags.cend(),
[](const Aws::EC2::Model::Tag &tag)
return tag.GetKey() == "Name";
if (nameIter != tags.cend())
name = nameIter->GetValue();
Server::id_ = instance.GetInstanceId();
Server::name_ = name;
Server::type_ = type_string;
Server::dn_ = "Not implemented";
Server::ip_ = "Not implmented";
} else {
Server::id_ = "Could not find: "+ instanceId;
Server::name_ = "";
Server::type_ = "";
Server::dn_ = "";
Server::ip_ = "";

Inserted image not displayed in OpenXml created Word document

I'm trying to insert a signature image in a Word document created by a standard-letter generating application. I am using code adapted from various examples found on the web (see below). The application inserts the image, and the space in the document occupied by it is correct, but the image itself is not displayed.
I have tried it with both .png and .jpg images, but neither work; it doesn't appear to be a problem with the image itself.
I have examined the document using the OpenXml SDK Tool, which shows that the image is correctly embedded and encoded as a Base64 data string.
The problem that the SDK Tool does identify is that, compared to a document in which an image is manually inserted (and is correctly displayed), the pic:pic element in the document is rendered with the wrong namespace (a:pic) and it and all child controls are rendered as OpenXmlUnknownElement (see screenshot below).
Can anyone please tell me what is causing the incorrect namespace / element, and how to fix the problem?
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using A = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing;
using A14 = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2010.Drawing;
using DW = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Wordprocessing;
using PIC = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Pictures;
using WP = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing;
private void ReplacePlaceholderWithImage(MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart, OpenXmlElement placeholder, string imagePath)
if (placeholder != null)
ImagePart ip = AddImagePart(mainDocumentPart, imagePath);
string relationshipId = mainDocumentPart.GetIdOfPart(ip);
var drawing = GetDrawing(relationshipId, imagePath);
placeholder.InsertAfterSelf(new WP.Paragraph(new WP.Run(drawing)));
Console.WriteLine("Picture inserted into picture content control successfully");
private ImagePart AddImagePart(MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart, string imagePath)
var partType = GetPartTypeForImage(imagePath);
ImagePart ip = mainDocumentPart.AddImagePart(partType);
using (FileStream fileStream = File.Open(imagePath, FileMode.Open))
return ip;
private OpenXmlElement GetDrawing(string relationshipId, string imagePath)
//calculate dimensions
var size = GetImageDimensions(imagePath);
// Define the reference of the image.
new Drawing(
new DW.Inline(
new DW.Extent()
Cx = size.Width,
Cy = size.Height
new DW.EffectExtent() { LeftEdge = 0L, TopEdge = 0L, RightEdge = 0L, BottomEdge = 0L },
new DW.DocProperties() { Id = 1U, Name = "Picture 1" },
new DW.NonVisualGraphicFrameDrawingProperties(new A.GraphicFrameLocks() { NoChangeAspect = true, NoResize = true, NoSelection = true }),
new A.Graphic(new A.GraphicData(new PIC.Picture(
new PIC.NonVisualPictureProperties(
new PIC.NonVisualDrawingProperties()
Id = 0U,
Name = Path.GetFileName(imagePath)
new PIC.NonVisualPictureDrawingProperties()),
new A.BlipFill(
new A.Blip(
new A.BlipExtensionList(
new A.BlipExtension()
Uri = "{28A0092B-C50C-407E-A947-70E740481C1C}"
Embed = relationshipId,
CompressionState = A.BlipCompressionValues.Print
new A.Stretch(new A.FillRectangle())),
new A.ShapeProperties(
new A.Transform2D(new A.Offset() { X = 0L, Y = 0L }, new A.Extents() { Cx = size.Width, Cy = size.Width }),
new A.PresetGeometry(new A.AdjustValueList()) { Preset = A.ShapeTypeValues.Rectangle })))
Uri = ""
DistanceFromTop = 0U,
DistanceFromBottom = 0U,
DistanceFromLeft = 0U,
DistanceFromRight = 0U,
EditId = "50D07946"
private ImagePartType GetPartTypeForImage(string imagePath)
var img = GetImage(imagePath);
if (img.RawFormat.Equals(ImageFormat.Gif))
return ImagePartType.Gif;
else if (img.RawFormat.Equals(ImageFormat.Png))
return ImagePartType.Png;
else if (img.RawFormat.Equals(ImageFormat.Jpeg))
return ImagePartType.Jpeg;
throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected image type");
this issue stressed me up some hours and finally I found the reason. That's because the Drawing element Id need to be unique, you can't fix the ID like this
new DW.DocProperties() { Id = 1U, Name = "Picture 1" }
In my case, I have this function to set alt text and update the Id as well:
private static HashSet<uint> _drawingElementIds = new HashSet<uint>();
public static void SetPictureAltText(OpenXmlElement imageContainer, string altText)
var docPro = imageContainer.Descendants<DocProperties>().FirstOrDefault();
if (docPro != null)
//Make sure new image has unique ID, otherwise some images won't display
var newId = (uint)new Random().Next(10, 10000);
while (_drawingElementIds.Contains(newId))
newId = (uint)new Random().Next(10, 10000);
docPro.Id = new UInt32Value(newId);
docPro.Description = altText;
Watch your namespaces! I'm guessing you've copied from the same source as I did (which I'm sure was the Microsoft documentation), however the namespaces appear to be wrong in it for the following two properties:
A.BlipFill -> PIC.BlipFill
A.ShapeProperties -> PIC.ShapeProperties
Full code below:
var element = new Drawing(
new DW.Inline(
new DW.Extent()
Cx = 5657850L,
Cy = 3771900L
new DW.EffectExtent() { LeftEdge = 0L, TopEdge = 0L, RightEdge = 0L, BottomEdge = 0L },
new DW.DocProperties() { Id = 1U, Name = "Picture 1" },
new DW.NonVisualGraphicFrameDrawingProperties(new A.GraphicFrameLocks() { NoChangeAspect = true, NoResize = true, NoSelection = true }),
new A.Graphic(new A.GraphicData(new PIC.Picture(
new PIC.NonVisualPictureProperties(
new PIC.NonVisualDrawingProperties()
Id = 0U,
Name = "image.png"
new PIC.NonVisualPictureDrawingProperties()),
new PIC.BlipFill(
new A.Blip(
new A.BlipExtensionList(
new A.BlipExtension()
Uri = "{28A0092B-C50C-407E-A947-70E740481C1C}"
Embed = relationshipId,
CompressionState = A.BlipCompressionValues.Print
new A.Stretch(new A.FillRectangle())),
new PIC.ShapeProperties(
new A.Transform2D(new A.Offset() { X = 0L, Y = 0L }, new A.Extents() { Cx = 5657850L, Cy = 3771900L }),
new A.PresetGeometry(new A.AdjustValueList()) { Preset = A.ShapeTypeValues.Rectangle })))
Uri = ""
DistanceFromTop = 0U,
DistanceFromBottom = 0U,
DistanceFromLeft = 0U,
DistanceFromRight = 0U,
EditId = "50D07946"

Different syntax highlighting for sub-types of comments (?)

I'm working in TextMate2, but this question may apply to other text editors as well.
My script is in R. I intend to use rmarkdown::render() on the script to create a "report".
The clever part of these reports is that they distinguish between the standard comment symbol in R (#), and the following:
#' indicates markdown, like in roxygen,
#+ indicates that a knitr code chunk will follow
I suck at editing TextMate2 bundles. I managed to get hotkeys set up to comment out lines with #' and #+, and to do it with proper indentation. Now, I wish I could edit my theme (which I designed in TextMate1) to make one of those "special" comments a different color.
I've edited the R bundle's language grammar (this is how the file starts):
{ patterns = (
{ name = 'comment.line.pragma-mark.r';
match = '^(#pragma[ \t]+mark)[ \t](.*)';
captures = {
1 = { name = 'comment.line.pragma.r'; };
2 = { name = ''; };
{ begin = '(^[ \t]+)?(?=#)';
end = '(?!\G)';
beginCaptures = { 1 = { name = 'punctuation.whitespace.comment.leading.r'; }; };
patterns = (
{ name = 'comment.line.number-sign.r';
begin = '#';
end = '\n';
beginCaptures = { 0 = { name = 'punctuation.definition.comment.r'; }; };
And inserted the following into the middle, hoping it would let me specify a new scope for syntax highlighting:
{ begin = '(^[ \t]+)?(?=#'')';
end = '(?!\G)';
beginCaptures = { 1 = { name = 'punctuation.whitespace.comment.leading.r'; }; };
patterns = (
{ name = 'comment.line.number-sign-tick.r';
begin = "#'";
end = '\n';
beginCaptures = { 0 = { name = 'punctuation.definition.comment.r'; }; };
If it would help, I could provide the rest of the language grammar, but I'm not sure it's relevant here.
I tried to be more specific when redefining the comment in the theme (previous was just comment, which I changed to comment.line.number-sign.r). Here are (what I think are) the relevant lines of the theme:
{ name = 'Comment';
scope = 'comment.line.number-sign.r';
settings = {
fontStyle = 'italic';
foreground = '#279797';
{ name = 'Comment';
scope = 'comment.line.number-sign-tick.r';
settings = {
fontStyle = 'italic';
foreground = '#C5060B';
So far, I cannot achieve any difference in the syntax highlighting of a line that starts with # versus a line that starts with #'. I can get both to change, but no independently. Any help in figuring out how to achieve different syntax highlighting for those two would be great.
TextMate is preferring the first scope, comment.line.number-sign.r to your custom grammars. All I did is paste your code above my comment.line.number-sign.r definition, instead of after as you had indicated, and expanded upon your existing grammar/theme.
Here's what I've got:
In Bundle Editor-> R -> Language Grammars -> R
{ patterns = (
//default block
{ name = 'comment.line.pragma-mark.r';
match = '^(#pragma[ \t]+mark)[ \t](.*)';
captures = {
1 = { name = 'comment.line.pragma.r'; };
2 = { name = ''; };
//your block
{ begin = '(^[ \t]+)?(?=#'')';
end = '(?!\G)';
beginCaptures = { 1 = { name = 'punctuation.whitespace.comment.leading.r'; }; };
patterns = (
{ name = 'comment.line.number-sign-tick.r';
begin = "#'";
end = '\n';
beginCaptures = { 0 = { name = 'punctuation.definition.comment.r'; }; };
//my block
{ begin = '(^[ \t]+)?(?=#\+)';
end = '(?!\G)';
beginCaptures = { 1 = { name = 'punctuation.whitespace.comment.leading.r'; }; };
patterns = (
{ name = 'comment.line.number-sign-plus.r';
begin = '#\+';
end = '\n';
beginCaptures = { 0 = { name = 'punctuation.definition.comment.r'; }; };
//default caption block
{ begin = '(^[ \t]+)?(?=#)';
end = '(?!\G)';
beginCaptures = { 1 = { name = 'punctuation.whitespace.comment.leading.r'; }; };
patterns = (
{ name = 'comment.line.number-sign.r';
begin = '#';
end = '\n';
beginCaptures = { 0 = { name = 'punctuation.definition.comment.r'; }; };
And then, in my theme:
{ name = 'Comment';
scope = 'comment.line.number-sign.r';
settings = {
fontStyle = 'italic';
foreground = '#279797';
{ name = 'Comment';
scope = 'comment.line.number-sign-tick.r';
settings = {
fontStyle = 'italic';
foreground = '#C5060B';
{ name = 'Comment';
scope = 'comment.line.number-sign-plus.r';
settings = {
fontStyle = 'italic';
foreground = '#ff00ff';//fix this color(!)
I don't use R, so I just Googled for a quick example with all 3 kinds of comments. Here's the file I used to test.
A screenshot of what I'm seeing:

Is it possible to replace a system dll with a proxy dll?

After reading this interesting article:
I've decided to try and create a proxy dll for pure research purposes. :-)
I did all the steps on ws2_32.dll and this is the code I've got:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#pragma pack(1)
FARPROC p[182] = {0};
//to get indication whether we were loaded
FILE* f;
fopen_s(&f, "C:\\load.txt", "a+");
if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
hLThis = hInst;
hL = LoadLibrary("ws2_32_.dll");
if (!hL) return false;
p[0] = GetProcAddress(hL,"FreeAddrInfoEx");
p[1] = GetProcAddress(hL,"FreeAddrInfoExW");
p[2] = GetProcAddress(hL,"FreeAddrInfoW");
p[3] = GetProcAddress(hL,"GetAddrInfoExA");
p[4] = GetProcAddress(hL,"GetAddrInfoExW");
p[5] = GetProcAddress(hL,"GetAddrInfoW");
p[6] = GetProcAddress(hL,"GetNameInfoW");
p[7] = GetProcAddress(hL,"InetNtopW");
p[8] = GetProcAddress(hL,"InetPtonW");
p[9] = GetProcAddress(hL,"SetAddrInfoExA");
p[10] = GetProcAddress(hL,"SetAddrInfoExW");
p[11] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WEP");
p[12] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WPUCompleteOverlappedRequest");
p[13] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAccept");
p[14] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAddressToStringA");
p[15] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAddressToStringW");
p[16] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAdvertiseProvider");
p[17] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr");
p[18] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAsyncGetHostByName");
p[19] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAsyncGetProtoByName");
p[20] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber");
p[21] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAsyncGetServByName");
p[22] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAsyncGetServByPort");
p[23] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAsyncSelect");
p[24] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSACancelAsyncRequest");
p[25] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSACancelBlockingCall");
p[26] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSACleanup");
p[27] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSACloseEvent");
p[28] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAConnect");
p[29] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAConnectByList");
p[30] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAConnectByNameA");
p[31] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAConnectByNameW");
p[32] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSACreateEvent");
p[33] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSADuplicateSocketA");
p[34] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSADuplicateSocketW");
p[35] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersA");
p[36] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersExA");
p[37] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersExW");
p[38] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersW");
p[39] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAEnumNetworkEvents");
p[40] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAEnumProtocolsA");
p[41] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAEnumProtocolsW");
p[42] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAEventSelect");
p[43] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAGetLastError");
p[44] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAGetOverlappedResult");
p[45] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAGetQOSByName");
p[46] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAGetServiceClassInfoA");
p[47] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAGetServiceClassInfoW");
p[48] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassIdA");
p[49] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassIdW");
p[50] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAHtonl");
p[51] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAHtons");
p[52] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAInstallServiceClassA");
p[53] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAInstallServiceClassW");
p[54] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAIoctl");
p[55] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAIsBlocking");
p[56] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAJoinLeaf");
p[57] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSALookupServiceBeginA");
p[58] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSALookupServiceBeginW");
p[59] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSALookupServiceEnd");
p[60] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSALookupServiceNextA");
p[61] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSALookupServiceNextW");
p[62] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSANSPIoctl");
p[63] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSANtohl");
p[64] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSANtohs");
p[65] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAPoll");
p[66] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAProviderCompleteAsyncCall");
p[67] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAProviderConfigChange");
p[68] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSARecv");
p[69] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSARecvDisconnect");
p[70] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSARecvFrom");
p[71] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSARemoveServiceClass");
p[72] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAResetEvent");
p[73] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASend");
p[74] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASendDisconnect");
p[75] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASendMsg");
p[76] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASendTo");
p[77] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASetBlockingHook");
p[78] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASetEvent");
p[79] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASetLastError");
p[80] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASetServiceA");
p[81] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASetServiceW");
p[82] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASocketA");
p[83] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASocketW");
p[84] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAStartup");
p[85] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAStringToAddressA");
p[86] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAStringToAddressW");
p[87] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAUnadvertiseProvider");
p[88] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAUnhookBlockingHook");
p[89] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAWaitForMultipleEvents");
p[90] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSApSetPostRoutine");
p[91] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCDeinstallProvider");
p[92] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCDeinstallProvider32");
p[93] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCEnableNSProvider");
p[94] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCEnableNSProvider32");
p[95] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCEnumNameSpaceProviders32");
p[96] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCEnumNameSpaceProvidersEx32");
p[97] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCEnumProtocols");
p[98] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCEnumProtocols32");
p[99] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCGetApplicationCategory");
p[100] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCGetProviderInfo");
p[101] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCGetProviderInfo32");
p[102] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCGetProviderPath");
p[103] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCGetProviderPath32");
p[104] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCInstallNameSpace");
p[105] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCInstallNameSpace32");
p[106] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCInstallNameSpaceEx");
p[107] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCInstallNameSpaceEx32");
p[108] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCInstallProvider");
p[109] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCInstallProvider64_32");
p[110] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCInstallProviderAndChains64_32");
p[111] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCSetApplicationCategory");
p[112] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCSetProviderInfo");
p[113] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCSetProviderInfo32");
p[114] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCUnInstallNameSpace");
p[115] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCUnInstallNameSpace32");
p[116] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCUpdateProvider");
p[117] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCUpdateProvider32");
p[118] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCWriteNameSpaceOrder");
p[119] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCWriteNameSpaceOrder32");
p[120] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCWriteProviderOrder");
p[121] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSCWriteProviderOrder32");
p[122] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahCloseApcHelper");
p[123] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahCloseHandleHelper");
p[124] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahCloseNotificationHandleHelper");
p[125] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahCloseSocketHandle");
p[126] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahCloseThread");
p[127] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahCompleteRequest");
p[128] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahCreateHandleContextTable");
p[129] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahCreateNotificationHandle");
p[130] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahCreateSocketHandle");
p[131] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahDestroyHandleContextTable");
p[132] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahDisableNonIFSHandleSupport");
p[133] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahEnableNonIFSHandleSupport");
p[134] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahEnumerateHandleContexts");
p[135] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahInsertHandleContext");
p[136] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahNotifyAllProcesses");
p[137] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahOpenApcHelper");
p[138] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahOpenCurrentThread");
p[139] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahOpenHandleHelper");
p[140] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahOpenNotificationHandleHelper");
p[141] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahQueueUserApc");
p[142] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahReferenceContextByHandle");
p[143] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahRemoveHandleContext");
p[144] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahWaitForNotification");
p[145] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WahWriteLSPEvent");
p[146] = GetProcAddress(hL,"__WSAFDIsSet");
p[147] = GetProcAddress(hL,"accept");
p[148] = GetProcAddress(hL,"bind");
p[149] = GetProcAddress(hL,"closesocket");
p[150] = GetProcAddress(hL,"connect");
p[151] = GetProcAddress(hL,"freeaddrinfo");
p[152] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getaddrinfo");
p[153] = GetProcAddress(hL,"gethostbyaddr");
p[154] = GetProcAddress(hL,"gethostbyname");
p[155] = GetProcAddress(hL,"gethostname");
p[156] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getnameinfo");
p[157] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getpeername");
p[158] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getprotobyname");
p[159] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getprotobynumber");
p[160] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getservbyname");
p[161] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getservbyport");
p[162] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getsockname");
p[163] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getsockopt");
p[164] = GetProcAddress(hL,"htonl");
p[165] = GetProcAddress(hL,"htons");
p[166] = GetProcAddress(hL,"inet_addr");
p[167] = GetProcAddress(hL,"inet_ntoa");
p[168] = GetProcAddress(hL,"inet_ntop");
p[169] = GetProcAddress(hL,"inet_pton");
p[170] = GetProcAddress(hL,"ioctlsocket");
p[171] = GetProcAddress(hL,"listen");
p[172] = GetProcAddress(hL,"ntohl");
p[173] = GetProcAddress(hL,"ntohs");
p[174] = GetProcAddress(hL,"recv");
p[175] = GetProcAddress(hL,"recvfrom");
p[176] = GetProcAddress(hL,"select");
p[177] = GetProcAddress(hL,"send");
p[178] = GetProcAddress(hL,"sendto");
p[179] = GetProcAddress(hL,"setsockopt");
p[180] = GetProcAddress(hL,"shutdown");
p[181] = GetProcAddress(hL,"socket");
if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH)
return 1;
// FreeAddrInfoEx
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__0__()
jmp p[0*4];
// FreeAddrInfoExW
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__1__()
jmp p[1*4];
// FreeAddrInfoW
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__2__()
jmp p[2*4];
// GetAddrInfoExA
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__3__()
jmp p[3*4];
// GetAddrInfoExW
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__4__()
jmp p[4*4];
I've compiled it (with the .def file) and got a new proxy.dll file. :-)
So far so good. Now, on my VBox win7 x64 I've renamed the original ws2_32.dll to ws2_32_.dll, placed my proxy.dll in C:\\Windows\\System32\\ and renamed it to ws2_32.dll. I did all of this with live-cd linux because of premmisions problems.
As you can see the proxy loads ws2_32_.dll so we should be okay.
But when the system returns from boot every program uses ws2_32.dll throws an error and the file C:\\load.txt is never create.
I don't know what the guy from the article did to make it work. I've read on google that you need to place (and rename) the proxy.dll in the same directory as the program that you want to run the proxy dll with, but I am looking for a global solution.
Maybe it's a checksum problem? I've read that Microsoft uses some secret checksum on it's system PEs.
Thanks, gfgqtmakia.
Moved to 32bit and now it's working.
Check your proxy's dependencies, it might need additional .dlls in order to run. (Dependency Walker)
Use this guide to replace the system's .dll. This is faster than rebooting into linux.
