set ansible-playbook user variable dynamically based on the ec2 distros - amazon-ec2

I'm creating an ansible playbook that goes through a group of AWS EC2 hosts and install some basic packages. Before the playbook can execute any tasks, the playbook needs to login to each host (2 type of distros AWS Linux or Ubuntu) with correct user: {{ userXXX }} this is the part that I'm not too sure how to pass in the correct user login, it would be either ec2-user or ubuntu.
- name: setup package agent
hosts: ec2_distros_hosts
user: "{{ ansible_user_id }}"
- role: package_agent_install
I was assuming ansible_user_id would work based of the reserved variable from ansible but that is not the case here. I don't want to create 2 separate playbook for different distros, is there an elegant solution to dynamically lookup user login and used as the user: ?
Here is the failed cmd with unknown user ansible-playbook -i inventory/ agent.yml

You have several ways to accomplish your task:
1. Create ansible user with the same name on every host
If you have one, you can use user: ansible_user in your playbook.
2. Tag every host with suitable login_name
You can create a tag (e.g. login_name) for every ec2 host and specify user in it. For Ubuntu hosts – ubuntu, for AWS Linux hosts – ec2-user.
After doing so, you can use user: "{{ec2_tag_login_name}}" in your playbook – this will take username from login_name tag of the host.
3. Patch the script for your needs
It seems there is no decent way to get exact platform name from AMI, but you can use something like this:
image_name = getattr(conn.get_image(image_id=getattr(instance,'image_id')),'name')
login_name = 'user'
if 'ubuntu' in image_name:
login_name = 'ubuntu'
elif 'amzn' in image_name:
login_name = 'ec2-user'
setattr(instance, 'image_name', image_name)
setattr(instance, 'login_name', login_name)
Paste this code just before self.add_instance(instance, region) in with the same indentation. It fetches image name and do some guess work to define login_name. Then you can use user: "{{ec2_login_name}}" in your playbook.

You can set variables based on EC2 instance tags. If you tag instances with the distro name then you can set Ansible's ssh username for each distro via group_vars files.
Example group_vars file for Ubuntu relative to your playbook: group_vars/tag_Distro_Ubuntu.yml
ansible_user: ubuntu
Any instances tagged Distro: Ubuntu will connect with the ubuntu user. Create a separate group_vars file per distro tag to accommodate other distros.


Passing IP address to another ansible playbook

I have two playbooks
install azure vm
install mongo db and tomcat
I want to integrate both so first one send ip to second playbook and second play book does its job.
-----All the other tasks----
resource_group: Solutioning
allocation_method: Static
name: PublicIP
register: output_ip_address
- name: Include another playbook
import_playbook: install_MongoDb_and_Tomcat.yml
Second Playbook
- name: install Mongo and Tomcat
hosts: demo1
become: yes
become_method: sudo # Set become method
remote_user: azureuser # Update username for remote server
tomcat_ver: 9.0.30 # Tomcat version to install
ui_manager_user: manager # User who can access the UI manager section only
ui_manager_pass: Str0ngManagerP#ssw3rd # UI manager user password
ui_admin_username: admin # User who can access bpth manager and admin UI sections
ui_admin_pass: Str0ngAdminP#ssw3rd
# UI admin password
- install_mongodb
- mongo_post_install
- install_tomcat
- tomcat_post_install
I have used import playbook and I want to pass the IP address instead of taking it from inventory file currently install_MongoDb_and_Tomcat.yml playboook taking it from hosts: demo1 which is declared in the inventory file
Declare the variable in group_vars/all.yml which will make it site wide global variable. It'll be overwritten during execution. Then reference the variable in the new playbook and account for the possibility the variable could be the default (fail/exit fast logic).
See Ansible documentation on variable scoping:

Is there a way to set up an SSH connection (pass-wordless login) between host A and host B while running playbook from hostC using ansible only?

I am trying to set up a passwordless login (copy from server A to server B) from server A to server B while running a playbook from controller machine C. The playbook:
cannot have an inventory file. The host IP will be passed from the command line to the playbook as:
ansible-playbook -i , test.yml
Server A DNS name or IP address will be hardcoded in my playbook.
I have tried:
Using fetch module, I tried fetching ssh key( from server A to controller C and then using copy module to copy the ssh_key(id_rsa_ServerA) to Server B. While it did the work, it does not adhere to the project guidelines I am working on.
Tried 'synchronize' module with ansible 2.5. Fails.
I did a similar thing,
i use user module on serverA with option generate_ssh_key: yes and user register: user_pubkey
then i use authorized_key module with delegate_to serverB, setting the key to "{{ user_pubkey.stdout }}" for the neededuser:`
you can pass #IP of serverB as extra_vers at launch time : ansible-playbook ... ... ... -e serverB=serverB_#IP
hope this helps

connecting windows instances using win_ping

I need to connect windows ec2 instances of aws using common username and password. Here is my ansible code :
- win_ping:
with_items: "{{ Ips }}"
delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
ansible_ssh_port: 5986
ansible_connection: winrm
ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation: ignore
It showing error like "ERROR! 'ansible_connection' is not a valid attribute for a Task. When i pass this as variable file ,playbook itself running in port 5986.So how can i connect windows host with my user and password from linux using ansible??
Put it in your inventory in groups_vars or host_vars as suggested here You can't specify ansible_connection as a task attribute.
I would also suggest encrypting the file (also recommended in the link provided) so you don't have usernames and passwords laying around in plain text.

Having trouble provisioning EC2 instances using Ansible

I'm very confused on how you are supposed to launch EC2 instances using Ansible.
I'm trying to use the inventory scripts. I'm not sure which one is supposed to be used, because there is three installed with Ansible:
I thought running the one in inventory/ would make most sense, so I run it using:
ansible-playbook launch-ec2.yaml -i
which gives me:
msg: Either region or ec2_url must be specified
So I add a region (even though I have a vpc_subnet_id specified) and I get:
msg: Region us-east-1e does not seem to be available for aws module boto.ec2. If the region definitely exists, you may need to upgrade boto or extend with endpoints_path
I'm thinking Amazon must have recently changed ec2 so you need to use a VPC? Even when I try and launch an instance from Amazon's console, the option for "EC2 Classic" is disabled.
When I try and use the script in cloud/amazon/ I get:
ERROR: Inventory script (/software/ansible/lib/ansible/modules/core/cloud/amazon/ had an execution error:
There are no more details than this.
After some searching, I see that module in /module_utils has been changed so a region doesn't need to be specified. I try to run this file but get:
ERROR: The file /software/ansible/lib/ansible/module_utils/ is marked as executable, but failed to execute correctly. If this is not supposed to be an executable script, correct this with chmod -x /software/ansible/lib/ansible/module_utils/
So as the error suggests, I remove the executable permissions for the file, but then get the following error:
ERROR: /software/ansible/lib/ansible/module_utils/ Invalid ini entry: distutils.version - need more than 1 value to unpack
Does anyone have any ideas on how to get this working? What is the correct file to be using? I'm completely lost at this point on how to get this working.
There are several questions in your post. I'll try to summarise them in three items:
Is it still possible to launch instances in EC2 Classic (no VPC)?
How do I create a new EC2 instance using Ansible?
How to launch the dynamic inventory file
1. EC2 Classic
Your options will differ depending on when did you create your AWS account, the type of instance and the AMI virtualisation type used. Refs: aws account,instance type.
If none of the above parameters restricts the usage of EC2 classic you should be able to create a new instance without defining any VPC.
2. Create a new EC2 instance with Ansible
Since your instance doesn't exist yet a dynamic inventory file ( is useless. Try to instruct ansible to run on your local machine instead.
Create a new inventory file, e.g. new_hosts with the following contents:
Then your playbook, e.g. create_instance.yml should use a local connection and hosts: localhost. See an example below:
--- # Create ec2 instance playbook
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: false
inst_name: "What's the name of the instance?"
keypair: "your_keypair"
instance_type: "m1.small"
image: "ami-xxxyyyy"
group: "your_group"
region: "us-west-2"
- name: make one instance
ec2: image={{ image }}
instance_type={{ instance_type }}
keypair={{ keypair }}
instance_tags='{"Name":"{{ inst_name }}"}'
region={{ region }}
group={{ group }}
register: ec2_info
- name: Add instances to host group
add_host: hostname={{ item.public_ip }} groupname=ec2hosts
with_items: ec2_info.instances
- name: Wait for SSH to come up
wait_for: host={{ item.public_dns_name }} port=22 delay=60 timeout=320 state=started
with_items: ec2_info.instances
This play will create an EC2 instance and it will register its public IP as an ansible host variable ec2hosts ie. as if you had defined it in the inventory file. This is useful if you want to provision the instance just created, just add a new play with hosts: ec2hosts.
Ultimately, launch ansible as follows:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY=<your aws access key here>
export AWS_SECRET_KEY=<your aws secret key here>
ansible-playbook -i new_hosts create_instance.yml
The purpose of the environment variable ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=false is to avoid being prompted to add the ssh host key when connecting to the instance.
Note: boto needs to be installed on the machine that runs the above ansible command.
3. Use ansible's ec2 dynamic inventory
EC2 dynamic inventory is comprised of 2 files, and ec2.ini. In your particular case, I believe that your issue is due to the fact that is unable to locate ec2.ini file.
To solve your issue, copy and ec2.ini to the same folder in the machine where you intend to run ansible, e.g. to /etc/ansible/.
Pre Ansible 2.0 release (change the branch accordingly).
cd /etc/ansible
chmod u+x
For Ansible 2:
cd /etc/ansible
chmod u+x
Configure ec2.ini and run, which should print an ini formatted list of hosts to stdout.

How to apply proxy and DNS settings to GNU/Linux Debian using configuration management tool such as Ansible

I'm new to configuration management tool.
I want to use Ansible.
I'd like to set proxy to several GNU/Linux Debian (in fact several Raspbian).
I'd like to append
export http_proxy=
to /home/pi/.bashrc
I also want to append
Acquire::http::Proxy "";
to /etc/apt.conf
I want to set DNS to IP X1.X2.X3.X4 creating a
/etc/resol.conf file with
nameserver X1.X2.X3.X4
What playbook file should I write ? How should I apply this playbook to my servers ?
Start by learning a bit about Ansible basics and familiarize yourself with playbooks. Basically you ensure you can SSH in to your Raspian machines (using keys) and that the user Ansible invokes on these machines can run sudo. (That's the hard bit.)
The easy bit is creating the playbook for the tasks at hand, and there are plenty of pointers to example playbooks in the documentation.
If you really want to add a line to a file or two, use the lineinfile module, although I strongly recommend you create templates for the files you want to push to your machines and use those with the template module. (lineinfile can get quite messy.)
I second jpmens. This is a very basic problem in Ansible, and a very good way to get started using the docs, tutorials and example playbooks.
However, if you're stuck or in a hurry, you can solve this like this (everything takes place on the "ansible master") :
Create a roles structure like this :
cd your_playbooks_directory
mkdir -p roles/pi/{templates,tasks,vars}
Now create roles/pi/tasks/main.yml :
- name: Adds resolv.conf
template: src=resolv.conf.j2 dest=/etc/resolv.conf mode=0644
- name: Adds proxy env setting to pi user
lineinfile: dest=~pi/.bashrc regexp="^export http_proxy" insertafter=EOF line="export http_proxy={{ http_proxy }}"
Then roles/pi/templates/resolv.conf.j2 :
nameserver {{ dns_server }}
then roles/pi/vars/main.yml :
Now make a top-level playbook to apply roles, at your playbook root, and call it site.yml :
- hosts : raspberries
- { role: pi }
You can apply your playbook using :
ansible-playbook site.yml
assuming your machines are in the raspberries group.
Good luck.
