Do I need to recreate bindings, if the native framework changes? - xamarin

I made an implementation change to one of the methods in the native framework. Would I need to recreate bindings, in this case ?

Short answer: likely not
Long answer: Depends, you would need to rebuild the binding only if this change you mention is in the public API signature of the method / property. This is because the bindings matches 1 : 1 (most of the time) what the native API surfaces so for example if your method used to return a NSString and now it returns another class or the selector name changes or the type of any of the parameters changes then yes.
You also would need to rebuild the binding if the binding dll bundles the native library you are using. If you are manually linking the native library (using the additional touch args in your app project) you should be fine.


Xamarin Forms - calling a shared code method from the platform project

I have read the two other questions on SO regarding this and I wanted to know if there is a good solution for that now / best practice.
Long story short, we use an SDK which is written natively and we've wrapped it so that it works on Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS. It has asynchronous callback methods. I need to call a method in the shared code when a callback is received in the Android project for instance.
There's a lot of info for doing the opposite - using DependencyService. How about in my scenario? Does anyone have experience with an app like this and what's the best approach to keep code clean and do this using MVVM?
The options I know are:
Using a static App instance - this is what we currently do.
Anything else?
Actually I've never seen anyone recommend usage of MessagingCenter for anything else than communication between ViewModels so I am not sure it is recommended here. Also, I need to know the sender object type so I need a reference to the class in the platform specific project.
I would recommend you to use messagingCenter to pass data or call method between shared project and platform project. You can just send a new object instead of the class in the platform specific project.
Also, have a look at using eventhandler as I mentioned in this answer may help someone who want to call from the shared project into the platform specific one.
BTW, I mean you can even pass an object as TSender if it is not necessary to use:
MessagingCenter.Send<Object>(new object(), "Hi");
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<Object>(new object(), "Hi", (sender) =>
// Do something whenever the "Hi" message is received

Call method on specific platform only

I know I can call a platform-specific method by using:
But I have a method I need to call only on one platform (Android). Instead of creating an interface and implementing it on one platform only, is there a way of calling a method in one platform?
I'm asking because creating an interface makes sense when there will be more than one implementation. But when there will be only one - I would expect there to be a simpler way of doing it.
Have you tried using Xamarin.Forms built in RuntimePlatform? For example, if you needed to do something specifically for Android only:
if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.Android)
//Call your method

SwiftAutomation custom record compiler error

I'm using the SwiftAutomation framework to drive a scriptable app that searches for lyrics and returns a AS record. Everything was working correctly, until...
I mapped the AppleScript record to a custom Swift structure according to the SwiftAutomation documentation. The code in the xxxGlue.swift file looks correct, but the compiler complains about SwiftAutomation.SelfUnpacking, with several follow-on errors, when building the MacOSGlues framework.
public struct LFBLyricsInfoRecord: SwiftAutomation.SelfPacking, SwiftAutomation.SelfUnpacking { ... }
--> .../MacOSGlues/LyricsFBAGlue.swift:700:81: No type named 'SelfUnpacking' in module 'SwiftAutomation'
The SelfPacking public protocol is defined in SwiftAutomation, and SelfUnpacking protocol is defined right under it, but without the public keyword. Is that the cause of the compiler error, and if so, how do I fix it?
OK, I finally found a resolution. Seems you have to use different options for the aeglue utility when generating the glue file for the MacOSGlues framework and for the swift file where you actually use your automation, such as in the test project. In my case, where my scriptable app is named, these were:
aeglue -S
for MacOSGlues (generates a LyricsFBAGlue.swift that references SwiftAutomation, but does not include the custom record structure definition), and
aeglue -D -s 'LyricsInfo:lyricsInfo=score:Int+title:String+artist:String+composer:String+link:String+lyrics:String'
for the test program (generatea a LyricsFBAGlue.swift that does not reference SwiftAutomation, but does include the custom record structure definition).

Sharing code between NSDocument and UIDocument

I have created a document-based app that uses Core Data. I created the mac version first, and now that it's working properly, I am moving on to create an iOS version of it.
I just can't get my head around how to maximize code reuse between the iOS/mac versions, with respect to the Core data bit, since they don't use the same classes.
My document class that handles saving and such is a subclass of NSPersistentDocument. My intention is that a well-designed model class should work in both environments, especially since I don't do all that much fancy stuff with regards to Core data.
Now, since NSPersistentDocument isn't available in iOS, I hit a wall. I tried to get around this by using #if TARGET_OS_MAC and TARGET_OS_IPHONE and in that manner make it a subclass of UIManagedDocument in the iOS version. That obviously would have been convenient, but I can't seem to make it work like that. And it's really looks quite messy, since there are a lot of other stuff that has to be conditionalized as well.
I also tried building the classes atop of NSDocument/UIDocument instead, implementing the Core data hooks myself, but it also looks quite messy, leaving me thinking it's not the right way to go.
The question:
To me, it seems like a good idea to reuse the same document class between the iOS/mac versions, but maybe I'm being naive.
What's the best way to do this?
Should I forget about the code sharing and create a separate document class for the iOS version that emulates all the methods present in the mac version?
Am I right that the code you're wanting to share is model-related? I suggest refactoring that code to a separate object, which both an NSDocument and UIDocument contain (as rickster suggested above).
I use a DocumentRoot Core Data entity with its own NSManagedObject subclass, but if there are no properties you want to manage using Core Data, you can just subclass NSObject.
This may sound strange, but NSDocument and UIDocument are actually controller classes. (To be specific, they're part of the model-controller.) Their jobs are to load the model, set up windows, and save the model. If you need to provide an interface for higher-level access to model objects, it could be in a document root or model helper class instead.
Similarly NSPersistentDocument's job is to configure the managed object context and the persistent store and handle loading and saving. It doesn't necessarily need to provide a complete interface for accessing the model.
(Bringing this over from my comment.)
In general, the situation where you have two classes which must inherit from different superclasses but which also want to share a lot of code is composition. Put the shared code in a separate class; your NSDocument and UIDocument subclasses can each keep an instance of that class, and message it whenever they need to invoke that shared code. (Though as #noa mentions, you might want to consider whether all of that code belongs in your document class to begin with.)
Of course, then you might end up writing a bunch of methods that read like:
- (id)doSomething {
return [sharedController doSomething]
That can get to be a pain... so you might want to look into Objective-C's message forwarding system.

NSArrayController and referring to a shared, static, Core Data based library

Using this guide I have created a static library (let's call it AppCore) that can be shared between the Mac OS X and iOS versions of one app. This static library uses Core Data and the point of it is to share the model part and schema versioning between different implementations.
I created a NSPersistentDocument based project that will depend on this AppCore. In this project I added a reference to the .xcdatamodel file. Then I created a simple table view with add/remove buttons to edit an array of one entity type with the assisted "new core data entity" item. This created an instance of NSArrayController and the required bindings for the add/remove behaviour.
Now, everything seems to work fine when I'm using the default class for the Core Data entities (NSManagedObject) and I'm able to add new rows using the +/- buttons. However, when I change the entity implementation class to a custom one, I'm getting an error
Failed to create new object
This seems to come from the NSArrayController and it seems to be unable to instantiate the required entity. I can, however, create one in the NSPersistentDocument subclass by:
[NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"SomeEntity" inManagedObjectContext:[self managedObjectContext]]
What confuses me is why the instance of NSArrayController can't. If I understand correctly, the array controller is instructed to create an entity, not class and my guess is that the entities are created with the help of NSEntityDescription class. I could implement my own version of the array controller's add: but then again, it might be that here something is fundamentally wrong. I haven't touched the init:s and the custom entity class implementation is simply for convenience, to access the attributes directly.
I have tried changing the base SDK on the AppCore but without effect. Currently it uses the iOS version but I'm not sure how it should be. This is another question but if unrelated, I might ask it here on a separate question.
So, to summarize, why can't the NSArrayController create an instance of this entity?
Thanks in advance.
This works if I add the SomeEntity class from the AppCore to the dependent project as a reference. This is not the most usable way since modifications to the AppCore has to be propagated to the dependatnt projects also.
Bingo. I missed the "-ObjC" flag for the dependant project's "other linker flags". Now everything works like a charm.
