Magento Cart Same product adding in different lines - magento

While adding same product to cart, it's adding in new line but it needs to update the qty, if the same product id already in cart.
I need it in same line with qty update.

You need to override app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Quote/Item.php class. representProduct method is responsible for new row or line. To add same product multiple time you have to return false every time.
I have assumed the you have overried this class successfully.
* Check product representation in item
* #param Mage_Catalog_Model_Product $product
* #return bool
public function representProduct($product)
return false;

You need to hook catalog_product_load_after and add below code in observer.php.
public function addPostData(Varien_Event_Observer $observer) {
$action = Mage::app() -> getFrontController() -> getAction();
if ($action -> getFullActionName() == 'checkout_cart_add') {
if ($action -> getRequest() -> getParam('seller')) {
$item = $observer -> getProduct();
$additionalOptions = array();
/// Add here your additional data
$additionalOptions[] = array('label' => 'Seller', 'value' => "seller 1");
$item -> addCustomOption('additional_options', serialize($additionalOptions));
In case you don't have any custom data to apply, Set some random info like added_at => 4:21 PM, 13 June 2016
Check this link for more info.


Magento 2: How to Filter a Product Collection By Store ID

I am trying to display brand specific product. brand is one of my attribute which is mandatory and attached by each product.
I created different store under one website for each brand and also created different URL for each brand. so, i want to display product brand wise for each brand store.
So, which of the easiest way to filter product by attribute i.e brand.
I am using Magento 2.1.2, MySQL 6, PHP 7.0
Use the following code to Filter a Product Collection By Store ID:
$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$productCollectionFactory = $objectManager->get('\Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product\CollectionFactory');
$collection = $productCollectionFactory->create();
use this code to filter the product collection by store id and attribute code
use Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product\CollectionFactory;
protected $collectionFactory
public function __construct(CollectionFactory $collectionFactory)
$this->collectionFactory =$collectionFactory;
public function productCollection($storeId ,$attributeCode)
$collection = $collectionFactory->create();
return $collection;
use Magento\Framework\Data\OptionSourceInterface;
class Productlist implements OptionSourceInterface{
* Get products
* #return array
public function toOptionArray(){
$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$productCollectionFactory =$objectManager->create('\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product')->getCollection();
$rootCategoryId = $store->getById($storeId)->getRootCategoryId();
$productCollectionFactory->addCategoriesFilter(array('eq' => $rootCategoryId));
$options = [];
foreach ($productCollectionFactory as $product) {
$options[] = ['label' => $product->getName(), 'value' => $product->getId()];
return $options;

laravel validate multiple models

I would like a best practice for this kind of problem
I have items, categories and category_item table for a many to many relationship
I have 2 models with these validations rules
class Category extends Basemodel {
public static $rules = array(
'name' => 'required|min:2|max:255'
class Item extends BaseModel {
public static $rules = array(
'title' => 'required|min:5|max:255',
'content' => 'required'
class Basemodel extends Eloquent{
public static function validate($data){
return Validator::make($data, static::$rules);
I don't know how to validate these 2 sets of rules from only one form with category, title and content fields.
For the moment I just have a validation for the item but I don't know what's the best to do:
create a new set of rules in my controller -> but it seems redundant
sequentially validate Item then category -> but I don't know how to handle validations errors, do I have to merges them? and how?
a 3rd solution I'm unaware of
here is my ItemsController#store method
* Store a newly created item in storage.
* #return Redirect
public function store()
$validation= Item::validate(Input::all());
$new_recipe = new Item();
$new_recipe->title = Input::get('title');
$new_recipe->content = Input::get('content');
$new_recipe->creator_id = Auth::user()->id;
return Redirect::route('home')
->with('message','your item has been added');
return Redirect::route('items.create')->withErrors($validation)->withInput();
I am very interested on some clue about this subject
One way, as you pointed yourself, is to validate it sequentially:
* Store a newly created item in storage.
* #return Redirect
public function store()
$itemValidation = Item::validate(Input::all());
$categoryValidation = Category::validate(Input::all());
if($itemValidation->passes() and $categoryValidation->passes()){
$new_recipe = new Item();
$new_recipe->title = Input::get('title');
$new_recipe->content = Input::get('content');
$new_recipe->creator_id = Auth::user()->id;
return Redirect::route('home')
->with('message','your item has been added');
return Redirect::route('items.create')
->with('errors', array_merge_recursive(
The other way would be to create something like an Item Repository (domain) to orchestrate your items and categories (models) and use a Validation Service (that you'll need to create too) to validate your forms.
Chris Fidao book, Implementing Laravel, explains that wonderfully.
You can also use this:
$validationMessages =
return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validationMessages)->withInput();
and call it in the same way.
$validateUser = Validator::make(Input::all(), User::$rules);
$validateRole = Validator::make(Input::all(), Role::$rules);
if ($validateUser->fails() OR $validateRole->fails()) :
$validationMessages = array_merge_recursive($validateUser->messages()->toArray(), $validateRole->messages()->toArray());
return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validationMessages)->withInput();

Custom Tier Price not working in checkout page magento

I have developed a custom module to meet my project requirements using Alan Storms tutorial for creating modules in magento.
I had the requirement of changing the price attribute dynamically on frontend based on a livefeed. Everysecond the feed is updated so every time the page refreshes a new price must be displayed for each product on the site.
I have override the product module and the price modules for this purpose. The issue is with tier pricing. When tier pricing comes into place I need to calculate the tier-price based on the live price.
For this also I managed to change using the price_type class override.
Now whenever an item is added to cart the tier-pricing was not working for that I wrote event_trigger ie an Observer which updates the tier_pricing on the event "checkout_cart_save_before" and here's my code
class My_Custom_Model_Observer extends Varien_Event_Observer
public function __construct()
public function updateCartBasedOnLiveFeed($observer)
foreach ($observer->getCart()->getQuote()->getAllVisibleItems() as $item /* #var $item Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Item */)
$tierPrices = array();
$tierPrices = $item->getProduct()->getTierPrice();
$itemPrice = $item->getProduct()->getPrice();
foreach($tierPrices as $key => $tierPrice)
$updatedTierPrice = $itemPrice - ($itemPrice * ($tierPrice['price']/100));
$tierPrices[$key]['price'] = $updatedTierPrice;
$tierPrices[$key]['website_price'] = $updatedTierPrice;
if($tierPrice['price'] > 0)
$updatedTierPrice = $itemPrice - ($itemPrice * ($tierPrice['price']/100));
$tierPrice['price'] = $updatedTierPrice;
$tierPrice['website_price'] = $updatedTierPrice;
$tierPrices[$i] = $tierPrice;
The above code works excellently in cart page. But when it comes to checkout page. It works for a single item and when tier-pricing comes into play it does apply cart prices.
Please help me with this.
I also tried using other events along with the above event.
Event: sales_quote_save_before
public function updateQuoteLive($observer)
$tierPrices = array();
$quote_item = $observer->getEvent()->getQuote;
$itemPrice = $quote_item->getProduct()->getPrice();
$tierPrices = $quote_item->getProduct()->getTierPrice();
$tierPricesSize = sizeof($tierPrices);
$updatedTierPrice = $itemPrice - ($itemPrice * ($tierPrices[$i]['price']/100));
$tierPrices[$i]['price'] = $updatedTierPrice;
$tierPrices[$i]['website_price'] = $updatedTierPrice;
When I tried to print the getQuote() function available in Quote.php I find that the tier prices there are not the ones which I updated using the first event. So I think I need to update the price before saving the quote. Please any one help me and show the correct direction.
Please help me with this I am missing some important step. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
It might be better off "saving" the new price in to the database when you update.
Try something along the lines of:
$product = $observer->getProduct();
This way when it comes to checkout it will be pulling in the correct price from the database (and avoids the headache of correcting it "mid-flight"
i realized such a project like you. I have no sales_quote_save_before Observer. I only use the checkout_cart_save_before. Based on the session the price will be setted.
I realized that like this way:
public function updatePrice( $observer )
try {
$cart = $observer->getCart();
$items = $cart->getItems();
foreach($items as $item)
} catch ( Exception $e )
Mage::log( "checkout_cart_save_before: " . $e->getMessage() );
I calcute the tierprices on the fly and with this Observer. All prices will be set up correct in the qoute.
Maybe you should try this way.
Regards boti
At last figured out the issue and got the solution.
The problem was that in cart page or checkout page when the getTierPrice() function is called, which is present in /app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Product.php. It takes one parameter named $qty which is by default null. This function in turn calls the function getTierPrice which is present in /app/code/core/Mage/Type/Price.php file which takes two parameters $qty and $productObject. By default $qty is null and when it is null the function returns an array of tier_prices. But when the $qty value is passed then the function returns a single for that particular quantity.
So, I wrote my own custom function which calculates the tier prices based no my requirements like
I overridden both the core files with my custom module following Alan Storm's tutorials.
I've extended Mage_Catalog_Model_Product with My_CustomModule_Model_Product class and
Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type_Price with My_CustomModule_Model_Price
And then in /app/code/local/My/Custommodule/Model/Product.php
I added my custom code like
public function getTierPrice($qty=null)
return $this->getPriceModel()->getCustomTierPrice($qty, $this);
return $this->getPriceModel()->getTierPrice($qty, $this);
Then in /app/code/local/My/Custommodule/Model/Price.php
public function getCustomTierPrice($qty = null, $product)
$allGroups = Mage_Customer_Model_Group::CUST_GROUP_ALL;
$prices = $product->getData('tier_price');
if (is_null($prices)) {
$attribute = $product->getResource()->getAttribute('tier_price');
if ($attribute) {
$prices = $product->getData('tier_price');
foreach($prices as $key => $customPrices)
if($prices[$key]['price'] < 1)
$prices[$key]['price'] = abs($product->getPrice() - ($productPrice * ($customPrices['price']/100)));
$prices[$key]['website_price'] = $prices[$key]['price'];
which retured a customized value when $qty is passed and voila it worked.
I just posed this answer so that any one else who has similar requirement may get benefited with this.

Order options in admin order view

public function _prepareOptions(Varien_Object $buyRequest, $product, $processMode)
$options = parent::_prepareOptions($buyRequest, $product, $processMode);
$options['start_date'] = date here
$options['end_date'] = date here
return $options;
in my module I can save some custom options.
I can see them in the "sales_flat_quote_item_option" table.
What i'm stuck on is trying to retrieve and display these values with the order in the admin in this template
Is there a way to get these options via the $_item variable in the template or will i need to use the orderid and models.
Still not sure which is the correct way but used the buyRequest object
public function prepareForCartAdvanced(Varien_Object $buyRequest, $product = null, $processMode = null)
$buyRequest->setData('start_date', $start);
Then in the view,

Magento - Add to Cart Error

I'm getting this error after add/remove item to/from cart. Add to Cart button does ajax call to add item to the cart. This kind of json string which will be used in top cart:
I'm stuck. Can you tell me where should I start from to debug?
the "Add to Cart" button does not work asynchrounisly in Magento's default behaviour. That means that you installed/developped a module to do this. For us to help you, we need to know what is it.
Anyways, this looks like a Zend_Dump or maybe a die: make a search in your files for these strings and see what comes up
Use Netbeans and Xdebug.
Place a breakpoint on the /app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Quote.php inside this function:
* Adding catalog product object data to quote
* #param Mage_Catalog_Model_Product $product
* #return Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Item
protected function _addCatalogProduct(Mage_Catalog_Model_Product $product, $qty = 1)
$newItem = false;
$item = $this->getItemByProduct($product);
if (!$item) {
$item = Mage::getModel('sales/quote_item');
if (Mage::app()->getStore()->isAdmin()) {
else {
$newItem = true;
* We can't modify existing child items
if ($item->getId() && $product->getParentProductId()) {
return $item;
// Add only item that is not in quote already (there can be other new or already saved item
if ($newItem) {
return $item;
