Hash Table sequence always get inserted - algorithm

I have a problem related to the hash tables.
Let's consider an hash table of dimension 2^n in a open linear schema.
h(k,i) = (k^n + 2*i)mod(2^n). Show that the sequence
{1,2,...2^n} always can be inserted into the hash table.
I tried to identify a pattern in the way the numbers get inserted into the table and then apply an induction to see if I can prove the question.Any problem which our teacher gave us seems to be like this one, and I can't figure out a way of doing these kind of problems.

h(k,i) = (k^n + 2*i)mod(2^n). Show that the sequence {1,2,...2^n} always can be inserted into the hash table.
Two observations about the hash function:
k^n, for n >= 1, will be odd when k is odd, and even when k is even
2*i will probe every second bucket (wrapping around from last to first)
So, as you hash {1,2,...2^n} we know you'll alternate between finding an unused odd-indexed bucket, and an even-indexed bucket.
Just to emphasise the point, the k^n bit restricts the odd keys to odd-indexed buckets and the even keys to even-indexed buckets, while 2*i ensures all such buckets are considered until a free one's found. It's necessary that exactly half the keys will be odd and half even for the table to become full without h(k,i) failing to find an unused bucket as i is incremented.

You have a lot of terminology problems here.
You hash table does not have dimensions (actually it has, but it is one dimension, and not 2^n), but it has number of slots/buckets.
Most probably the question you asked is not the question your book/teacher wants you to solve. You tell:
Show that the sequence {1,2,...2^n} always can be inserted into the
hash table
and the problem is that in your case any natural number can be inserted in your hash table. This is obvious, because your hash function maps any number to a natural number in a region from [0 to 2^n) and because your hash function has 2^n slots, any number will fit in your hash.
So clarify what your teacher wants, explain find out what k and i is in your hash function and ask another, better prepared question.


hash table about the load factor

I'm studying about hash table for algorithm class and I became confused with the load factor.
Why is the load factor, n/m, significant with 'n' being the number of elements and 'm' being the number of table slots?
Also, why does this load factor equal the expected length of n(j), the linked list at slot j in the hash table when all of the elements are stored in a single slot?
The crucial property of a hash table is the expected constant time it takes to look up an element.*
In order to achieve this, the implementer of the hash table has to make sure that every query to the hash table returns below some fixed amount of steps.
If you have a hash table with m buckets and you add elements indefinitely (i.e. n>>m), then also the size of the lists will grow and you can't guarantee that expected constant time for look ups, but you will rather get linear time (since the running time you need to traverse the ever increasing linked lists will outweigh the lookup for the bucket).
So, how can we achieve that the lists don't grow? Well, you have to make sure that the length of the list is bounded by some fixed constant - how we do that? Well, we have to add additional buckets.
If the hash table is well implemented, then the hash function being used to map the elements to buckets, should distribute the elements evenly across the buckets. If the hash function does this, then the length of the lists will be roughly the same.
How long is one of the lists if the elements are distributed evenly? Clearly we'll have total number of elements divided by the number of buckets, i.e. the load factor n/m (number of elements per bucket = expected/average length of each list).
Hence, to ensure constant time look up, what we have to do is keep track of the load factor (again: expected length of the lists) such that, when it goes above the fixed constant we can add additional buckets.
Of course, there are more problems which come in, such as how to redistribute the elements you already stored or how many buckets should you add.
The important message to take away, is that the load factor is needed to decide when to add additional buckets to the hash table - that's why it is not only 'important' but crucial.
Of course, if you map all the elements to the same bucket, then the average length of each list won't be worth much. All this stuff only makes sense, if you distribute evenly across the buckets.
*Note the expected - I can't emphasize this enough. Its typical to hear "hash table have constant look up time". They do not! Worst case is always O(n) and you can't make that go away.
Adding to the existing answers, let me just put in a quick derivation.
Consider a arbitrarily chosen bucket in the table. Let X_i be the indicator random variable that equals 1 if the ith element is inserted into this element and 0 otherwise.
We want to find E[X_1 + X_2 + ... + X_n].
By linearity of expectation, this equals E[X_1] + E[X_2] + ... E[X_n]
Now we need to find the value of E[X_i]. This is simply (1/m) 1 + (1 - (1/m) 0) = 1/m by the definition of expected values. So summing up the values for all i's, we get 1/m + 1/m + 1/m n times. This equals n/m. We have just found out the expected number of elements inserted into a random bucket and this is the load factor.

Best algorithm to find N unique random numbers in VERY large array

I have an array with, for example, 1000000000000 of elements (integers). What is the best approach to pick, for example, only 3 random and unique elements from this array? Elements must be unique in whole array, not in list of N (3 in my example) elements.
I read about Reservoir sampling, but it provides only method to pick random numbers, which can be non-unique.
If the odds of hitting a non-unique value are low, your best bet will be to select 3 random numbers from the array, then check each against the entire array to ensure it is unique - if not, choose another random sample to replace it and repeat the test.
If the odds of hitting a non-unique value are high, this increases the number of times you'll need to scan the array looking for uniqueness and makes the simple solution non-optimal. In that case you'll want to split the task of ensuring unique numbers from the task of making a random selection.
Sorting the array is the easiest way to find duplicates. Most sorting algorithms are O(n log n), but since your keys are integers Radix sort can potentially be faster.
Another possibility is to use a hash table to find duplicates, but that will require significant space. You can use a smaller hash table or Bloom filter to identify potential duplicates, then use another method to go through that smaller list.
counts = [0] * (MAXINT-MININT+1)
for value in Elements:
counts[value] += 1
uniques = [c for c in counts where c==1]
result = random.pick_3_from(uniques)
I assume that you have a reasonable idea what fraction of the array values are likely to be unique. So you would know, for instance, that if you picked 1000 random array values, the odds are good that one is unique.
Step 1. Pick 3 random hash algorithms. They can all be the same algorithm, except that you add different integers to each as a first step.
Step 2. Scan the array. Hash each integer all three ways, and for each hash algorithm, keep track of the X lowest hash codes you get (you can use a priority queue for this), and keep a hash table of how many times each of those integers occurs.
Step 3. For each hash algorithm, look for a unique element in that bucket. If it is already picked in another bucket, find another. (Should be a rare boundary case.)
That is your set of three random unique elements. Every unique triple should have even odds of being picked.
(Note: For many purposes it would be fine to just use one hash algorithm and find 3 things from its list...)
This algorithm will succeed with high likelihood in one pass through the array. What is better yet is that the intermediate data structure that it uses is fairly small and is amenable to merging. Therefore this can be parallelized across machines for a very large data set.

Hashing analysis in hashtable

The search time for a hash value is O(1+alpha) , where
alpha = number of elements/size of table
I don't understand why the 1 is added?
The expected number elements examined is
(1/n summation of i=1 to n (1+(i-1/m)))
I don't understand this too.How it is derived?
(I know how to solve the above expression , but I want to understand how it has been lead to this expression..)
EDIT : n is number of elements present and m is the number of slots or the size of the table
I don't understand why the 1 is added?
The O(1) is there to tell that even if there is no element in a bucket or the hash table at all, you'll have to compute the key hash value and thus it won't be instantaneous.
Your second part needs precisions. See my comments.
Your second portion is there for "amortized analysis", the idea is to consider each insertion in fact in a set of n insertions in an initially empty hash table, each lookup would take O(1) hashing plus O(i-1/m) searching the bucket content considering each bucket is evenly filled with respect to previous elements. The resolution of the sum actually gives the O(1+alpha) amortized time.

Generating ids for a set of integers

I'm working with permutations of the sequence of integers {0, 1, 2 ... , n}.
I have a local search algorithm that transforms a permutation in some systematic way into another permutation. The point of the algorithm is to produce a permutation that minimises a cost function. I'd like to work with a wide range of problems, from n=5 to n=400.
The problem:
To reduce search effort I need to be able to check if I've processed a particular permutation of integers before. I'm using a hash table for this and I need to be able to generate an id for each permutation which I can use as a key into the table. However, I can't think of any nice hash function that maps a set of integers into a key such that collisions do not occur too frequently.
Stuff I've tried:
I started out by generating a sequence of n prime numbers and multiplying the ith number in my permutation with the ith prime then summing the results. The resulting key however produces collisions even for n=5.
I also thought to concatenate the values of all numbers together and take the integer value of the resulting string as a key but the id quickly becomes too big even for small values of n. Ideally, I'd like to be able to store each key as an integer.
Does stackoverflow have any suggestions for me?
Zobrist hashing might work for you. You need to create an NxN matrix of random integers, each cell representing that element i is in the jth position in the current permutation.
For a given permutation you pick the N cell values, and xor them one by one to get the permutation's key (note that key uniqueness is not guaranteed).
The point in this algorithm is, that if you swap to elements in your permutations, you can easily generate the new key from the current permutation by simply xor-ing out the old and xor-ing in the new positions.
Judging by your question, and the comments you've left, I'd say your problem is not possible to solve.
Let me explain.
You say that you need a unique hash from your combination, so let's make that rule #1:
1: Need a unique number to represent a combination of an arbitrary number of digits/numbers
Ok, then in a comment you've said that since you're using quite a few numbers, storing them as a string or whatnot as a key to the hashtable is not feasible, due to memory constraints. So let's rewrite that into another rule:
2: Cannot use the actual data that were used to produce the hash as they are no longer in memory
Basically, you're trying to take a large number, and store that into a much smaller number range, and still have uniqueness.
Sorry, but you can't do that.
Typical hashing algorithms produce relatively unique hash values, so unless you're willing to accept collisions, in the sense that a new combination might be flagged as "already seen" even though it hasn't, then you're out of luck.
If you were to try a bit-field, where each combination has a bit, which is 0 if it hasn't been seen, you still need large amounts of memory.
For the permutation in n=20 that you left in a comment, you have 20! (2,432,902,008,176,640,000) combinations, which if you tried to simply store each combination as a 1-bit in a bit-field, would require 276,589TB of storage.
You're going to have to limit your scope of what you're trying to do.
As others have suggested, you can use hashing to generate an integer that will be unique with high probability. However, if you need the integer to always be unique, you should rank the permutations, i.e. assign an order to them. For example, a common order of permutations for set {1,2,3} is the lexicographical order:
In this case, the id of a permutation is its index in the lexicographical order. There are other methods of ranking permutations, of course.
Making ids a range of continuous integers makes it possible to implement the storage of processed permutations as a bit field or a boolean array.
How fast does it need to be?
You could always gather the integers as a string, then take the hash of that, and then just grab the first 4 bytes.
For a hash you could use any function really, like MD5 or SHA-256.
You could MD5 hash a comma separated string containg your ints.
In C# it would look something like this (Disclaimer: I have no compiler on the machine I'm using today):
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
public class SomeClass {
static Guid GetHash(int[] numbers) {
string csv = string.Join(',', numbers);
return new Guid(new MD5CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(csv.Trim())));
Edit: What was I thinking? As stated by others, you don't need a hash. The CSV should be sufficient as a string Id (unless your numbers array is big).
Convert each number to String, concatenate Strings (via StringBuffer) and take contents of StringBuffer as a key.
Not relates directly to the question, but as an alternative solution you may use Trie tree as a look up structure. Trie trees are very good for strings operations, its implementation relatively easy and it should be more faster (max of n(k) where k is length of a key) than hashset for a big amount of long strings. And you aren't limited in key size( such in a regular hashset in must int, not bigger). Key in your case will be a string of all numbers separated by some char.
Prime powers would work: if p_i is the ith prime and a_i is the ith element of your tuple, then
p_0**a_0 * p_1**a_1 * ... * p_n**a_n
should be unique by the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic. Those numbers will get pretty big, though :-)
(e.g. for n=5, (1,2,3,4,5) will map to 870,037,764,750 which is already more than 32 bits)
Similar to Bojan's post it seems like the best way to go is to have a deterministic order to the permutations. If you process them in that order then there is no need to do a lookup to see if you have already done any particular permutation.
get two permutations of same series of numbers {1,.., n}, construct a mapping tupple, (id, permutation1[id], permutation2[id]), or (id, f1(id), f2(id)); you will get an unique map by {f3(id)| for tuple (id, f1(id), f2(id)) , from id, we get a f2(id), and find a id' from tuple (id',f1(id'),f2(id')) where f1(id') == f2(id)}

Hash Functions and Tables of size of the form 2^p

While calculating the hash table bucket index from the hash code of a key, why do we avoid use of remainder after division (modulo) when the size of the array of buckets is a power of 2?
When calculating the hash, you want as much information as you can cheaply munge things into with good distribution across the entire range of bits: e.g. 32-bit unsigned integers are usually good, unless you have a lot (>3 billion) of items to store in the hash table.
It's converting the hash code into a bucket index that you're really interested in. When the number of buckets n is a power of two, all you need to do is do an AND operation between hash code h and (n-1), and the result is equal to h mod n.
A reason this may be bad is that the AND operation is simply discarding bits - the high-level bits - from the hash code. This may be good or bad, depending on other things. On one hand, it will be very fast, since AND is a lot faster than division (and is the usual reason why you would choose to use a power of 2 number of buckets), but on the other hand, poor hash functions may have poor entropy in the lower bits: that is, the lower bits don't change much when the data being hashed changes.
Let us say that the table size is m = 2^p.
Let k be a key.
Then, whenever we do k mod m, we will only get the last p bits of the binary representation of k. Thus, if I put in several keys that have the same last p bits, the hash function will perform VERY VERY badly as all keys will be hashed to the same slot in the table. Thus, avoid powers of 2
