How to Sort String with Numeric values using VB Script?
Below are my strings from each row from a table:
"Test 1 pass dec 2"
"Test 3 fail"
"Test 2 pass jun 4"
"Test 10 pass"
"User Accepted"
I would to like get in below order after sorting(natural order):
"Test 1 pass dec 2"
"Test 2 pass jun 4"
"Test 3 fail"
"Test 10 pass"
"User Accepted"
Ways i have tried so far,
Set oAlist=CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
The ArrayList was sorted in below order based on ASCII which I do not prefer:
"Test 1 pass dec 2"
"Test 10 pass"
"Test 2 pass jun 4"
"Test 3 fail"
"User Accepted"
I have tried this link Sort
and i have no idea how to use AppendFormat in my case.
Note:My given string either completely string or string with numbers(dynamic) so not sure how to use RecordSet or AppendFormat here as I am new to programming.
You can have another example.
Sub Sort
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
If LCase(Arg(1)) = "n" then
With rs
.Fields.Append "SortKey", 4
.Fields.Append "Txt", 201, 5000
Do Until Inp.AtEndOfStream
Lne = Inp.readline
SortKey = Mid(Lne, LCase(Arg(3)), LCase(Arg(4)) - LCase(Arg(3)))
If IsNumeric(Sortkey) = False then
Set RE = new Regexp
re.Pattern = "[^0-9\.,]" = true
re.ignorecase = true
Sortkey = re.replace(Sortkey, "")
End If
If IsNumeric(Sortkey) = False then
Sortkey = 0
ElseIf Sortkey = "" then
Sortkey = 0
ElseIf IsNull(Sortkey) = true then
Sortkey = 0
End If
.Fields("SortKey").value = CSng(SortKey)
.Fields("Txt").value = Lne
If LCase(Arg(2)) = "a" then SortColumn = "SortKey ASC"
If LCase(Arg(2)) = "d" then SortColumn = "SortKey DESC"
.Sort = SortColumn
Do While not .EOF
Outp.writeline .Fields("Txt").Value
End With
ElseIf LCase(Arg(1)) = "d" then
With rs
.Fields.Append "SortKey", 4
.Fields.Append "Txt", 201, 5000
Do Until Inp.AtEndOfStream
Lne = Inp.readline
SortKey = Mid(Lne, LCase(Arg(3)), LCase(Arg(4)) - LCase(Arg(3)))
If IsDate(Sortkey) = False then
Set RE = new Regexp
re.Pattern = "[^0-9\\\-:]" = true
re.ignorecase = true
Sortkey = re.replace(Sortkey, "")
End If
If IsDate(Sortkey) = False then
Sortkey = 0
ElseIf Sortkey = "" then
Sortkey = 0
ElseIf IsNull(Sortkey) = true then
Sortkey = 0
End If
.Fields("SortKey").value = CDate(SortKey)
.Fields("Txt").value = Lne
If LCase(Arg(2)) = "a" then SortColumn = "SortKey ASC"
If LCase(Arg(2)) = "d" then SortColumn = "SortKey DESC"
.Sort = SortColumn
Do While not .EOF
Outp.writeline .Fields("Txt").Value
End With
ElseIf LCase(Arg(1)) = "t" then
With rs
.Fields.Append "SortKey", 201, 260
.Fields.Append "Txt", 201, 5000
Do Until Inp.AtEndOfStream
Lne = Inp.readline
SortKey = Mid(Lne, LCase(Arg(3)), LCase(Arg(4)) - LCase(Arg(3)))
.Fields("SortKey").value = SortKey
.Fields("Txt").value = Lne
If LCase(Arg(2)) = "a" then SortColumn = "SortKey ASC"
If LCase(Arg(2)) = "d" then SortColumn = "SortKey DESC"
.Sort = SortColumn
Do While not .EOF
Outp.writeline .Fields("Txt").Value
End With
ElseIf LCase(Arg(1)) = "tt" then
With rs
.Fields.Append "SortKey", 201, 260
.Fields.Append "Txt", 201, 5000
Do Until Inp.AtEndOfStream
Lne = Inp.readline
SortKey = Trim(Mid(Lne, LCase(Arg(3)), LCase(Arg(4)) - LCase(Arg(3))))
.Fields("SortKey").value = SortKey
.Fields("Txt").value = Lne
If LCase(Arg(2)) = "a" then SortColumn = "SortKey ASC"
If LCase(Arg(2)) = "d" then SortColumn = "SortKey DESC"
.Sort = SortColumn
Do While not .EOF
Outp.writeline .Fields("Txt").Value
End With
End If
End Sub
Since you are working with strings, you are going to need to write a custom sort function that can parse the test numbers from the strings.
Alternatively, you could pre-process your list and parse the numbers into a separate field, then sort based on that field.
To apply the techniques from here to the problem (using Split instead of a RegExp):
Option Explicit
Dim aInp : aInp = Array( _
"Test 1 pass dec 2" _
, "Test 3 fail" _
, "Test 2 pass jun 4" _
, "Verified" _
, "Test 10 pass" _
, "User Accepted" _
WScript.Echo "----- Input:", vbCrLf & Join(aInp, vbCrLf)
Dim aOtp : aOtp = Array( _
"Test 1 pass dec 2" _
, "Test 2 pass jun 4" _
, "Test 3 fail" _
, "Test 10 pass" _
, "User Accepted" _
, "Verified" _
WScript.Echo "----- Expected:", vbCrLf & Join(aOtp, vbCrLf)
Dim oNAL : Set oNAL = CreateObject( "System.Collections.ArrayList" )
Dim oSB : Set oSB = CreateObject( "System.Text.StringBuilder" )
Dim sInp, aParts, aWTF
For Each sInp In aInp
aParts = Split(sInp, " ", 3)
Select Case UBound(aParts)
Case 0 ' add 2 blank elms to "verified"
aWTF = aParts
ReDim Preserve aWTF(2)
Case 1 ' put an empty elm in the middle
' aParts = Array( aParts(0), "", aParts(1))
' ==> VBScript runtime error: This array is fixed or temporarily locked
aWTF = Array( aParts(0), "", aParts(1))
Case 2 ' What the doctor ordered
aWTF = aParts
Case Else
Err.Raise "Shit hits fan"
End Select
oSB.AppendFormat_3 "{0}{1,4}{2}", aWTF(0), aWTF(1), aWTF(2)
sInp = oSB.ToString() & "|" & sInp ' dirty trick: append org data th ease 'reconstruction'
oSB.Length = 0
oNAL.Add sInp
ReDim aOut(oNAL.Count - 1)
Dim i
For i = 0 To UBound(aOut)
aOut(i) = Split(oNAL(i), "|")(1)
WScript.Echo "----- Output:", vbCrLf & Join(aOut, vbCrLf)
cscript 37946075.vbs
----- Input:
Test 1 pass dec 2
Test 3 fail
Test 2 pass jun 4
Test 10 pass
User Accepted
----- Expected:
Test 1 pass dec 2
Test 2 pass jun 4
Test 3 fail
Test 10 pass
User Accepted
----- Output:
Test 1 pass dec 2
Test 2 pass jun 4
Test 3 fail
Test 10 pass
User Accepted
Just for fun: The 'same', but using a RegExp (better scaling technique):
Dim r : Set r = New RegExp
r.Pattern = "^(\w+\s*)(\d+\s*)?(.*)$"
Dim sInp, m, aParts(2)
Dim i
For Each sInp In aInp
Set m = r.Execute(sInp)
If 1 = m.Count Then
For i = 0 To 2
aParts(i) = m(0).SubMatches(i)
Err.Raise "Shit hits fan"
End If
oSB.AppendFormat_3 "{0}{1,4}{2}", aParts(0), aParts(1), aParts(2)
sInp = oSB.ToString() & "|" & sInp ' dirty trick: append org data to ease 'reconstruction'
Here is the code which I have written in is showing error in text1.setfocus
Private Sub Text1_Lostfocus()
s1 = Text1.Text
flag = 0
If Text1.Text = "" Then
flag = 1
End If
For i = 1 To Len(s1)
l = Mid(s1, i, 1)
If IsNumeric(l) = True Then
flag = 1
Exit For
End If
Next i
If flag = 1 Then
MsgBox "Enter valid input"
Text1.ForeColor = vbRed
End If
End Sub
Do not have this code in LostFocus, instead try to have it in the Validate event, there would be an cancel parameter to the event, if you set Cancel = True (means the cursor will not exit the control) you need not do setfocus
Try the following:
Private Sub Text1_Validate(Cancel As Boolean)
If IsNumeric(Text1.Text) = False Then
MsgBox "Enter valid input"
Text1.ForeColor = vbRed
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Try this if you have an empty string and you are trying to work with in in your loop you can get an invalid procedure call. skip over it all togehter don't run the loop if the text is empty.
Private Sub Text1_Lostfocus()
s1 = Text1.Text
flag = 0
If Text1.Text = "" Then
flag = 1
For i = 1 To Len(s1)
l = Mid(s1, i, 1)
If IsNumeric(l) = True Then
flag = 1
Exit For
End If
Next i
If flag = 1 Then
MsgBox "Enter valid input"
Text1.ForeColor = vbRed
End If
End Sub
The problem is on line fourteen. Else is somehow a syntax error, (800A03EA) I'm very new to VBScript.
Dim StrThing, fso, f
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If f.FileExists("Desktop\testfile") then
StrThing=InputBox("Type your name in")
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("Desktop\testfile.txt", ForWriting, True)
f.WriteLine "Hello world!"
f.WriteLine "Hello, " & StrThing
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("Desktop\testfile.txt", ForReading)
WriteLineToFile = f.ReadAll
StrThing=MsgBox("Hello, " & StrThing)
StrThing=MsgBox("Goodbye, " & StrThing)
End if
StrThing=InputBox("Type your name in")
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("Desktop\testfile.txt", ForWriting, True)
f.WriteLine "Hello world!"
f.WriteLine "Hello, " & StrThing
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("Desktop\testfile.txt", ForReading)
WriteLineToFile = f.ReadAll
StrThing=MsgBox("Hello, " & StrThing)
StrThing=MsgBox("Goodbye, " & StrThing)
End if
Two changes required here.
else statement started after closing if
f.FileExists ← No object defined for f.
Modified code:
Dim StrThing, fso, f
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If f.FileExists("Desktop\testfile.txt") then
StrThing=InputBox("Type your name in")
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("Desktop\testfile.txt", ForWriting, True)
f.WriteLine "Hello world!"
f.WriteLine "Hello, " & StrThing
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("Desktop\testfile.txt", ForReading)
WriteLineToFile = f.ReadAll
StrThing=MsgBox("Hello, " & StrThing)
StrThing=MsgBox("Goodbye, " & StrThing)
StrThing=InputBox("Type your name in")
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("Desktop\testfile.txt", ForWriting, True)
f.WriteLine "Hello world!"
f.WriteLine "Hello, " & StrThing
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("Desktop\testfile.txt", ForReading)
WriteLineToFile = f.ReadAll
StrThing=MsgBox("Hello, " & StrThing)
StrThing=MsgBox("Goodbye, " & StrThing)
End if
Currently I am working on vb6 application. I want to show data in MSFlexgrid But there is no edit Facility in MSFlexgrid Control.
Is there Any way to Edit MSFlexgrid?
There is a way using hidden Textbox. On the double click on the cell the textbox will be visible and Edit is possible here is code snippet check it
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Setting Col And row
MSFlexGrid1.Cols = 3
MSFlexGrid1.Rows = 10
'First row
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(0, 0) = "ID"
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(0, 1) = "Date"
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(0, 2) = "Voucher Type"
'some data
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(1, 0) = "E0000001"
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(2, 0) = "E0000001"
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(1, 1) = "01/04/10"
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(2, 1) = "01/04/10"
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(1, 2) = "Jrnl"
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(2, 2) = "Jrnl"
End Sub
Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_DblClick()
'If MSFlexGrid1.Col = 3 Or MSFlexGrid1.Col = 6 Or MSFlexGrid1.Col = 7 Then
GridEdit Asc(" ")
'End If
End Sub
Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
GridEdit KeyAscii
End Sub
Sub GridEdit(KeyAscii As Integer)
'use correct font
Text1.FontName = MSFlexGrid1.FontName
Text1.FontSize = MSFlexGrid1.FontSize
Select Case KeyAscii
Case 0 To Asc(" ")
Text1 = MSFlexGrid1
Text1.text = Trim(Text1.text)
Text1.SelStart = 1000
Case Else
Text1 = MSFlexGrid1
Text1.text = Trim(Text1.text)
Text1.SelStart = 1000
End Select
'position the edit box
Text1.Left = MSFlexGrid1.CellLeft + MSFlexGrid1.Left
Text1.Top = MSFlexGrid1.CellTop + MSFlexGrid1.Top
Text1.Width = MSFlexGrid1.CellWidth
Text1.Height = MSFlexGrid1.CellHeight
Text1.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_LeaveCell()
If Text1.Visible Then
If MSFlexGrid1.Col = 6 Or MSFlexGrid1.Col = 7 Then
If Text1.text = "" Then
Text1.text = " "
End If
End If
MSFlexGrid1 = Text1
Text1.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_GotFocus()
If Text1.Visible Then
If MSFlexGrid1.Col = 6 Or MSFlexGrid1.Col = 7 Then
If Text1.text = "" Then
Text1.text = " "
End If
End If
MSFlexGrid1 = Text1.text
Text1.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
'noise suppression
If MSFlexGrid1.Col <> 6 And MSFlexGrid1.Col <> 7 Then
KeyAscii = 0
End If
If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Then
KeyAscii = 0
End If
End Sub
Can you also try below code. This doesnt require text box.
'Put this code in MSFlexGrid Keypress Event
Private Sub MSFlexGrid_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
With MSFlexGrid
Select Case KeyAscii
If .Text <> "" Then .Text = _
Left$(.Text, (Len(.Text) - 1))
Select Case .Col
Case Is < (.Cols - 1):
SendKeys "{right}"
Case (.Cols - 1):
If (.Row + 1) = .Rows Then
.Rows = .Rows + 1
End If
SendKeys "{home}" + "{down}"
End Select
Case Else
.Text = .Text + Chr$(KeyAscii)
'write your own keyascii Validations under
'commented lines
Select Case .Col
Case 0, 1, 2:
'if (your condition(s)) then
'accept only charectors
' keyascii=0
'End If
Case Else:
End Select
End Select
End With
End Sub
I was trying this script from a pdf file.I got stuck where the target image should change to exploding image if clicked but the target image does not change from the standing image.Please Help!
Option Explicit
Dim fiPlayersScore As Integer
Dim fiNumberofMisses As Integer
Dim fbTargetHit As Boolean
Private Sub Form_Load()
imgTarget.Enabled = False
imgTarget.Visible = False
cmdStop.Enabled = False
lblGameOver.Visible = False
lblGameOver.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub cmdStart_Click()
Dim lsUserResponse As String
Dim lbResponse As Boolean
lsUserResponse = InputBox("Enter a level from 1 to 3." & _
(Chr(13)) & "" & (Chr(13)) & "1 being the Easiest and 3 being the " & _
"Hardest.", "Level Select", "1")
lbResponse = False
If lsUserResponse = "1" Then
Timer1.Interval = 1500
lbResponse = True
ElseIf lsUserResponse = "2" Then
Timer1.Interval = 1000
lbResponse = True
ElseIf lsUserResponse = "3" Then
Timer1.Interval = 750
lbResponse = True
MsgBox ("Game Not Started.")
lbResponse = False
End If
If lbResponse = True Then
cmdStart.Enabled = False
imgTarget.Picture = imgStanding.Picture
frmMain.MousePointer = 5
fbTargetHit = False
cmdStop.Enabled = True
fiPlayersScore = 0
fiNumberofMisses = 0
lblScore.Caption = fiPlayersScore
lblMisses.Caption = fiNumberofMisses
Timer1.Enabled = True
lblGameOver.Visible = False
lblGameOver.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdStop_Click()
frmMain.MousePointer = vbNormal
Timer1.Enabled = False
imgTarget.Enabled = False
imgTarget.Visible = False
cmdStart.Enabled = True
cmdStop.Enabled = False
lblGameOver.Visible = True
lblGameOver.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Click()
MMControl1.Command = "Play"
MMControl1.Command = "Prev"
fiNumberofMisses = fiNumberofMisses + 1
lblMisses.Caption = fiNumberofMisses
If CheckForLoose = True Then
lblMisses.Caption = fiNumberofMisses
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Private Sub imgTarget_Click()
MMControl2.Command = "Play"
MMControl2.Command = "Prev"
Timer1.Enabled = False
imgTarget.Picture = imgExplode.Picture '**I AM STUCK HERE**
fiPlayersScore = fiPlayersScore + 1
Timer1.Enabled = True
If CheckForWin = True Then
lblScore.Caption = fiPlayersScore
Exit Sub
End If
lblScore.Caption = fiPlayersScore
fbTargetHit = True
imgStanding.Enabled = False
imgTarget.Visible = False
imgTarget.Enabled = False
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Public Sub Load_Sounds()
'Set initial property values for blaster sound
MMControl1.Notify = False
MMControl1.Wait = True
MMControl1.Shareable = False
MMControl1.DeviceType = "WaveAudio"
MMControl1.FileName = _
'Open the media device
MMControl1.Command = "Open"
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Dim liRandomLeft As Integer
Dim liRandomTop As Integer
imgTarget.Visible = True
If fbTargetHit = True Then
fbTargetHit = False
imgTarget.Picture = imgStanding.Picture
End If
liRandomLeft = (6120 * Rnd)
liRandomTop = (4680 * Rnd)
imgTarget.Left = liRandomLeft
imgTarget.Top = liRandomTop
imgTarget.Enabled = True
imgTarget.Visible = True
End Sub
Public Function CheckForWin() As Boolean
CheckForWin = False
If fiPlayersScore = 5 Then
CheckForWin = True
lblGameOver.Caption = "You Win.Game Over"
End If
End Function
Public Function CheckForLoose() As Boolean
CheckForLoose = False
If fiNumberofMisses = 5 Then
CheckForLoose = True
lblGameOver.Caption = "You Loose.Game Over"
End If
End Function
Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, _
UnloadMode As Integer)
End Sub
Public Sub Unload_Sounds()
MMControl1.Command = "Close"
MMControl2.Command = "Close"
End Sub
Public Sub pauseProgram()
Dim currentTime
Dim newTime
currentTime = Second(Time)
newTime = Second(Time)
Do Until Abs(newTime - currentTime) >= 1
newTime = Second(Time)
End Sub
imgTarget.Picture = imgExplode.Picture
Set imgTarget.Picture = imgExplode.Picture
will be faster than
imgTarget.Picture = imgExplode.Picture
if imgExplode is going to be around during the lifetime of imgTarget (the first command copies the image, the Set command references the image).
i've been trying to create a vb6 code that will randomize 10 questions but it's not working. i use sql as my database
here's my code:
Private Sub cmdNext_Click()
Dim real_ans As String
Dim nCnt As Integer
'nCnt = nCnt + 2
'Label3.Caption = nCnt
real_ans = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("answer")
With Adodc2.Recordset
Dim grade As String
If (real_ans = "A" And Option1.Value = True) Or (real_ans = "B" And Option2.Value = True) Or (real_ans = "C" And Option3.Value = True) Or (real_ans = "D" And Option4.Value = True) Then
.Fields("english_score").Value = .Fields("english_score").Value + 1
nEnglish_score = Adodc2.Recordset.Fields("english_score").Value
Select Case nEnglish_score
Case Is >= 7 'If score above 80...
grade = "genius" 'Give an A
With Adodc2.Recordset
.Fields("IQ").Value = grade
End With
Case Is >= 6 'If score above 70...
grade = "Superior " 'Give a B
With Adodc2.Recordset
.Fields("IQ").Value = grade
End With
Case Is >= 5 'If score above 60...
grade = "High Average" 'Give a C
With Adodc2.Recordset
.Fields("IQ").Value = grade
End With
Case Is >= 4 'If score above 50...
grade = "Average" 'Give a D
With Adodc2.Recordset
.Fields("IQ").Value = grade
End With
Case Is >= 3 'If score above 40...
grade = "Low Average " 'Give a E
With Adodc2.Recordset
.Fields("IQ").Value = grade
End With
Case Is >= 2 'If score above 30...
grade = "Moron" 'Give a F
With Adodc2.Recordset
.Fields("IQ").Value = grade
End With
Case Is >= 1 'If score above 20...
grade = "Idiot " 'Give a G
With Adodc2.Recordset
.Fields("IQ").Value = grade
End With
Case Else 'Else
grade = "xxxx" 'Give a G
With Adodc2.Recordset
.Fields("IQ").Value = grade
End With
End Select
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Initialize()
Command1.Enabled = False
With Adodc2.Recordset
.Fields("name").Value = cStudent_Name
.Fields("section").Value = cStudent_Section
.Fields("english_score").Value = "0"
.Fields("math_score").Value = "0"
.Fields("abstract").Value = "0"
.Fields("total_average").Value = "0"
.Fields("IQ").Value = "0"
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_Change()
If Text1.Text <> "" Then
cmdNext.Enabled = True
Command1.Enabled = True
cmdNext.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Please help me i cant figure out whats wrong.
yep what's the error message?
you don't save any space with this 'with':
With Adodc2.Recordset
.Fields("IQ").Value = grade
End With
you can remove that block of code to the end (after End Select), since its in every Case statement anyway.
So compress it down to:
Adodc2.Recordset.Fields("IQ").Value = grade
why not have your option values and answers stored in the same way so you can just do a single comparison, like:
if real_ans = OptionValue then ...
for random numbers, try this:
Function Rand(max As Long, Optional Min As Long) As Long
Dim s As Single
s = Rnd(1) * (max - Min + 1) + Min - 0.5
Rand = CLng(Round(s, 0))
End Function
and put RANDOMIZE in your form_load