Is it possible to force logout using user id in Laravel? - laravel

I'm wondering if there is any simple way to force logout different users by their id? For example I need to block currently lodged in user so I want to log out him after I set his status to block.
I cant use middleware for this to check on each request.

I do this inside the Authenticate middleware
if (!Auth::user()->isActive()) {
return Redirect::home();
The user is already loaded there, no additional database query is needed here.
I don't think that's a performance issue, you just do a little if statement and you do it only if the user needs to be authenticated.

It's super easy if you are using database session driver:
DB::table('sessions')->where('user_id', $userId)->delete();

#PerterPan666 thanks, ya i ended up creating a middleware and adding it to the web group.
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
if (Auth::check())
if (Auth::User()->is_active != 'Y')
return redirect()->to('/')->with('warning', 'Your session has expired because your account is deactivated.');
return $next($request);

For anyone using later Laravel 5.6+, there's a method available for this built in. Doesn't mention where to call logoutOtherDevices, but LoginController#authenticated looks to work well as you can pass through their password, as required by the method
public function authenticated(Request $request, $throttles)


Laravel - Controller dependency is injected before middleware is executed

So I created a middleware to limit the data a connected user has access to by adding global scopes depending on some informations:
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
if (auth()->user()?->organization_id) {
User::addGlobalScope(new OrganizationScope(auth()->user()->organization));
return $next($request);
The middleware is added to the '' middleware group in Kernel.php which is used in web.php:
Route::middleware([''])->group(function () {
Route::resource('users', UserController::class);
Then in the controller, I would expect a user to get a 404 when trying to see a page of a user he has no rights to. But the $user is retrieved before the middleware applies the global scope!
public function show(User $user, Request $request) {
// dd($user); // <= This actually contains the User model! It shouldn't, of course.
// dd(User::find($user->id)); // <= null, as it should!
So, the dependency is apparently calculated before the middleware is applied. If I'm trying to move the middleware into the 'web' group in Kernel.php it's the same. And in the main $middleware array, the authenticated user's data is not available yet.
I found this discussion that seems to be on topic : but the possible solutions (and Taylor's PR) seems to point to a solution in the controller itself. Not what I'm trying to do, or I can't see how to adapt it.
Before that I was applying the global scopes at the Model level, in the booted function (as shown in the docs). But I had lots of issues with that - namely, accessing a relationship from there to check what is allowed or not is problematic, as the relationship call will look for something in the Model itself, and said model is not ready (that's the point of the booted method, right...). For example, checking a relationship of the connected user on the User model has to be done with a direct query to the db, that will be ran every time the Model is called... Not good.
Anyway, I like the middleware approach as it is a clean way to deal with rights as well, I think. Any recommandation?
Not a recommendation, just my opinion.
This issue is just because of that Laravel allow you add middleware in controller constructor, and that's why it calculate before midddleware in your case.
I agree that middleware is a clean way to deal with auth, but i also think that you are not completely doing auth in your middleware, for example if you create a new route will you need to add something auth action into your new controller or just add auth middleware to route?
If does needs add something to controller, that means your auth middleware is just put some permissions info into global scope and you are doing the auth in controller which i think it's not right.
Controller should be only control the view logic, and you should do full auth in your auth middleware, once the request passed into your controller function that means user passed your auth.
For some example, if you auth permissions like below, you can just add auth middleware to new route without any action in your controller when you trying to create new route.
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
if (auth()->user()->canView($request->route())) { // you should do full auth, not just add informations.
return $next($request);

having anonymous user on laravel

I'm using Laravel 5.8. And I have created a custom Guard that is using jwt. That I use as a middleware for authenticating users.
I have some routes that need to have different responses based on being an authenticated user or an unauthenticated user. what do you suggest me to do? what is the best practices to implement this?
I can define a custom guard which its check function always returns true.and returning an integer like -1 for unauthenticated user while the user is not authenticated.but it does not sound a clean way of implementing this.
Depending on how you want to set this up, you can just use the Auth facade helpers in your controller method to see whether a user is authenticated or not:
// SomeController.php
public function index(Request $request)
if(Auth::guest()) {
return response()->json('i am a guest');
} else {
return response()->json('im not a guest');
or use any of the related methods:
// Inverse of `Auth::guest()`
$isLoggedIn = Auth::check();
$loggedInUser = Auth::user();

Laravel Auth::id() return null after login

I have a login form to access to my web page.
In my local computer everything works fine. But now I upload my project to my server and when I login the directive #auth() is null.
I put in my controller this: dd(Auth::id()); and in my local server returns a Id but in the production server returns null...
in web.php I have tis code:
Route::group(['middleware' => 'role:admin' OR 'role:user'], function () {
Route::get('/users/inicio', function(){
return view('frontend.dashboardUser');});
This return null
Can you help me?
Thank you
I think there might be some session problem, It might not be maintaining the session state.
My suggestion:
Try echo session_id() multiple times, If every time different id is generated then there will be some problem with the session on server otherwise not.
Have you registered a new user after you pushed your code to the production? I mean have you logged in using an existing user on production? I believe your production and local Database is different and the user who exists on local does not exist on production DB.
Register a new user and login as the new user and then try accessing the route to see if you get the auth id.
For a security reason, you can't access the login user or any other session into the web.php file as well as a constructor of the class.
To archive this you can use middleware something like this:
public function __construct() {
$this->middleware(function (Request $request, $next) {
if (!\Auth::check()) {
return redirect('/login');
$this->userId = \Auth::id(); // you can access user id here
return $next($request);
This link can help you more. Good luck!!!

Set Locale when using Auth::loginUsingId for phpunit

I have several languages in my Laravel 5.2 app. Each locale is stored in DB in th User Model. So, each time a user log, the locale must update.
Thing is in my Test, I use a lot Auth::loginUsingId, because I need to test function with differents user profiles.
So, I don't want to append to each of those calls with a App::setLocale(Auth::user->locale), nor extract it to a function.
Any Idea how should I do it???
What I did to address this problem is creating a middleware with
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
if ($user = Auth::user()) {
return $next($request);
By handling all routes through this middleware, you can have the locale set automatically at each request.

Laravel middleware one time authorization for route groups

I am designing some part of system in Laravel 5. It is expected to behavior as described below.
User gets unique url. It could be provided in email, but that will not matter.
He clicks it, and gets logged in with some temporary token (for a session lifetime), that gives him possibility to access all the urls in allowed route group, ex. account/*, but if he wants to reach other restricted urls, then he is asked to authorize with his username/password.
If he is already authorized, token login makes no effect for him.
My question is about possibility to do something like that in Laravel out of box. I know there are some middleware services, but I'm not sure if default Guard behavior will not need to be changed to work as I expect.
I used to work with Symfony before, and there it is solved by firewalls by default, so maybe also in Laravel there is prebuilt solution?
you can absolutely doing this use laravel, here is an example code not tested,
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
if ($this->auth->guest()) {
if (preg_match('account', $request->route()->getName()) { //if url is under account, you can get route info from $request->route();
if (!session()->get($token)) { // if not have valid token
if ($request->ajax()) {
return response('Unauthorized.', 401);
} else {
return redirect()->route('admin.login.index',['referrer'=>urlencode($request->url())]);
} else {
if ($request->ajax()) {
return response('Unauthorized.', 401);
} else {
return redirect()->route('admin.login.index',['referrer'=>urlencode($request->url())]);
return $next($request);
then from your route just add middleware auth to your group, this is a way to define you request in on middleware, laravel 5.2 support mutiple middleware.
