I see two styles of writing the same thing:
def find_nest(animal)
return unless animal.bird?
def find_nest(animal)
if animal.bird?
Which one is more correct/preferable/following-best-practises? Or it does not matter?
As per Ruby style guide,
Prefer a guard clause when you can assert invalid data. A guard clause
is a conditional statement at the top of a function that bails out as
soon as it can.
# bad
def compute_thing(thing)
if thing[:foo]
if thing[:foo][:bar]
# good
def compute_thing(thing)
return unless thing[:foo]
return re_compute(thing) unless thing[:foo][:bar]
It is obviously a matter of personal preference. But I prefer the early return. Not only does it make code "flatter" and easier to read, it also scales well with the number of checks. For example:
def create_terms_of_service_notification
return if Rails.env.test?
return if current_user.accepted_tos?
# imagine 5 more checks here.
# Now imagine them as a mess of nested ifs.
# create the notification
This :}
def find_nest(animal)
GPS.find_nest(animal.do_crazy_stuff) if animal.bird?
I'm having trouble developing unit tests for a method that calls itself (a game loop) in Ruby using minitest. What I've attempted has been stubbing the method I'm trying to call in said game loop with my input. Here's the game loop:
#main game loop
def playRound
#draw board
#get input
playerInput = gets.chomp #returns user input without ending newline
#interpret input, quitting or beginning set selection for a player
case playerInput
when "q"
when "a", "l"
set = getPlayerSet()
if(playerInput == "a")
player = 1
player = 2
when "h"
if #hintsEnabled
puts "Hints are disabled"
puts "Input not recognized."
if(set != nil)
#have board test set
checkSet(set, player)
#check if player has quitted or there are no more valid sets
unless #quitted || #board.boardComplete
Much of it is ultimately irrelevant, all I'm trying to test is that this switch statement is calling the correct methods. Currently I'm trying to circumvent the loop by stubbing the called method to raise an error (which my test assers_raise's):
def test_playRound_a_input_triggers_getPlayerSet
#game.stub :getPlayerSet, raise(StandardError) do
assert_raises(StandardError) do
simulate_stdin("") {
This approach does not seem to work, however, as Minitest is recording the results of the above test as an error with the message
StandardError: StandardError
test_game.rb:136:in `test_playRound_a_input_triggers_getPlayerSet'
If anyone has any advice or direction for me it would be massively appreciated as I can't tell what's going wrong
I'm not very familiar with minitest, but I expect you need to wrap the raise(exception) in a block, otherwise your test code is raising the exception immediately in your test (not as a result of the stubbed method being called).
Something like:
class CustomTestError < RuntimeError; end
def test_playRound_a_input_triggers_getPlayerSet
raise_error = -> { raise(CustomTestError) }
#game.stub(:getPlayerSet, raise_error) do
assert_raises(CustomTestError) do
simulate_stdin("") {
-- EDIT --
Sometimes when i'm having difficulty testing a method it's a sign that I should refactor things to be easier to test (and thus have a cleaner, simpler interface, possibly be easier to understand later).
I don't code games and don't know what's typical for a game loop, but that method looks very difficult to test. I'd try to break it into a couple steps where each step/command can be easily tested in isolation. One option for this would be to define a method for each command and use send. This would allow you to test that each command works separately from your input parsing and separately from the game loop itself.
q: :quit,
# etc..
def play_round # Ruby methods should be snake_case rather than camelCase
play_round unless #quitted || #board.board_complete
def run_command(input)
command = parse_input_to_command(input)
def parse_input_to_command(input)
COMMANDS[input] || :bad_command
def run_command(command)
# Then a method for each command, e.g.
def run_bad_input
puts "Input not recognized"
However, for this type of problem I really like a functional approach, where each command is just a stateless function that you pass state into and get new state back. These could either mutate their input state (eww) or return a new copy of the board with updated state (yay!). Something like:
# All state change must be done on board. To be a functional pattern, you should not mutate the board but return a new one. For this I invent a `.copy()` method that takes attributes to update as input.
q: -> {|board| board.copy(quitted: true) },
h: -> HintGiver.new, # If these commands were complex, they could live in a separate class entirely.
bad_command: -> {|board| puts "Unrecognized command"; board },
def play_round
command = parse_input_to_command(gets.chomp)
#board = command.call(#board)
play_round unless #board.quitted || #board.board_complete
def parse_input_to_command(input)
COMMANDS[input] || COMMANDS[:bad_command]
So, pretend we have the following three methods that check a grid to determine if there is a winner, and will return true if there is.
def win_diagonal?
# Code here to check for diagonal win.
def win_horizontal?
# Code here to check for horizontal win.
def win_vertical?
# Code here to check for vertical win.
I would like to push the returned values of each method into an Array instead of literally using the method names. Is this possible?
def game_status
check_wins = [win_vertical?, win_diagonal?, win_horizontal?]
if check_wins.uniq.length != 1 # When we don't have only false returns from methods
return :game_over
What you are looking for will indeed work in ruby.
def hello_world?
"hello world!"
a = [hello_world?]
Prints out
=> ["hello world!"]
Hope that helps. IRB is your friend when you wonder if something is possible in Ruby :-)
Simpler way (and very readable) yet:
def game_status
win_vertical? || win_diagonal? || win_horizontal?
If, for example, win_vertical? returns true, the other algorithms won't even need to run. You return immediately.
Or, if you need to know in which way the user won, I mean, if you need to preserve the results of all methods after they ran, you can use a hash, like:
{:vertical => win_vertical?, :diagonal => win_diagonal?, :horizontal => win_horizontal?}
This solution, like the array one, is worse than the first one above for it runs all algorithms all the time. If they are complex, you may have a problem. =)
You can do something like this when you really want to store all return values in an array:
def game_status
check_wins = [win_vertical?, win_diagonal?, win_horizontal?]
return :game_over if check_wins.any?
For readability I would prefer:
def game_status
return :game_over if win_vertical? || win_diagonal? || win_horizontal?
RSpec expect change:
it "should increment the count" do
expect{Foo.bar}.to change{Counter.count}.by 1
Is there a way to expect change in two tables?
expect{Foo.bar}.to change{Counter.count}.by 1
and change{AnotherCounter.count}.by 1
I prefer this syntax (rspec 3 or later):
it "should increment the counters" do
expect { Foo.bar }.to change { Counter, :count }.by(1).and \
change { AnotherCounter, :count }.by(1)
Yes, this are two assertions in one place, but because the block is executed just one time, it can speedup the tests.
EDIT: Added Backslash after the .and to avoid syntax error
I got syntax errors trying to use #MichaelJohnston's solution; this is the form that finally worked for me:
it "should increment the counters" do
expect { Foo.bar }.to change { Counter.count }.by(1)
.and change { AnotherCounter.count }.by(1)
I should mention I'm using ruby 2.2.2p95 - I don't know if this version has some subtle change in parsing that causes me to get errors, it doesn't appear that anyone else in this thread has had that problem.
This should be two tests. RSpec best practices call for one assertion per test.
describe "#bar" do
subject { lambda { Foo.bar } }
it { should change { Counter.count }.by 1 }
it { should change { AnotherCounter.count }.by 1 }
If you don't want to use the shorthand/context based approach suggested earlier, you can also do something like this but be warned it will run the expectation twice so it might not be appropriate for all tests.
it "should increment the count" do
expectation = expect { Foo.bar }
expectation.to change { Counter.count }.by 1
expectation.to change { AnotherCounter.count }.by 1
Georg Ladermann's syntax is nicer but it doesn't work. The way to test for multiple value changes is by combining the values in arrays. Else, only the last change assertion will decide on the test.
Here is how I do it:
it "should increment the counters" do
expect { Foo.bar }.to change { [Counter.count, AnotherCounter.count] }.by([1,1])
This works perfectecly with the '.to' function.
The best way I've found is to do it "manually":
counters_before = Counter.count
another_counters_before = AnotherCounter.count
expect(Counter.count).to eq (counters_before + 1)
expect(AnotherCounter.count).to eq (another_counters_before + 1)
Not the most elegant solution but it works
After none of the proposed solutions proved to actually work, I accomplished this by adding a change_multiple matcher. This will only work for RSpec 3, and not 2.*
module RSpec
module Matchers
def change_multiple(receiver=nil, message=nil, &block)
BuiltIn::ChangeMultiple.new(receiver, message, &block)
alias_matcher :a_block_changing_multiple, :change_multiple
alias_matcher :changing_multiple, :change_multiple
module BuiltIn
class ChangeMultiple < Change
def initialize(receiver=nil, message=nil, &block)
#change_details = ChangeMultipleDetails.new(receiver, message, &block)
class ChangeMultipleDetails < ChangeDetails
def actual_delta
#actual_after = [#actual_after].flatten
#actual_before = [#actual_before].flatten
#actual_after.map.with_index{|v, i| v - #actual_before[i]}
example of usage:
it "expects multiple changes despite hordes of cargo cultists chanting aphorisms" do
a = "." * 4
b = "." * 10
times_called = 0
expect {
times_called += 1
a += ".."
b += "-----"
}.to change_multiple{[a.length, b.length]}.by([2,5])
expect(times_called).to eq(1)
Making by_at_least and by_at_most work for change_multiple would require some additional work.
I'm ignoring the best practices for two reasons:
A set of my tests are regression tests, I want them to run fast, and
they break rarely. The advantage of having clarity about exactly
what is breaking isn't huge, and the slowdown of refactoring my code
so that it runs the same event multiple times is material to me.
I'm a bit lazy sometimes, and it's easier to not do that refactor
The way I'm doing this (when I need to do so) is to rely on the fact that my database starts empty, so I could then write:
expect(Counter.count).to eq(1)
expect(Anothercounter.count).to eq(1)
In some cases my database isn't empty, but I either know the before count, or I can explicitly test for the before count:
counter_before = Counter.count
another_counter_before = Anothercounter.count
expect(Counter.count - counter_before).to eq(1)
expect(Anothercounter.count - another_counter_before).to eq(1)
Finally, if you have a lot of objects to check (I sometimes do) you can do this as:
before_counts = {}
[Counter, Anothercounter].each do |classname|
before_counts[classname.name] = classname.count
[Counter, Anothercounter].each do |classname|
expect(classname.count - before_counts[classname.name]).to be > 0
If you have similar needs to me this will work, my only advice would be to do this with your eyes open - the other solutions proposed are more elegant but just have a couple of downsides in certain circumstances.
Is there a way of doing the old "on error resume next" routine in ruby?
I've got array of value filled in dynamically from elsewhere (read from MQTT topics to be precise) then I want to do a bunch of numeric calculations on them and publish the results. The values SHOULD be numeric but are possibly missing or non-numeric.
At the moment my code looks something like
//values get loaded here
rescue TypeError,NoMethodError,ZeroDivisionError
rescue TypeError,NoMethodError,ZeroDivisionError
//etc etc
If the calculation fails for any reason the program should just skip that step and go on.
It works but surely theres a better way than all those identical begin..rescue blocks? Ruby is about "DRY" after all..
Is there a way of re-writing the above so that a single begin..rescue construct is used while still allowing all calculations to be attempted?
How safe to do something like
def safe_Publish(topic,value)
return if value.nil?
and call with
safe_Publish('topic2',(value[3]/value[4] rescue nil))
The main problem is that the above catches ALL exceptions not just the ones I'm expecting which makes me a little nervous.
The on error resume next coding style is really dangerous - as it makes finding new bugs you accidentally introduce to your program very hard to find. Instead, I would just write a different version of publish that doesn't throw those exceptions:
def try_publish(topic_name)
rescue TypeError,NoMethodError,ZeroDivisionError
# are you sure you don't want to do anything here? Even logging the errors
# somewhere could be useful.
You can then call this with:
try_publish('topic1') { value[0]*10+value[1] }
If TypeError,NoMethodError or ZeroDivisionError are thrown by the expression, they will be caught and ignored.
Now your original method won't require any rescues.
If you really wanted an on error resume next, you could possibly do it by monkey patching the raise method in Kernel, but that would be a horrible idea.
If you think a bit more carefully about what you are doing, and why you want on error resume next, I think you will see that you don't really need to suppress all exceptions. As the other posters pointed out, that would make it hard to find and fix bugs.
Your problem is that you have a bunch of numbers scraped from the Internet, and want to run some calculations on them, but some may be invalid or missing. For invalid/missing numbers, you want to skip over any calculations which would use those numbers.
A few possible solutions:
Pre-filter your data and remove anything which is not a valid number.
Put each calculation you want to do into a method of its own. Put a rescue Exception on the method definition.
Define "safe" wrappers for the numeric classes which don't raise exceptions on divide by zero, etc. Use these wrappers for your calculations.
The "wrappers" might look something like this (don't expect complete, tested code; this is just to give you the idea):
# This is not designed for "mixed" arithmetic between SafeNumerics and ordinary Numerics,
# but if you want to do mixed arithmetic, that can also be achieved
# more checks will be needed, and it will also need a "coerce" method
class SafeNumeric
attr_reader :__numeric__
def initialize(numeric)
#__numeric__ = numeric.is_a?(String) ? numeric.to_f : numeric
def zero?
def /(other)
if other.zero? || #__numeric__.nil? || other.__numeric__.nil?
SafeNumeric.new(nil) # could use a constant for this to reduce allocations
SafeNumeric.new(#__numeric__ / other.__numeric__)
def to_s; #__numeric__.to_s; end
def inspect; #__numeric__.inspect; end
# methods are also needed for +, -, *
Then use it like:
numbers = scraped_from_net.map { |n| SafeNumeric.new(n) }
# now you can do arithmetic on "numbers" at will
This shows how to wrap a bunch of quick operations into a loop with each one being protected by a begin/rescue:
values = [1,2,3,0,4]
ops = [ ->{values[0]/values[1]}, ->{values[2]/values[3]} ]
ops.each do |op|
puts "answer is #{op.call}"
rescue ZeroDivisionError
puts "cannot divide by zero"
I prefer the safe_publish method, however, as you can unit test that and it encapsulates the logic of making safe calls and handling errors in a single place:
def safe_publish(topic, &block)
value = block.call
publish(topic, value)
# handle the error
and then you can call this with code like:
safe_publish 'topic0' do
In a discussion of Ruby loops, Niklas B. recently talked about for loop 'not introducing a new scope', as compared to each loop. I'd like to see some examples of how does one feel this.
O.K., I expand the question: Where else in Ruby do we see what apears do/end block delimiters, but there is actually no scope inside? Anything else apart from for ... do ... end?
O.K., One more expansion of the question, is there a way to write for loop with curly braces { block } ?
Let's illustrate the point by an example:
results = []
(1..3).each do |i|
results << lambda { i }
p results.map(&:call) # => [1,2,3]
Cool, this is what was expected. Now check the following:
results = []
for i in 1..3
results << lambda { i }
p results.map(&:call) # => [3,3,3]
Huh, what's going on? Believe me, these kinds of bugs are nasty to track down. Python or JS developers will know what I mean :)
That alone is a reason for me to avoid these loops like the plague, although there are more good arguments in favor of this position. As Ben pointed out correctly, using the proper method from Enumerable almost always leads to better code than using plain old, imperative for loops or the fancier Enumerable#each. For instance, the above example could also be concisely written as
lambdas = 1.upto(3).map { |i| lambda { i } }
p lambdas.map(&:call)
I expand the question: Where else in Ruby do we see what apears do/end block delimiters, but there is actually no scope inside? Anything else apart from for ... do ... end?
Every single one of the looping constructs can be used that way:
while true do
until false do
# ...
On the other hand, we can write every one of these without the do (which is obviously preferrable):
for i in 1..3
while true
until false
One more expansion of the question, is there a way to write for loop with curly braces { block }
No, there is not. Also note that the term "block" has a special meaning in Ruby.
First, I'll explain why you wouldn't want to use for, and then explain why you might.
The main reason you wouldn't want to use for is that it's un-idiomatic. If you use each, you can easily replace that each with a map or a find or an each_with_index without a major change of your code. But there's no for_map or for_find or for_with_index.
Another reason is that if you create a variable within a block within each, and it hasn't been created before-hand, it'll only stay in existance for as long as that loop exists. Getting rid of variables once you have no use for them is a good thing.
Now I'll mention why you might want to use for. each creates a closure for each loop, and if you repeat that loop too many times, that loop can cause performance problems. In https://stackoverflow.com/a/10325493/38765 , I posted that using a while loop rather than a block made it slower.
RUN_COUNT = 10_000_000
FIRST_STRING = "Woooooha"
SECOND_STRING = "Woooooha"
def times_double_equal_sign
RUN_COUNT.times do |i|
def loop_double_equal_sign
i = 0
while i < RUN_COUNT
i += 1
times_double_equal_sign consistently took 2.4 seconds, while loop_double_equal_sign was consistently 0.2 to 0.3 seconds faster.
In https://stackoverflow.com/a/6475413/38765 , I found that executing an empty loop took 1.9 seconds, whereas executing an empty block took 5.7 seconds.
Know why you wouldn't want to use for, know why you would want to use for, and only use the latter when you need to. Unless you feel nostalgic for other languages. :)
Well, even blocks are not perfect in Ruby prior to 1.9. They don't always introduce new scope:
i = 0
results = []
(1..3).each do |i|
results << lambda { i }
i = 5
p results.map(&:call) # => [5,5,5]