Matlab image - how to count number of white pixels - image

The matlab code below splits up an image into a number of smaller images. It then counts the number of black pixels in the image and displays it as a percentage of the total number of pixels in the picture. example of image
My question is - instead of counting the black pixels and displaying the percentage, how can I count the white pixels? (essentially the opposite!)
% Divide an image up into blocks (non-overlapping tiles).
clc; % Clear the command window.
close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.)
workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing.
fontSize = 20;
% Read the image from disk.
rgbImage = imread('edge-diff.jpg');
% Display image full screen.
% Enlarge figure to full screen.
set(gcf, 'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
% Get the dimensions of the image. numberOfColorBands should be = 3.
[rows columns numberOfColorBands] = size(rgbImage)
% The first way to divide an image up into blocks is by using mat2cell().
blockSizeR = 400; % Rows in block.
blockSizeC = 400; % Columns in block.
% Figure out the size of each block in rows.
% Most will be blockSizeR but there may be a remainder amount of less than that.
wholeBlockRows = floor(rows / blockSizeR);
blockVectorR = [blockSizeR * ones(1, wholeBlockRows), rem(rows, blockSizeR)];
% Figure out the size of each block in columns.
wholeBlockCols = floor(columns / blockSizeC);
blockVectorC = [blockSizeC * ones(1, wholeBlockCols), rem(columns, blockSizeC)];
% Create the cell array, ca.
% Each cell (except for the remainder cells at the end of the image)
% in the array contains a blockSizeR by blockSizeC by 3 color array.
% This line is where the image is actually divided up into blocks.
if numberOfColorBands > 1
% It's a color image.
ca = mat2cell(rgbImage, blockVectorR, blockVectorC, numberOfColorBands);
ca = mat2cell(rgbImage, blockVectorR, blockVectorC);
percentBlack = cellfun(#(x)sum(sum(all(x == 0, 3))) / (numel(x) / size(x,3)), ca);
% Now display all the blocks.
plotIndex = 1;
numPlotsR = size(ca, 1);
numPlotsC = size(ca, 2);
for r = 1 : numPlotsR
for c = 1 : numPlotsC
fprintf('plotindex = %d, c=%d, r=%d\n', plotIndex, c, r);
% Specify the location for display of the image.
subplot(numPlotsR, numPlotsC, plotIndex);
ax2 = subplot(numPlotsR, numPlotsC, plotIndex);
% Extract the numerical array out of the cell
% just for tutorial purposes.
rgbBlock = ca{r,c};
imshow(rgbBlock); % Could call imshow(ca{r,c}) if you wanted to.
[rowsB columnsB numberOfColorBandsB] = size(rgbBlock);
set(ax2, 'box', 'on', 'Visible', 'on', 'xtick', [], 'ytick', []);
% Make the caption the block number.
averageBlack = percentBlack(r,c);
caption = sprintf('Frame #%d of %d\n Percentage information content %0.2f', ...
plotIndex, numPlotsR*numPlotsC, averageBlack*100);
% Increment the subplot to the next location.
plotIndex = plotIndex + 1;

This line:
percentBlack = cellfun(#(x)sum(sum(all(x == 0, 3))) / (numel(x) / size(x,3)), ca);
specifically the part that says all(x == 0, 3) means "all color channels have value 0". You want to change it to "all color channels have value 1 (or 255 depends on your image)"
So basically, change that 0 to 1 or 255, deependinf if your image is unit8 or double


How to output the Cascading images or stacking images

See above image, if there are 24 pictures, how to use MATLAB to achieve this output effect. This kind of graph often appears in papers. I define a function, but there is one line of code that cannot be implemented.
function h = op(file_path, pad,m,n)
img_path_list = dir(strcat(file_path,'*.jpg'));
num = length(img_path_list);%
% [m,n]=size(image);
for j = 1:num
image_name = img_path_list(j).name;
image = imread(strcat(file_path,image_name));
hold on
%How to specify the location of the output on the image canvas
% set('Position',[rpl rpb n m]);
% axes('position',[rpl rpb n m]);
imshow (image);
% h=gcf;
You can use the Xdata, and Ydata in imshow() function to set the axis position of each image to display them on the same axis stacked one upon other shifted to a fixed units for each image.
The code illustrating the procedure is given below.
close all
% read the images in metrices
i1 = imread('onion.png');
i2 = imread('cameraman.tif');
i3 = imread('peppers.png');
i4 = imread('moon.tif');
i5 = imread('trees.tif');
i6 = imread('greens.jpg');
% create a cell array of the images
imgs = {i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6};
% variable to shift the position of each image
shift = 0;
% looping from 1 to length of the cell arrays
for i = 1:numel(imgs)
% display image, shifting the position to 2 units
% for each image on the same axis
imshow(imgs{i}, 'XData', [1+shift 10+shift], ...
'YData', [1+shift 10+shift],'InitialMagnification', 400)
% hold on the axis
hold on
% increment the shift value
shift = shift + 2;
% set the axis limits
xlim([1 10+shift])
ylim([1 10+shift])
% hide the axis lines
axis off
Sample Output

Matlab - Scale Colorbar of Image

How can I scale the colorbar axis of a false color image?
I read this post,and copied the code but it seems not to work correctly:
MATLAB Colorbar - Same colors, scaled values
Please see the two images below. In the first (without the scaling) the coloraxis goes
[1 2 3 4 5 6]*10^4
In the second image, it goes
[0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025]
The correct scaling (with C = 100000) would be
[0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6]
Without scaling
Wrong scaling
I want that the coloraxis is scaled by 1/C and I can freely choose C, so that when the pixel value = 10^4 and C=10^6 the scale should show 10^-2.
The reason why I multiply my image first by C is to get more decimals places, because all values below 1 will be displayed as zero without the C scaling.
When I run the code I get yticks as a workspace variable with the following values:
[500 1000 1500 2000 2500]
My code:
RGB = imread('IMG_0043.tif');% Read Image
info = imfinfo('IMG_0043.CR2'); % get Metadata
C = 1000000; % Constant to adjust image
x = info.DigitalCamera; % get EXIF
t = getfield(x, 'ExposureTime');% save ExposureTime
f = getfield(x, 'FNumber'); % save FNumber
S = getfield(x, 'ISOSpeedRatings');% save ISOSpeedRatings
date = getfield(x,'DateTimeOriginal');
I = rgb2gray(RGB); % convert Image to greyscale
K = 480; % Kamerakonstante(muss experimentel eavaluiert werden)
% N_s = K*(t*S)/power(f,2))*L
L = power(f,2)/(K*t*S)*C; %
J = immultiply(I,L); % multiply each value with constant , so the Image is Calibrated to cd/m^2
hFig = figure('Name','False Color Luminance Map', 'ToolBar','none','MenuBar','none');
% Create/initialize default colormap of jet.
cmap = jet(16); % or 256, 64, 32 or whatever.
% Now make lowest values show up as black.
cmap(1,:) = 0;
% Now make highest values show up as white.
cmap(end,:) = 1;
imshow(J,'Colormap',cmap) % show Image in false color
colorbar % add colorbar
h = colorbar; % define colorbar as variable
y_Scl = (1/C);
yticks = get(gca,'YTick');
set(h,'YTickLabel',sprintfc('%g', [yticks.*y_Scl]))
ylabel(h, 'cd/m^2')% add unit label
title(date); % Show date in image
caxis auto % set axis to auto
datacursormode on % enable datacursor
img = getframe(gcf);
nowstr = datestr(now, 'yyyy-mm-dd_HH_MM_SS');
folder = 'C:\Users\Taiko\Desktop\FalseColor\';
ImageFiles = dir( fullfile(folder, '*.jpg') );
if isempty(ImageFiles)
next_idx = 1;
lastfile = ImageFiles(end).name;
[~, basename, ~] = fileparts(lastfile);
file_number_str = regexp('(?<=.*_)\d+$', basename, 'match' );
last_idx = str2double(file_number_str);
next_idx = last_idx + 1;
newfilename = fullfile( folder, sprintf('%s_%04d.jpg', nowstr, next_idx) );
imwrite(img.cdata, newfilename);
1) You are getting YTick of the figure (gca) but not the color bar. That would give you the "pixel" coordinates of the graph, instead of the actual values. Use yticks = get(h,'YTick');.
2) caxis auto Should come before overwriting YTicks (and after enabling the color bar); otherwise the scale and ticks will mismatch.
3) Do you mean C = 100000?

MATLAB second axis for colorbar following a convention

i want to make a second axis for the same colorbar of an false color image. the second scale should follow this convention : [new values] = Log10([old values]/108000)/-0.4 . i have this code for the first axis:
C = 10
hFig = figure('Name','False Color Luminance Map', 'ToolBar','none','MenuBar','none');
% Create/initialize default colormap of jet.
cmap = parula(16); % or 256, 64, 32 or whatever.
% Now make lowest values show up as black.
cmap(1,:) = 0;
% Now make highest values show up as white.
cmap(end,:) = 1;
imshow(J,'Colormap',cmap) % show Image in false color
colorbar % add colorbar
h = colorbar; % define colorbar as variable
caxis auto
y_Scl = (1/C);
yticks = get(h,'YTick');
set(h,'YTickLabel',sprintfc('%g', [yticks.*y_Scl]))
in a previous post here i got this lines for an second axis:
BarPos = get(hBar1,'position');
haxes = axes('position',BarPos,'color','none','ytick',0:5:15,'ylim',[0 15],'xtick',[]);
how can i make the second axis use the the yticks of the first axis as an input for the convention?
EDIT: here is what i came up with. the thing is the values are wrong :/
fname='IMG_0041'; % select target image
C = 1000; % Constant to adjust image
K = 480; % Cameraconstant
RGB = imread([fname, '.tif']);% Read Image as tif
info = imfinfo([fname,'.CR2']); % get Metadata from CR2
x = info.DigitalCamera; % get EXIF
t = getfield(x, 'ExposureTime');% save ExposureTime
f = getfield(x, 'FNumber'); % save FNumber
S = getfield(x, 'ISOSpeedRatings');% save ISOSpeedRatings
date = getfield(x,'DateTimeOriginal'); % save DateTimeOriginal
I = rgb2gray(RGB); % convert Image to greyscale
% N_s = K*(t*S)/power(f,2))*L
L = power(f,2)/(K*t*S)*C; % calculate L/N_s
J = immultiply(I,L);
hFig = figure('Name','False Color Luminance Map', 'ToolBar','none', 'MenuBar','none');
% Create/initialize default colormap of jet.
cmap = parula(16); % or 256, 64, 32 or whatever.
% Now make lowest values show up as black.
cmap(1,:) = 0;
% Now make highest values show up as white.
cmap(end,:) = 1;
imshow(J,'Colormap',cmap) % show Image in false color
colorbar % add colorbar
h = colorbar; % define colorbar as variable
caxis auto
y_Scl = (1/C);
yticks = get(h,'YTick');
set(h,'YTickLabel',sprintfc('%g', [yticks.*y_Scl]))
BarPos = get(h,'position');
haxes = axes('position',BarPos,'color','none','ylim',[0 150]);
set(haxes,'YTickLabel', sprintfc('%g', log10(yticks.*y_Scl/108000)/-0.4)); -> files for testing the code

Check for pixel values in a neighborhood

I'm trying to write a MATLAB script that does the following:
Given: pixel coordinates(x,y) for a .jpg image
Goal: Check, within a 5 pixel radius of given coordinates, if there is a pixel of a certain value.
For example, let's say I'm given the coordinates (100,100), then I want to check the neighborhood of (100,100) within my image for any pixels that are black (0,0,0). So perhaps, pixel (103, 100) and (104,100) might have the value (0,0,0).
Current code:
x_coord = uint32(coord(:,1));
y_coord = uint32(coord(:,2));
count = 0;
for i = 1:length(x_coord)
%(img(x,y) returns pixel value at that (x,y)
%Note 0 = black. Indicating that, at that position, the image is just
% black
if img(x_coord(i),y_coord(i)) == 0
count = count + 1;
It currently only checks at an exact location. Not in a local neighborhood. How to could I extend this?
EDIT: Also note, as long as there as at least one pixel in the neighborhood with the value, I increment count. I'm not trying to enumerate how many pixels in the neighborhood have that value, just trying to find evidence of at least one pixel that has that value.
Even though I am unable to identify an error with the code, I am not able to get the exact results I want. Here is the code I am using.
val = 0; %pixel value to check
N = 50; % neighbourhood radius
%2D grid of coordinates surrounding center coordinate
[R, C] = ndgrid(1 : size(img, 1), 1 : size(img, 2));
for kk = 1 : size(coord, 1)
r = coord(kk, 1); c = coord(kk, 2); % Get pixel locations
% mask of valid locations within the neighbourhood (avoid boundary problems)
mask = (R - r).^2 + (C - c).^2 <= N*N;
pix = img(mask); % Get the valid pixels
valid = any(pix(:) ~= val);
% Add either 0 or 1 depending if we have found any matching pixels
if(valid == 1)
img = insertMarker(img, [r c], 'x', 'color', 'red', 'size', 10);
imwrite(img, images(i).name,'tiff');
count = count + valid;
An easier way to do this would be to use indexing to grab a neighbourhood, then to check to see if any of the pixels in the neighbourhood have the value that you're looking for, use any on a flattened version of this neighbourhood. The trick with grabbing the right neighbourhood is to first generate a 2D grid of coordinates that span the entire dimensions of your image, then simply use the equation of a circle with the centre of it being each coordinate you are looking at and determine those locations that satisfy the following equation:
(x - a)^2 + (y - b)^2 <= N^2
N is the radius of the observation window, (a, b) is a coordinate of interest while (x, y) is a coordinate in the image. Use meshgrid to generate the coordinates.
You would use the above equation to create a logical mask, index into your image to pull the locations that are valid within the mask and check how many pixels match the one you want. Another added benefit with the above approach is that you are not subject to any out of bounds errors. Because you are pre-generating the list of all valid coordinates in your image, generating the mask will confine you within the boundaries of the image so you never have to check for out of boundaries conditions.... even when you specify coordinates to search that are out of bounds.
Specifically, assuming your image is stored in img, you would do:
count = 0; % Remembers total count of pixels matching a value
val = 0; % Value to match
N = 50; % Radius of neighbourhood
% Generate 2D grid of coordinates
[x, y] = meshgrid(1 : size(img, 2), 1 : size(img, 1));
% For each coordinate to check...
for kk = 1 : size(coord, 1)
a = coord(kk, 1); b = coord(kk, 2); % Get the pixel locations
mask = (x - a).^2 + (y - b).^2 <= N*N; % Get a mask of valid locations
% within the neighbourhood
pix = img(mask); % Get the valid pixels
count = count + any(pix(:) == val); % Add either 0 or 1 depending if
% we have found any matching pixels
The proposed solution:
fc = repmat(-5:5,11,1);
I = (fc.^2+fc'.^2)<=25;
fc_x = fc(I);
fc_y = fc'; fc_y = fc_y(I);
for i = 1:length(x_coord)
x_toCheck = fc_x + x_coord(i);
y_toCheck = fc_y + y_coord(i);
I = x_toCheck>0 & x_toCheck<=yourImageWidth;
I = I.*(y_toCheck>0 & y_toCheck<=yourImageHeight);
x_toCheck = x_toCheck(logical(I));
y_toCheck = y_toCheck(logical(I));
count = sum(img(x_toCheck(:),y_toCheck(:)) == 0);
If your img function can only check one pixel at a time, just add a for loop:
for i = 1:length(x_coord)
x_toCheck = fc_x + x_coord(i);
y_toCheck = fc_y + y_coord(i);
I = x_toCheck>0 & x_toCheck<=yourImageWidth;
I = I.*(y_toCheck>0 & y_toCheck<=yourImageHeight);
x_toCheck = x_toCheck(logical(I));
y_toCheck = y_toCheck(logical(I));
for j = 1:length(x_toCheck)
count = count + (img(x_toCheck(j),y_toCheck(j)) == 0);
You first need to get all the coordinates within 5 pixels range of the given coordinate.
We start by building a square of 11 pixels in length/width.
fc = repmat(-5:5,11,1);
fc_x = fc;
fc_y = fc';
We now need to build a filter to get rid of those points outside the 5-pixel radius.
I = (fc.^2+fc'.^2)<=25;
Apply the filter, so we can get a circle of 5-pixel radius.
fc_x = fc_x(I);
fc_y = fc_y(I);
Next translate the centre of the circle to the given coordinate:
x_toCheck = fc_x + x_coord(i);
y_toCheck = fc_y + y_coord(i);
You need to check whether part of the circle is outside the range of your image:
I = x_toCheck>0 & x_toCheck<=yourImageWidth;
I = I.*(y_toCheck>0 & y_toCheck<=yourImageHeight);
x_toCheck = x_toCheck(logical(I));
y_toCheck = y_toCheck(logical(I));
Finally count the pixels:
count = sum(img(x_toCheck,y_toCheck) == 0);

How to accurately acquire line segments from the projection plot?

So this is basically something very simple, as in just get the horizontal projection plot and from that get the location of the lines on the image. But the problem is that the threshold that is applied is very variable. If I stay at a safe level, the correct number of lines are extracted whereas on the other hand unwanted results are extracted.
For example here is the image:
And its horizontal projection:
And here is the code I am using to extract the text lines:
%complementing as text must be non zero and background should be 0
img_comp = imcomplement(img);
%calculate the horizontal projections and plot it to verify the threshold
horizontal_projections = sum(img_comp, 2);
%A very crude method of automatically detecting the threshold
proj_mean = mean(horizontal_projections);
lines = horizontal_projections > floor(proj_mean);
% Find Rising and falling edges
d = diff(lines);
startingColumns = find(d>0);
endingColumns = find(d<0);
% Extract each line and save it in a cell
for lines_k = 1 : length(startingColumns)
lines_extracted{lines_k} = img(startingColumns(lines_k):endingColumns(lines_k), :);
I want to automate the threshold selection but am having trouble, if I use the threshold shown in my code that is the mean of the projections, it does extract 9 lines which are correct but the lines lose a lot of data as in:
This is the second line, the extenders and descenders of the letters have been cut off. Using the half of mean or third of it works but its different for every image and does not automate it at all.
What about converting to YCbCr color space? Using the conversion formula from Wikipedia.
img = im2double(imread('StackOverflow-Example.jpg'));
rp = img(:, :, 1) / 255 ;
bp = img(:, :, 2) / 255 ;
gp = img(:, :, 3) / 255 ;
kb = 0.114;
kr = 0.299;
y = kr * rp + (1 - kr - kb) * gp + kb * bp;
y = max(max(y))-y;
y = y ./ y;
view(0, -90)
It looks like a good job of maintaining the information.
I think you want each line
%% Load image and find intensity %%
img = im2double(imread('test.jpg')); % load image and convert to doubles to allow for calculations
rp = img(:, :, 1) / 255 ; % normalized red portion
bp = img(:, :, 2) / 255 ; % normalized blue portion
gp = img(:, :, 3) / 255 ; % normalized green portion
kb = 0.114; % blue constant from Wikipedia
kr = 0.299; % red constant from Wikipedia
x = kr * rp + (1 - kr - kb) * gp + kb * bp; % normalized intensity in image
x = max(max(x))-x; % removed background
y = x ./ x; % everything left is high
z = y;
z(isnan(y)) = 0; % turn nan's to zero
divisions = find(sum(z,2) > 5); % find all lines that have less than 5 pixels
divisions = [divisions(1); divisions(diff(divisions) > 10); size(z, 1)]; % find the line breaks
rows = cell(length(divisions), 1);
for i = 1:numel(rows)-1
line = z(divisions(i):divisions(i+1), :); % grab line
j = divisions(i) + find(sum(line,2) > 5) - 1; % remove the white space
line = y(j, :);
rows{i} = line; %store the line
rows(numel(rows)) = [];
%% plot each line %%
for i = 1:numel(rows) ;
figure(i) ;
view(0, -90) ;
%% plot entire page %%
figure(numel(rows) + 1)
surf(y,'EdgeColor','none','LineStyle','none') % plot of entire image
view(0, -90)
Edit: 2015/05/18 15:45 GMT
This has the values for the intensity left in:
img = im2double(imread('test.jpg'));
rp = img(:, :, 1) / 255 ;
bp = img(:, :, 2) / 255 ;
gp = img(:, :, 3) / 255 ;
kb = 0.114;
kr = 0.299;
x = kr * rp + (1 - kr - kb) * gp + kb * bp;
x = max(max(x))-x;
xp = x;
xp(xp == min(min(xp))) = nan;
y = x ./ x;
z = y;
z(isnan(y)) = 0;
divisions = find(sum(z,2) > 5);
divisions = [divisions(1); divisions(diff(divisions) > 10); size(z, 1)];
rows = cell(length(divisions) - 1, 1);
for i = 1:numel(rows)
line = z(divisions(i):divisions(i+1), :);
j = divisions(i) + find(sum(line,2) > 5) - 1;
line = xp(j, :);
rows{i} = line;
figure(i) ;
view(0, -90) ;
figure(numel(rows) + 1)
view(0, -90)
Edit 2015-05-22 13:21 GMT
%Turn warning message off
warning('off', 'Images:initSize:adjustingMag');
%Read in image in int8
originalImg = imread('test.jpg');
%Convert to double
img = im2double(originalImg);
%Take R, G, & B components
rp = img(:, :, 1) ;
gp = img(:, :, 2) ;
bp = img(:, :, 3) ;
%Get intensity
kb = 0.114;
kr = 0.299;
yp = kr * rp + (1 - kr - kb) * gp + kb * bp;
%Flip to opposite of intensity
ypp = max(max(yp))-yp;
%Normalize flipped intensity
z = ypp ./ ypp;
z(isnan(z)) = 0;
%Find lines, this may need to be tuned
MaxPixelsPerLine = 5;
MinRowsPerLine = 10;
divisions = find(sum(z,2) > MaxPixelsPerLine);
divisions = [divisions(1); divisions(diff(divisions) > MinRowsPerLine); size(z, 1)];
%Preallocate for number of lines
colorRows = cell(length(divisions) - 1, 1);
for i = 1:numel(rows)
%Extract the lines in RGB
line = z(divisions(i):divisions(i+1), :);
j = divisions(i) + find(sum(line,2) > 5) - 1;
colorRows{i} = originalImg(j, :, :);
%Print out the line
figure(i) ;
%Print out the oringinal image
figure(numel(rows) + 1)
%Turn the warning back on
warning('on', 'Images:initSize:adjustingMag');
Short: graythresh(img) migth solve your problem
With some morphological Methodes, you can extract the lines pretty easy. Small drawback though: they are somewhat out of order.
load your image
original = imread('o6WEN.jpg');
make it into a greyscale
img=rgb2gray(original); .
define a rectangular structuring element with about textheight and 'very' long
se = strel('rectangle',[30 200]);
Filter it with a tophat filter. Long rectangular shapes with about textheight will be more prominent after this.
img = imtophat(img,se);
Adjust the contrast:
img = imadjust(img);
define another structuring element, this time a line a bit shorter than textheight:
se = strel('line',20,0);
Dilate the picture with it to get rid of presisting gapps between letters
img = imdilate(img,se);
make image into black and with:
use regionprops to get all the BoundingBoxes form your lines
figure, imshow(img)
In Stats are now the Bounding Boxes from all your lines, sadly out of order. Maybe this could be corrected with BWlables or some sort of correlation.
I just looked at the y-Koordinates of the BoundingBoxes and sorted accordingly.
BoundingBoxes=cell2mat(BoundingBoxes'); % making it into an array
[~,ind]=sort(BoundingBoxes(:,2)); % sorting it to y
BoundingBoxes=BoundingBoxes(ind,:); % apply the sorted vector
imshow(original(BoundingBoxes(2,lineNr):BoundingBoxes(2,lineNr)+BoundingBoxes(4,lineNr),BoundingBoxes(1,lineNr):BoundingBoxes(1,lineNr)+BoundingBoxes(3,lineNr) ))
hope that works for you
