SonarQube blame information for Jazz RTC contains comma in username - sonarqube

I am attempting to connect a new SonarQube (5.6 LTS) instance to my client's Jazz repository (with version 1.1 of the Jazz plugin) and have run into an interesting snag. The Jazz users are connected using the corporate AD and the usernames returned by RTC's lscm annotate command is in the form of "lastname, firstname" so the result looks like:
9 Smith, John (1000) 2014-04-03 04:32 PM 272 some code here;
The issue comes up when trying to tie this to a user in Sonar. I cannot add the scm account "Smith, John" through the UI (it turns it into two accounts "Smith" and "John"). Also, the issue search fails to deal well with the comma so you can't go to the issue page and just filter by author = 'smith, john'.
I have to believe I'm not the first person to come across this issue but I've been unable to find any solutions online. There are a couple of workarounds that I may end up trying but would prefer it if I didn't have to stray far from a plain OOTB SonarQube install.

There's no way to do this for the moment in SonarQube, but I've created a ticket to handle this :


ActiveBatch (ABv11) reporting or scripting about configured objects and tasks

Using ABv11, upgrading to v12 some time in near future.
Looking to cleanup the AB db ie. get rid of old objects that no longer serve a purpose prior to migration.
Thinking there should be a way to query the AB db for "last run timestamp" or maybe a tool to validate that the object/task still points to something at the other end on the production database. ie. a batch task no longer exists in the production tool but still has an AB task associated with it.
Is there any way to actually manage AB at a high level without having to go into each task/object and check individual TS's or reconcile against the target production objects?
Have researched different forums and the vendor site but nothingburger.

D365 Can I update systemuserid?

In our D365 online environment we have multiple sandboxes and production instances. In each of these the systemuserid is different (user import was done before I joined!!). This mismatch in SystemUserId is also happening when new user is added. (my own user record for example that was added last week)
I know updating systemuserid in onPrem was unsupported but was possible but with online environment what are my best options to fix this issue? With different Guids, all references (workflow etc) are failing when moving solution across different environments.
Coming here as my last option as I have googled and looked in to SDK already.
hardcoding data into processes is a bad practice, makes your processes really rigid. You can create a configuration entity, stab the sys admin id there and retrieve it. If you have a custom workflow activity you will be able to retrieve the record and use it in every configuration task.
You can't update an ID at all. I usually copy my production database in all my dev environment to avoid this problem. D365 also make it easy to do so. You should take a moment between two sprints to do it because it can help to have to system user ID and entities object type code identical everywhere.

Can I create a report that will list all previously run reports?

I'm using Dynamics CRM 2015 and want to create a report that will show all reports run in the last 12 months.
I've been using the Report Wizard and can't seem to find the entity that is created when a report is run. I can find when a report was created but not every time it has been run.
Example of expected results:
Report X
4/3/2019 Admin 1
4/2/2019 Admin 3
Report Y
4/3/2019 Admin 2
4/2/2019 Admin 1
I'm not worried about the formats, I will most likely tinker with it after. I simply want to find a way to display every instance any report has been run.
Since you're on CRM 2015, it would follow that your system is on-prem.
That means you're not able to use the relatively new Activity Logging a.k.a. Read Auditing that's available in D365 Online, which seems to have what you're looking for.
The out-of-box audit in CRM 2015 would give you some kind of "user access" auditing (i.e. when people login), but not show you specific report runs. It's really designed to capture changes to the data for audited entities.
As far as I know there is no entity record created when a user runs a report. Provided you were willing to hook into and/or replace all the report triggers throughout the system (i.e. in all ribbons), you could hypothetically build something to track report runs. But it seems like that would be cost prohibitive.
According to this article you should be able to pull this info out of the ReportServer DB. I'd quote the relevant parts here but it seems very involved - creating temp tables, etc.

After update to 6.5 no users except Administrator in Administration/Security/Users

I have 40 users in my sonarqube instance.
After updating to Sonarqube 6.5 in Administration/Security/Users there is only Administrator.
Sonarqube connected to PostgreSQL database and table users contains all 40 users. Also they can login. Creating missing users fails with message: An active user with login 'XXXX' already exists.
I tried REINDEX DATABASE sonarqube; with no result.
How can I solve this problem?
The list of users is by default not shown completely in newer versions of SonarQube. Start typing a user's name or email in the filter input box to find the users you are looking for.
While a list of 40 users would be easy to display, some instances of SonarQube have thousands of users. The new behaviour of the user list improves the user experience on such systems.
Side note: If an unexpected error occurred during startup you indeed might have to reindex the database once. To do this stop SonarQube, make a backup of everything, remove the data/es directory and start SonarQube again.

Bank statement sync process failed - odoo enterprise v10

In odoo v10 Enterprise while trying to sync bank accounts for auto feed entries then getting following error.
Once your bank accounts are registered, you will be able to access your statements from the Accounting Dashboard. The available methods for synchronization are as follows.
Direct connection to your bank
Importing your statements in via a supported file format (QIF, OFX,
CODA or CSV format)
Manually enter your transactions using our fast recording interface
I would like to go with first one "Direct connection to your bank"
In that I am facing issue so I want to fix it.
Issue :
Problem Updating Account(507):We're sorry, Yodlee has just started providing data updates for this site, and it may take a few days to be
successful as we get started. Please try again later.
