How can I automatically login to a website using vbscript? - vbscript

On Error Resume Next:
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Call objIE.Navigate("")
objIE.Visible = True
Do Until objIE.ReadyState = PAGE_LOADED : Call WScript.Sleep(100) : Loop
objIE.Document.all.Username.Value = "ashishgi"
objIE.Document.all.Password.Value = "apac2015#"
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
msgbox "Error: " & err.Description
End If
Call objIE.Document.all.gaia_loginform.submit
Set objIE = Nothing

The gaia_loginform is the "form id" of Gmail. Have a look here:
Now I think you should get the form name/id of the site (by viewing the source) so that the script can hit the login button.


VBScript Fill Web Login Form

I can't figure out how can I fill Login Form with User and Pass and click on "OK" button.
I've tried several variants and nothing has been typed.
I made also I print screen with html code for each form.
On error resume next
Dim WshShell, objIE, ElementCol
Dim LinkHref
LinkHref = "https://www...."
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objIE.Visible = False
objIE.Navigate LinkHref
wshShell.AppActivate objIE
Do While objIE.Busy
wscript.sleep 100
Set ElementCol = objIE.Document.getElementsByTagName("a")
For Each Link In ElementCol
If Link.innerHTML = "Continue to this website (not recommended)." Then
Exit For
End If
objIE.Visible = True
objIE.Document.All.Item("S01LOGIN").value = "myusername"
'objIE.Document.getElementByName("S01LOGIN").Value = "myusername"
'objIE.document.getElementById("S01LOGIN").value = "myusername"
objIE.Document.All.Item("S02PASS").value = "mypass"
'objIE.Document.getElementByName("S02PASS").Value = "mypass"
'objIE.document.getElementById("S02PASS").value = "mypass"
I use IE11 and I think this is the problem

How Can I pause speak command in vbscript? I have to play it from the same paused position

How Can I pause speak command in vbscript? I have to play it from the same paused position.
Code block:
Dim Speak, Path
Path = "string"
Path = "C:\Users\sony\Desktop\TheReunion.txt"
const ForReading = 1
Set objFileToRead = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(Path,ForReading)
strFileText = objFileToRead.ReadAll()
Set Speak=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
Speak.Speak strFileText
Set objFileToRead = Nothing
You need to call the speak method asynchronously before using the pause and resume methods as mentioned by LotPings in the comments.
Dim Speak, Path
Path = "string"
Path = "C:\Users\sony\Desktop\TheReunion.txt"
const ForReading = 1
Set objFileToRead = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(Path,ForReading)
strFileText = objFileToRead.ReadAll()
Set Speak=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
Speak.Speak strFileText,1 '1=Asynchronous. Click the link below for other possible values "SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags"
'Due to async call to speak method, we can proceed with the code execution while the voice is being played in the background. Now we can call pause and resume methods
wscript.sleep 5000 'voice played for 5000ms
Speak.pause 'paused
wscript.sleep 4000 'remains paused for 4000ms
Speak.resume 'resumes
Set objFileToRead = Nothing
Intrigue in this led me to take inspiration from Kira's answer and develop it somewhat (in a bad, novice kind of way), to achieve the pause/resume objective interactively, the code below works for me, and hopefully it's of some help to you...
option explicit
dim strpath, fso, strfile, strtxt, user, voice, flag
flag = 2
call init
sub init
do while len(strpath) = 0
strpath = inputbox ("Please enter the full path of txt file", "Txt to Speech")
if isempty(strpath) then
end if
'strpath = "C:\Users\???\Desktop\???.txt"
set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
on error resume next
set strfile = fso.opentextfile(strpath,1)
if err.number = 0 then
strtxt = strfile.readall()
call ctrl
wscript.echo "Error: " & err.number & vbcrlf & "Source: " & err.source & vbcrlf &_
"Description: " & err.description
call init
end if
end sub
sub ctrl
user = msgbox("Press ""OK"" to Play / Pause", vbokcancel + vbexclamation, "Txt to Speech")
select case user
case vbok
if flag = 0 then
flag = 1
call ctrl
elseif flag = 1 then
flag = 0
call ctrl
call spk
end if
case vbcancel
end select
end sub
sub spk
'wscript.echo strtxt
set voice = createobject("sapi.spvoice")
voice.speak strtxt,1
flag = 0
call ctrl
end sub

VB Script for auto Login into website giving an error

I am using below VB script for auto login in to website. It is entering username but it does not enter password and gives the error that 'doesn't support this property or method' . I have not worked in VB script , so not sure why this error is coming.
On Error Resume Next
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Call objIE.Navigate("")
objIE.Visible = True
Do Until objIE.ReadyState = PAGE_LOADED : Call WScript.Sleep(100) : Loop
objIE.Document.all.username.Value = "username"
objIE.Document.all.Passwd.Value = "password"
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
msgbox "Error: " & err.Description
End If
Call objIE.Document.all.login_form.submit
Set objIE = Nothing
Try if this code can did the trick or not because gmail has changed its source code !
Dim IE
Set IE = Wscript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = 1
Do While (IE.Busy)
WScript.Sleep 10
Set Helem = IE.document.getElementById("Email")
Helem.Value = "Your Login goes here" 'Change to your Gmail login
Set Helem = IE.document.Forms(0)
Do While (IE.Busy)
WScript.Sleep 10
wscript.sleep 2000
Set Helem = IE.document.getElementById("Passwd")
Helem.Value = "Your Password goes here" 'Change to your Gmail password
Set Helem = IE.document.Forms(0)

Permission Denied Error 800A0046 'objIE.Document.parentWindow.screen'

I have a script that I put together for my users a few years ago for them to log onto to the company drive shares after they had logged into the VPN. The script has worked well over the years with a few tweaks needed here and there due to IE version upgrades. As of today I can no longer get the script to function properly the Error is:
Line: 93
Char: 5
Error: Permission denied: 'objIE.Document.parentWindow.screen'
Code: 800A0046
Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
I'm not sure what has changed but after doing multiple searches on the error codes and other items I figured I'd post it here and see if any of you can help me with this problem.
dim WshNetwork
Dim arrFileLines()
'On Error Resume Next
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("Drive Shares.txt", 1)
If Not err.number = 0 then
WScript.Echo "Drive Shares.txt was not found. Please ensure that it is in the same directory as this script file"
End If
NumElements = 0
Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
Redim Preserve arrFileLines(NumElements)
arrFileLines(NumElements) = objFile.ReadLine
NumElements = NumElements + 1
strPw = GetPassword()
If strPw = "" Then
End If
SplitPasswd = Split(StrPW,"*",2)
username = "DEFAULT\" & SplitPasswd(0)
password = SplitPasswd(1)
Set WshNetwork = Wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
For Count = 0 to (NumElements - 1)
SplitDriveInfo = Split(arrFileLines(Count)," ",2)
DriveLetter = SplitDriveInfo(0)
Share = SplitDriveInfo(1)
ExitCode = WshNetwork.MapNetworkDrive(DriveLetter, Share, false, username, password)
Sub ErrorHandler(ErrorNumber)
Select Case ErrorNumber
Case 0
Exit Sub
Case -2147024811
'Already Mapped Continue
Exit Sub
Case -2147024843
'No Connection
WScript.Echo "No connection found. Confirm you have an internet connection and that you have the VPN connected."
Case -2147024829
'Share not available
WScript.Echo "The drive share you are trying to connect to does not exist on this server."
Case -2147023570
'Invalid username or password
WScript.Echo "Invalid username or password. Please try again."
Case Else
WScript.Echo "Unknown error: " & CStr(ErrorNumber)
End Select
End Sub
Function GetPassword()
Dim objIE
Set objIE = CreateObject( "InternetExplorer.Application" )
objIE.Navigate "about:blank"
objIE.Document.Title = "Login Credentials"
objIE.ToolBar = False
objIE.Resizable = False
objIE.StatusBar = False
objIE.Width = 320
objIE.Height = 320
With objIE.document.parentWindow.screen
objIE.Left = (.availwidth - objIE.Width ) \ 2
objIE.Top = (.availheight - objIE.Height) \ 2
End With
objIE.Document.Body.InnerHTML = "<DIV align=""center""><P>Please enter your credentials</P>" & vbCrLf _
& "<DIV align=""center""><P>Username</P>" & vbCrLf _
& "<P><INPUT TYPE=""Username"" SIZE=""20"" " _
& "ID=""UserName""></P>" & vbCrLf _
& "<DIV align=""center""><P>Password</P>" & vbCrLf _
& "<P><INPUT TYPE=""password"" SIZE=""20"" " _
& "ID=""Password""></P>" & vbCrLf _
& "<P><INPUT TYPE=""hidden"" ID=""OK"" " _
& "NAME=""OK"" VALUE=""0"">" _
& "<INPUT TYPE=""submit"" VALUE="" OK "" " _
& "OnClick=""VBScript:OK.Value=1""></P></DIV>"
objIE.Visible = True
Do While objIE.Document.All.OK.Value = 0
WScript.Sleep 200
GetPassword = objIE.Document.All.UserName.Value & "*" & objIE.Document.All.Password.Value
Set objIE = Nothing
End Function
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Microsoft released hotfix:[KB3025390]
I can confirm uninstalling this update will resolve issue if it worked just prior to December 17th, 2014.
I had a similar problem with an HTA program using IE 11 and the With objIE.Document.ParentWindow.Screen command.
I found adding objIE.left = 910 and and removed the With objIE.Document.ParentWindow.Screen section and now the IE Windows opens fine.
Sub AdditionalComputerInfo
'v3.00 - Changed to HTML Output
strComputer = trim(txtComputerName.Value)
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objIE.ToolBar = 0
objIE.StatusBar = 0
objIE.addressbar = 0
objIE.Width = 650
objIE.Height = 900
'added v3.02
objIE.Left = 910
objIE.Top = 20
objIE.Document.Title = " " & uCase(strComputer) & " Information"
'With objIE.Document.ParentWindow.Screen removed in version 3.02
' objIE.Left = 910
' objIE.Top = 20
'End With
Set objDoc = objIE.Document.Body

Appending a domain to username for automated login using VBScript

Hello and thank you in advance for your time.
I am trying to automate a login for a specific site using VBscript. My code works great...up to a point. I execute the script, it opens IE, populates both the username and the password, and then submits. The problem is, after the credentials are submitted, I get an error saying the username and/or password is incorrect. I know 100% both the username and password are in fact correct.
I am quite sure I have located the culprit, however I cannot figure out how I should amend my code to accommodate. A good look at the login screen with firebug revealed a domain was being appended to the username. My code does not reflect this, therefore I get the username/password error after I submit.
Here is my code... and below my code is the JavaScript pulled from the website using firebug:
On Error Resume Next
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Call objIE.Navigate("")
objIE.Visible = True
Do Until objIE.ReadyState = PAGE_LOADED : Call WScript.Sleep(100) :
objIE.Document.loginForm.EnteredUserID.Value = "username"
objIE.Document.all.Password.Value = "password"
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
msgbox "Error: " & err.Description
End If
Call objIE.Document.all.loginForm.submit
Set objIE = Nothing
JavaScript from website:
function submitForm() {
//append domain to the userId if it is available and not
//already contained in the userId
var userId = document.loginForm.EnteredUserID.value;
var domain = document.loginForm.domain.value;
document.loginForm.UserID.value = userId;
if ((userId.indexOf("#") == -1) && (domain != "")){
document.loginForm.UserID.value = userId + "#" + domain;
Sorry for taking so long in informing all that I answered my own question; however, below is the solution I came up with and it does work. Thank you for all the replies.
On Error Resume Next
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Call objIE.Navigate("")
objIE.Visible = True
Do Until objIE.ReadyState = PAGE_LOADED : Call WScript.Sleep (100)
objIE.Document.loginForm.UserID.Value = "username"
objIE.Document.all.Password.Value = "password"
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
msgbox "Error: " & err.Description
End If
Call objIE.Document.all.loginForm.submit
