BizTalk WCF-Custom" raised an error ORA-29275: partial multibyte character - oracle

I have an interface which is a simple receiveport mapping sendport. The receiveport is the result of an add generated items query. The query just fetches some adres data from the database. This data does contain 'foreign' letters but when i run the query on Oracle SQL Developer, it works fine (gives me 12800 rows).
When BizTalk runs the query, it gives an ORA, which i assumed was an error the db gives to BizTalk am i wrong?
Where do i actually have to fix this problem? and How? Do i need to find out which character set is used on the database and use a convert in the query?

This is an error coming from Oracle - it's very unlikely that it's due to BizTalk or the WCF adapter. It indicates you have some corrupt data in your Oracle DB. You may not be getting the error in SQL Developer because SQL Developer is only returning the first ~50 rows by default (until you actually scroll down past them).
I'd use a strategy like this: to try to find the bad data (e.g. page through the rows using ROWNUM until you find the row that's in error) - you could simulate that in SQL Developer by just scrolling down until you get the error (I think). If you can fix the data, fix it - if the data was put there by another source, you'll either have to get that source to stop putting invalid characters in there or you'll have to convert/concat the column(s) that is (are) causing problems, like:
SELECT problem_column || '' FROM table
You might try SELECT CONVERT(COLUMN NAME, 'UTF8', 'US7ASCII') for example.


Issue with Generate table fetch SQL SERVER 2016

I'm try to pull the data from SQL Server and using the generate table fetch. When I use MYSQL database instead SQL Server for the same generate table fetch it's working as expected. Whenever I use to connect SQL Server I'm getting error as below.
GenerateTableFetch[id=07bed292-0162-1000-0000-00004bc12345] failed to process session due to java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Order by clause cannot be null or empty when using row paging: Order by clause cannot be null or empty when using row paging
SQL Server Version: 2016
I gone through the below link and came to know that there is a bug for generate table fetch for SQL Server. However I'm not whether the bug is fixed or not.
Nifi Version I'm using - 1.5
Could someone please let me know whether the bug is fixed or not, If not any work around solution for this bug.
Here is my flow.
This is a bug in some of the DatabaseAdapters in NiFi, using GenerateTableFetch with no Max-value Column set. In this case there's a workaround, you can use the 2008 driver, then a ReplaceText processor to replace "ORDER BY asc" with "ORDER BY newid() asc". I'm trying to find out everywhere this could be an issue, I'll write up a Jira to cover all the cases. The general symptom is OFFSET/LIMIT clauses without an ORDER BY clause.

ORA-01438 Issue while performing dup search

I am a developer with SQL Server experience. We have one legacy application which uses SQR and Oracle to perform a weekly duplicate record search. We got an error while performing this search after 14 years. It says 'ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allows for this column'. When I googled that error, I found out that it is related to a numeric field and the value passed is larger than it can hold. I can increase the size but don't know for which one. Since no one supports Oracle here, I am trying to trouble shoot this error and found people using
alter system set events='1438 trace name Errorstack forever,level 10';
I would like to know if this is the right way to find out which sql is failing?
Also what does it alter and what is level 10? Anything that I should consider before running this query in production? Is there something I need to roll back after performing this query? I was told that if I do SQL> insert into test values (100000000000000000,'test','test'); where 10000000000000000 is invalid then it will throw generic Oracle message ORA-01438. But in the trace file, it would show ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column. So, where would the trace file be generated?
Current SQL statement for this session:
insert into test values (100000000000000000,'test','test').
Please let me know if I am not in the right path.
Use DBMS_MONITOR to enabling trace for the session affected. This will contain all SQL and errors and bind variables, if you enable it.

How to solve : SQL Error: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1

When I'm trying to drop table then I'm getting error
SQL Error: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 2
ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows
00604. 00000 - "error occurred at recursive SQL level %s"
*Cause: An error occurred while processing a recursive SQL statement
(a statement applying to internal dictionary tables).
*Action: If the situation described in the next error on the stack
can be corrected, do so; otherwise contact Oracle Support.
One possible explanation is a database trigger that fires for each DROP TABLE statement. To find the trigger, query the _TRIGGERS dictionary views:
select * from all_triggers
where trigger_type in ('AFTER EVENT', 'BEFORE EVENT')
disable any suspicious trigger with
alter trigger <trigger_name> disable;
and try re-running your DROP TABLE statement
I noticed following line from error.
exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows
That means Oracle was expecting one row but It was getting multiple rows. And, only dual table has that characteristic, which returns only one row.
Later I recall, I have done few changes in dual table and when I executed dual table. Then found multiple rows.
So, I truncated dual table and inserted only row which X value. And, everything working fine.
I know the post is old and solved, but maybe someone is facing or will face my situation, so I want to leave the aquired knowledge here, after deal with the error for a week. I was facing the error: "ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1" , but with the internal error: " ORA-06502: error: character string buffer too smal numeric or value", this happened only when I try to logon the database, and using an specific driver, trying to connect from an Visual Studio C# application, the weirdest thing on that moment was that I connect from SQLDeveloper or TOAD and everything worked fine.
Later I discovered that my machine name had this format "guillermo-aX474b5", then I proceed to rename it like this "guillermo" without the "-" and the other stuff, and it worked!! Looks like in some drivers and situations, ORACLE Database does'nt like the "-" in the LogOn connection.
Hope it helps!

JDBC Error in insert with DB2 (works with Sql Server)

I use in a Java Application JDBC to query the DBMS. The application works correctly with Sql Server but I get this error in DB2 during one insert: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-302, SQLSTATE=22001, SQLERRMC=1, DRIVER=3.63.75
The insert is made using the ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE.
My query is a plain select of the table, then I declare my PreparedStatement, passing the parameters and afterwards with the ResultSet I do first the moveToInsertRow() and then the insertRow().
Do you know if there are any problems with this approach using DB2?
As I told you before the same code works correctly with Sql Server.
SQL Code -302 on DB2 means:
So it seems like you are trying to insert a value into a column which is too large or too short (e.g. Hello World into a varchar(5)). Probably the column has a different length in DB2 and sql-server or you are inserting different values.
Probably too late to add to this thread.. but someone else might find it useful
Got the same SQL Exception when trying to do a SELECT : didn't realize the property value in WHERE clause was exceeding the limit on the corresponding column
SELECT * FROM <schema>.<table_name> WHERE PropertyName = 'value';
value was a VARCHAR type but exceeded the Length limit
Detailed exception does say it clearly that data integrity was violated: org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException
So a good idea would be to do a length check on the value(s) that are being set on the properties before firing any queries to the database.

Crystal Reports Issue turning a string into a number

I'm having one of those throw the computer out the window days.
I am working on a problem involving Crystal Reports (Version 10) and an Oracle Database (11g).
I am taking a view from the database that returns a string (varcahr2(50)) which is actually a number, when a basic SELECT * query is run on this view I get the number back in the format 000000000000100.00.
When this view is then used in Crystal Reports I can view the field data, but I can't sum the data as it is not a number.
I began, by attempting to using ToNumber on the field, to which Crystal's response was that the string was not numeric text. Ok fair enough, I went back to the view and ran TO_NUMBER, when this was then used in crystal it did not return any results. I also attempted to run TO_CHAR on the view so that I could hopefully import the field as text and then perform a ToNumber, yet the same as with the TO_NUMBER no records were displayed.
I've started new reports, I've started new views. No avail.
This seems to have something to do with how I am retrieving the data for the view.
In simplistic terms I'm pulling data from a table looking at two fields a Foreign Key and a Value field.
When I attempted to put modify the result using TO_NUMBER or TO_CHAR I have used it around the VALUE_FIELD itself and the entire expression, wither way works when the run in a SQL statement. However any TO_NUMBER or TO_CHAR modification to the statement returns no results in Crystal Reports when the view is used.
This whole problem smacks of something that is a tick box or equivalent that I have overlooked.
Any suggestions of how to solve this issue or where I could go to look for an answer would be greatly appreciated.
I ran this query in SQL Developer:
SELECT xxx, to_number(xxx) yyy
SELECT '000000000000100.00' XXX FROM DUAL
Which resulted in:
000000000000100.00 100
If your field is truly numeric, you could create a SQL Expression field to do the conversion:
This turned out to be an issue with how Crystal Reports deals with queries from a database. All I needed to do was contain my SQL statement within another Select Statement and on this instance of the column apply the TO_NUMBER so that Crystal Reports would recognize the column values as numbers.
Hopefully this helps someone out, as this was a terrible waste of an afternoon.
