Controlling Camera Exposure and Iso value - google-project-tango

I'm trying to capture absolute radiance values on surfaces by using the google tango dev kit. Therefore, I need to know at which exposure/iso settings the camera is currently working. As far as I know, there are a few settings I can pass with the config before connecting to the service.
My first problem is that I'm not able to set these properties.. I found another post (Does setting exposure/ISO in Google Tango config work?) and just used his code to change my config. But the first call already fails and returns -2 (TANGO_INVALID):
TangoConfig_setBool(m_config, "config_color_mode_auto", false);
Do you have any idea why this fails. I enabled config_enable_color_camera, too. Everything is done before connecting to the service.
The next Issues I'm facing are:
How to alter the exposure settings without reconnecting to the service?
Is there a proper way to query the exposure and iso value while config_color_mode_auto is enabled?
Thanks very much! Kai

On current release, Tango are on a new platform,which the "config_color_mode_auto" is always set as true,even you switch it to off.
meaning that you may not be able to set it manually anymore.
Google already aware the issues. just be patient.
Google is working on it.


M210 DJI Drone expansion port access for payload release

I would like to add a payload release system on the Matrice M210 drone. I have seen the diagram for the expansion port on the rear of the machine. There is a note in the documentation that says * coming soon. I am not clear if it referring to this functionality or something else on the page. Has anyone mapped an external device and been able to access it via Cedence radio?
Any advice or information on how to accomplish this task would be much appreciated.
If you refer to the GPIO pins, the Mobile SDK controls for them are coming soon.
You can achieve this today using the OnboardSDK.

How to make IWebBrowser2->Navigate use a proxy server

I have some code (VC++) that gets an IWebBrowser2 and uses it to navigate to some URL. I want it to go via a proxy server. I've tried a few solutions posted around but none seem to work.
The nearest I got was using MSDN code but that actually altered Internet Explorer's settings so that the change was system wide - this is not practical for my needs.
Ideally, I'd like the proxy setting to be on a per IWebBrowser2 instance - so I could have 2 IWebBrowser2 objects in my code, one using a proxy, the other not. If that's not possible, then per process is workable.
If someone has this working and could post some code I'd be very grateful.
Many thanks in advance.

How can I delete old objects in

Is any way to delete old objects when using database?
For example, if user saves it's position,
is any way to delete the users position after some period of time when he disconnects
More to what #Phil said, you can run some other code (not in your app), something like stand alone script that deletes whatever you need.
While this question is old, there is a new-ish feature Parse has implemeneted - Cloud Code. I recommend you take a look at the documentation around Background jobs within Cloud Code. Perhaps you may run a background job that will "clean up" your old data.
Here is the link:
For what version? iOS? if you're using the iOS SDK, what you could do is when they log back in, check to see how much time has passed, and then delete their position in whatever PFObject has the users position. Outside of that maybe this could be done with Cloud code.

Changing domain linked to a Selenium::Client::Driver instance

I'm using the Selenium Client (v 1.2.18) to do automated navigation of retail websites for which there exists no external API. My goal is to determine real-time, site-specific product availability using the "Check Availability" button that exists on a lot of these sites.
In case there's any concern, each of these checks will be initiated by a real live consumer who is actually interested in whether or not something's available at that store. There will be no superfluous requests or other internet badness.
I'm using Selenium's Grid framework so that I can run stuff in parallel and I'm keeping each of the controlled browsers open between requests. The issue I'm experiencing is that I need to perform these checks across a number of different domains, and I won't know in advance which one I will have to check next. I didn't think this would be too big an issue, but it turns out that when a Selenium browser instance gets made, it gets linked to a specific domain and I haven't been able to find any way to change what domain that is. This requires restarting a browser each time a request comes in for a domain we're not already linked to.
Oh, and the reason we're using Selenium instead something more light-weight (eg. Mechanize) is because we need something that can handle JavaScript.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I suppose you are restricted from changing domain because of same origin policy. Did you try using browser with elevated security privileges like iehta for internet explorer and chrome for firefox browsers. While using these modes of browsers, use open method in your tests and pass the URL which you want to open. This might solve your problem.

Location Aware Proxy Application

Anyone know application like network location(mac) for linux,windows.If not i am thinking of developing one for windows or linux.Application knows the location of user home,office etc.. then configure proxy according to the location its a handy tool actually.Any idea how to start that?
The max I can tell you is the city using the IP address using IP to Geo service. Finding out the exact position like office,home,restroom,metro etc looks quite tough unless you have some GPS device fitted to your computer.
Google launched it's Latitude service, but it was restricted to mobile devices. I am still unable to find how it can be done without any human intervention.
After thinking randomly and crazily, all I can say it that you need to hand over the information beforehand to the application which it can use to distinguish between home office or any other place.
BTW many applications have "Auto Detect Proxy" feature built in them. What is exactly you want to do now in this case?
