Go counts virtual cores, not physical? - go

I have some Go code I am benchmarking on my Macbook (Intel Core i5 processor with two physical cores).
Go's runtime.NumCPU() yields 4, because it counts "virtual cores"
I don't know much about virtual cores in this context, but my benchmarks seems to indicate a multiprocessing speedup of only 2x when I configure my code using
I get the same performance if I use 2 instead of 4 cores. I would post the code, but I think it's largely irrelevant to my questions, which are:
1) is this normal?
2) why, if it is, do multiple virtual cores benefit a machine like my macbook?
In case it matters, in my code, there are the same number of goroutines as whatever you set runtime.GOMAXPROCS() the tasks are fully parallel, have no interdependencies or shared state. its running as a native compiled binary.

1) is this normal?
If you mean the virtual cores showing up in runtime.NumCPU(), then yes, at least in the sense that programs written in C as well as those running on top of other runtimes like the JVM will see the same number of CPUs. If you mean the performance, see below.
2) why, if it is, do multiple virtual cores benefit a machine like my macbook?
It's a complicated matter that depends on the workload. The workloads where its benefits show the most are typically highly parallel like 3D rendering and certain kinds of data compression. In other workloads, the benefits may be absent and the impact of HT on performance may be negative (due to the communication and context-switching overhead of running more threads). Reading the Wikipedia article on hyper-threading can elucidate the matter further.
Here is a sample benchmark that compares the performance of the same CPU with and without HT. Note how the performance is not always improved by HT and in some cases, in fact, decreases.


Emulate a very fast (virtual) CPU core

I know that the usual method when we want to make a big math computation faster is to use multiprocessing / parallel processing: we split the job in for example 4 parts, and we let 4 CPU cores run in parallel (parallelization). This is possible for example in Python with multiprocessing module: on a 4-core CPU, it would allow to use 100% of the processing power of the computer instead of only 25% for a single-process job.
But let's say we want to make faster a non-easily-splittable computation job.
Example: we are given a number generator function generate(n) that takes the previously-generated number as input, and "it is said to have 10^20 as period". We want to check this assertion with the following pseudo-code:
a = 17
for i = 1..10^20
a = generate(a)
check if a == 17
Instead of having a computer's 4 CPU cores (3.3 Ghz) running "in parallel" with a total of 4 processes, is it possible to emulate one very fast single-core CPU of 13.2 Ghz (4*3.3) running one single process with the previous code?
Is such technique available for a desktop computer? If not, is it available on cloud computing platforms (AWS EC2, etc.)?
Single-threaded performance is extremely valuable; it's much easier to write sequential code than to explicitly expose thread-level parallelism.
If there was an easy and efficient general-purpose way to do what you're asking which works when there is no parallelism in the code, it would already be in widespread use. Either internally inside multi-core CPUs, or in software if it required higher-level / larger-scale code transformations.
Out-of-order CPUs can find and exploit instruction-level parallelism within a single thread (over short distances, like a couple hundred instructions), but you need explicit thread-level parallelism to take advantage of multiple cores.
This is similar to How does a single thread run on multiple cores? over on SoftwareEnginnering.SE, except that you've already ruled out any easy-to-find parallelism including instruction-level parallelism. (And the answer is: it doesn't. It's the hardware of a single core that finds the instruction-level parallelism in a single thread; my answer there explains some of the microarchitectural details of how that works.)
The reverse process: turning one big CPU into multiple weaker CPUs does exist, and is useful for running multiple threads which don't have much instruction-level parallelism. It's called SMT (Simultaneous MultiThreading). You've probably heard of Intel's Hyperthreading, the most widely known implementation of SMT. It trades single-threaded performance for more throughput, keeping more execution units fed with useful work more of the time. The cost of building a single wide core grows at least quadratically, which is why typical desktop CPUs don't just have a single massive core with 8-way SMT. (And note that a really wide CPU still wouldn't help with a totally dependent instruction stream, unless the generate function has some internal instruction-level parallelism.)
SMT would be good if you wanted to test 8 different generate() functions at once on a quad-core CPU. Without SMT, you could alternate in software between two generate chains in one thread, so out-of-order execution could be working on instructions from both dependency chains in parallel.
Auto-parallelization by compilers at compile time is possible for source that has some visible parallelism, but if generate(a) isn't "separable" (not the correct technical term, I think) then you're out of luck.
e.g. if it's return a + hidden_array[static_counter++]; then the compiler can use math to prove that summing chunks of the array in parallel and adding the partial sums will still give the same result.
But if there's truly a serial dependency through a (like even a simple LCG PRNG), and the software doesn't know any mathematical tricks to break the dependency or reduce it to a closed form, you're out of luck. Compilers do know tricks like sum(0..n) = n*(n+1)/2 (evaluated slightly differently to avoid integer overflow in a partial result), or a+a+a+... (n times) is a * n, but that doesn't help here.
There is a scheme studied mostly in the academy called "Thread Decomposition". It aims to do more or less what you ask about - given a single-threaded code, it tries to break it down into multiple threads in order to divide the work on a multicore system. This process can be done by a compiler (although this requires figuring out all possible side effects at compile time which is very hard), by a JIT runtime, or through HW binary-translation, but each of these methods has complicated limitations and drawbacks.
Unfortunately, other than being automated, this process has very little appeal as it can hardly match true manual parallelization done by a person how understands the code. It also doesn't simply scale performance according to the number of threads, since it usually incurs a large overhead in the form of code that has to be duplicated.
Example paper by some nice folks from UPC in Barcelona: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/5260571/

Why is parallel compilation performance with HT worse than without?

I've made several measurements of compilation time of wine with HyperThreading enabled and disabled in BIOS on my Core i7 930 #2.8GHz (quad-core) on Linux 2.6.39 x86_64. Each measurement was like this:
git clean -xdf
./configure --prefix=/usr
time make -j$N
where N is number from 1 to 8.
Here're the results ("speed" is 60/real from time(1)):
Here the blue line corresponds to HT disabled and purple one to HT enabled. It appears that when HT is enabled, using 1-4 threads is slower than without HT. I guess this might be related to the kernel not distributing the processes to different cores and reusing second threads of already busy cores.
So, my question: how can I force the kernel to give 1 process per core scheduling higher priority than adding more processes to the same core's different thread? Or, if my reasoning is wrong, how can I have performance with HT not worse than without HT for 1-4 processes running in parallel?
Hyper-threading on Intel chips is implemented as duplication of some of the elements of a pysical core but without enough electronics to be an independent core (e.g. they may share an instruction decoder but I cant recall the specifics of Intel's implementation).
Image a pysical core with HT as 1.5 physical cores that your OS sees as 2 real cores. This doesn't equate to 1.5x speed though (this can vary depending on use case)
In your example, non-HT is faster up to 4 threads because none of the cores are sharing work with their HT pipeline. You see a flatline above 4 threads because now you only have 4 execution threads and you get a little extra overhead context switching between threads.
In the HT example you are a bit slower up to 4 threads probably because some of those threads are being assigned to a real core and it's HT, so you are losing performance as those two execution threads share physical resources. Above 4 threads you are seeing the benefit of the extra execution threads, but you see the beginning of diminishing returns.
You could probably match performance on both cases for up to 4 threads, but likely not with a compilation job. To many processes being spawned for processor affinity to be setup I think. If you instead ran a real parallel job using OpenMP or MPI with X<=4 threads bound to the specific real CPU cores, I think you'd see similar performance between HT-off and -on.
Given a number of threads <= the number of real cores, using HT should be slower because (considered crudely) you are potentially cutting the speed of your cores in half.1
Keep in mind that generally more cores is NOT better than FASTER cores. In fact, the only reason so much work was put into developing multi-core systems is that it became increasingly difficult to make faster and faster ones. So if you cannot have a 20 Ghz processor, then 8 x 3 Ghz ones will have to do.
HT is, I believe, primarily intended as an advantage in contexts where each thread is not necessarily gobbling as much processor as it can; it's doing some particular task that's governed by interaction with a user, such as CAD stuff, video games, etc; these are the kind of applications that benefit from multi-tasking. By contrast, server platforms -- wherein the primary applications tend to thread independent tasks that are not governed by a dependence on anything else, hence are optimally run as fast as possible -- do not benefit directly from multi-tasking; they benefit from speed. make is in the same category, although with a perhaps greater degree of interdependence between threads, which is why you see an advantage for HT from 4-8 threads.
1. This is a simplification. HT doesn't simply double the number of cores and halve their speed, but whatever dynamic is used, the total number of processor cycles per second for the system is not improved. It's the same -- only more fragmented.

Memory-intense jobs scaling poorly on multi-core cloud instances (ec2, gce, rackspace)?

Has anyone else noticed terrible performance when scaling up to use all the cores on a cloud instance with somewhat memory intense jobs (2.5GB in my case)?
When I run jobs locally on my quad xeon chip, the difference between using 1 core and all 4 cores is about a 25% slowdown with all cores. This is to be expected from what I understand; a drop in clock rate as the cores get used up is part of the multi-core chip design.
But when I run the jobs on a multicore virtual instance, I am seeing a slowdown of like 2x - 4x in processing time between using 1 core and all cores. I've seen this on GCE, EC2, and Rackspace instances. And I have tested many difference instance types, mostly the fastest offered.
So has this behavior been seen by others with jobs about the same size in memory usage?
The jobs I am running are written in fortran. I did not write them, and I'm not really a fortran guy so my knowledge of them is limited. I know they have low I/O needs. They appear to be CPU-bound when I watch top as they run. They run without the need to communicate with each other, ie., embarrasingly parallel. They each take about 2.5GB in memory.
So my best guess so far is that jobs that use up this much memory take a big hit by the virtualization layer's memory management. It could also be that my jobs are competing for an I/O resource, but this seems highly unlikely according to an expert.
My workaround for now is to use GCE because they have single-core instance that actually runs the jobs as fast as my laptop's chip, and are priced almost proportionally by core.
You might be running into memory bandwidth constraints, depending on your data access pattern.
The linux perf tool might give some insight into this, though I'll admit that I don't entirely understand your description of the problem. If I understand correctly:
Running one copy of the single-threaded program on your laptop takes X minutes to complete.
Running 4 copies of the single-threaded program on your laptop, each copy takes X * 1.25 minutes to complete.
Running one copy of the single-threaded program on various cloud instances takes X minutes to complete.
Running N copies of the single-threaded program on an N-core virtual cloud instances, each copy takes X * 2-4 minutes to complete.
If so, it sounds like you're either running into a kernel contention or contention for e.g. memory I/O. It would be interesting to see whether various fortran compiler options might help optimize memory access patterns; for example, enabling SSE2 load/store intrinsics or other optimizations. You might also compare results with gcc and intel's fortran compilers.

hyperthreading and turbo boost in matrix multiply - worse performance using hyper threading

I am tunning my GEMM code and comparing with Eigen and MKL. I have a system with four physical cores. Until now I have used the default number of threads from OpenMP (eight on my system). I assumed this would be at least as good as four threads. However, I discovered today that if I run Eigen and my own GEMM code on a large dense matrix (1000x1000) I get better performance using four threads instead of eight. The efficiency jumped from 45% to 65%. I think this can be also seen in this plot
The difference is quite substantial. However, the performance is much less stable. The performance jumps around quit a bit each iteration both with Eigen and my own GEMM code. I'm surprised that Hyperthreading makes the performance so much worse. I guess this is not not a question. It's an unexpected observation which I'm hoping to find feedback on.
I see that not using hyper threading is also suggested here.
How to speed up Eigen library's matrix product?
I do have a question regarding measuring max performance. What I do now is run CPUz and look at the frequency as I'm running my GEMM code and then use that number in my code (4.3 GHz on one overclocked system I use). Can I trust this number for all threads? How do I know the frequency per thread to determine the maximum? How to I properly account for turbo boost?
The purpose of hyperthreading is to improve CPU usage for code exhibiting high latency. Hyperthreading masks this latency by treating two threads at once thus having more instruction level parallelism.
However, a well written matrix product kernel exhibits an excellent instruction level parallelism and thus exploits nearly 100% of the CPU ressources. Therefore there is no room for a second "hyper" thread, and the overhead of its management can only decrease the overall performance.
Unless I've missed something, always possible, your CPU has one clock shared by all its components so if you measure it's rate at 4.3GHz (or whatever) then that's the rate of all the components for which it makes sense to figure out a rate. Imagine the chaos if this were not so, some cores running at one rate, others at another rate; the shared components (eg memory access) would become unmanageable.
As to hyperthreading actually worsening the performance of your matrix multiplication, I'm not surprised. After all, hyperthreading is a poor-person's parallelisation technique, duplicating instruction pipelines but not functional units. Once you've got your code screaming along pushing your n*10^6 contiguous memory locations through the FPUs a context switch in response to a pipeline stall isn't going to help much. At best the other pipeline will scream along for a while before another context switch robs you of useful clock cycles, at worst all the careful arrangement of data in the memory hierarchy will be horribly mangled at each switch.
Hyperthreading is designed not for parallel numeric computational speed but for improving the performance of a much more general workload; we use general-purpose CPUs in high-performance computing not because we want hyperthreading but because all the specialist parallel numeric CPUs have gone the way of all flesh.
As a provider of multithreaded concurrency services, I have explored how hyperthreading affects performance under a variety of conditions. I have found that with software that limits its own high-utilization threads to no more that the actual physical processors available, the presence or absence of HT makes very little difference. Software that attempts to use more threads than that for heavy computational work, is likely unaware that it is doing so, relying on merely the total processor count (which doubles under HT), and predictably runs more slowly. Perhaps the largest benefit that enabling HT may provide, is that you can max out all physical processors, without bringing the rest of the system to a crawl. Without HT, software often has to leave one CPU free to keep the host system running normally. Hyperthreads are just more switchable threads, they are not additional processors.

many-core CPU's: Programming techniques to avoid disappointing scalability

We've just bought a 32-core Opteron machine, and the speedups we get are a little disappointing: beyond about 24 threads we see no speedup at all (actually gets slower overall) and after about 6 threads it becomes significantly sub-linear.
Our application is very thread-friendly: our job breaks down into about 170,000 little tasks which can each be executed separately, each taking 5-10 seconds. They all read from the same memory-mapped file of size about 4Gb. They make occasional writes to it, but it might be 10,000 reads to each write - we just write a little bit of data at the end of each of the 170,000 tasks. The writes are lock-protected. Profiling shows that the locks are not a problem. The threads use a lot of JVM memory each in non-shared objects and they make very little access to shared JVM objects and of that, only a small percentage of accesses involve writes.
We're programming in Java, on Linux, with NUMA enabled. We have 128Gb RAM. We have 2 Opteron CPU's (model 6274) of 16 cores each. Each CPU has 2 NUMA nodes. The same job running on an Intel quad-core (i.e. 8 cores) scaled nearly linearly up to 8 threads.
We've tried replicating the read-only data to have one-per-thread, in the hope that most lookups can be local to a NUMA node, but we observed no speedup from this.
With 32 threads, 'top' shows the CPU's 74% "us" (user) and about 23% "id" (idle). But there are no sleeps and almost no disk i/o. With 24 threads we get 83% CPU usage. I'm not sure how to interpret 'idle' state - does this mean 'waiting for memory controller'?
We tried turning NUMA on and off (I'm referring to the Linux-level setting that requires a reboot) and saw no difference. When NUMA was enabled, 'numastat' showed only about 5% of 'allocation and access misses' (95% of cache misses were local to the NUMA node). [Edit:] But adding "-XX:+useNUMA" as a java commandline flag gave us a 10% boost.
One theory we have is that we're maxing out the memory controllers, because our application uses a lot of RAM and we think there are a lot of cache misses.
What can we do to either (a) speed up our program to approach linear scalability, or (b) diagnose what's happening?
Also: (c) how do I interpret the 'top' result - does 'idle' mean 'blocked on memory controllers'? and (d) is there any difference in the characteristics of Opteron vs Xeon's?
I also have a 32 core Opteron machine, with 8 NUMA nodes (4x6128 processors, Mangy Cours, not Bulldozer), and I have faced similar issues.
I think the answer to your problem is hinted at by the 2.3% "sys" time shown in top. In my experience, this sys time is the time the system spends in the kernel waiting for a lock. When a thread can't get a lock it then sits idle until it makes its next attempt. Both the sys and idle time are a direct result of lock contention. You say that your profiler is not showing locks to be the problem. My guess is that for some reason the code causing the lock in question is not included in the profile results.
In my case a significant cause of lock contention was not the processing I was actually doing but the work scheduler that was handing out the individual pieces of work to each thread. This code used locks to keep track of which thread was doing which piece of work. My solution to this problem was to rewrite my work scheduler avoiding mutexes, which I have read do not scale well beyond 8-12 cores, and instead use gcc builtin atomics (I program in C on Linux). Atomic operations are effectively a very fine grained lock that scales much better with high core counts. In your case if your work parcels really do take 5-10s each it seems unlikely this will be significant for you.
I also had problems with malloc, which suffers horrible lock issues in high core count situations, but I can't, off the top of my head, remember whether this also led to sys & idle figures in top, or whether it just showed up using Mike Dunlavey's debugger profiling method (How can I profile C++ code running in Linux?). I suspect it did cause sys & idle problems, but I draw the line at digging through all my old notes to find out :) I do know that I now avoid runtime mallocs as much as possible.
My best guess is that some piece of library code you are using implements locks without your knowledge, is not included in your profiling results, and is not scaling well to high core-count situations. Beware memory allocators!
I'm sure the answer will lie in a consideration of the hardware architecture. You have to think of multi core computers as if they were individual machines connected by a network. In fact that's all that Hypertransport and QPI are.
I find that to solve these scalability problems you have to stop thinking in terms of shared memory and start adopting the philosophy of Communicating Sequential Processes. It means thinking very differently, ie imagine how you would write the software if your hardware was 32 single core machines connected by a network. Modern (and ancient) CPU architectures are not designed to give unfettered scaling of the sort you're after. They are designed to allow many different processes to get on with processing their own data.
Like everything else in computing these things go in fashions. CSP dates back to the 1970s, but the very modern and Java derived Scala is a popular embodiment of the concept. See this section on Scala concurrency on Wikipedia.
What the philosophy of CSP does is force you to design a data distribution scheme that fits your data and the problem you're solving. That's not necessarily easy, but if you manage it then you have a solution that will scale very well indeed. Scala may make it easier to develop.
Personally I do everything in CSP and in C. It's allowed me to develop a signal processing application that scales perfectly linearly from 8 cores to several thousand cores (the limit being how big my room is).
The first thing you're going to have to do is actually use NUMA. It isn't a magic setting that you turn on, you have to exploit it in your software's architecture. I don't know about Java, but in C one would bind a memory allocation to a specific core's memory controller (aka memory affinity), and similarly for threads (core affinity) in cases where the OS doesn't get the hint.
I presume that your data doesn't break down into 32 neat, discrete chunks? It's difficult to give advice without knowing exactly the data flows implicit in your program. But think about it in terms of data flow. Draw it out even; Data Flow Diagrams are useful for this (another ancient graphical formal notation). If your picture shows all your data going through a single object (eg through a single memory buffer) then it's going to be slow...
I assume you have optimized your locks, and synchronization made a minimum. In such a case, it still depends a lot on what libraries you are using to program in parallel.
One issue that can happen even if you have no synchronization issue, is memory bus congestion. This is very nasty and difficult to get rid of.
All I can suggest is somehow make your tasks bigger and create fewer tasks. This depends highly on the nature of your problem. Ideally you want as many tasks as the number of cores/threads, but this is not easy (if possible) to achieve.
Something else that can help is to give more heap to your JVM. This will reduce the need to run Garbage Collector frequently, and speeds up a little.
does 'idle' mean 'blocked on memory controllers'
No. You don't see that in top. I mean if the CPU is waiting for memory access, it will be shown as busy. If you have idle periods, it is either waiting for a lock, or for IO.
I'm the Original Poster. We think we've diagnosed the issue, and it's not locks, not system calls, not memory bus congestion; we think it's level 2/3 CPU cache contention.
To reiterate, our task is embarrassingly parallel so it should scale well. However, one thread has a large amount of CPU cache it can access, but as we add more threads, the amount of CPU cache each process can access gets lower and lower (the same amount of cache divided by more processes). Some levels on some architectures are shared between cores on a die, some are even shared between dies (I think), and it may help to get "down in the weeds" with the specific machine you're using, and optimise your algorithms, but our conclusion is that there's not a lot we can do to achieve the scalability we thought we'd get.
We identified this as the cause by using 2 different algorithms. The one which accesses more level 2/3 cache scales much worse than the one which does more processing with less data. They both make frequent accesses to the main data in main memory.
If you haven't tried that yet: Look at hardware-level profilers like Oracle Studio has (for CentOS, Redhat, and Oracle Linux) or if you are stuck with Windows: Intel VTune. Then start looking at operations with suspiciously high clocks per instruction metrics. Suspiciously high mean a lot higher than the same code on a single-numa, single-L3-cache machine (like current Intel desktop CPUs).
