Can I work on MVC 4 using Visual Studio 15 Preview? - visual-studio

Can I work on old ASP.NET MVC 4 projects using Visual Studio 15 Preview? If so, would VS 15 update the project/project file?
I don't want to mess up my old projects by opening them in VS 15.

At least you cannot do so in Visual Studio 2017 RC, but Microsoft seems to indicate the RTM release will support MVC 4,
MVC 4 Projects are not supported
Open MVC 4 project using Visual Studio 2017 RC prompts to Install
Missing Features - .NET Desktop Development, which is incorrect. Even
after you install the missing features, project does not load in
Solution Explorer and shows up as incompatible.
No workaround, support will be added in the future.
But you should consider seriously about upgrading to MVC 5, as Microsoft technical support team should requires that based on the support policies,


.NET SDK 3.0.100 will not appear in Dropdown Options in Visual Studio

I just installed .NET Core Installer: x64 onto my computer because I am about to start dabbling with Razor for a project. However, when I try to to create a new ASP.NET Core Web Application, I go to the dropdown menu and ASP.NET Core 3.0 does not appear. I just see other versions of the SDKs that I have such as ASP.NET Core 2.2 and 2.1. How can I fix this issue?
I have provided some more info below:
Project Info:
Will be made with ASP.NET Core Web Application.
Visual Studio: 2019
Location of where SDK is installed:
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\3.0.100
I am running Windows 10 on my iMac.
Per Microsoft's release notes...
Visual Studio compatibility: .NET Core 3.0.0 requires Visual Studio 2019 16.3 GA to take full advantage of all its features. .NET Core 3.0.0 will not work properly in earlier versions of Visual Studio.
To make sure you are running the latest version of Visual Studio save your work and go to Help > Check for Updates. Upgrading from 16.2.5 to 16.3.0 fixed it for me.

Use web api 2 in visual studio 2010

How can I use web api 2 in Visual Studio 2010.
Is there any way I can use web api 2 in VS 2010?
Can somebody please help or guide?
If you want to include Framework version 4, you can follow these steps. In Visual Studio 2010 to add a project of type ASP.NET MVC Web API we can:
1 - Have .NET Framework 4 & ASP.NET MVC 4 installed.
2 - Add a new project and select MVC 4
( on this screen there is no Web API template which is where many users may expect to see it )
3 - Select the Web API Template
You can see the answer here
But in your case, you need to install framework version 4.5. Each version of Visual Studio prior to Visual Studio 2010 is tied to a specific .NET framework. Visual Studio 2010 and beyond allow for targeting of prior framework versions but cannot be used for future releases. You must use Visual Studio 2012 in order to utilize .NET 4.5.
But one user has found a scenario where we can use framework version 4.5 in VS 2010, please see the answer of David Woodward here. If you can install VS 2012, it will be much easier since you don't need to download and install anything else.

ASP.Net 5 Beta 8 xproj cannot be opened

I just installed the new release of ASP.Net 5 beta 8. I ran DotNetVersionManager-x64.msi and then WebToolsExtensionsVS14.msi. I tried to open a simple app that worked in beta 7 and it won't load the project with a message
This project is incompatible with the current edition of Visual Studio:
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015
Version 14.0.23107.0 D14REL
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.6.00079
I then tried to create a new ASP.Net 5 web project and got this:
The project file 'c:\users\myfolder\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\WebApplication3\src\WebApplication3\WebApplication3.xproj' cannot be opened.
The project type is not supported by this installation.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled the DotNetVersionManager and WebToolsExtensionsVS14 with the same result.
Fixed it by doing this
Close VS, then delete the folder at %localappdata%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\ComponentModelCache and restart – Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi
Thank you #SayedIbrahimHashimi
The easiest way to get started building applications with ASP.NET 5 is to install the latest version of Visual Studio 2015 (including the free Community edition).
Install Visual Studio 2015
Be sure to specify that you want to include the Microsoft Web Developer Tools.
Install ASP.NET 5.
This will install the latest ASP.NET 5 runtime and tooling.
Enable the ASP.NET 5 command-line tools. Open a command-prompt and run:
dnvm upgrade
This will make the default .NET Execution Environment (DNX) active on the path.
On Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 you will also need to install the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4.
You are all set up and ready to write your first ASP.NET 5 application!

New Laptop - Any reason to install Visual Studio 2012 AND 2013?

I've just been given a new work laptop and have an MSDN subscription. My old laptop had VS 2008, 2010 and 2012. I'd rather not install all of these again if I can avoid it. My main question here is whether there any reason to install VS 2012 if I have access to VS 2013? I believe Projects & Solutions are compatible, what other reasons might there be for installing VS 2012 (and for that matter VS 2010) again? If I have an MVC 3 app created with VS2010, will it be possible to open and work with that in VS2013 without having to "upgrade" the project type?
It really depends on what kind of projects you are working on. Each new releases of VS in fact remove certain features.
ASP.NET MVC 3 is not supported by VS2013.
Lex' answer is pretty good. I'd also like to add that if you are using C++/CLI, upgrading to Visual Studio 2013 will force you to target .NET 4.5, which might not at all be desirable if your users only have .NET 4.0 etc.
You can still target the older frameworks, by letting VS2013 use the older "Platform Toolset" from e.g. VS2010 or VS2012, but this will force you to have either one of these installed. I am using this exact scenario (VS2010 + VS2013) and it works quite well. (I have only VS2010 and 2013, not 2012 in that specific virtual machine.)
Update: Here is a MSDN page which backs up my statement about C++/CLI, just for the reference.

Error when creating ASP.NET MVC 3 project with xUnit: xunit.targets not found

I create an ASP.NET MVC 3 project and a unit test project using
new project
But I got an error like this, and the unit test project is not created.
Does anyone know how to fix it? I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Professional SP1, on Windows 8 Release Preview.
I had the same problem while using version 1.9.1 (Jul 4 2012 release). I uninstalled it and installed the version 1.9 (Jul 4 2012 release)and now it is working fine. I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate SP1 and Windows 7 Ultimate with SP1.
Sorry about this bug. We're planning to remove template support from 2.0 anyway, so this bug is going to go away.
Moving forward, we recommend people just create class libraries, and bring in xunit.dll via NuGet.
