Substitute all version="n.n" occurrences except xml version with bash - bash

I have a bunch of files in the directory that has this pattern: version="0". It can be any number inside. But I don't want to affect the <?xml version="1.0" ?> parts. This line can be not on the first line, so we can't just skip the first.
The main problem is that sed and awk's gsub don't work with lookbehind. I decided that it acceptable to do double work. replace all versions and then fix all xml versions. But sed with -r missunderstands the capturing groups.
What I have so far:
sed -r 's#(\<\?xml .*)version="[^"]*"(.*\?\>)#\1version="1.0"\2#g' fixing xmls

To change all version attributes within an XML document, the following XMLStarlet command will suffice:
xmlstarlet ed --inplace \
-u '//*[#version="0"]/#version' -v 1 \

I think I kind of made it:
find test -exec sed -i 's/version="[^"]*"/version="800"/g' {} \; -print | xargs -I FILE sed -i 's#\(<?xml \)version="[^"]*"\(.*\)#\1version="1.0"\2#g' FILE
where the 800 is desirable value. but still double work.

Don't escape the< and > if you don't use them for word boundary. Try this:
sed -r 's#(<\?xml .*)version="[^"]*"(.*\?>)#\1version="1.0"\2#g' file
That said you should avoid the any character .* pattern that is greedy. A safer command would be:
sed -r 's#(<\?xml[^>]*)version="[^"]*"([^>]*)\?>#\1version="1.0"\2?>#g' file


Sed delete first line from files

I want to remove the first line of all files in a folder if the file starts with uuid and so I have a working sed command looking like this:
$ sed -i '' '/^uuid/d' *
which works fine and removes all lines starting with uuid.
Now I want to improve the script by only removing the first line if it starts with uuid since some of the files has multiple uuid:s and only the one on the first line should be deleted. So now I improved the command to look like this:
$ sed -i '' '1{/^uuid/d;}' *
Now this command also works but only on the first file in the folder and even if I run a simple (just remove first line) version like:
$ sed -i '' '1d' *
it still only affects the first file.
Why is this?
I'm on Mac (so the BSD version of sed as I've come to understand) and I also tried installing the gnu-sed version via Brew, $ brew install gnu-sed --with-default-names, with no luck.
I've read sed - 25 examples to delete a line or pattern in a file,
sed - 20 examples to remove / delete characters from a file and googled sed delete first line in files
UPDATE 1: As proposed in the comments by john1024 I've tested with the -s option but not sure how to use it.
$ sed -s '1d' ./*
sed: illegal option -- s
When I check man sed I can find the -s & --seperateoption so I must do something wrong here.
UPDATE 2: Ok, progress ... find . -iname '*.yml' -exec sed -i '' -e '1{/uuid/d;}' {} \; does the trick but I get error message saying sed: can't read : No such file or directory
Thanks for any help or guidance!
sed -i '' '1{/^uuid/d;}' * will modify only the first file,
because the line numbers are counted cumulatively across files,
so "line 1" occurs only once, it's the first line of the first file.
To do something with the first line of multiple files,
you need to run sed once per file.
You can do that using a simple for loop:
for f in *; do sed -i '' '1{/^uuid/d;}' "$f"; done

replace recursively shabang with sed

I'm trying to replace recursively all shabang from a folder (for run program in android..), with sed .
The command works good when i tried with "normal word" but become a headache when i'm trying with shabang..Everything i tried, I got error :
bad option in substitution expression
unmatched '/'
event not found
I'm new to this and it's probably begginer mistake, so here is the code (tsst is my folder):
grep -rl "env python" tsst |xargs sed -i "s/\#!/usr/bin/env python/\#!/system/python2.7.9//g"
I also tried with variables:(first part of code is good .. i just copy where there's a problem.)
sed -i "s/$old/$new/g"
sed -i 's/"$old"/"$new"/g'
sed -i "s/'\#!\/usr\/bin\/env python'/'\#!\/system\/python2.7.9\/'/g"
What did i do wrong ?
Try this regex. You can't mix / as the regex delimiter and actual characters you want to match. You can use any character as the regex delimiter, such as |, as long as you use it instead of the / in all 3 spots.
$ echo '#!/usr/bin/env python' | sed 's|#!/usr/bin/env python|#!/system/python2.7.9|g'

Iterating through files in a folder with sed

I've a list of csv-files and would like to use a for loop to edit the content for each file. I'd like to do that with sed. I have this sed commands which works fine when testing it on one file:
sed 's/[ "-]//g'
So now I want to execute this command for each file in a folder. I've tried this but so far no luck:
for i in *.csv; do sed 's/[ "-]//g' > $i.csv; done
I would like that he would overwrite each file with the edit performed by sed. The sed commands removes all spaces, the " and the '-' character.
Small changes,
for i in *.csv
sed -i 's/[ "-]//g' "$i"
when you iterate through the for you get the filenames in $i as example one.csv, two.csv etc. You can directly use these as input to the sed command.
-i Is for inline changes, the sed will do the substitution and updates the file for you. No output redirection is required.
In the code you wrote, I guess you missed any inputs to the sed command
In my case i want to replace every first occurrence of a particular string in each line for several text files, i've use the following:
//want to replace 16 with 1 in each files only for the first occurance
sed -i 's/16/1/' *.txt
In your case, In terminal you can try this
sed 's/[ "-]//g' *.csv
In certain scenarios it might be worth considering finding the files and executing a command on them like explained in this answer (as stated there, make sure echo $PATH doesn't contain .)
find /path/to/csv/ -type f '*.csv' -execdir sed -i 's/[ "-]//g' {} \;
here we:
find all files (type f) which end with .csv in the folder /path/to/csv/
sed the found files in place, ie we replace the original files with the changed version instead of creating numbered csv files ($i.csv)

using sed to find and replace in bash for loop

I have a large number of words in a text file to replace.
This script is working up until the sed command where I get:
sed: 1: "*.js": invalid command code *
PS... Bash isn't one of my strong points - this doesn't need to be pretty or efficient
cd '/Users/xxxxxx/Sites/xxxxxx'
echo `pwd`;
for line in `cat myFile.txt`
export IFS=":"
for word in $line; do
echo ${list[0]}
echo ${list[1]}
sed -i "s/{$list[0]}/{$list[1]}/g" *.js
You're running BSD sed (under OS X), therefore the -i flag requires an argument specifying what you want the suffix to be.
Also, no files match the glob *.js.
This looks like a simple typo:
sed -i "s/{$list[0]}/{$list[1]}/g" *.js
Should be:
sed -i "s/${list[0]}/${list[1]}/g" *.js
(just like the echo lines above)
So myFile.txt contains a list of from:to substitutions, and you are looping over each of those. Why don't you create a sed script from this file instead?
cd '/Users/xxxxxx/Sites/xxxxxx'
sed -e 's/^/s:/' -e 's/$/:/' myFile.txt |
# Output from first sed script is a sed script!
# It contains substitutions like this:
# s:from:to:
# s:other:substitute:
sed -f - -i~ *.js
Your sed might not like the -f - which means sed should read its script from standard input. If that is the case, perhaps you can create a temporary script like this instead;
sed -e 's/^/s:/' -e 's/$/:/' myFile.txt >script.sed
sed -f script.sed -i~ *.js
Another approach, if you don't feel very confident with sed and think you are going to forget in a week what the meaning of that voodoo symbols is, could be using IFS in a more efficient way:
cat myFile.txt | while read PATTERN REPLACEMENT # You feed the while loop with stdout lines and read fields separated by ":"
sed -i "s/${PATTERN}/${REPLACEMENT}/g"
The only pitfall I can see (it may be more) is that if whether PATTERN or REPLACEMENT contain a slash (/) they are going to destroy your sed expression.
You can change the sed separator with a non-printable character and you should be safe.
Anyway, if you know whats on your myFile.txt you can just use any.

In-place edits with sed on OS X

I'd like edit a file with sed on OS X. I'm using the following command:
sed 's/oldword/newword/' file.txt
The output is sent to the terminal. file.txt is not modified. The changes are saved to file2.txt with this command:
sed 's/oldword/newword/' file1.txt > file2.txt
However I don't want another file. I just want to edit file1.txt. How can I do this?
I've tried the -i flag. This results in the following error:
sed: 1: "file1.txt": invalid command code f
You can use the -i flag correctly by providing it with a suffix to add to the backed-up file. Extending your example:
sed -i.bu 's/oldword/newword/' file1.txt
Will give you two files: one with the name file1.txt that contains the substitution, and one with the name file1.txt.bu that has the original content.
Mildly dangerous
If you want to destructively overwrite the original file, use something like:
sed -i '' 's/oldword/newword/' file1.txt
^ note the space
Because of the way the line gets parsed, a space is required between the option flag and its argument because the argument is zero-length.
Other than possibly trashing your original, I’m not aware of any further dangers of tricking sed this way. It should be noted, however, that if this invocation of sed is part of a script, The Unix Way™ would (IMHO) be to use sed non-destructively, test that it exited cleanly, and only then remove the extraneous file.
I've similar problem with MacOS
sed -i '' 's/oldword/newword/' file1.txt
doesn't works, but
sed -i"any_symbol" 's/oldword/newword/' file1.txt
works well.
The -i flag probably doesn't work for you, because you followed an example for GNU sed while macOS uses BSD sed and they have a slightly different syntax.
All the other answers tell you how to correct the syntax to work with BSD sed. The alternative is to install GNU sed on your macOS with:
brew install gsed
and then use it instead of the sed version shipped with macOS (note the g prefix), e.g:
gsed -i 's/oldword/newword/' file1.txt
If you want GNU sed commands to be always portable to your macOS, you could prepend "gnubin" directory to your path, by adding something like this to your .bashrc/.zshrc file (run brew info gsed to see what exactly you need to do):
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
and from then on the GNU sed becomes your default sed and you can simply run:
sed -i 's/oldword/newword/' file1.txt
sed -i -- "s/https/http/g" file.txt
You can use -i'' (--in-place) for sed as already suggested. See: The -i in-place argument, however note that -i option is non-standard FreeBSD extensions and may not be available on other operating systems. Secondly sed is a Stream EDitor, not a file editor.
Alternative way is to use built-in substitution in Vim Ex mode, like:
$ ex +%s/foo/bar/g -scwq file.txt
and for multiple-files:
$ ex +'bufdo!%s/foo/bar/g' -scxa *.*
To edit all files recursively you can use **/*.* if shell supports that (enable by shopt -s globstar).
Another way is to use gawk and its new "inplace" extension such as:
$ gawk -i inplace '{ gsub(/foo/, "bar") }; { print }' file1
This creates backup files. E.g. sed -i -e 's/hello/hello world/' testfile for me, creates a backup file, testfile-e, in the same dir.
You can use:
sed -i -e 's/<string-to-find>/<string-to-replace>/' <your-file-path>
sed -i -e 's/Hello/Bye/' file.txt
This works flawless in Mac.
If you need to substitute more than one different words:
sed -i '' -e 's/_tools/tools/' -e 's/_static/static/' test.txt
