Looking to write this ruby code in one line - ruby

I want to display my hash in a string like this:
The results are a=100, b=200
When I loop through the hash like so:
a = [{:a => 100}, {:b => 200}]
a.each do |x|
x.each do |k,v|
puts "#{k}=#{v}"
the output returns strings in multiple lines
How can I change it to one string?

I was able to get it working with this
puts a.map{|x|x.map{|k,v|"#{k}=#{v}"}}.join(',')
Not sure if its the best solution though.

{:a => 100, :b => 200}.each { |k,v| puts "#{k}=#{v}" }


Converting an array of strings into a key-value pair

I have an array as the value of a hash:
:params=>[":centre_id", ":id"]
I am trying to find a way to convert each element of the array to something like this:
:centre_id => 1
:id => 1
I tried loads of different ways but I can't seem to find a nice clean way to do it:
"#{route[:params].map {|x| x.parameterize.underscore.to_sym => '1'}}"
This is what I am trying to achieve:
-{"controller"=>"venues", "action"=>"activity, {:centre_id=>1, :id=>1}"}
+{"controller"=>"venues", "action"=>"activity", "centre_id"=>"1", "id"=>"1"} << this one
string or symbol doesn't matter does it?
Using this:
expect(route[:request_method] => route[:path]).to route_to "#{route[:controller]}##{route[:action]}, #{Hash[route[:params].map {|x| [x.sub(/\A:/,'').to_sym, 1] }]}"
Help would be much appreciated.
Do as below :-
Ruby 2.1 or above, use below :-
route[:params].map {|x| [x.sub(/\A:/,'').to_sym, 1] }.to_h
# => {:centre_id => 1, :id => 1}
Ruby 2.0 or below, use below :-
Hash[route[:params].map {|x| [x.sub(/\A:/,'').to_sym, 1] }]
# => {:centre_id => 1, :id => 1}
h = { :params=>[":centre_id", ":id"], :animals=>[":dog", ":cat", ":pig"] }
one of the following may be helpful:
h.merge(h) { |_,v,_| Hash[v.map { |s| [s[1..-1].to_sym,1] }] }
#=> {:params=>{:centre_id=>1, :id=>1}, :animals=>{:dog=>1, :cat=>1, :pig=>1}}
Hash[h.keys.map { |k| h.delete(k).map { |s| [s[1..-1].to_sym,1] } }.flatten(1)]
#=> {:centre_id=>1, :id=>1, :dog=>1, :cat=>1, :pig=>1}
The second modifies h. If you don't want that to happen, you'll need to h.dup first.
If a is an array, you can replace Hash[a] with a.to_h with Ruby 2.1+.

Is there a better solution to partition a hash into two hashes?

I wrote a method to split a hash into two hashes based on a criteria (a particular hash value). My question is different from another question on Hash. Here is an example of what I expect:
:a => "FOO",
:b => "FOO",
:c => "BAR",
:d => "BAR",
:e => "FOO"
h_foo, h_bar = partition(h)
I need h_foo and h_bar to be like:
:a => "FOO",
:b => "FOO",
:e => "FOO"
:c => "BAR",
:d => "BAR"
My solution is:
def partition h
h.group_by{|k,v| v=="FOO"}.values.collect{|ary| Hash[*ary.flatten]}
Is there a clever solution?
There's Enumerable#partition:
h.partition { |k, v| v == "FOO" }.map(&:to_h)
#=> [{:a=>"FOO", :b=>"FOO", :e=>"FOO"}, {:c=>"BAR", :d=>"BAR"}]
Or you could use Enumerable#each_with_object to avoid the intermediate arrays:
h.each_with_object([{}, {}]) { |(k, v), (h_foo, h_bar)|
v == "FOO" ? h_foo[k] = v : h_bar[k] = v
#=> [{:a=>"FOO", :b=>"FOO", :e=>"FOO"}, {:c=>"BAR", :d=>"BAR"}]
I don't think there is a clever one liner, but you can make it slightly more generic by doing something like:
def transpose(h,k,v)
h[v] ||= []
h[v] << k
def partition(h)
n = {}
h.map{|k,v| transpose(n,k,v)}
result = n.map{|k,v| Hash[v.map{|e| [e, k]}] }
which will yield
[{:a=>"FOO", :b=>"FOO", :e=>"FOO"}, {:c=>"BAR", :d=>"BAR"}]
when run against your initial hash h
Edit - TIL about partition. Wicked.
Why not use builtin partition, which is doing almost exactly what you are looking for?
h_foo, h_bar = h.partition { |key, value| value == 'FOO' }
The only downside is that you will get arrays instead of hashes (but you already know how to convert that). In ruby 2.1+ you could simply call .map(&:to_h) at the end of call chain.

ruby sort_by method

I have just started to learn ruby. I have an array of hashes. I want to be able to sort the array based on an elementin the hash. I think I should be able to use the sort_by method. Can somebody please help?
#array of hashes
array = []
hash1 = {:name => "john", :age => 23}
hash2 = {:name => "tom", :age => 45}
hash3 = {:name => "adam", :age => 3}
array.push(hash1, hash2, hash3)
Here is my sort_by code:
# sort by name
array.sort_by do |item|
Nothing happens to the array. There is no error either.
You have to store the result:
res = array.sort_by do |item|
puts res
Or modify the array itself:
array.sort_by! do |item| #note the exclamation mark
puts array
You can do it by normal sort method also
array.sort { |a,b| a[:name] <=> b[:name] }
Above is for ascending order, for descending one replace a with b. And to modify array itself, use sort!
You can use sort by method in one line :
array.sort_by!{|item| item[:name]}

Create Nested Hashes from a List of Hashes in Ruby

I have a set of categories and their values stored as a list of hashes:
r = [{:A => :X}, {:A => :Y}, {:B => :X}, {:A => :X}, {:A => :Z}, {:A => :X},
{:A => :X}, {:B => :Z}, {:C => :X}, {:C => :Y}, {:B => :X}, {:C => :Y},
{:C => :Y}]
I'd like to get a count of each value coupled with its category as a hash like this:
{:A => {:X => 4, :Y => 1, :Z => 1},
:B => {:X => 2, :Z => 1},
:C => {:X => 1, :Y => 3}}
How can I do this efficiently?
Here's what I have so far (it returns inconsistent values):
r.reduce(Hash.new(Hash.new(0))) do |memo, x|
memo[x.keys.first][x.values.first] += 1
Should I first compute the counts of all instances of specific {:cat => :val}s and then create the hash? Should I give a different base-case to reduce and change the body to check for nil cases (and assign zero when nil) instead of always adding 1?
I ended up changing my code and using the below method to have a cleaner way of achieving a nested hash:
r.map do |x|
[x.keys.first, x.values.last]
end.reduce({}) do |memo, x|
memo[x.first] = Hash.new(0) if memo[x.first].nil?
memo[x.first][x.last] += 1
The problem of your code is: memo did not hold the value.
Use a variable outside the loop to hold the value would be ok:
memo = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = Hash.new {|hh, kk| hh[kk] = 0 } }
r.each do |x|
memo[x.keys.first][x.values.first] += 1
p memo
And what's more, it won't work to init a hash nested inside a hash directly like this:
memo = Hash.new(Hash.new(0))
memo = Hash.new({})
Here is a link for more about the set default value issue:
Not sure what "inconsistent values" means, but your problem is the hash you're injecting into is not remembering its results
r.each_with_object(Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = Hash.new 0 }) do |individual, consolidated|
individual.each do |key, value|
consolidated[key][value] += 1
But honestly, it would probably be better to just go to wherever you're making this array and change it to aggregate values like this.
Functional approach using some handy abstractions -no need to reinvent the wheel- from facets:
require 'facets'
r.map_by { |h| h.to_a }.mash { |k, vs| [k, vs.frequency] }
#=> {:A=>{:X=>4, :Y=>1, :Z=>1}, :B=>{:X=>2, :Z=>1}, :C=>{:X=>1, :Y=>3}}

Hash.each doesn't return a hash?

Hash.each returns an array [key, value],
but if I want a hash?
Example: {:key => value }
I'm assuming you meant "yields" where you said "return" because Hash#each already returns a hash (the receiver).
To answer your question: If you need a hash with the key and the value you can just create one. Like this:
hash.each do |key, value|
kv_hash = {key => value}
There is no alternative each method that yields hashs, so the above is the best you can do.
I think you are trying to transform the hash somehow, so I will give you my solution to this problem, which may be not exactly the same. To modify a hash, you have to .map them and construct a new hash.
This is how I reverse key and values:
h = {:a => 'a', :b => 'b'}
Hash[h.map{ |k,v| [v, k] }]
# => {"a"=>:a, "b"=>:b}
Call .each with two parameters:
>> a = {1 => 2, 3 => 4}
>> a.each { |b, c|
?> puts "#{b} => #{c}"
>> }
1 => 2
3 => 4
=> {1=>2, 3=>4}
You could map the hash to a list of single-element hashes, then call each on the list:
h = {:a => 'a', :b => 'b'}
h.map{ |k,v| {k => v}}.each{ |x| puts x }
