Parsing a simple XML-like string with adjacent nodes - ruby

I'm using the engtagger gem to classify a sentence according to its parts of speech. The output I get is as follows:
puts text
# => "<nnp>My</nnp> <nn>name</nn> <vbz>is</vbz> <nnp>Max</nnp>"
I would have expected the gem to give me an array, but I guess I'll have to coerce this into an array myself.
What I'm eventually trying to get is a nested array something like this:
[["My", "nnp"], ["name", "nn"], ["is", "vbz"], ["Max", "nnp"]]
However I'm not really sure how to approach this with Nokogiri (or another parser library). Here's what I've tried:
(byebug) doc = Nokogiri::XML(text)
#<Nokogiri::XML::Document:0x3fd400286e78 name="document" children=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Element:0x3fd400286900 name="nnp" children=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Text:0x3fd400286464 "My">]>]>
(byebug) Nokogiri.parse(text)
#<Nokogiri::XML::Document:0x3fd40028cd50 name="document" children=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Element:0x3fd40028c7d8 name="nnp" children=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Text:0x3fd40028c378 "My">]>]>
So I've tried two different Nokogiri methods, but both are only showing the first node. How can I get the rest of the adjacent nodes as well?
Alternatively, how can I get the engtagger call to return an array? In the docs, I didn't find an example of how to return an array with all tags, only arrays with one specific kind of tag.

The main thing is that well-formed XML should have a root node. You were receiving the very first node only because it was treated as the root (that said, the topmost) node and as it was closed, Nokogiri considered the XML document to be ended.
children.first. # get root node { |e| [e.text,] }. # map to what’s needed
reject { |e| e.last == 'text' } # filter out garbage
That filtering might be more semantically correct:
children.reject { |e| Nokogiri::XML::Text === e }.
map { |e| [e.text,] }

The problem is you're parsing the fragment incorrectly:
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::XML.fragment("<nnp>My</nnp> <nn>name</nn> <vbz>is</vbz> <nnp>Max</nnp>")
doc.to_xml # => "<nnp>My</nnp> <nn>name</nn> <vbz>is</vbz> <nnp>Max</nnp>"
Nokogiri wants valid XML, but you can get it to accept partial XML chunks using fragment.
At that point you're able to do:
doc.children.each_with_object([]){ |n, a| a << [n.text,] unless n.text? }
# => [["My", "nnp"], ["name", "nn"], ["is", "vbz"], ["Max", "nnp"]]


Create a Ruby Hash out of an xml string with the 'ox' gem

I am currently trying to create a hash out of an xml documen, with the help of the ox gem
Input xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
with the following ruby/ox code:
doc = Ox.parse(xml)
plist = doc.root.nodes
I get the following output:
=> [#<Ox::Element:0x00007f80d985a668 #value="payee", #attributes={}, #nodes=["starbucks"]>, #<Ox::Element:0x00007f80d9839198 #value="amount", #attributes={}, #nodes=["5.75"]>, #<Ox::Element:0x00007f80d9028788 #value="date", #attributes={}, #nodes=["2017-06-10"]>]
The output I want is a hash in the format:
{'payee' => 'Starbucks',
'amount' => 5.75,
'date' => '2017-06-10'}
to save in my sqllite database. How can I transform the objects array into a hash like above.
Any help is highly appreciated.
The docs suggest you can use the following:
require 'ox'
xml = %{
<top name="sample">
<middle name="second">
<bottom name="third">Rock bottom</bottom>
puts Ox.load(xml, mode: :hash)
puts Ox.load(xml, mode: :hash_no_attrs)
#{:top=>[{:name=>"sample"}, {:middle=>[{:name=>"second"}, {:bottom=>[{:name=>"third"}, "Rock bottom"]}]}]}
#{:top=>{:middle=>{:bottom=>"Rock bottom"}}}
I'm not sure that's exactly what you're looking for though.
Otherwise, it really depends on the methods available on the Ox::Element instances in the array.
From the docs, it looks like there are two handy methods here: you can use [] and text.
Therefore, I'd use reduce to coerce the array into the hash format you're looking for, using something like the following:
ox_nodes = [#<Ox::Element:0x00007f80d985a668 #value="payee", #attributes={}, #nodes=["starbucks"]>, #<Ox::Element:0x00007f80d9839198 #value="amount", #attributes={}, #nodes=["5.75"]>, #<Ox::Element:0x00007f80d9028788 #value="date", #attributes={}, #nodes=["2017-06-10"]>]
ox_nodes.reduce({}) do |hash, node|
hash[node['#value']] = node.text
I'm not sure whether node['#value'] will work, so you might need to experiment with that - otherwise perhaps node.instance_variable_get('#value') would do it.
node.text does the following, which sounds about right:
Returns the first String in the elements nodes array or nil if there is no String node.
N.B. I prefer to tidy the reduce block a little using tap, something like the following:
ox_nodes.reduce({}) do |hash, node|
hash.tap { |h| h[node['#value']] = node.text }
Hope that helps - let me know how you get on!
I found the answer to the question in my last comment by myself:
def create_xml(expense)
Ox.default_options=({:with_xml => false})
doc = => '1.0')
expense.each do |key, value|
e =
e << value
doc << e
The next question would be how can i transform the value of the amount key from a string to an integer befopre saving it to the database

converting nokogiri xml node into ruby hash

I have an xml like this
<amount>12.0</amount><authIdCode>999999</ authIdCode><currency>USD</currency>
How can I get all nodes inside the ParentNode to a hash something like below?
{amount: "12", authIdCode: "999999", currency: "USD"}
Yes I could search for individual keys using nokogiri. But is it possible to get all keys and values inside the ParentNode dynamically and turn it into a hash?
Thank you.
Note: Hash.from_xml wont work as am not using rails
Using Hash[]:
Hash['parentNode/*').map{|n| [, n.text]}]
#=> {"amount"=>"12.0", "authIdCode"=>"999999", "currency"=>"USD"}
Here is a working sample:
require 'nokogiri'
xml = <<-EOS
</ parentNode>
document = Nokogiri::XML(xml)
hash = document.xpath("//parentNode/*").each_with_object({}) do |node, hash|
hash[] = node.text
p hash # => {"amount"=>"12.0", "authIdCode"=>"999999", "currency"=>"USD"}
It finds all the children of parentNode, uses the childs name as key, its text content as value.

How to convert partial XML to hash in Ruby

I have a string which has plain text and extra spaces and carriage returns then XML-like tags followed by XML tags:
String = "hi there.
<VALUE>walk upstairs</VALUE>
So what do you think?
Is it true?
I want to parse this similar to use Nori or Nokogiri or Ox where they convert XML to a hash.
My goal is to be able to easily pull out the top level tags as keys and then know all the elements, something like:
Values[0] = [{name => Joe}, {email =>}]
Values[3] = [{collection => goals}, {value => walk up}]
I have seen several functions like that for true XML but all of mine are partial.
I started going down this line of thinking:
parsed ='*').each_with_object({}) do |n, h|
(h[] ||= []) << n.text
I'd probably do something along these lines if I wanted the keys and values variables:
require 'nokogiri'
string = "hi there.
<VALUE>walk upstairs</VALUE>
So what do you think?
Is it true?
doc = Nokogiri::XML('<root>' + string + '</root>', nil, nil, Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::NOBLANKS)
nodes = doc.root.children.reject { |n| n.is_a?(Nokogiri::XML::Text) }.map { |node|
[, { |c|
[, c.content]
# => [["SET-TOPIC", {"text"=>" INITIATE "}],
# ["SETPROFILE", {"KEY"=>"name", "VALUE"=>"Joe"}],
# ["SETPROFILE", {"KEY"=>"email", "VALUE"=>""}],
# ["GET-RELATIONS", {"COLLECTION"=>"goals", "VALUE"=>"walk upstairs"}]]
From nodes it's possible to grab the rest of the detail:
keys =
values =
# => [{"text"=>" INITIATE "},
# {"KEY"=>"name", "VALUE"=>"Joe"},
# {"KEY"=>"email", "VALUE"=>""},
# {"COLLECTION"=>"goals", "VALUE"=>"walk upstairs"}]
values[0] # => {"text"=>" INITIATE "}
If you'd rather, it's possible to pre-process the DOM and remove the top-level text: { |n| n.is_a?(Nokogiri::XML::Text) }.map(&:remove)
That makes it easier to work with the XML.
Wrap the string content in a node and you can parse that with Nokogiri. The text outside the XML segment will be text node in the new node.
str = "hi there. .... Is it true?"
doc = Nokogiri::XML("<wrapper>#{str}</wrapper>")
segments = doc.xpath('/*/SETPROFILE')
Now you can use "Convert a Nokogiri document to a Ruby Hash" to convert the segments into a hash.
However, if the plain text contains some characters that needs to be escaped in the XML spec you'll need to find those and escape them yourself.

How to parse XML to CSV where data is in attributes only

The XML file I am trying to parse has all the data contained in attributes. I found how to build the string to insert into the text file.
I have this XML file:
<ig:prescribed_item class_ref="0161-1#01-765557#1">
<ig:prescribed_property property_ref="0161-1#02-016058#1" is_required="false" combination_allowed="false" one_of_allowed="false">
<dt:measure_number_type representation_ref="0161-1#04-000005#1">
<dt:real_format pattern="\d(1,)\.\d(1,)"/>
<dt:prescribed_unit_of_measure UOM_ref="0161-1#05-003260#1"/>
<ig:prescribed_property property_ref="0161-1#02-016059#1" is_required="false" combination_allowed="false" one_of_allowed="false">
<dt:measure_number_type representation_ref="0161-1#04-000005#1">
<dt:real_format pattern="\d(1,)\.\d(1,)"/>
<dt:prescribed_unit_of_measure UOM_ref="0161-1#05-003260#1"/>
And I want to parse it into a text file like this with the class ref duplicated for each property:
This is the code I have so far:
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::XML("file.xml"), 'UTF-8') do |config|
content = doc.xpath("//ig:prescribed_item/#class_ref").map {|i|"//ig:prescribed_item/ig:prescribed_property/#property_ref").map { |d| d.text }
puts content.inspect
content.each do |c|
puts c.join('|')
I'd simplify it a bit using CSS accessors:
xml = <<EOT
<ig:prescribed_item class_ref="0161-1#01-765557#1">
<ig:prescribed_property property_ref="0161-1#02-016058#1" is_required="false" combination_allowed="false" one_of_allowed="false">
<dt:measure_number_type representation_ref="0161-1#04-000005#1">
<dt:real_format pattern="\d(1,)\.\d(1,)"/>
<dt:prescribed_unit_of_measure UOM_ref="0161-1#05-003260#1"/>
<ig:prescribed_property property_ref="0161-1#02-016059#1" is_required="false" combination_allowed="false" one_of_allowed="false">
<dt:measure_number_type representation_ref="0161-1#04-000005#1">
<dt:real_format pattern="\d(1,)\.\d(1,)"/>
<dt:prescribed_unit_of_measure UOM_ref="0161-1#05-003260#1"/>
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::XML(xml)
data = [ %w[ class_ref property_ref is_required UOM_ref] ]
doc.css('|prescribed_item').each do |pi|
pi.css('|prescribed_property').each do |pp|
data << [
puts{ |row| row.join('|') }
Which outputs:
Could you explain this line in greater detail "pp.at_css('|prescribed_unit_of_measure')['UOM_ref']"
In Nokogiri, there are two types of "find a node" methods: The "search" methods return all nodes that match a particular accessor as a NodeSet, and the "at" methods return the first Node of the NodeSet which will be the first encountered Node that matched the accessor.
The "search" methods are things like search, css, xpath and /. The "at" methods are things like at, at_css, at_xpath and %. Both search and at accept either XPath or CSS accessors.
Back to pp.at_css('|prescribed_unit_of_measure')['UOM_ref']: At that point in the code pp is a local variable containing a "prescribed_property" Node. So, I'm telling the code to find the first node under pp that matches the CSS |prescribed_unit_of_measure accessor, in other words the first <dt:prescribed_unit_of_measure> tag contained by the pp node. When Nokogiri finds that node, it returns the value of the UOM_ref attribute of the node.
As a FYI, the / and % operators are aliased to search and at respectively in Nokogiri. They're part of its "Hpricot" compatability; We used to use them a lot when Hpricot was the XML/HTML parser of choice, but they're not idiomatic for most Nokogiri developers. I suspect it's to avoid confusion with the regular use of the operators, at least it is in my case.
Also, Nokogiri's CSS accessors have some extra-special juiciness; They support namespaces, like the XPath accessors do, only they use |. Nokogiri will let us ignore the namespaces, which is what I did. You'll want to nose around in the Nokogiri docs for CSS and namespaces for more information.
There are definitely ways of parsing based on attributes.
The Engine yard article "Getting started with Nokogiri" has a full description.
But quickly, the examples they give are:
To match “h3″ tags that have a class
attribute, we write:
To match “h3″ tags whose class
attribute is equal to the string “r”,
we write:
h3[#class = "r"]
Using the attribute matching
construct, we can modify our previous
query to:
//h3[#class = "r"]/a[#class = "l"]

How do I tell the line number for a node using the Nokogiri reader interface?

I'm trying to write a Nokogiri script that will grep XML for text nodes containing ASCII double-quotes («"»). Since I want a grep-like output I need the line number, and the contents of each line. However, I am unable to see how to tell the line number where the element starts at. Here is my code:
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
ARGV.each do |filename|
xml_stream =
reader = Nokogiri::XML::Reader(xml_stream)
titles = []
text = ''
grab_text = false
reader.each do |elem|
if elem.node_type == Nokogiri::XML::Node::TEXT_NODE
data = elem.value
lines = data.split(/\n/, -1);
lines.each_with_index do |line, idx|
if (line =~ /"/) then
STDOUT.printf "%s:%d:%s\n", filename, elem.line()+idx, line
elem.line() does not work.
XML and parsers don't really have a concept of line numbers. You're talking about the physical layout of the file.
You can play a game with the parser using accessors looking for text nodes containing linefeeds and/or carriage returns but that can be thrown off because XML allows nested nodes.
require 'nokogiri'
xml =<<EOT_XML
other text
<ctag id="another_node2">yet
<ctag id="this_node">this text</ctag>
doc = Nokogiri::XML(xml)
# find a particular node via CSS accessor'ctag#this_node').text # => "this text"
# count how many "lines" there are in the document'*/text()').select{ |t| t.text[/[\r\n]/] }.size # => 12
# walk the nodes looking for a particular string, counting lines as you go
content_at = []'*/text()').each do |n|
content_at << [n.line, n.text] if (n.text['this text'])
content_at # => [[14, "this text"]]
This works because of the parser's ability to figure out what is a text node and cleanly return it, without relying on regex or text matches.
EDIT: I went through some old code, snooped around in Nokogiri's docs some, and came up with the above edited changes. It's working correctly, including working with some pathological cases. Nokogiri FTW!
As of 1.2.0 (released 2009-02-22), Nokogiri supports Node#line, which returns the line number in the source where that node is defined.
It appears to use the libxml2 function xmlGetLineNo().
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::XML(open 'tmpfile.xml')
doc.xpath('//xmlns:package[#arch="x86_64"]').each do |node|
puts '%4d %s' % [node.line, node['name']]
NOTE if you are working with large xml files (> 65535 lines), be sure to use Nokogiri 1.13.0 or newer (released 2022-01-06), or your Node#line results will not be accurate for large line numbers. See PR 2309 for an explanation.
