Redirecting all https outgoing requests through proxy from Windows Server 2012 - windows

I have windows server 2012 with all Internet outgoing traffic blocked. I have an application that needs to access a public web service through https. In our company we use IE proxy for http or https web requests via IE browser. Do you know how to use this proxy to allow the application sends https requests to this external Web Service?

Whether or not your application uses the system proxy settings (the ones IE uses and any other WinInet-based application uses) will depend on that application.
What is the application?


IIS hosted Web Application cannot accessible through Internet

I have hosted Flask Web application on Windows Server on AWS, I have done followings
hosted it on IIS and add new bindings(port 8090) to web site
Created inbound rule for the port(8090) given in bindings
And it works fine on the server, but when i'm trying to access it on my PC's web browser says
it cannot reach took too long to respond
What else i need to do ?
In your vm, different provider has their security policy. For aws even you have set inbound port rule, it will not work. You also need to set inbound rules in their potal.
👉(1) Open Windows firewall, Create an Inbound Port Rule.
👉(2) Directly in Amazon Web Service console, exactly in security groups/inbound.

Sending structured logs through proxy

I have a .NET application that runs on Windows and am trying to send the application logs/structured logs (Serilog) through a proxy to a log server. The Windows machine doesn't have access to the Internet, so I was thinking that I could setup a Proxy(Squid) to forward logs to the Serilog log server (in AWS).
A web browser on the Windows machine can access the log servers' webpage/dashboard, however, the application itself isn't able to send logs through the Squid proxy server.
Is a Proxy server the correct tool to use in this scenario?
Just because a web browser on the Windows machine (configured to use the Proxy), can access the log servers' URL, should that mean my application which is streaming serilog structured data, be able to send logs to this server?
Should I be routing my serilog data through the Proxy server, or should I be using a reverse proxy instead?
Here is how the serilog data is expected to travel:
Client application -->> Proxy Server -->> Corporate Domain Firewall -->> AWS

HTTPS and Secured Websockets clarification

We have a web application that is required to run on HTTPS. We started to use a third party control that uses Websockets to connect to a windows service that will be running on the user computer. This page states that websockets should not be used in a mixed content environment. Is this security consideration still applies in this case (the websocket connection is not trying to connect to the same server that handled the https request)? If so, why would a websockets to a localhost would need to be secured? Isn't this just added complexity for no reason?

Fiddler not logging https traffic form IIS

I've configured fiddler as proxy for my web application. My web application makes makes https requests to API using RestClient. These HTTPS requests are not showing on fiddler.
I've enabled "Decrypt Https Traffic" that install fiddler certificate. still it does not work. any suggestions..?
By default fiddler sets itself up as a proxy for WinINet which is used by browsers. IIS doesn't use WinINet.
Check out this article:

When to use Web Server (Oracle HTTP Server) in front of Weblogic

At work there is a legacy system on which a HTTP server (ohs) is used in front of an Oracle Weblogic Server for forwarding SSL connections.
Since Weblogic allows SSL connections to the web service, why/when is a Web Server needed in front of Weblogic; apart from the load-balance scenario?
