Missed session variables when redirecting page - session

I have a problem regarding sessions in Laravel. I try to redirect the page and at the same time sending some session variables using the with() method:
return Redirect::To('/')->with('foo','bar');
But when the page comes up, the only session variables set are _token and locale, 'foo' and 'bar' do not appear. Running {!! var_dump(Session::all()); !!} gives:
array(2) { ["_token"]=> string(40) "l5NawtJdHJtanTErsya440UvPQIgqNExiryJIkIO" ["locale"]=> string(2) "se" }
The session stored in storage/framework/sessions strangely has other variables set, such as url and PHPDEBUGBAR_STACK_DATA that don't show up when redirecting.
Now, here's the real twist: It works perfectly when run on a different computer.
We tested with the same repository, same code, a fresh installation of laravel, same web browser, same OS (Mac) and same program for running the server locally (MAMP). On another computer it works fine, and on a third computer, but not on mine.
The application is in debug mode and I have tried clearing all caches in Laravel and in the browser nothing changed.
Does anyone have a clue on how this can be resolved?

with() method use to pass data to a view. If you want to add something to session use session()->flash->('foo', 'bar');(automatically erase after next request) or session()->put('foo', 'bar');

Apparently in config/session.php the variable domain was set to the production domain. So when using localhost on my computer, the cookie laravel_session couldn't be read or written.
It worked by using:
'domain' => null,


Laravel doesn't authenticate on server but does on local machine

I just uploaded a project from my local machine via FTP and it seems that the live server is working differently after trying to log in.
On the live server it's not authenticating. It gets to the __construct on AuthController.php but goes right back without errors (again, on local it works fine).
I tried adding this in Authcontroller.php:
public function postLogin(Request $request){
And it didn't even reach it on server (it did on local).
I tried playing with the routes and instead of this:
'auth' => 'Auth\AuthController',
'password' => 'Auth\PasswordController',
I did this:
Didn't help on the server (local still worked fine).
I tried clearing my browser's cache, artisan cache, artisan config cache and basically anything I could find.
I tried re-uploading files from local to the server and nothing seems to work.
The most important thing here (I think) is that when I created the postLogin function it didn't even go in. That should be a huge tip if I actually knew what that meant.
The log didn't give me any errors.
Thank you #Bagus Tesa for asking to see the login file!!!
In the action of the form I added a parameter I was using for something but for some reason that's what was screwing everything up.
The important thing is that it works now...
Thanks so much!

Not able to save session values in some controllers

Alright so this is an odd one. I initially ran into some problems setting session values, but it turned out that it was because I wasn't returning anything from the controller method that was setting the session value.
I resolved that and got my user controller to work, and it's been working just fine.
I'm setting like this in my UserController. It seems like the docs reference a few different ways to interact with the session, but the session() method seems to be the more standard way - at least based on the lumen docs (http://lumen.laravel.com/docs/session).
'is_logged_in' => true,
'username' => $user->getUsername(),
'user' => $user,
And I'm doing my gets like so:
$user = session('user')
Now I'm trying to introduce some new functionality in a separate controller AdminController. I want to set an additional variable in there:
session(['new_variable' => 1])
But that session variable isn't actually saving to the session.
Now here's where it gets weird. I'm doing this with the cookie driver currently. If I change to the file driver then everything works completely as expected.
Also, with the cookie driver, if I set that variable from within the original UserController that's logging them in, as opposed to in the AdminController, then it also properly persists the session data.
But setting that session data from the AdminController using the cookie driver just doesn't work.
I thought perhaps this might have to do with the path setting on the cookie, but it seems that all of the cookie paths are set to '/' (as you would expect). Also there isn't any different domain being used for this other controller - it's on the same domain.

Sentry on Laravel 4 with MAMP

I'm using Laravel on MAMP PRO (PHP 5.4). Both are vanilla install and I got Laravel working okay.
Next, Installed Sentry.
Inside of a login function on controller:
$user = Sentry::authenticate($credentials, false); // this works. I can see the $user
But then upon an immediate redirect I use a filter:
Route::filter('auth.admin', function()
var_dump(Sentry::check()); // ** this gives me a bool(false);
if ( ! Sentry::check())
return Redirect::route('admin.login');
So, I'm assuming that maybe there is a cookie that is not being set?
For anyone else with this issue, this is a summary of the most common solutions on the Internet as well as how I solved my issue. I'm on MAMP/OSX, but this apparently made zero difference as I literally put up a vagrant/virtualbox and still had the same issue.
** Set 'domain' => 'yourdomain.com' in your config/session.php. EVEN IF YOU ARE ON A SUB DOMAIN like a.b.c.yourdomain.com, use ONLY the root domain (yourdomain.com) in your 'domain' variable as I just wrote it. ** This was my issue.
Make sure your session storage folder has write permissions.
Make sure you have a >0 lifetime in your session.php
Make sure you don't have whitespaces after any closing PHP which could cause the application not to shut down properly.
Try Switching between database sessions and file sessions.
As a last resort, try upgrade to 4.2, if possible. 4.1 had a known issue (as referenced in google).
Your issue is may no be with Laravel OR Sentry. It's probably a file or configuration issue as illustrated above. I pulled my hair out tracking this from Sentry to Laravel to Cookies to Session to Blah... Only to realize that it was finally a cookie issue which was caused by me not setting my ROOT domain (I was using the full

Laravel 4: Session is not working in server

session::set and session::get is not working in laravel
Session is working in local machine. But when I test in live server, it is not working.
Scenario: While logging into an application Auth::attempt returns true. But again it redirected to login page. This is an exact issue.
Auth::check method return true under the auth::attempt condition.
But in login page and filter.php, Auth::check method return false.
I don't know why :(
I tested it with a laravel session variable. I assigned a value in a session variable and redirected the page to another page where I have echoed the session. It return empty.
Additional Detail: It does not retain the session flash message in server. It is working in local.
Please advice.
If your session driver is file, then make sure your (storage) path is writable by PHP. Look for this in your session.php file:
'driver' => 'file',
'files' => storage_path().'/sessions',

Cakephp randomly drops session

Recently I moved my cakephp site from a hosting service to an other. The page was working like a charm, but now I'm having the issue, that my sessions randomly drop.
I'm on a shared hosting service, so I changed cake's session defaults from php to cake, now my sessions are saved to my tmp/sessions folder. (but it wasn't working with php either)
Followed my session's way with Firebug:
When i log into the page, i have a Sessionid, and in the tmp/sessions folder i have the corresponding sess_{sessionid} file too.
After a few clicks on some pages (totally random) my sessionid changes and i'm "logged out".
The session file with which i've logged in, remained in the directory.
My session settings in core.php right now:
Configure::write('Session', array(
'defaults' => 'cake'
I'm using the 2.3.8 version of Cake.
Finally i found the problem thanks to Nick. I checked the Cakephp error files, and found out that i only got logged out, when i visited a page containing an element, which was not on the server ( eg a picture was missing). So i went to Firebug, and check what the Net tab says. On the new Host service i got a 404 Not Found response AND a new session id set in the response, whilst on the other servers i tested the page, i simply got a 404 Not Found. If i randomly generate links to not existing files like (domain/test.jpg) i get the same results.
Try these settings, in Firefox you can install the web develop extension, then you can view your cookie to see if it is all set correct.
Configure::write('Session', array(
'defaults' => 'php',
'cookie' => 'yourdomain',
'timeout' => 44640,
Check any components that you are using for whitespace (usually at the end of the file).
I came across this recently whilst helping a client with their existing CakePHP site, when logged in one particular page that called a component was killing $this->Session->read(‘Auth’).
There is a CakePHP shell that you can use to find whitespace.
